"We'll never be as young as we are right now." --Jim Steinman

Sunday, April 30, 2006

"Maybe I'm lonely and that's all I'm qualified to be" --Meat Loaf

No CotD...I'm not feelin' up to it.

I just got home from the movies. I saw Benchwarmers, which everyone should see 'cause John Heder is my idol.
I told my mom I was going to the movies and she asked "With...?" I replied, "By myself...I'll probably see someone there."
I saw a lot of my friends there.
Too bad they were all there with boyfriends/girlfriends.

Victim was working and laughed when I walked in 'cause she knew I'd show up opening weekend.
I found a seat to squat on and sat there looking around for someone I would feel comfortable sitting with. I watched some people come in...a few families, groups of pre-teen boys, and mostly couples already slobbering on one another.

Locker Buddy came flying up asking who I was there with and when she heard my response she couldn't really believe it. She was trying to not be all awkward with the convo., but it's Locker Buddy...she's not good with hiding what she's thinking. One of the many reasons I love her.
She said she WOULD invite me to sit with her except she was there with her boyfriend she was supposed to break up with this past Thursday.

I sat through the entire movie feeling like a complete and utter reject. The pre-movie/intermission music didn't help--it was all REALLY bad love songs.

There was my moment of feeling bad for myself.

Slide Tackle and I were both discussing how neither of us have boyfriends, so we are going to ask guy friends to wear our away jerseys on the day of our last home game (like the football guys do for Homecoming).

The game of interest is a while away, but I can't decide which guy deserves (*cough* would actually do it *cough*) the honor of wearing my slightly fem jersey.

I was thinking of maybe asking Betty 'cause I have come to the conclusion I am in love with him (oh wait, I think I figured that out when I was 10...literally), but I'm not sure.
Then I had a though of maybe Random Freshman, but I doubt he would do it...plus I'm not sure how I would go about asking him.
Then of course there is Beaver. I'm not sure how Cupcake would feel about that one.
There is Man-pretty, but once again I'm not sure on the girlfriend issue bussiac.

Hey, you people should help me out....vote or something in a comment.
Your choices are:
  • Betty
  • Random Freshman
  • Beaver
  • Man-pretty

Monday, April 24, 2006

That feeling you get

"Romeo and Juliet did not kill themselves. Chuck Norris killed them both."
"Caesar was not killed by conspiritors. He was killed by Chuck Norris."
I made those both up (we're doing a Shakespeare unit in English...obviously) and I really didn't think they were that great, but I had a special request from Betty to make them the Chuck(s) of the day.

Today was rather mundane until lunch.
(*disfigured penis*....don't ask)

I went up to Beaver and was talking to him and whatnot. Well, Random Freshman was sitting across from him...and then he said something. I figured I misheard him, so he said it again.
Then I realized.........
He could not possibly have been saying what he was unless he receved information from this blog.
At that time, Beaver decided to add "I gave him the address to your blog."

At that moment I could feel my heart actually slow down. My arms and legs went numb. I really can't recall walking away, but I do remember heading for the bathroom where I locked myself in the middle stall and had a tantrum.

I kid you not, I had a coniption (sp?) fit. Complete with kicking, hiting, swearing, and pretty much everything else you can imagine. For a while (after the energy had drained from my already numb limbs) I sat on the floor staring at the ceiling of the bathroom. I realized something: the reference RF had made was from a post I wrote at the BEGINNING of April...how long has he been reading this...and why has Beaver neglected to inform me of my new reader?

Some chick came in and I realzied I could not sit in the stall forever (it smelled far too rank).

I decided I would visit RF before 3B started, so I went into Mollman's room and stood behind him for what seemed like forever. Yeah.
He's really tall, so I could have probably stood there for a while before he even realized I was there.

He said he hasn't read anything else since the post he made reference to. Hmmm...
I was about to cry because the post he was referring to was the one where I stated I think he's prettier than I am. http://awesomemidget.blogspot.com/2006/04/beavers-connections-in-german-mafia.html
Seriously, I was about to burst into tears.
RF was all like, "It's okay...it's not bad. It's okay."

