"We'll never be as young as we are right now." --Jim Steinman

Friday, December 30, 2005

Yeah, I know I already posted today...so what?

My thought process as I changing around some CDs--

  • Hmmm...Beavs hasn't updated his blog in a while
  • I remember that time Sister-Sister (formerly ZC) commented on Beavs' blog
  • Sister-Sister and HWSFRN are friends
  • I wonder what I might find at Sister-Sister's MySpace
  • That is the scariest picture of Sister-Sister I have ever seen
  • Haha, HWSFRN has a MySpace
  • His MySpace is exactly like he is--Wow

Just thought I'd share that 'cause I'm really bored. Surfing He Who Shall Forever Remain Nameless' blog enteries is a quite interesting task. This isn't good for me; it will probably only make me like him more. That will suck. However, I continue to read....

One week

One week until we leave for Freedom. I have come to the conclusion that this week's practice is going to be brutal. I mean, we're all on Winter break which means we're all lazy bums lately--this week will be full of workouts and individuals. I love individuals. Whenever Coach Patty announces them I automatically get to my spot 'cause everyone knows that Lemons always goes first :P
When it's only me I know everyone is watching and evaluating my every move, but I just don't care because I just don't pay attention to them.
Wish my luck at practice!

It has been snowing all day! Since I woke up this morning it has just been comin' down and I am uber excited.

I've started biting my lips again. They're all like torn up due to my constant nibbling. I just love my nervous habbits. Seriously though, I think it's actually interesting how some people crack their knuckles and others chew their nails when they feel the heat is on. I bite my lips, but there are so many things that people do.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

If I had a penis I'd be in a world of hurt

Last night I decided it would be a very wise thing if I started stretching again for dance. It's pretty much been a week since I did our warm-up exercises, and I want to cry.
I hurt so freaking badly! It's amazing the amount of flexibility I lost in less than a week of not stretching properly. I can barely drop into the splits compared to weeks prior when I was able to just literally FALL into them. However, my high kicks are still okay, so it's all good. My Gazelles pretty much suck, and I can only get about twelve Vs done before I completely colapse into a heep of tired muscle.


I'm starting to really freak about this thing. I mean, I can get up before a group of people and talk all by myself, but I'm going to be in a group of people. If I mess up, there are seven other people who will suffer for it.

To lighten the mood, I'm going to bring a disposable camera and snap a whole bunch of lame pictures of us all goofin' off in the hotel and at the competition. Once I actually get the pictures developed it will probably be a while before I can post them. It should be interesting.

I'm addicted to Monopoly--I seriously cannot count how many games I have played in the past few days. I need a hobby.

Gosh, I don't know if I'm going to get a MySpace. I mean, I have this thing, do I really have time for something else? I would probably start updating every day because I am a dork who cannot moderate my own computer usage.

Monday, December 26, 2005

Cyber-retardation, dreams, and internet lovers

Back in the day I used to play quite a bit of video games, but for some reason I have abandoned them. Well, I picked one up today and realized just how much I contradict myself. I am pretty much the biggest dork ever, but I can no longer play video games where you are given the option to view your surroundings. My brain cannot handle being in a stationary position while my eyes move across the screen--instant migraine.

After a few days to thinking, I have chosen the perfect name for Man-pretty. He shall now be known as Donkey. No, I am not calling him an ass.
I was thinking of a conversation I once had with Marenesco in which she dubbed him Donkey for a very lame reason I shall not grace this entry with.
I would also like to direct everyone's attention to the new link entitled "Donkey's Blog."

I have just been informed that Face Paint is my un-official internet lover! Yay! I won't complain 'cause he's really cute...
Yay for cute internet lovers! *woot woot*

My parents BOTH agreed to letting me get my belly button pierced! :P
I'm pretty much pumped even though I probably won't get it done for months yet. I've already been told that it is to be my 16th birthday present, but I probably won't get it done anywhere near my birthday; I'll probably have to wait for the summer.

I really hate it when I have dreams that are so freaking realistic. It bothers me greatly. I was graced with one last night in which I was in the midst of trying to fix the stupid bend in my cage door when He Who Shall Forever Remain Nameless came up behind me and started mocking me about something. I just agreed with him and walked away, but he stopped me and kissed me. He just smiled and called me a skank. Throughout the dream he kept getting close to me and kissing me, but I could never kiss him back. I could feel his lips on mine, but all I could do was stand there. When I tried to actually kiss back my mouth filled with sand.
After that I woke up and just stared at my ceiling thinking about how stupid the whole thing is until I finally fell asleep again.
Whenever I see him, part of me wants him to approach me and the other part wants him to stay far, far away.
When he actually is near me I cannot wait for him to leave me alone so I don't have to deal with his constant mocking me, but when he does leave I find myself sad that he is no longer paying attention to me.
It's always better when he's around--even if he's calling me names.

I guess it's just one of those love/hate relationships Shop Buddy is always talking about. It would be far nicer just to either like him or loathe him. However, I have found it to be much happier this way--even if I do end up at the butt of every joke.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

How many post titles will have the words "Merry Christmas" in them?

Do I really look like I'm anorexic?
The family came together for Christmas and had a celebration mostly consisting of food. I was called anorexic like six times--GOSH! It's not like I'm scrawny beyond all reason or anything, but a few members of my family claim that since Thanksgiving I've slimmed down "too much."
Yeah right--I'm still one of the heftier ones on the dance team...then again the majority of the girls on the team are size zeros compared to my size three ass.
Made me feel better about myself though!

Uggghh...speaking of the dance team....
We're now back down to eight members again due to the athletic policy. Even though we're a club sport, Coach Patty agreed that if any member started to fail a class she can't perform. That time has come.
The best part? We go back to school on the second and our competition is on the seventh. We have a week to perfect moves, redo formations, and finalize last-minute details.

Call me stupid, but I really want to get my belly button pierced. I'm not exactly sure why I want to get it done, but it's just something I want. I mean, it's something I could easily conceal if need be.
I'm not exactly the kind of stereotypical girl who would get a piercing; maybe that's why I want it done.
Last year my dad said I could get it done for my 16th birthday (rapidly approaching), so I confronted my mom about it. My dad (the guy who won't let me highlight my hair, straighten it, dye it, and the guy who has recently allowed me to wear makeup) said it was fine as long as I keep it from getting infected (although this was last year--his mind may have changed). My mom, on the other hand (the woman who has pretty much let me do everything my dad won't let me) has to "think about it." Odd.

I'm rambling far too much.

I saw the stupidest commercial ever. These people take their baby up to these cows and the cow says "cheese" and makes it sound like the baby said something. Then at the end they say something about happy cows make good cheese from California or some crap like that. That reminds me of a fight I had with my Texan cousin once...she claimed that California was the Dairy State. I'm pretty sure she's stupid considering the fact that Wisconsin license plates say "America's Dairyland," but I guess I'm wrong according to her and these commercials! Stupid people.

I was watching the seventh season of Friends that my mom bought me for Christmas, and I had an interesting thought. My friends are just as great as the ones on the show. I just started relating some real-life situations to some stuff on the show.
I love it.
I love my buddies.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Game Time

The other day during homeroom we were playing a very interesting game.
In quite a few sappy movies a girl will close her eyes and ask a guy what color they are; we were pretty much doing that.
The catch--My eyes were open.

No one could tell me exactly what color my eyes are. I still don't know. My dad says they're green, my mom says they're blue, and I say they're more of a gray.
Peanuts, Red, Smilie, and Locker Buddy couldn't reach a decision among the four of them.
Betty had to step in and make his decision of "Kinda blue...no wait, from this angle they're greenish....well they're sorta gray."

That helped a lot.

My grandma bought me a boyfriend for Christmas. It's one of those plastic toys you stick in water and they grow. Across the package it reads "Grow your own dork!" I could not stop giggling.

Friday, December 23, 2005

It's rainin' men...well, rather snowing....

I love my friends.
I have the best friends in the world.
They all hate Man-pretty.

On a new note...he shall no longer be known as Man-pretty...I shall think about what his new name shall be and announce it at a later date.

Mr. Peterson froze a whole bunch of stuff for us in chemistry. It freaking rocked. He was trying to run away from a bottle that was going to explode--he runs kinda funny. Amusing.

