"We'll never be as young as we are right now." --Jim Steinman

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Just for Face Paint

HWSFRN rants a lot. I have to post the main points of his most recent one just for a certain reader......

The topic of discussion:
"Why I hate Ohio." --a bitching of HWSFRN
  • Where the hell is Ohio, anyhow
  • It's so stupid
  • It's the second worst state
  • People from Ohio are stupid

Sorry Face Paint! It made me laugh so hard. Usually the things he complains about are political or at the very least controversial......but no, the rant of the day had to be OHIO.

(Oh, and according to HWSFRN, the worst state is Iowa....because apparently everyone in Iowa hates themself)

We started registering for senior year today. I was walking to the auditorium and though, "Holy crap, this is the last time I'll register!" Yay.

I wanted to get on stage and slap Mrs. Harrison. Not even kidding.

Ok, there's a girl on the dance team, and I'm going to literally hit her in the face. No joke. This is the chick who thinks she can show me how to do a donkey kick...when I've known how to do them forever. w/e.

Okay, so she's one of the people making up part of a routine, right? She decided she wants to do the coffee grinder....I have no problem with that. I was the person who put the sprinkler in one of our routines last year.....

The thing is, she can only do the coffee grinder if she takes off her shoe. My question: are you planning on ripping off your shoe in the middle of the routine to do the freaking move and then run after it? Seriously? I want to know what your master plan is.

Uggghh...and I told this chick she could have a couple of my Pixie-Stix...she ate like 9. All the purple ones, no less.

I love Pixie-Stix. I bring them to class, insult someone, and then throw one at their face. I think Mr. Peterson's gets mad when I ask him if he wants one...in the middle of class. It was actually mildly hilarious when I went to eat one and accidentally dumped it on my cheek.

I'm a sad, sad individual.

Seriously folks, this is as good as it gets.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Well those are some words I don't want to hear...

Seriously, there are certain words that can crush a dancer's spirit.

Those words:

"I'm going to break you."
*What coaches want you to belive it means:
"I'm going to give you a little boost
so you can improve yourself both
physically and mentally."
*What it really means:
"I am going to literally snap your
muscles until you can bend into a
shape humans are not meant to
be able to achieve. You will be so
limber your bones will turn to rubber."

I'm probably the most flexible person on the team. Sadly, this is not good enough. No. Because our competition coach has decided she is going to "make the most of me." Blah.

She started asking me if I could do a whole bunch of things. Well, she got to The Scorpion. Snap.

This is a not-so-dramatic depiction of what a scorpion looks like. Basically, you grab your foot, and pull it up behind your head so your body makes the shape of a "P"...or a backwards P depending on how you're standing. It hurts like a beast.
So I can bring my foot up to my shoulder...then those hideous words of "I'm going to break you." I swear I could hear muscles rip.
Blah. So that should be exciting and painful.
The good news is that our comp. coach is showing us how to do more technical stuff so our team doesn't suck so much anymore. I can do fortes, double piroettes (I butched the spelling), leap axles, and I can almost do the spinny axles. Score.
Hmm. I love dancing.

Friday, January 26, 2007

You make me giggle

I was determined to have a bad day today. It didn't work.

So...I get to school and find out IT'S CASUAL FRIDAY!!! ...Sorry, inside joke...it's just a coincidence that it actually happens to be Friday.

Anyway...so I was walking down the hall towards homeroom, I turn into the sophomore hall and what do I see?
Mr. Peterson on a unicycle. No joke. It was hilarious.
During chemistry he rode it around the block...it was hilarious....it was even better when he fell off. Okay...but he BEST PART, by far was watching him try to get on the beast.
Oh, and he had lots of woman(men) in his bed. That was seriously a weird story for the day. Any story where a teacher tells you he had 2 chicks in his bed is just awkward.

Anyway...um. Our pep rally was fun. We danced, screamed, and had lots of fun. Yay!!!