I'm pretty sure I left after that.

I still want to curl into a little ball and cry from sheer embarrassment.

So if you're reading this Random Freshman, I am sorry for anything I may have said that would piss you off in any way.
Feel free to drop a comment saying how much of a loser I am.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Like a virgin...touched for the very first time

"Chuck Norris can divide by zero."

I was singing that song during English today, but I'm not exactly sure as to the reason why.
So I go from randomly saying "Who wears short shorts?" To "Like a virgin..."
I need help.

I've been in a really good mood for the past two days.


Bob O'Reilly's the teacher who really hates Chuck Norris jokes, but I think I made her laugh a little bit with one. We're reading Julius Caesar and whatnot for class...well, I threw out a Caesar related Chuck joke. At first I thought she was going to send me to the office, but she just stared at me and said, "Why?"
Good times.
I love English. Whenever we have our discussions on what happened in our reading I throw in a few weird words that Reilly kinda gets amused by.

Uggghh, I managed to get my stash of Chuck Norris jokes confiscated. However, I stole them back when The Fool (the only teacher to contribute to a Chuck-off) turned away.


Tuesday, April 18, 2006

This doesn't help

Chuck of the Day:
"There is no such thing as global warming. Chuck Norris decided the earth was too cold and roundhouse kicked a hole in the atmosphere."
"There is no such thing as global warming. Chuck Norris decided the earth was too cold and turned the sun up."

Every day I look around and see people holding hands or people all over oneanother.
I wish I had somebody to put their arm around me and just be like, "Yeah, I'm not a loser...I'm cool enough to not be stupid like that."

A year ago tomorrow Man-pretty and I started going out. It doesn't seem like that long ago. A few of my "friends" are claiming that I still have feelings for him and it is really pissing me off.
I admit, I love him. However, the love I have for him now is different from the love I had a year ago.
He and I are closer friends than we were prior to our boyfriend-girlfriend relationship. He is one of my closest friends. I know when I am sad he is someone I can run to in confidence. Just the other night he was my shoulder to cry on, and I love him for that.
One girl in particular doesn't believe in friendship after romance and I just want scream "JUST BECAUSE YOU SLEEP WITH A GUY AND HE NEVER TALKS TO YOU AGAIN DOESN'T MEAN THE REST OF US CAN'T BE FRIENDS WITH OUR EXES!!!"

Pink Piggy and I had a discussion today on how we both would like to be in a relationship, but there are some problems along the way. First off, I would like to state we are not the kind of girls who just want relationships for the sake of having a guy. Personally, I just feel lonely and I want someone I can talk to...and goof off with me when I'm acting like a loser.

The problem is guys are not overly abundant at this current time.
I can't even put up with that anymore.

There is Random Freshman. He is probably one of the nicest, most genuine guys I know, but there are times when I wonder what's going through his head (besides Monty Python).
However, he KNOWS how it goes...but he is unwilling to accept my "advances" in the least part. I have literally thrown myself at that boy and to no avail.
I don't understand how that boy works....

I know a few girls who jump from relationship to relationship with no thought in mind. The girl I sit next to in biology has had countless boyfriends (some of which she can't even get their names straight). A few others are like Barbies who giggle when appropriate and dress like they're models from Urban Outfitters.
Those girls bother me...but then again I'm a cat. (Most of you shouldn't understand that reference)

To sum it all up, one of my anonymous guy friends told me he's looking for "a nice, Christian girl he can just have fun with. Nothing serious but committed enough."
I looked up at him and told him he just described nearly every one of my chick friends and he needed to look harder because we are around!

There it is...my rant for the week.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Love is only a feeling--we have to stop ourselves believing

"Chuck Norris never wet the bed as a child. The bed wet itself out of fear."