I was walking down junior hall yesterday when I was stopped by He Who Shall Forever Remain Nameless. He announced to those around us that I am indeed a whore; his girlfriend (are they still going out?) made him stop because it is Christmas. I was sitting in the commons just chillin' like the fool that I am, and he came up to me and kept asking me why I was sad. He was very persistant at finding out why I wasn't all talkative. I just wanted to tell him that he's the problem--he's why I'm sad.
I settled for saying that no one liked me, he laughed, and then agreed.
A few minutes later he was walking back down the hall and he said something I still don't understand. He just said, "No one likes you my ass." and headed out for the student parking lot.

I was headed toward the balcony when I was stopped by Batman's Bitch. He decided he needed a couple of licks from my candy cane (why does that sound dirty?) and gave me a great big hug. I was probably red beyond all reason.

The other day during lifeguard training I was sandwiched between two uberly hot guys. I was the possible-head/neck/back-injury-in-deep-water-victim for President Clinton and Giant Floating Hippo was the secondary rescuer. Best class ever.

I've been trying to talk to President Clinton a lot more lately; I'm not even sure as to why. We were practicing our CPR training together, but we spent most of the time after testing just goofing off.

I overheard Betty's older brother talking about Betty the other day. Betty and his brother are two very different people and to know both is amusing. I told Betty some of the things I overheard and he just laughed.
I said something to him about his glasses and he put them on even when they were not needed. Is it sad that I get all excited when guys wear glasses?

This brings me to Beaver. Beaver portrayed the role of Santa for show choir. I am really surprised Mr. Knihtila didn't force him to stuff his costume. The worlds skinniest Santa right there! My mom loved it--she still can't believe a guy can be as skinny as the Beavs. Beaver is cool though--he rocks out the whole skinny thing. He gave me kisses and a condom. Well...kisses as in chocolate and condom as in a Zip-loc baggy.

I will leave you all with this wonderful e-mail I received from a friend of mine. I edited out all the stupid ones that made no sense and took the liberty of adding my own comments....

Jeff Foxworthy on Wisconsin

1. If you're proud that your region makes the national news 96 nights each year because Park Falls is the coldest spot in the nation, you might live in Wisconsin.

Pretty much

2.If your local Dairy Queen is closed from November through March, you might live in Wisconsin.
I hate it when that happens.

3.If you instinctively walk like a penguin for five months out of the year, you might live in Wisconsin.
I <3>

4.If your dad's suntan stops at a line curving around the middle of his forehead, you might live in Wisconsin.
...Mr. Zierer had a tan line not only like that but also around where I presume his sunglasses were

5.If you may not have actually eaten it, but you have heard of Head Cheese, you might live in Wisconsin.
How people can eat that I will never know

6.If you have worn shorts and a parka at the same time, you might live in Wisconsin.
Need I post a picture of me in a short skirt and winter jacket?

7.If you have either a pet or a child named "Brett," you might live in Wisconsin.
Brett Favre is a fool who has announced his final year of playing on more than one ocassion

8.If your town has an equal number of bars and churches, you might live in Wisconsin.
Good ol' Philly has a bar and a church on every corner...LITERALLY

9.If you know how to say Oconomowoc, Waukesha, Menomonie & Manitowoc, you might live in Wisconsin.
Not sure on the first one, but the others are all common sense

10.If every time you see moonlight on a lake, you think of a dancing bear, and you sing gently, "From the land of sky-blue waters,....you might live in Wisconsin.
I am reminded of the time in middle school when the a bus full of the football team and the cheerleaders screamed out the lyrics to "Fishin' in the Dark." Great memories.


1. Your idea of a traffic jam is ten cars waiting to pass a tractor on the highway.
I love following tractors
2. "Vacation" means going up north past Hwy 8 for the weekend. Well duh, what's below Hwy 8?
3. You measure distance in hours. How very true. Just last night I announced my bobbypin was 8 years long.
4. You know several people who have hit deer more than once. I've had my temps since October and I've come close to hitting deer....
5. You often switch from "heat" to "A/C" in the same day and back again. So?
6. Your whole family wears Packer Green to church on Sunday. The only reason football games are played on Sundays is to encourage Favre fans to pray
7. You can drive 65 mph through 2 feet of snow during a raging blizzard, without flinching. Not quite there yet
8. You see people wearing camouflage at social events (including weddings and funerals). The truth is sad
9. You install security lights on your house and garage and leave both unlocked. Our lights burned out and we're yet to replace them...
10. You carry jumper cables in your car and your wife or girlfriend knows how to use them. Common sense
11. There are 7 empty cars running in the parking lot at Mill's Fleet Farm at any given time. Who's going to take something from a vehicle parked at Fleet Farm? Point proven.
12. You design your kid's Halloween costume to fit over a snow suit. It's hard holdin' out the bag while wearing 80 sweaters
13. Driving is better in the winter because the potholes are filled with snow. True, but some roads buckle
14. You refer to the Packers as "we." My grandpa is a regular caller on Packer talk radio
15. You can identify a southern or eastern accent. It's pretty obvious
16. You have no problem pronouncing Lac Du Flambeau. Exactly how it's spelled--Lack Do Flambow
17. You know how to polka. In middle school they always played a polka at every dance
18. Your neighbor throws a party to celebrate his new pole shed. ...and then they light a fire on the ice to keep warm
19. You go out to fish fry every Friday I don't eat fish....but I am dragged along
20. Your 4th of July picnic was moved indoors due to frost. Hahaha
21. You have more miles on your snow blower than your car.
Screw that--just attach a plow to the front of your truck
22. You find minus twenty degrees "a little chilly." It was negative 30 out and I still went to get the mail barefoot

Thursday, December 15, 2005

The girls' basketball team is doin' somethin'.The wrestlers are doin' somethin'.The dance team is supposed to be doin' somethin', but we don't know.

I slept in an hour today. My alarm clock decided not to go off--I was pissed. The only reason I wanted to get up so early was so I could procrastinate getting ready, so I just got ready really fast and it all worked out.
In chemistry we were supposed to freeze a whole bunch of stuff with liquid nitrogen, but considering the fact that Mr. Peterson's supplyer is an idiot we did not get the opportunity.

I actually found myself speechless today. I was at HWSFRN's locker (trying to slam it closed on him) and his girlfriend came up to me and was all like "Later, Lemons. Do it later. I said later!" I'm assuming that she meant I had to mock him later on because it was time for him to walk her to their English class. I just went into Bob O'Reilly's room and stared out the door at nothing.
Then of course my English class almost succeeded in getting Bob O'Reilly fired....that was fun.
Okay, so she is NEVER in class for about two minutes after the bell. Today she was nowhere to be found, so we paged the office. Huft-Daddy was all like, "Grrr...I'm the principal, why is this teacher defying the rules!"

Somehow that class got even better when President Poseur gave the "secret signal" and he, Action, and Betty all started talking on walkee talkees or whatever they were. All of a sudden we all heard "Billy goat one to Billy goat two...what'd you get for #5 on sheet #74?--Over" They just kept on goin' on like that until Bob O'Reilly tried to confiscate them. My favorite part by far was when Betty jumped in and announced that Billy goat one was under attack by a strange woman and that he better go under cover.

Betty has been pretty much every where the past few days. I kid you not. He decided that his new assigned seat in homeroom is now next to me (seat has been empty since that one guy decided he hated me and left to the other side of the room)...not for me...don't get me wrong...it's much closer to the TV. I'm not sure...it just seems like every place I've been Betty has been there. Weird. Today we were talking about is "boyfriend." I think you'd have to be in 3B English 10 to understand the whole thing, but basically we have to write these papers on these incredibly lame topics every week. I think next week's is "Dating" and Betty decided he was going to write a story about him dating a guy named Fernando just to see the reaction from Bob O'Reilly. I'm starting to enjoy English a lot more now!

