"We'll never be as young as we are right now." --Jim Steinman

Monday, November 14, 2005

If I'm the only Lepregnome in existance (that I know of), does that mean I run the government? If so, does that make me a dictator?

I've been uber sad lately. I'm just going to rant for the next few sentences, okay?

Oh Lemons, I really don't care that you spent your entire weekend working on adding on to the dance routine.
We really can't put your counts on because they're not really good enough. I want some that "fit" well here.
Lemons, I'm just going to assume that you're doing something wrong even though everyone else on the team says you're doing it right.
Practice ends at 5:30, but you're not allowed to leave until 5:45.
I want to even out the height in all the formations. I don't want all the tall people on one side, but Lemons has to be in the very back.
You may be in the very back in almost all the formations, but Ultimatum has been kinda towards the back in some of the formations, so why mess with a winning pattern?
Lemons, I know you don't complain about being in the back. However, Victim complained for you, so I will tell you why you have to be put in the back: Ultimatum does better Russians then you do, so we want the audience to see her.
Plus she has long legs and you really don't.

Jo wasn't being very cool while we were painting the library. It actually turned out quite well, if you ask me.
Locker Buddy might have a tumor. I was standing at my locker on Friday and she told me. She was acting like it was nothing more than a hang nail. I'm so scared for her.
He Who Shall Forever Remain Nameless clearly likes ditzy girls. I walked up to him on Friday and started play punching him like I do practically every day. He announced that I wasn't allowed to talk to him anymore because of his GIRLFRIEND. I'm not sure if those are his rules or hers.
I was at my locker and they walked past holding hands. I wanted to vomit. This girl is nice--infact, she's very nice. She just has a tendancy to point out the obvious A LOT. She is like, queen of the ditzy people. She was LITERALLY following him around.
I'm just bitter--let me be bitter.
He was actually talking to me today. We were just goofing around and I completely forgot about his girlfriend until I heard, "What are you two bickering about this time?" I love how she not only snuck up behind us while we were talking, but she also implanted herself in the conversation like it was a daily habit.

It is going to snow in massive amounts tomorrow, so that should make me uber happy--oh wait, I have to go driving with The Fool tomorrow! Joy joy.

I went to the library after practice to see the lovely painting job we did. Yeah, here's my thought process as I walked up to the building....
Oh look, Mrs. Anderson's car.
Didn't Mrs. Anderson sell her car?
Oh yeah, she sold it to her daughter.
Wait, isn't her daughter married to my cute chemistry teacher?
Crap, that's his car, isn't it?
I wonder if he'll say anything about our PB&J thing today.
Hmmmm, this looks like a good book.
The walls look wonderful--damn we rock!
Oooo crap, that's Mrs. Peterson.
"Hi Lemons."
Whoa, she did not just say hi to me by name.
"......Uggghh, hi Mrs. Peterson......."

Fun times.
For those of you who have not heard me say it yet, I am not liking guys until they like me first. Unfortunately, someone had to point out the fact that it is highly unlikely that a guy I might have the slightest interest in would like me first. Thank you whoever you are. You are lucky that I don't even know who said that because my back was turned.


I have no label... said...

well lemons i cant believe hot chemistry teacher called you lemons. lmao that is so funny. i think that he who shall forever reamain nameless is attracted to ditzy girls, cuz wow. i woulda punched her. i thnk you are a good dancer lemons. i think they should all just bugger off cuz they are jelous of your skills in dancing and other things of that nature.
luv ya lots,
tits aka broken hearted lover

Lemons said...

Peanuts, do me a favor please. Please stop referring to yourself as Tits!!!