Um.........so I went to the basketball game.
I walked into the freshman game and Chocolate's mom was all like, "Lemons!" I'm not gonna lie, it kinda freaked me out a little bit. So I sat with his mom and his sister and watched the game. It was actually really fun. Chocolate's mom is SO hyper! I like having her for a teacher...even when she doesn't make any sense.

Yeah. So our dance uniforms show off a lot of flesh. Let's just say if you're taller than I am, you can totally see down my junk. No joke--my boobs are HIGHLY exposed in that beast.

I couldn't stop laughing when HWSFRN, of all people, decided to make a comment. I didn't even know what to say to him. He's not allowed to make reference to my "Gifts from God." ...to quote him. ...okay, well he was saying that I didn't have "Gifts from God" while other girls on the team did. ...Still, it was hilarious...especially since I managed to cover him in the glitter that's ALL OVER my uniform.

Haha. I also covered Chocolate in blue glitter. He makes me giggle. He used to actually fight back when I tried to play with his hair, but now he just sits there and slouches so I can reach it easier. It's fun; his hair is so soft. No joke.

Um...I could say more...a lot more, but I will not.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Slapped in the face

Today didn't start well. I walked in to chemistry almost in tears.
Peanuts cheered me up. I was still really upset though.

Mr. Peterson saved the day. He gave me an extension (I didn't even ask...he just gave me it) on my test corrections....and he gave me the only copy he has of the answers.

So after school I had to teach the routine I made up to a replacement girl. One of the chicks on the team got strep...so we needed a filler.
This chick was hard to teach. No joke.
I did it, though....it took me like 2 hours.

Hmmm. The routine went really well.

So the guy I like got a girlfriend. That hurts really freaking bad.
I really like this guy, but I guess not much is going to happen anymore.

Oh, and Chocolate won't freaking leave me alone. I don't know if I'm imagining it or what.....it feels like he's just like always there. Like.....during lunch....I'll sit down and there will be like, half the table empty...but he'll still sit close enough to the point where our elbows touch.

I don't know. I want to cry.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Holy Girl!

I'm feeling a lot better. I'm not as sad. Is that weird that I can deal with my grief that quickly? Hmm. I looked through some pictures. I found one of my uncle holding a baby (either myself or a cousin) acting like he's about to tip over. It made me giggle.

I'm so freaking girly it's weird.
I could just lounge around the house eating junk food. Hmmm. What do I do instead?
I read a few chapters out of ANOTHER Jack the Ripper book I have acquired.
Hmmm...I called Victim and had a full-on giggle fest.
I played with my hair for half an hour...
and then I plucked my eyebrows.

I seriously need to find something else to do with my free time. I need to get out more...actually do something with my weekends. ...even make plans...with a guy.

Oh even typing that makes me laugh a little inside. There's one guy I like...yes, I said ONE. I like him...but....I don't know.

I'm scared. I think it would be really weird if I asked him to do something some time. I just don't think he likes me.
No joke.

In the words of my mom, "Don't you think if he liked you HE would ask YOU out?"

Friday, January 19, 2007

January's not a good month

My Uncle Steve died.

I don't even know what I want to post about. I'm so...I don't even know. I'm okay; I know that. It's just, I'm sad because he's my uncle, but I'm pissed because he did it to himself.

My dad picked me up from school Wednesday to bring me to work. We packed and left for my aunt's house.

He was living in a hotel in La Crosse. Housekeeping found his body Wednesday morning...the 17th.
January 16, 2004 (almost to the day) my grandpa died of cancer.

Steve had his flaws, but I loved him. After my parents divorced he lived with my dad and I. I used to stay up all night watching TV...he would stay up with me just to keep me company.

He used to tell me all about what happened to him in his life.
This man had been though everything.
He was shot numerous times.
He was stabbed, slashed with a razor, and left for dead.

The thing that killed him?
The medical examiner said he died from huffing paint thinner.

He died in a hotel room alone.
That part bothers me the most.

My dad and I went to the hotel so he could talk to manager about how long he had been there for.
I made the mistake of wandering around...I found the room he died in.