The dance team decided to invade the gym today for practice. The girls' basketball team wasn't quite done yet and the wrestlers needed to set up for their tounament, but we jumped in anyway. The basketball people were doin' their thing, the wrestlers were up in the balcony doin' something, but we were all just standing their waiting for the music to start. The post title is actually a quote by New York. Yeah, New York and I were just standing in the middle of the gym talking when all the wrestler guys just jumped over the balcony banister and started rushing down the bleachers with one of the huge wrestling mats. They were pretty much headed straight toward us, so we moved in a panic. Then of course the music started, so we just started dancing right there on the mat like it was nothing. I think some of the wrestlin' dudes were mad at us, but it's okay 'cause one of the dance team members is dating a wrestler, so they settled down. Funny how that stuff works.

I pretty much miss Beaver. At first I just kinda figured that he went to Colorado again, but I later learned that he's deathly ill. I was going to trace a picture of my foot on a card and give it to his brother so he could deliver it to Beavs, but then I remembered how not cool Beav's brother is.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Haha--bow to the jenius...yes, I do know that's spelled incorrectly

In biology I am having a competition with President Poseur grade wise. I'm not exactly sure he knows it, but I figured he was getting 104% and I was getting 101% so I should just strive to get some of that too. Anyway, Mr. Zierer was kinda pissed off when he was reading off everyone's score, so I was getting kinda nervous at my test grade (especially considering the fact I was unaware of the test until it was in my hands). President Poseur managed a B on the test, so I was all like, "Yeah, there's no way I'll do better than him..." I got my test back and got a 98% on it *woot woot*!


I'm pretty much pumped. Seriously, I was doin' laps.
Gosh, I had a great day.

During chemistry Mr. Peterson was doing this liquid magnet experiment thing and that was cool. Almost the entire class, all but six people, had to go to find out the results from their PSATs. Mr. Peterson took a rubber glove, strapped it over his head, and blew it up with his nose. I couldn't stop laughing. I mean, I've seen really stupid people do it before, but watching someone so smart do something so stupid is always good for a giggle. We watched great videos of people doing uberly stupid things and then Mr. Peterson had me put a magnet next to his computer. Fun times.

I was talking to Betty today about how much we dislike English. The class itself is rather easy, but every day there are certain assignments due but some days Bob O'Reilly decides to assign other assignments to make them dueon a Tuesday rather than a Wednesday....
Anyway, we were just talking and he strapped on his glasses. He KNOWS every time he puts those glasses on I immediately say how cute he looks. He just started smiling. He's fun.

I had to test on giving mouth-to-mouth today. I thought my dummie's head (Baby Graham, not Torso Jack) was going to fly off. The pile somehow got knocked over and the head was like, poking out of the little orange holder thing. Pretty much not cool.

I'm going to have to say that the highlight of my day was when HWSFRN came up to me and announced that he hates me. We pretty much had a little I-hate-you-more-no-I-hate-you-more thing going on. I'm pretty sure that I got the last word in on him...unless of course he mumbled something while he was walking out to the parking lot.
I'm not really sure why, but I love it when he gives me attention--even if it's just negative attention. It still means he's paying attention to me...it just feels good.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

I walked into a tree

Yesterday I woke up early, took a shower, blow dried my hair, curled it (I hardly EVER touch a blow drier or a curling iron...I was feelin' spunky), and went to the bus stop. From there, I walked into a tree and got my pefectly curled hair stuck in the pine branches. Pretty much sucked.
Yeah, yesterday was also Man-pretty's 18th birthday. Holy crap, he's 18! We sang "Happy Birthday" to him during band (made it clear why we're all in band rather than choir)...he even managed to get himself a lovely cymbol crash.
I'm not really sure why, but Cake seems to believe that I'm the person who put a condom on the Christmas tree. He came up to me and announced he knew it was me. Do I just give off the vibe of someone who would do that? Gosh.

I climbed into bed at 7:44 pm last night. That is quite sad.

I freaked out Giant Floating Hippo. We were sitting in the hot tub after lifeguard training and I lifted my foot up to look at a scar and he's like, "You shouldn't be able to bring your foot that close to your face--that's unnatural!" It was great because then all the girls started showing off how flexible we were compared to the guys. I put my leg behind my head and managed to drop a few jaws. lol.

I'm going to make everybody feel really guilty right now. Has anyone seen my arms--well, the blood blisters on my arms from the massive boxes of fruit? Well, during band, we had to unload this semi that delivered the fundraiser fruit. Well, for ten minutes about 20 people actually went out into the cold (without jackets) and carried the heavy boxes. The other 73 people in the band stood in the band room and talked until the bell rang. Somewhere around 15 people, myself included, stayed into our lunch period to keep unloading stuff. Well, I'm probably the first to admit that I pretty much dress kinda like a whore. My clothes are generally on the small side and barely cover what needs to be covered (okay, maybe I'm not that bad, but yeah). Well, my arms were red beyond all reason from standing outside for 15 minutes carrying boxes of fruit. Betty kept telling me to go inside because he was worried about me getting too cold. I, however, didn't want to be a lame person who left when things needed to be carried. Betty, being the gentleman he is, pushed me inside and took over for me so I could go and enjoy the ten minutes of lunch I had left.
I love Betty. He told me that this season he's going to go to all the girls' soccer home games to watch me play.

Sunday, December 11, 2005


I applied at Subway. I hope that even if I don't get a job, they'll at least call me to tell me I didn't get one. I'm sorry, but if someone puts in an application, you should at least call them back and say "Sorry, the position has already been filled" rather than just letting them hang *cough Dollar Store cough*.

My ear is getting better, but it still hurts like a mother. I actually woke myself up last night because I was moaning from all the throbbing pain. Every night it wakes me up--I'm getting sick of it!

I've been watching TV all day and it has been great. First I was watching Harry Potter and then Lord of the Rings.....great movies on today.
Made me happy to see all the hot guys.

I need a change. I'm not sure what though. I really want to change my hair color, but my dad won't let me. IDK, I think I'm just caught up in the whole "teen thing" and I want people to notice me...guys in particular.

It would just be nice to get some sort of attention from a guy...alas, I do not see that happening.
There was a nice guy that I've been kind of noticing lately. However, every time I go to talk to him he turns to this girl and just talks to her.
Screw him!
I'm pretty much just holdin' out for HWSFRN, but we all know that's not going to happen--EVER. Okay, maybe I'm not--he's pretty much stupid.
It's weird. Sometimes I really like him, but other times I loathe him. I just want to rip off his head. He just pretty much sucks in his whole suckfull self.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Save the Last Dance

I was watching TV and Save the Last Dance came on. I'm really not sure if other people see it or not, but among the dance team, I've noticed something. We all have watched the movie and been in complete awe at the moves. Every time I watch that movie I am competely stunned by the ending dance. It's amazing.

Speaking of the dance team, we have added two new members. Homecoming Queen and a girl I have yet to name decided to respond to New York's begging. Homecoming Queen is so amusing. She is amazingly beautiful and whenever she stumbles all the guys stop and stare. She'll give a little giggle and we'll pretty much all laugh. I have come to the conclusion that she is really nice. It is so amusing watching how perky she is. I wish I could flirt like that--she has pretty much every guy wrapped around her finger!

Roll Around comes back on Monday after a week and a half off practice. I'm really glad she's not sick any more--I've missed her.

We perform on Friday, next Tuesday, and next Thursday. I'm starting to get scared about it all. For our final formation I was told to do "just whatever." It's like, I'm in the very back, no one can see me anyway, and I don't even have an ending pose. I could complain a lot about my placement in the routine, but I won't. Luckily, New York noticed this problem and put me right in front for the Christmas routine. Yay!

Friday, December 09, 2005

I've got skills

In each person's head, they have tubes that extend from just behind the eardrum to the sinuses. These tubes are known as eustation tubes.
I am skilled enough to collapse the one in my right ear.
If you're talking to me and I'm just all like "WHAT?!?!" It's pretty much because I cannot hear the greatest out of that ear. I can't really hear myself talk--it's pretty much all muffled and I kinda sound like a chipmunk with allergies.
It pretty much hurt like hell--felt like someone was stabbing me in the ear. Not so much anymore, but it still hurts.

I would like to make fun of one of my friends (who reads this blog) who is afraid of the lunch ladies at school. They actually go as far as to have little plans and maneuvers to avoid the old ladies yelling at them. Kinda makes me giggle--why don't you join me in a small titter?