Our game sucked.
My favorite part was within the first ten minutes when I tackled a girl.
No, I don't mean slide-tackled...I full out launched myself at her and took her down.
I have never been so proud of a foul before in my life.
However, we lost.

I almost had to kill Beaver's ex-girlfriend. I was thinking about giving her a nickname, but she pulled this shit, so she does not deserve one as of now.

Half our freaking school is sick (Beaver included), so a few of our players were out of the game today. We went to Three Lakes with twelve players (you need eleven on the field), so we had one substitute. Well, the entire ride there Coach D was telling us how most would play the entire 80 minutes due to the lack of subs we had.
Well, when we arrived at the field, this chick told Coach D she didn't want to play because she was sick. Funny...we had more than one player hacking up lungs while playing.
Coach D played her anyhow :P

I'm tired and mad.

I don't understand why guys can goof off, but when a girl joins in it gets uncomfortable.

I hate how Random Freshman and I will talk a lot in one day, but then we won't say a word to eachother for over a week.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Worst day in the world

Chuck of the Day:
"There are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Chuck Norris lives in Oklahoma."
*Probably one of my favorites in the world*

Today sucked.
The homework has been piled on and I want to cry.
I was so freaking upset when I left first block, and then HWSFRN came up to me holding out his hand because apparently he wanted a high five.
I think he was drunk.

I might have to miss our game tomorrow because I'm going to Hamlet. I'm excited, but there's this girl going who I KNOW is going to follow me around the entire day. She bothers me, but I feel bad telling her despite the fact she's always following and touching me. It makes me uncomfortable.


However, I did find that on Franz Ferdinand's MySpace they now have one of my all-time favorite songs up...feel free to check it out on my MySpace. *woot*

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Best week

Chuck of the Day:
"Chuck Norris' first job was as a paperboy. There were no survivors."

Yesterday's Chuck of the Day:
"Chuck Norris can win a game of connect four in three moves."

This weekend rocked. Why...?
The following reasons are an outline...if you're lucky enough I may explain them in further detail.......

  • Soccer win over Bayfield
  • I earned a silver at State in a personal transition situation
  • I had time to myself to envision my future
  • When left alone on the UW Madison campus I did not get lost but found where I was
  • I was in HWSFRN's bed with a complete male stranger
  • Prom rocked
  • Marenisco came up and grinded on me...slightly disturbing
  • I realized some stuff about guys
  • Work rocks...except for the whole reaching up on a top shelf to get a box larger than I am

I may write more about some aspects later.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

We won!

Chuck of the Day:
"Chuck Norris uses tobassco sauce for visine."

So we won our first soccer game seven to five. For those of you who don't play soccer, that is a lot of points. It was a really good game. Bayfield scored the first goal like three minutes in, we scored, we scored again, they scored, we scored, they scored, we scored, they scored, they scored, we scored, we scored, and we scored again. (I think that's right...)
Coach Desotelle was yellow carded nine minutes into the game by Soukup. Soukup holds a grudge against our team, so he kept making these crap calls on us and not on the other team.

I was sitting out on bench when a couple of Bayfield's points were scored. One of them was scored on off-sides and another was even better:
our goalie had the ball, but a player from the other team knocked into her, so she dropped the ball. The girl on the other team hit the ball WITH HER HAND, and it made a goal. Was it called, no because Soukup said he didn't have "the right" to call because it was the other ref's area. Pfff.

I'm proud to say I managed to get some stains on my jersey from taking some falls in the mud. *woot woot*

I'm excited to leave for state tomorrow! Pink Piggy and I made little locker poster/sign thingers for each member of the team; I'm really surprised some people actually hung them on their locker and left them there. *cough HWSFRN cough*

Uggghh, I should probably go pack and ice my ankles.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

It's okay, I'm a hoochie

Chuck of the Day:
"When Chuck Norris goes to donate blood, he declines the syringe, and instead requests a hand gun and a bucket."

