"We'll never be as young as we are right now." --Jim Steinman

Sunday, April 10, 2005

IGA sucks ass!

Prom kicked ass. Seriously, I had tons of fun. I danced with all my dawgs. It was slightly disturbing when those two seniors started stripping. Don't get me wrong, I like guys, but they had so much muscle it was........well, they're not my type! However, I really enjoyed it when the were doing the robot and break dancing.
Of course, I looked fantastic...for my standards anyhow. I really wish Man-pretty would have seen me though. When I e-mailed him Thursday I kinda figured he wouldn't get the e-mail until this weekend, which would mean it would be too late for Prom.
I was proven right when he responded to it. Wanna hear the shitty part that makes me feel ever so happy and like crap at the same time?!?! This is how he started his response:
Yeah, it's Sunday now. I would've asked, actually, but I had to work all day yesterday, like literally, from 1-8:30, and I had charcoal all over me after work from moving it around, so I looked like crap.

So he was going to ask me to go with him to Prom, but he knew he had to work. That, or he was going to ask me to dance. I'm not quite sure what he meant by "asking". I hate IGA with a passion now. I mean, I don't, but it seriously sucks! After that, he said that if he would've went, he would want it to be special.
Wow, I feel bad now. I want to respond to the e-mail, but I don't know what to say. If anybody has any suggestions please let me know!!!

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