Mr. Peterson spilled acid all over his hand and burned himself. The funny is that he was more concerned about having a hole eaten in his pants than the flesh on his hand that was turning yellow...

I was actually able to talk with HWSFRN today without his girlfriend breathing down my neck. For a while I actually thought they had broken up because she wasn't at his side every moment anymore. Alas, I saw them holding hands earlier today.
Anyway, he said something asked how I felt about it. I was all like, "That makes me feel all warm and tingly on the inside." He pretty much took that as "I'm horny." He just ewwed at me for a while and admitted that without me he would literally be crazy. Not a good sign, because the then elaborated by saying something along the lines of if he didn't have the opportunity to make fun of me every day he'd go nuts.
Fun fun.
Yeah, I talked his girlfriend today a little bit as well. She's nice--which makes it very hard to hate her. Why do the girls who date the guys I like have to be so freaking nice? Anyway, she apologized to me about her boyfriend being mean. It bothers me when people refer to their boyfriend of girlfriend as "My boyfriend/girlfriend." It's just far too posessive.
Anyway, I laughed and apologized to her for her boyfriend being such an idiot.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Bah goes the sheep

Our dance team is pretty much falling apart. We started with 12 girls and were down to six earlier tonight. Red quit yesterday and Victim partially quit today. However, Victim talked it over with Coach Patty and decided to stay on the team. We're not performing this Friday--we put it off until next Friday 'cause we're completely redoing the routine.

I overheard a highly amusing conversation today. HWSFRN told Kookie that he and his girlfriend are the most disturbing couple ever. Considering the fact that I witnessed HWSFRN's girlfriend (oh let's call her...Flute) walk up to HWSFRN, announce she was cold, and suggest he warm her up...I think they win the disturbing factor.
The best part was that he just stood there and stared at here. Sometimes I'm not sure if he likes her or loathes her. It must be one of those love/hate relationships.
The other day I was accidentally flirting with HWSFRN (I just can't control it sometimes), but I didn't know Flute was right behind me. I just kinda walked away. Today, I walked into the bathroom, and I swear she ambushed me. I didn't even notice her until she said my name. I must have looked panic stricken or at least guilty. I had a quick conversation with her about how HWSFRN constantly mocks me and how he should not rub off on her.
I honestly thought she was going to bitch slap me or something.
Although, it's not like I really did anything wrong.

President Clinton was mocking me because I named my dummies in lifeguard training. The big torso is Jack and the baby is Graham. We only had the dummies for a couple of minutes and I already find them amusing. Boxer Boy went to inflate the lungs on his torso one and blew so hard the head went flying off. Great times.

For some reason, we were all talking about how Betty looks like he's from the Middle East or something. The picture in his license actually supports the argument. I love Betty. He is the coolest. He is also a pretty white guy (despite his semi-Hispanic background)--well, except for that day he wore the du-rag, but we won't get into that one.

A lovely picture of Red Eye, Tape (a.k.a. Action), and Betty in his turbin. Okay, so maybe not the best picture, but I ripped it off President Poseur's blog. Gosh that's an old picture--the bushes aren't all naked and covered in snow. I love the bushes. Some day I wish to hide in them and jump out. Then again, I also wish to go cow tippin'....

Sunday, December 04, 2005

I think I'm sick

I just hurt all over. Not very cool. I just feel like poo.

My mom and I went shopping yesterday, and I think we both have food poisoning. We ate some questionable chicken, and we both feel like crap. Sadly, we really didn't notice the chicken was pinkish until after we were mostly done eating (shopping requires attention!).

Luckily, I did get the vast majority of my Christmas shopping done. I have to admit, that the hardest person to shop for was by far Beaver. I did find something I hope he'll like. I giggled when I read the tag and it said "For ages 3 and up." Idk why exactly, but it was funny.

Yeah, I found a magazine article on "sexy tips on how to kiss." I couldn't stop laughing. Some of the tips in there seemed disturbing rather then kinky. Well, all except for the one about bubble gum bubbles in the other person's mouth. I may have to try that one...any willing volunteers? lol

Our first dance performance is this coming Friday *gasp*. We're pretty much going to suck it up. Coach Patty had us remove the last 13 eight counts (a lot) from our dance. We have to relearn the new ending and perfect it by Friday. We're already going to be at least one person short (that I know of). Practice is going to be rough this week--I'm actually kinda scared for it.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Fabulous Friday

So Man-pretty and I hung out. I really don't want to talk about it.

I gave him the address to this blog.
I don't know if he's going to comment or anything.
To be honest with you, I don't even know if he'll even read it.
I'll just have to see.

Damn you Man-pretty for being such a nice guy.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Memories relived on paper as well as in the heart

Okay, so I read Face Paint's comment from yesterday's post and I found it highly amusing and uber true. Here is an ACTUAL blurb from my ACTUAL diary.

September 9th, 2004
"...I put on my sunglasses so no one would be able to see me cry and I started walking home. I caught up with Victim and we walked with some guy named Man-pretty....I think that was his name. He's really quite cute. I told Victim so, and she 'ewwed' at me. She also said he's basically me with a penis. Rather odd thought. I think she was slightly upset because she couldn't cheer me up, but when this dude came up to us and just started cracking jokes I started to laugh and stopped crying.
Anyway, we walked and completely bashed President Poseur for being perfect..."

September 13th, 2004
"Kr!st actually almost talked to me today. I say almost loosely. In real life, she just started yelling at me. That Man-pretty guy I met the other day came up to her and said she shouldn't yell at the freshman because she really didn't know what she was talking about either (haha, she's a junior!). Anyway, he kept teasing me. He walked up to me and started playing his Sousaphone over my head. Very loud--not cool. He's a really nice guy, but he kept looking at me really funny.
I guess he rides Victim's bus...I may have to go over to her house some time in the future;)
Well, that was what I thought until Victim came up to me during lunch and told me that she told him I think he's cute. I feel so embarrassed--I just met this guy and he knows I think he's cute! Victim said that he thinks I'm nuts because apparently no other girl has ever said he was attractive. I don't see how that's possible. He's so freaking cute. Plus he's fantastically nice..."

I didn't even know Man-pretty for a week when I wrote about all that stuff. Those enteries are followed up with "Victim is trying really hard to get me a boyfriend. She asked Man-pretty if he would ever go out with me. He said he doesn't really know me well enough yet (he said yet), but even if he did he has a girlfriend already." Stuff like that.
It's funny reading that thing because there is a very drastic change within the pages. From early June to late August it consisted of "blah blah blah, Grandpa Stick, blah blah," but after Sep. 9th it went "Man-pretty, blah blah." No more mention of Grandpa Stick. I try to relive it in my head and remember how fast I actually fell for Man-pretty. Within a week of my meeting him he pretty much was the basis of my diary. It's like, I read this stuff and I wish it was that simple. The whole getting him to notice me aspect of our relationship now seems like it went smooth...it's the whole getting myself to let go that is the hang-up.

My conclusion--it's going to take a LONG time to get over him. I doubt if it will be any time soon even after he graduates.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

A as in elephant!

Sound stupid? Well, no one ever said that Sir Duct Tape was the brightest crayon in the toolshed. I still can't believe he said that.

I would hereby like to claim Beaver as my hero. I was stressing out over a whole bunch of stupid stuff. I was sitting in English today worrying about the stupid paper I have due tomorrow that I have yet to start (not my fault, I think maybe ONE person in the entire class has started it because Bob O'Reilly's stupid schedule). Anyway, I was flipping through my notebook, gave up, and threw it on the pile of stuff. Well, on the back of the notebook there are a bunch of drawings of "Super Beavers" and sayings of how great Beaver is. I couldn't stop laughing. It made my day. I have to bring the notebook home next week some time so I can scan the pictures so you all can have a bit of a giggle.