I just stood infront of the door staring at it. The stupid door was open.
I think seeing the room comforted me a little. I don't know why.

I keep thinking about when my cat died. I loved that cat so much. My uncle was living with us at the time and I just remember sitting there and him coming up and hugging me.
And now he's gone.

I'm sorry. None of you people who read this knew who he was. I probably shouldn't be posting about this. I just need to get it out and it's too late to call somebody.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Excuse me while I hack up a lung

Sickage. No joke.
I didn't go to school yesterday. ...Which really sucked because I had 2 test reviews and a trig test to take.
I probably shouldn't've gone to school today either. I thought I was going to pass out. During our Prom Committee meeting Mr. Hommerding kept asking me questions and I couldn't even concentrate. At one point I had to grab hold of Peanuts so I didn't topple over.

So I was pretty much almost about to sign up for a lung transplant by the time band came around. Okay, I exagerate a wee bit.
Anyway, I had to play my solo...too bad I couldn't play anything above an Ab...I dropped down an octive and got yelled at by Mr. K. I couldn't breathe and I wanted to hit whoever kept tapping on the snare behind me. Seriously. There's always at least ONE percussionist who is doing something to make some sort of obnoxious noise.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not one of those people who are all like "Death to the percussion section!" There's just a few people I want to hit in the face....along with any other section of the band.

I still can't believe what Siden' did. (He doesn't get a nickname because he growls at people....although I guess I could call growl)
Okay, so last year he jacked a few calculators from Mr. Peterson's stash in that one drawer, then he BURNED the school codey numbers off of them. I don't even remember how many hours of detention he got for that one. Anyway, his parents screamed that he was "special," so he didn't get any other type of punishment like anyone else would have.
That guy gets better grades than I do!!! He's not SpEd!

Do you honestly think Siden' would try to take MORE calculators this year?
Mr. Peterson was pissed off. Seriously, I thought he was going to kick him in the balls, douse him in flamable fluid, set him on fire, and then rub carcinogens all over his body.

The best part of the day?

Well, I'm torn between two.

A. Peanuts chewed my already chewed gum(despite the fact I'm diseased). Haha. ABC Gum.

B. Tall Creep Guy wasn't having a good day (Who was?), so I tried to cheer him up. I stole his planner and made him a little picture of Kookie being butt-raped by a hobo.
I was glad to put a smile on Tall Creepy Guy's face. I must admit, I laughed pretty hard at the picture as well. Then I drew a picture of Tall Creepy Guy in my notebook.

I have a lot of drawings in my notebook...like that one of HWSFRN getting pushed out the door of this giant floating thing on hinges. ...Hard to explain that one unless you see it.....

Alas, I am off to the library to shelve books.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Who wears short shorts?

Apparently the guy on the news wears short shorts....too short of shorts.

I guess I have a new reader.........Poseur (formerly known as Horn Boy)...and not to be confused with President Poseur....who I would never give this blog address to....

Does this blog look a little different?
Yeah, that's because I highly edited it.

To sum everything up for the time being....
I hurt my hip at dance practice, ALMOST every person who graduated last year came back for pepband, my copy of Napoleon Dynamite is on its way to Poland as we speak...

Lemons squeezed.

Oh, and here's a picture of my grandma...I'm named after her for obvious reasons...she's awesome.

Monday, January 01, 2007

The year I officially went boy crazy

Seriously, think about it, folks.

'06 was awkward. Seriously, I think this was the year I've had my most rejections....and I never even actually attempted to propose any type of commitment plans with anyone.
Seriously...I never took the initiative to even try to get a boyfriend.
I thought about it a lot, but I never actually acted upon it.
Although I did pretty much give up on the entire thought for the last half of the year.

In conclusion:
'06 was a very lonely year.

Oh, and the best part of the day? I went to Target today....they had Valentine's Day crap out. I expect this will be another lonely February 14th where I mope around with all my single friends complaing about how stupid the holiday is. ...We do this a lot...Valentine's Day just gives us a reason to complain.