I heart talking to Marenisco. I called her after practice and we talked for around an hour. Good times. She is so amusing. She's coming to our Prom and I'm so excited to see her again! I guess her dress is slightly tiny, but then she made the comment "It's okay, I'm a hoochie." Then we made plans to get ready and whatnot before the dance. *woot woot*

Coach Desotelle gave us our starting positions for tomorrow's game (despite the fact we're normally not going to know until right before the game). I'M STARTING! Given, I am starting on the crapiest position on the field. I guess I hath been branded as left full-back because I can kick just as strongly/accurately with my left leg as my right and no one else can really kick with their left leg.
I'm excited.

I believe HWSFRN and I may have corrupted Random Freshman into becoming a forensics dork next year. HWSFRN and I were talking about state (can you believe he and I have to spend roughly eight hours in a vehicle together? Someone is probably going to die) and reminiscing about District (a mere three weeks ago, sadly). RF said he wants to do a monologue (*cough my category cough*), but HWSFRN decided he wants to corrupt RF into joining him in poetry.
Then of course HWSFRN made a statement that I never really realized before: all the girls on our team are in the poetry or have been primarily in the category except me.
I prefer the solo-acting category where I have to stand up and recite a memorized monologue rather than reading poetry from a card.
*HWSFRN is also the only dude on our team doing poetry*

Tomorrow I have to get my work permit from school, find out if we are actually going to state (I had a confrontation with one of the secretaries today about how as of today we weren't cleared to leave the building at all for ANY reason despite the fact Coach F. already got a check from the school...), get my crap together for our soccer game, go to the soccer game, and go home and get all my State gear ready (yay for packing).

Friday I have to go to school, assemble in the Commons, get shoved into the Retard Racer (literally, it used to be a SpEd. car or something), sit in a vehicle for four hours until we reach Madison, HOPEFULLY go shopping, find some Prom shoes, get ready to perform, perform at the university, celebrate results, head back to the hotel and flop.

Saturday we may get to do a little shopping, haul ourselves home for four hours, call Marenisco, get ready for Prom, go bowling (maybe), go to Prom, dance, dance, dance, and come home.

Sunday I get to go to work!

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Reasons why this day in history sucked

The Chuck of the Day:
"Once you go Chuck Norris it is physically impossible to go back."
(I would like to state I did not pick this one...Peanuts requested it)

I woke up twenty minutes late, but I still managed to leave for the bus three minutes early. Figure that one out.
Once at school, the buses wouldn't let people out until like five minutes to eight. I mean, COME ON!
I went to Pink Piggy's homeroom to do some work for Mrs. Laurila, and I was scared. Her homeroom is dead silent...I kid you not. Usually you can't even hear the announcements in The Fool's homeroom (due to the TV being on ESPN, The Fool yelling, girls talking, and a brother and sister who refuse to stop fighting).

I went to first block where I found out I am no longer allowed to touch my best friend any more. To be honest, he's probably one one of my friends I touch the least because he is a guy. I mean, I even go as far as to kiss some of my chick friends ON THE CHEEK. (Sorry if you're reading this Mom.)
I guess it doesn't matter anyway. At least I can still talk to him unlike a few other friends I have who got boyfriends and have barely spoken to me since despite the fact her locker is right next to mine.
However, I do understand where his girlfriend might get mad. I have a tendancy to be clingy. I will learn to back down.

Second block was shit. The girl I sit next to isn't the brightest crayon in the toolshed, but she's cool. Anyway, whenever a question was asked I would give her the answer so she could feel a little better about the material. Of course she got all the credit, but I didn't care until she said something about how I really was a loser 'cause I had almost every answer. Yesterday's tests were handed back and I managed to get a 95% which I then received ridicule for by the same girl. The topic of conversation landed on Prom, and all the girls in the vicinity were talking about their dates and whatnot. I stated I didn't have date and I was going alone...for some reason that was a foreign concept to a lot of people. Whatever.

Band was cool. J-J came back and I hugged him. He makes me feel better.