Uggghh. Lifeguard training was pretty fun today. Yesterday, however, I tried to get out of the pool and I couldn't stand up. Mrs. Anderson had us to a conditioning 500 consisting of sprints, rescue kicking, and kickboard. Not very cool. I guess I made it out lucky. I was sharing a lane with Giant Floating Hippo. He pretty much collapsed afterwards--although, I'm guessing that is because he's a wrestler and has mostlikely barely eaten all week.
Like I said, today was a lot better. We were being tested on rescues and the such. Mrs. Anderson decided that everyone was going to rescue a dude because dudes don't float as well as girls do. I rescued Giant Floating Hippo, so it was all good 'cause he's not a big of a guy. Unfortunately, I had to later attempt to save President Poseur. I am 4'11". President Poseur is nearing 6'1" and built of solid muscle--no joke. I think it took three girls to drag him up and over the wall.
I was TRYING to rescue Running Machine, but she was not doing a very good job of being an unconcious victim. I was hauling her to the wall and she decided to say that it felt like I was trying to hump her. Gosh.

Blah. A couple of weeks ago I bought one of Meat Loaf's newer CDs. I was so happy to have added on to my collection. Yeah, I pretty much hated the CD. He sold out. It's like all modern with bad intros and no screaming guitar solos. One of the songs actually sounds like he is trying to rap--he's like, prbably nearing his 60s!
I just picked the disc up off the floor and have come to the conclusion it's not that bad. It has some really good lyrics, but some of the music will be the death of me, I swear it.

I didn't talk to Man-pretty at all today. I even found myself thinking about a different guy. Felt good, but it seemed awkward. This other guys is actually popular and what not. I know a lot of girls like him, so I pretty much don't have a chance. Plus he wears contacts *shudder*.
Pretty much.....

Gosh, I'm pretty much starting to sound like Beavs with the whole "pretty much" deal.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Damn his sexy glasses

Man-pretty had his glasses on today. I was in complete awe. I literally spent 50 minutes of band staring at him. It was just like wow. He had on a red scarf (it was uber cold in the bandroom today. The shop must not have been running or something), glasses, and his hair was all pushed over. Every time his hair gets to the perfect length (that it is currently at), he chops it all off. I love it just the way it is.
We talked last night for over two hours.
Crap. That song, "Goodbye My Lover," that I posted the lyrics to last night just came on. Go figure.
When he's not around, I get immensely sad. He'll just pop up or come online and we'll talk about how unhappy we both are (oh what an interesting convo. that one was). He'll change the subject and make me laugh hysterically. Everything works out to where I'm happy until he leaves again.
I see him and I miss him. I lay in bed at night and imagine if he'll ever kiss me again. Part of me still actually believes we'll have one last go before he leaves. Then of course the sensible part of me kicks in and says that it won't happen.
It actually makes me sad to think of myself dating someone else. I have been trying to notice other guys (particularily the ones in my lifeguard training class), but every time I imagine myself holding hands with any of them my mind flashes back to some memory I have of holding hands with Man-pretty. I'll get this odd feeling--kinda like the feeling you get when your hands are icey cold and you run them under hot water and they warm up all nice like--anyway, I get that feeling throught my entire body, and I feel so happily nervous like I was when the memories were actually the present and not the past. I get this feeling from REMEMBERING. I cannot even begin to fathom what would happen to me in the case of de-ja-vu.

I guess I'll have to wait and see what happens. We're hanging out Friday, so that should be quite fun.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Am I sad or am I happy? Who really knows?

Friday night I came online and made this giant post. Instead of actually posting it I accidentally hit the save button. The previous post was SUPPOSED to be up a couple of days ago, unfortunately, I am a re-re.

I promised Dora that I would post these wonderful pictures of her. They're from way back in April when we had Prom. Gosh, I head a few people talking about this year's Prom the other day.......
This is Red and Dora without any clothes on and major ice.

Dora, Jelly Bean, and Red.

Gosh, I miss Dora.

I had a really weird dream about Man-pretty last night. I was walking to my locker and he was coming down senior hall. He was wearing his red T-shirt, green coat, black shoes, black pants, and his glasses. You guys probably don't understand the meaning of any of that, but all those articles of clothing mean something significant. Well, a few of you may understand the glasses and pants part....
Anyway, Cake came up and he was wearing his Mr. Peterson shirt (long story...Cake basically took a couple pictures of Mr. Peterson and his favorite saying and then put them on a shirt). Then he started flirting with me in only the Cake can. Man-pretty got all sad, but he knew he had no right to stop it. Cake then turned into Beaver who then popped his collar and walked away. Man-pretty hugged me and said he was sorry. I could even smell his Old Spice cologne.

My dad came into my room and announced he was going to the store just incase I woke up and didn't know where he was. I rolled over and tried to find my dream again. I hate it when that happens.

Anyway....here's a really good song that makes me feel sad and happy all at the same time.

"Goodbye My Lover" by James Blunt

Did I disappoint you or let you down?
Should I be feeling guilty or let the judges frown?
'Cause I saw the end before we'd begun,
Yes I saw you were blinded and I knew I had won.
So I took what's mine by eternal right.
Took your soul out into the night.
It may be over but it won't stop there,
I am here for you if you'd only care.
You touched my heart you touched my soul.
You changed my life and all my goals.
And love is blind and that I knew when,
My heart was blinded by you.
I've kissed your lips and held your head.
Shared your dreams and shared your bed.
I know you well, I know your smell.
I've been addicted to you.

Goodbye my lover.
Goodbye my friend.
You have been the one.
You have been the one for me.

I am a dreamer but when I wake,
You can't break my spirit - it's my dreams you take.
And as you move on, remember me,
Remember us and all we used to be
I've seen you cry, I've seen you smile.
I've watched you sleeping for a while.
I'd be the father of your child.
I'd spend a lifetime with you.
I know your fears and you know mine.
We've had our doubts but now we're fine,
And I love you, I swear that's true.
I cannot live without you.

Goodbye my lover.
Goodbye my friend.
You have been the one.
You have been the one for me.

And I still hold your hand in mine.
In mine when I'm asleep.
And I will bear my soul in time,
When I'm kneeling at your feet.

Goodbye my lover.
Goodbye my friend.
You have been the one.Y
ou have been the one for me.
I'm so hollow, baby, I'm so hollow.
I'm so, I'm so, I'm so hollow.

Friday, November 25, 2005

What have you been thankful for? I'm been thankful for this bra--my boobs look great!

Brief quotes from the typical Lepregnome family holiday...

What have you been thankful for? -Aunt C
I'm thankful for this bra--my boobs look great! -Cousin A

What did you put on your Secret Santa wishlist?
What kind of CDs? -My mom
Ones I don't have. -Lemons

I look at these two and think "Hmmm, I don't want to have children. What if they end up like that?" Then of course I look at Lemons and think, "I want a daughter just like that!"
Haha, thank you for that. -Lemons
What? Who's havin' kids? Grandma, she's pregnant! -Cousin L
Point proven. -Cousin S

Will somebody please eat the damn cream puffs? How about the pie? I don't have room in the fridge. -Aunt C

Cousin B is playing cards--while doing is nails. Tell him it's my turn for the buffer! -Anonymous

Isn't that great?
Let me see! *grabs from hand* -Cousin K
If you rip that out of my hands again I'll break all of your damn little monkey fingers off! -Cousin A

This cat is freaking huge.
I think it's mad. Let's ride it!
Only you would want to ride the fat cat. -Cousin S
Ahhhhh, it's licking me--I'm not food! -Lemons

Somebody grab me a whip--quick! -Cousin S

Lemons, a closed mouth gathers no feet. -Grandma
Um, okay. -Lemons
Grandma said you have no friends. -Cousin A

I love family functions. Seriously.

I guess there was misinformation on the news 'cause that car the girl died in was on E and not D.

I came this close to giving Man-pretty the address to this blog. He called me Lepregnome and I don't really remember telling him about that nickname...kinda creeped me out. He said that he would never read my blog unless of course I specifically gave him permission to.
We have a deal. I am going to highly edit some past posts and give him the address when he graduates because he would like to know what is going on in my life after he leaves for Texas...or California...crap, I can't remember. I think he leaves for Texas, takes this test thing and then goes to California.....poo. Why does everyone go to California?
I tried to get him to promise not to read old posts, but he flat out said that promise would be broken. Idk, maybe if I edit the more embarrassing posts I'll let him read some time before May.....
He NEVER stays to watch basketball games after pepband is over. I asked him if he would stay for one game and watch the dance team. He said he doesn't like watching the dance team because "dancing in formation kinda creeps him out." He said he would make an exception just for me! Haha, I win!

