"We'll never be as young as we are right now." --Jim Steinman

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

I hate it when he's right

So last night I was talking to Man-pretty...like the title says: I hate it when he's right. He gave me A LOT of advice. I was really upset/depressed and he kept saying these really nice things.

Man-pretty says:
Well... I see you as a good person with a deep soul and you're afraid of showing it because you're afraid of what people might think. You're happy just being in the background, for now, but eventually you wanna strike out and make your mark on someone and you want it to be positive, but if you wait too long it might not be.
Man-pretty says:
Your in chains that you can easily slip out of

Then he told me to go streaking. He just thinks it's so hilarious that I went running around naked. I reminded him how close I had been to his house and he just seemed more amused. I realized that a lot of our conversations are exactly the way they were when we were dating. I've found that he is an awesome friend. I even told him I wasn't sure what I'd do with out him. Of course he had to bring up the fact that he graduates this year and as soon as he does he's leaving Wisconsin. Lucky!
I was at the Hot Topic website and they have shirts that say "I hate this town." Obviously, I want one really badly. I think our school should buy those and sell them instead of the stupid "Philly Loggers" shirts that they cannot sell.
Okay, so the school mailed out those information packet thingers the other day. I remember last year when they sent out letters and they had a picture of the school above the address and as a letter-head. No longer does the picture of the tiny building occupy either space. It is truly sad that our school has to alter the outgoing envelopes to save money. I wonder what the school will be like by the time I graduate. I predict we will no longer have the block system, the only sports we have will be football and basketball (possibly baseball), we'll have to pay massive fees for classes, and we'll be forced to pay feels for essential items such as text books and lockers.
It really is quite sad.

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