During lunch this stick-thin girl I was sitting next to (one of the same from biology second block) made the comment, "Damn, got enough food?" Hmmm...that made me feel good about myself. I'm a size three, exactly how small do I have to be? I already feel selfconcious when I sit next to a girl who wears size zero and she had to make that statement. Thanks Cheetos.

I have to abandon my nickname system for this next little bit of whining because this is how much it upsets me.

Caleb Kopecky is DATING Val Leinon(sp?)! WHY?!?! He was dating another one of my friends and when she was all up by my locker waiting for him we would talk. However, now I have this chick who used to make fun of me on a daily basis dating the guy who has his locker next to mine. I have to slap that boy with an extra-large roll of duct tape.

On my way to practice I walked out the locker room door and saw something no one should ever have to view: HWSFRN wearing some sort of spandex/lycra/suctiony pants with little shorts over the top. Uggghh. I started walking down the hallway towards the elevator doors, but I could hear him walking behind me. That image was burned in my head for all of practice.


I hope tomorrow is better.
Uggghh; however, I do have this new kick ass CD Peanuts burned for me called Razorblade Romance by H.I.M.
I heart it.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Beaver's connections in the German Mafia

The Chuck of the Day:
"Chuck Norris is the reason Waldo is hiding."

I would like to announce I GOT A JOB!!! Yay! I start working at the dollar store Sunday. *woot woot*

The duet J-J and I screwed up managed a third. I never thought I would be happy to see a third. It was a good thing J-J wasn't at school today otherwise I probably would have kissed him or something...again. Although, last time I kissed him on the cheek, it didn't even phase him.

Beaver has connections in the German Mafia, so watch out.

Uggghh, I was walking down sophomore hall when I noticed Beaver's brother loitering around like a loitering guy. I really didn't pay very much attention because I do not talk to Beaver's older brother.
Anyway, I walked into the lab and thought, "Hey, there's Beaver's brother....wait...Beaver's brother is in the hall.......BEAVER!!!" Sadly Beaver resembles his older brother...except for the fact Beaver is far more adorable in his Beaverlike ways.
Stalin shaved my Beaver.
During advanced algebra I was playing with the one curl Stalin left for me. Beaver's whole head is flattened except a few curls. *sigh* No offense to Beaver.

I have come to the conclusion Random Freshman is prettier than I am.
If you strapped a wig on that boy he would be beautiful. He has clear blue eyes, high cheek bones, a slender face, full lips, pale skin, rosey cheeks and all that fem. stuff.
I'm not trying to be mean or anything, but wow.
I let Pink Piggy in on my discover, and we spent a vast majority of band staring at him and HWSFRN complaining about how they received the shaft on their duet.
Pink Piggy had to drag me up to RF so we could look at him more closely. We just kept going back and forth with "I don't see it....well, a little in his eyes....it's there I guess."
Then of course he kept staring at us screaming "What are you guys looking at? What's in my eyes?"
I felt bad when he got all selfconcious bout his "bald spot"...then his scar on his forehead (which I assured him was hot how he had a scar on his face that didn't totally disfigure him), and then his chin.
He really is a pretty boy. Literally.
I mean, I'm not trying to put him down, I honestly think he's very attractive (Beaver, shut up--he is).
I've always thought he was a little cutie.

Sunday, April 02, 2006


The Chuck of the Day:
"Chuck Norris does not wear a watch; he decides what time it is."
Stupid day-light savings.

I have my interview tomorrow.
Tuesday I should probably practice with Coach F.
I have our first soccer game Thursday.
Friday we leave for Madison.
Friday night we perform.
Saturday we come home.
Saturday night is Prom.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Too much fun in the paint program

The Chuck of the Day:
"When Chuck Norris does division, there are no remainders."

I took this picture and disguised the innocent with paint shop. This is the Philly Forensic team from top left:
HWSFRN, Steal (who is the only one not going to state), Vote Al Sharpton, Coach F., (bottom) Roses (formerly known as Red), myself, and Pink Piggy.