Thursday, November 24, 2005


I came online and Beaver started telling me about how a girl died in the car Man-pretty hit. Man-pretty said that when he hit the car no one was in it and it was already flipped.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Nothing really particular pops to mind for a post title, so this is what you are stuck with

Yesterday was an interesting day. In first block we sat around watching stuff on Mr. Peterson's computer for about an hour and twenty minutes.
Second block there was a test in biology. I didn't study for it. Locker Buddy got all pissed at me because I managed to get 100%. I guess I'm just cool like that.
Mrs. Anderson went through and told us what was all cut at the school board meeting. I really can't remember all what got the ax, but I know Catawba did, the gifted and talented program was eliminated completely, driver's ed. is gone, the school is no longer allowed to have use of the pool (no swimming in gym classes), and sports were reduced by 20%.
Practice kinda scared me. Red and I were sitting and talking after school and she just disappeared. I was the only one at practice for half an hour. A few more people showed up eventually, but it wa funny.
We had the first basketball pepband of the year last night. It rocked. I was he only one who would sit next to Man-pretty. His ex-girlfriend, T&S, was home from college--I turned a corner and literally collided with her. I hate how that stuff works out. Man-pretty was walking around in his kilt. He tried to flash me....but it was okay 'cause he had shorts on underneath.
A lot of Philly graduates showed up to the game and stuff. Some of the more cute members of the class of '05 were there! Unfortunately, the only one I really care about seeing was not there...Gosh, Water Bottle really should visit more often. Oddly enough, I was looking through my stuff a couple of days ago and found a picture of him. It made me think about how much of an idiot he used to be--I wonder if he is still like that. I'll never forget the day he walked through Mollman's door and said, "I just looked at my grades. I'm gettin' a D in senior English but a F in freshmen English. That doesn't not make any sense!"
I'm still trying to figure out how the hell he managed to graduate. I'm pretty sure he's going to school to be a dentist. Dr. Water Bottle--now there's a scary thought.
Well, he was a huge idiot, but he was uberly cute. Plus he was ALWAYS flirting with someone!

Beaver is stalking me. Very rarely do I actually go to the store. Somehow the past two times that I have gone he has been there with his dad. Creepy much. Yeah, Man-pretty was working but I managed to not say hi to him. I have come to the conclusion to grow will-power.

My mom took me to get a shot today. I really didn't want to go. Not because of the whole shot thing but because I really didn't want to put any pants on. I went anyway. I walked through the door and saw a girl that looked vaguely familiar. I was all like....whoa, that looks like Dora's sister...and that looks like.....DORA!!! She's sick beyond all reason. I am so happy that I saw her! I <3>

I would like to end this post by saying that I am cruel. For the first week of so of their relationship, HWSFRN and his girlfriend were constantly together. Well, they have abandoned that idea and only cling to one another before school, band, lunch, after school, and between classes. I was lucky enough to see his girlfriend hitting on another guy while they were apart. It feels mean to laugh at that, but he laughs at me all the time. I know, revenge is bad.....

Whoa, I was just about to end this post there. Then of course Man-pretty just came online. He was driving home from work and it's kinda like a blizzard outside. Pretty much. I guess there was a flipped, white car in his lane that he didn't see until he hit it........
He's okay and no one else was in the other car--so everything is all good.
I want to know who abandons their white vehicle on the road while it is snowing! Honestly people, think!

Monday, November 21, 2005

My dilemma

The past couple of weeks have not been all too fun for me. I have been trying to get over Man-pretty and failing horribly. There are times when I'm thinking of him--I'll just start crying without even realizing.
Last night Man-pretty and I were talking online. Everything was all fun and everything--we were goofing off.
He got all serious on me. He apologized for everything that he's put me through. He even said why he did some of it.

A couple of minutes ago we were walking down the hall together and I felt this overwhelming saddness and joy at the same time.
He is amazing.
I think about the times when he put his arms around me and realize that will never happen again.
I think about the times we held hands and cuddled in the library.
I hate this.
I still love him.
Every day I question if I will ever stop.

Sunday, November 20, 2005


I don't have much time, so I'll be brief.
Victim and I went shopping at Mall of America and it kicked ass. We spent $12.50 on thongs for Man-pretty and fun stuff like that.
I bought a sweet shirt that says "Hangin' with my Gnomies" and it has a bunch of garden gnomes on it!
I also bought a whole bunch of Napoleon stuff...like a flip book of him dancing.

Marenisco called and wanted to go to the movies this afternoon. Victim, Marenisco, and I all hit the movie theater up and watched Harry Potter.
I cannot even begin to count the amount of cat-calls I did--not to mention the *woot woot*ing.
Yeah, so Harry Potter is like all shirtless in the movie....I pretty much lost it.

Friday, November 18, 2005

From Beaver's Beef to Beaver's Fudge within one fundraiser

I'm all bitter and I apologize.

I also apologize to Face Paint. I'm sorry, I forgot we were engaged--it's been so long since we last talked! These things just tend to slip my mind. I promise not to forget anymore.

Speaking of not talking to people in a while.....I haven't talked to Mr. Mystery in a LONG time.
Very, very sad with that. I think I want to cry.

I had to be saved by President Clinton today! It was funny. I laughed. I also had to save Asthma. He's like kinda small for a guy, but it still took me forever to drag him across the pool.

Only five people went to dance practice, so we had the majorit there. We took that to our advantage and overruled a whole bunch of steps! Yeah, practice was fun until Mr. Peterson came and stood there for like 15 minutes. I wanted to cry. He was waiting around for his wife to pick him up.

Boston was telling us something funny about Mr. Peterson. I guess he and his wife were "guest" speakers in her child psychology class and every time Mr. Peterson went to say something his wife cut him off. She talked for the majority of the time. I guess that explains why hewants everyone to listen to him tell his stories--just so HE can have a turn to talk.

There was a picture of the teachers in the paper....so next week I want to scan it and put up the picture....with Mr. Peterson in it. I think My Favorite Blonde is going to beat me up after this.
I'm sorry, but Mr. Peterson is just far too cute!

Victim and I are going shopping tomorrow at Mall of America *woot woot*! She's here right now mocking all my nicknames like an uncool person. Joking, she's THE coolest!

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Seriously, is it me?

Everyone needs to take a look back at yesterday's post--specifically the part about my raging hormones. Yeah, that guy who used to be my sworn enemy is in my second block, 3A, lunch, 3B, and fourth block classes.
I need to further the story. I finally admitted to the fact that I liked HWSFRN and then he up and got a girlfriend.
I admit to liking President Poseur (my previous sworn enemy) and this morning he started dating this uber tall, uber skinny, uber blonde, uber rich chick.
I am irate!

Now, do these guys get wind of my liking them and then decide they have to have a girlfriend as protection from me or something? It's like a streak--I like a guy and he gets a girlfriend.
I'm starting to think it's me.

My deepest apologizes to My Favorite Blonde. She read my post from a few days ago when I said Mr. Peterson is hot beyond all reason. I sort of completely forgot that Mr. Peterson just so happens to be My Favorite Blonde's cousin. Yeah........awkward much.
Although, she cannot stop me from thinking he's cute because he is.
She can also not stop me from staying after school to be tutored by him....which I did today ;)
I felt like an idiot. I really wasn't getting some of the equations we're doing because I missed like four days of chem for various reasons. I came in to get help and he said I was doing it just fine. Yay!

Today was Peanuts' birthday *woot woot*.

Gosh, did anything else really happen today?

Lifeguard training rocked. We didn't have to swim the 500 today (another woot woot)! Mrs. Anderson (haha, I just realized that My Favorite Blonde is also related to Mrs. Anderson through marriage) wanted someone to be the drowning victim for Boxer Boy. I would gladly be saved by him. Oh that was a fun one. He saved me and it was cool.
Then of course I found a new way to pass time. A few of the guys were going off the boards while I was underwater. My goggles aren't that bad, so I could see the guys as they hit the water. It was really quite neat. Plus I could check them out without being all like obvious and stuff. Of course I wasn't looking at President Poseur 'cause he's not cool any more. I was only looking at President Clinton and Boxer Boy 'cause they're nice.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Man-pretty said that he and I are THE COOLEST people ever--Yay!

