"We'll never be as young as we are right now." --Jim Steinman

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Fun fun for Me!

Yesterday my horoscope said that I would be having an interesting conversation with some. I'm not sure if I believe what my horoscope says, but I check it daily.
Well, truth be told, I did have a VERY INTERESTING conversation with Man-pretty last night. It started normal, but steadily progressed to not so normal. I'm not going to say exactly what he said because I would have to say the majority of it for any one who wasn't involved to understand anything...like the inatimate objects for example.
I have also come to the conclusion that he also has TMIS...do you hear that Chicken Giggles? I am not alone with this!
It wasn't even dirty, but it was so freakin' hilarious. Of course, we ended the convo with little internet kisses!
OOOOOO....he just signed in!

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