"We'll never be as young as we are right now." --Jim Steinman

Friday, November 25, 2005

What have you been thankful for? I'm been thankful for this bra--my boobs look great!

Brief quotes from the typical Lepregnome family holiday...

What have you been thankful for? -Aunt C
I'm thankful for this bra--my boobs look great! -Cousin A

What did you put on your Secret Santa wishlist?
What kind of CDs? -My mom
Ones I don't have. -Lemons

I look at these two and think "Hmmm, I don't want to have children. What if they end up like that?" Then of course I look at Lemons and think, "I want a daughter just like that!"
Haha, thank you for that. -Lemons
What? Who's havin' kids? Grandma, she's pregnant! -Cousin L
Point proven. -Cousin S

Will somebody please eat the damn cream puffs? How about the pie? I don't have room in the fridge. -Aunt C

Cousin B is playing cards--while doing is nails. Tell him it's my turn for the buffer! -Anonymous

Isn't that great?
Let me see! *grabs from hand* -Cousin K
If you rip that out of my hands again I'll break all of your damn little monkey fingers off! -Cousin A

This cat is freaking huge.
I think it's mad. Let's ride it!
Only you would want to ride the fat cat. -Cousin S
Ahhhhh, it's licking me--I'm not food! -Lemons

Somebody grab me a whip--quick! -Cousin S

Lemons, a closed mouth gathers no feet. -Grandma
Um, okay. -Lemons
Grandma said you have no friends. -Cousin A

I love family functions. Seriously.

I guess there was misinformation on the news 'cause that car the girl died in was on E and not D.

I came this close to giving Man-pretty the address to this blog. He called me Lepregnome and I don't really remember telling him about that nickname...kinda creeped me out. He said that he would never read my blog unless of course I specifically gave him permission to.
We have a deal. I am going to highly edit some past posts and give him the address when he graduates because he would like to know what is going on in my life after he leaves for Texas...or California...crap, I can't remember. I think he leaves for Texas, takes this test thing and then goes to California.....poo. Why does everyone go to California?
I tried to get him to promise not to read old posts, but he flat out said that promise would be broken. Idk, maybe if I edit the more embarrassing posts I'll let him read some time before May.....
He NEVER stays to watch basketball games after pepband is over. I asked him if he would stay for one game and watch the dance team. He said he doesn't like watching the dance team because "dancing in formation kinda creeps him out." He said he would make an exception just for me! Haha, I win!

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