Man-pretty turns 18 *gasp* in less then a month.

I think that pretty much every notebook I have in my locker now says something about "Beaver's Beef." Not even joking.

We have so much snow already. I'm so excited! I'm just really quite scared to drive in it. It is so nice to look out the windows and see the trees coated in white.

We had to swim another 500 today. It took me 13:30. Very sad. Actually, I think I may have gone an extra lap too many...so yeah. I hereby win.

My hormones are just far too active lately. I'm not even kidding. I was talking to my previously sworn enemy today and I was actually flirting with him. I may now have an itsy bitsy crush on him. He and I have been talking a lot more lately since we have 3B and 4th block together. He's actually younger than I am....it's weird....

Dance could have been better. My splits to the right need a little bit of perfecting, but I'm almost there. Yeah, Coach Patty put me in the VERY back again; that is the third formation that I am behind everybody else. It kinda makes me mad because she wanted Ultimatum up front because she's been kinda in back "most" of the time. I, however, have been in back the entire time. It's cool though, 'cause I like dance more now. I'm better...I think I just needed to ease myself into the season rather than just being good straight off from summer.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

The mystery of the girls' bathroom REVEALED!!!

Yesterday, Roll Around, Victim, and I all came out of the girls' bathroom at the same time. Gaye-Dawg had been walked by, paused and made the comment on how he doesn't understand why chicks are always coming out of the bathroom in groups. He described it as the "mystery of the girls' bathroom."
It was actually really funny because I don't believe that males use the bathroom as we do. We just sit there and talk about stuff. Half the time when we change we just do it right out in the open rather then in the stalls. We just talk and goof around.
Of course the locker room is a completely different story. I remember being very little and just walking around completely naked without a care in the world. Now, in the pool locker room, everyone either gets dressed in the stalls or covers up with a towel while changing into/out of their suit. There really is not a whole lot to see.
All the guys reading this are probably all saddened at this news. I apologize. If it helps you sleep at night, you can keep on pretending we run around naked.

I had to go driving today! The Fool said that I'm not a bad driver--YAY!!! I was supposed to drive during first block (chemistry--*sob*) with Skizzle and this chick that I do not feel all too strongly toward, but Locker Buddy took her spot. So it was Locker Buddy, Skizzle, The Fool, and I all in a car for an hour and a half. All The Fool wanted to talk about was setting us all up with guys......slightly odd, but hey, if he can hook me up......lol.

We had to swim the 500 again today in lifeguard training. I managed to do it! I was so proud of myself--20 lengths of the pool!
Of course after that I was exhausted. Unfortunately, I have dance practice right after. Only four people showed up to practice. New York, Jelly Bean, Roll Around, and I were the only ones there, so we practiced and looked fantastic. Coach Patty apologized to me for being so hurtful yesterday, so it was all good. She even said that she's not worried about my performance 'cause I rock it up.
We started talking about uniforms and stuff which gets me all excited on the inside. We now have access to some of the older uniforms, so we're going to see if we can find the right sizes of those instead of spending more money for new ones. Coach Patty wants us to go see the Raider Classic competition so we can get an idea of it all. Yay!

Gosh, I'm so tired.

Monday, November 14, 2005

If I'm the only Lepregnome in existance (that I know of), does that mean I run the government? If so, does that make me a dictator?

I've been uber sad lately. I'm just going to rant for the next few sentences, okay?

Oh Lemons, I really don't care that you spent your entire weekend working on adding on to the dance routine.
We really can't put your counts on because they're not really good enough. I want some that "fit" well here.
Lemons, I'm just going to assume that you're doing something wrong even though everyone else on the team says you're doing it right.
Practice ends at 5:30, but you're not allowed to leave until 5:45.
I want to even out the height in all the formations. I don't want all the tall people on one side, but Lemons has to be in the very back.
You may be in the very back in almost all the formations, but Ultimatum has been kinda towards the back in some of the formations, so why mess with a winning pattern?
Lemons, I know you don't complain about being in the back. However, Victim complained for you, so I will tell you why you have to be put in the back: Ultimatum does better Russians then you do, so we want the audience to see her.
Plus she has long legs and you really don't.

Jo wasn't being very cool while we were painting the library. It actually turned out quite well, if you ask me.
Locker Buddy might have a tumor. I was standing at my locker on Friday and she told me. She was acting like it was nothing more than a hang nail. I'm so scared for her.
He Who Shall Forever Remain Nameless clearly likes ditzy girls. I walked up to him on Friday and started play punching him like I do practically every day. He announced that I wasn't allowed to talk to him anymore because of his GIRLFRIEND. I'm not sure if those are his rules or hers.
I was at my locker and they walked past holding hands. I wanted to vomit. This girl is nice--infact, she's very nice. She just has a tendancy to point out the obvious A LOT. She is like, queen of the ditzy people. She was LITERALLY following him around.
I'm just bitter--let me be bitter.
He was actually talking to me today. We were just goofing around and I completely forgot about his girlfriend until I heard, "What are you two bickering about this time?" I love how she not only snuck up behind us while we were talking, but she also implanted herself in the conversation like it was a daily habit.

It is going to snow in massive amounts tomorrow, so that should make me uber happy--oh wait, I have to go driving with The Fool tomorrow! Joy joy.

I went to the library after practice to see the lovely painting job we did. Yeah, here's my thought process as I walked up to the building....
Oh look, Mrs. Anderson's car.
Didn't Mrs. Anderson sell her car?
Oh yeah, she sold it to her daughter.
Wait, isn't her daughter married to my cute chemistry teacher?
Crap, that's his car, isn't it?
I wonder if he'll say anything about our PB&J thing today.
Hmmmm, this looks like a good book.
The walls look wonderful--damn we rock!
Oooo crap, that's Mrs. Peterson.
"Hi Lemons."
Whoa, she did not just say hi to me by name.
"......Uggghh, hi Mrs. Peterson......."

Fun times.
For those of you who have not heard me say it yet, I am not liking guys until they like me first. Unfortunately, someone had to point out the fact that it is highly unlikely that a guy I might have the slightest interest in would like me first. Thank you whoever you are. You are lucky that I don't even know who said that because my back was turned.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

All about my dorkosity and why I am boycotting Beaver

I haven't posted in a few days. I've been far too tired...well, exhausted rather. We've had testing all week, which hasn't been very fun. I had to miss two days of chemistry, and I am uberly lost. We had our final essay today, so it's all done! Yeah, I decided to be a loser and wrote about a bunch of crap then in my final paragraph I just rambled on about how little tests accomplish. As I said before, I kinda sat by Whelk Boy. I turned around and started talking to him between tests yesterday and I think he was shocked. He was making fun of Peanuts, so I had to be all up in it as well. He had these nasty stains on his sweatshirt, so obviously I asked what they were. He doesn't know, but his exact words were, "I don't know, but they don't smell and that's all that matters." Ewww.
I have lifeguard training fourth block--enough said. That class just tires me out. It is quite a fun class though. All the guys in it are all nice looking I guess. The only one I don't know is a guy I don't really know well enough to name yet--but he's Red's boyfriend. Anyway. I think I may have overheard something I wasn't supposed to. I was sitting next to President Poseur and Red's boyfriend when President Clinton (so many presidents!) walked up and said something about how he didn't put conditioner in his hair and how he started using a new shampoo that really doesn't hold up to his previous one. President Poseur asked what shampoo he used because he thinks President Clinton has nice hair. Then of course Red's boyfriend jumped in and said that President Clinton's hair had a nice "shine" to it. It all went downhill from there when Boxer Boy came out flipping his hair all over the place like some sort of model. A lot of the guys I hang around with are quite preppy or something. It's not a bad thing, just fun to easedrop on conversations! Beaver, of course, is starting to fit the stereotype far too closely. He thinned out his hair and has a creepy fixation with glitter....Beaver, I love you!
Of course I have dance practice right after lifeguard training. We've started on perfecting out routine for competition. Our first one is January 7th! *Woot Woot* Practice was interrupted by Beavs who made the discovery of somebody's underwear.
Okay, so I am hereby boycotting Beaver until I wake up tomorrow morning. I cannot do it any longer than that. I am also boycotting Moshpit. I was walking down the hall and Beaver was saying that I walk all funny. Then of course he stole some of my milk (again), but that doesn't bother me. Moshpit and Beavs then made fun of the way I eat. I DO NOT EAT WEIRD!!!
I am a dork. The school has two techies that are PAID to fix the computers and stuff throughout the building. Mr. Zierer's computer was bein' all stupid like or something, so he had both techies in his room for two hours (according to Zierer) neither could fix the problem. During class he asked if anyone in class was good with computers. I walked up to his computer, clicked the mouse twice and fixed the problem. He didn't believe it was fixed, so he tried it. It didn't work. I sat at his computer for like 15 minutes trying to figure out why it didn't work. Mr. Peterson came in and the two teachers stood talking while I found directions on how to fix the problem--which just so happened to be step for step what I did. Mr. Peterson leaned over my shoulder to see what I was up to. I just got up because I was mad the stupid thing wasn't working. I sat down and did my assignment when Mr. Peterson came up to me and said that he did what I did a second time and it worked. Then he gave me the credit for fixing it! Haha, I win!
Okay, before that though was the best block ever. We were doing a lab in chemistry and Mr. Peterson collected a whole bunch of beaker holders and was adding them one-by-one to HWSFRN's shirt. He added the fifth one and three fell off. HWSFRN just picked them up and gave them back to Mr. Peterson! He never realized that they had fallen off him rather than off the desk. I think there was eight all linked together by the time HWSFRN realized what was going on--ten minutes later.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Mozart--my home diggity

The solo I'm playing for solo and ensemble is by Mozart, so I had to have that as my title. I let J-J pick out our duet, and I'm starting to get scared due to my decision.

I started out the day sitin' in the hall 'cause The Fool decided not to show up to school today. I would like to announce that Beaver was late for homeroom! I saw him walk down the hall AFTER THE BELL RANG!!!
However, we were given food, so it was all okay. I went to my new first block class, chemistry, and Mr. Peterson told me to leave. I was SUPPOSED to stay there for 20 minutes before the tests started, so I just pimped out in Reilly's first block class.
Yeah, we were given our seats for the tests (I'm next to Peanuts--come on they're forcing us to talk!) and I was overwhelmed by the smell of kitty litter. I turned around and saw Whelk Boy and one of his friends. Yeah....
Action showed up to testing over an hour and a half late. Interesting boy.
In second block biology all I heard for like 20 minutes was "Can I have gum?" "Only if you show me your boob. One boob for one stick of gum." I guess that's what I get for sitting between Locker Buddy and Ronniekins.
Band was highly amusing. Like I already said, we picked out our music. Man-pretty is singing two solos this year. He and I were standing around talking. I went and sat down and Beaver was quick to comfort. He thought I was all sad and stuff. It was so sweet! I was sad, but only because I didn't have any chapstick.
Fourth block was interesting. It is a class of all sophomores except one senior and one senior assistant. I don't really know the one senior guy, but the assistant is none other than Boxer Boy! Haha, I'm so glad he sits infront of me. We had some wonderful times playing hide-and-seek and interviewing in American Studies last year. Oh, plus the fact that he's slightly hot.....He is pretty much the only guy I know who can have hair past his ears and still look good. Like I said, he sits infront of me so I have a wonderful view of his boxers. lol. Unfortunately, Victim and Peanuts are not in the class to enjoy them! I seriously want to know how someone's undies can be that high up their back and NOT be uncomfortable. I mean, the elastic was probably up to his nipples! No joke! Yeah, we get to swim in that class, so I get to see him in his swimming suit...which is pretty much a lot like his boxers. Yay! lol, jk.
After school kinda sucked. I had to miss the past two days of chemistry (and tomorrow as well), so I have not had my fill of cute chemistry teacher. I came in after school to abandon practice and take my test I missed. Mr. Peterson and I talked a little bit and then he left. HE LEFT THE BUILDING. A teacher actually trusted me enough not to cheat on the final exam. I felt special. Yeah, after my hour and a half final I went to practice for half an hour where I pretty much sucked it up!

Shop Buddy and I had a conversation about love/hate relationships last week. Since then, I haven't been able to shake the thought. He is very insightful and so full of wisdomosity it is scary sometimes.
I mean, sometimes it feels like I truly hate HWSFRN. Then there was that one time he put his arm around me. Yeah, I have never really told anyone about that, but here it is. Idk why, but it just felt really comforting to have his arm wrapped around me. Then of course he gave me a hug and didn't let go of me for like an entire minute. Times like that it's like, whoa--how could I possibly hate this guy? Then of course he calls me a freak, and I go back to wanting to rip out his contacts from his pretty blue eyes just to watch him squirm around blindly.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Driving fun

My dad took me out driving today. He took me out to the country and we turned down random roads. I kinda lost track of where I was considering I don't know the country well. I was just driving along when I saw a truck up by the road. It looked like it was going to pull out, so I slowed way down because of all the trees surrounding it. I got closer and saw no one was in it. I was all like, "What kind of asshole parks their truck like that?" The other truck in the driveway kinda looked familiar, but I couldn't place it. Then of course I saw the little blue house beyond the driveway. I knew exactly where I was--Man-pretty's house. I think my dad did it on purpose.

I hereby love watching TV. It has been forever since I last watched The Simpsons, but I clicked on the TV and there it was. Ahhhhh--fun.
I'm really tired. No joke.

I can't wait for the new classes. Okay, maybe I can. Monday will be my first Mollmanless day of high school. I had here class every day last year and every day first quarter--I'm going to get lost sometime during my day!!!

Saturday, November 05, 2005

It hurts really bad!

I like, snapped off my toe. Okay, maybe not so much, but it's all purple and huge. It hurts so freaking bad when I walk on it!
Sounds really gross doesn't it? Oh I can't wait for dance practice--then I get to leap with it.

New classes start Monday which should be quite fun. There is also sophomore testing all next week. Mrs. R is pressuring us to prepare for it because our school is in the top 5% of the nation. Of course we're not recognized for it.

Friday, November 04, 2005

I would like to announce that I have My Favorite Blonde's bouncy ball

I went to college today. lol. It's fun saying that. I skipped school today for that Women in Science Day field trip thing. Unfortunately, it was held at the ONE college I absolutely refuse to go to. Now, you may be asking yourselves why I will not go there. Well, my step-brother attends college there, so I would never hear the end of "Well, Trumpet had that teacher....Trumpet had that class!" Because we all know he is the favorite........
I don't know, I guess I just really don't care for the UWSP campus a whole lot (University of Wisconsin Stevens Point for all of you unfamiliar with it). Well, there were a couple of incredibly cute guys I had to stare at, but besides that......

Yeah, I think I want to be an obstetritian again. I just keep going in circles because that's what I wanted to be in like, 8th grade. It was really neat though. In the class that I had I was able to find a baby's heartbeat and it was so neat. Idk, it was really interesting and I didn't space out at all (boo-ya to all you people who say I have ADD--look a bunny!).
I spent the majority of the day with My Favorite Blonde. I now have bruises and mostlikely a cracked rib to prove it as well. When she says, "I just tapped you!" she's lying. It was cool though. I found a bouncy ball on the floor of the van, but it rolled away from me before I could reach it. Of course then My Favorite Blonde had to taunt me with her bouncy ball. I laughed when she lost it--because I now have it! Hahaha--I WIN!!!

Somehow the topic of conversation touched on guys while we were on the way home. Ultimatum was mocking how I have "odd" taste in guys. I would like to say that I DO NOT! There is nothing dorky nor weird about my taste in guys. At least I don't like guys who are in jail *cough PEANUTS cough*.

Nostradomis wouldn't've even have been able to predict what tragedy happened today. I was so pissed off. I really didn't even have any right to be. I was listening to a Franz Ferdinand CD, and I was suddenly mad at the CD. Don't ask me why. I wanted to chuck the friggin' thing out the window. I popped in a Meat Loaf CD--which I then became pissed at as well. How could I possibly become pissed at my two favorite groups?
Luckily, I cooled down after a couple of hours. I then regained my sanity and freaked out to the guitar in "Dead Ringer for Love." I seriously think we need to do a routine to that song, but it says "Rock and roll and brew" repeatedly....which is not very cool I guess.