"We'll never be as young as we are right now." --Jim Steinman

Friday, October 27, 2006

You freaking dilhole

I don't get mad very easily...okay, I do, but I never actually STAY mad.

This time is different.

I am so freaking pissed off at Random Freshman.

I probably won't be as mad if he had made the comment and directed it at me, but no...his dumb comment was about an entire group of people.

Okay, so here's the 'fo.
RF likes 456/654. So he stopped sitting with all his friends during lunch to sit at the same table as her. Hmm.
He is ditching his REAL friends to make friends with this chick's friends to get close to the chick!
Oh wait, if that's what he was doing I wouldn't care. Except for the fact he is now DITCHING is real friends.

He sits with new people during lunch. Who cares.

I do that. I went from sitting with one group of friends to another group of friends.
Point: I went from sitting with FRIENDS to OTHER FRIENDS. But it's not like I ignore either groups of friends.

A couple days ago he made the comment of "I sit with people a year younger than me. I'm cool now."
I think, not exactly positive on this one, that he's mocking Pink Piggy and I because we, as juniors, sit with the sophomores.
Again, that's not what bothers me...but we're getting there.

Yesterday during band he had a headache and asked if I had any pain reliever. I said I would give him some when I went to my locker.
All happy cheery.

Then something climbed up his ass and attacked his ovaries.

So Ertz, Pink Piggy, Chocolate, Random Freshman, and I were all standing around talking. Then he pops out this idiotic remark of "My new friends are normal. You guys aren't."
What a bitch-ass comment!

Okay, so we're immature. Duh.
Sadly, he's the MOST immature of us all!

After that he stormed off to find his freshman buddies...who apparently provide a "normal environment" for him.

Band ended and I went to my locker.
Snap. (yeah, I said it)
There's my asprin.
I shoved the entire bottle in my pocket and went to lunch.
So I told Pink Piggy, Tent, and Chocolate about my "plan" to embarrass RF infront of his "normal" friends.
At this point I was a little ticked, but not quite to the whole pissed off category.

They egged me on to actually do it.

I waited for him to get lunch and I went over and slammed the bottle of pills on the table and said, "Do you still need these or are your new 'normal' friends your drug dealers now?"
His eyes got huge and he said he didn't need them anymore.

I went back to the table and talked to Chocolate and Ertz about what went down.

So RF approached the table a few minutes later.
He stood next to me and asked if he apologized if I would give him a couple asprin because he DID need them. I guess his new friends also worsen his heaadaches.
I didn't even look at him as I gave him the bottle.

He only apologized because he wanted something.


I don't care if he has other friends. Seriously, I could care less if he got 456/654 pregnant or something.

He compared the two groups. He says they're better than we are.

Maybe they are. Maybe I'm making more out of little.

I'm so pissed off.
Am I wrong?

The sad thing is I know I'm going to walk into band Monday and he's going to probably act like nothing happened.
I'm not even going to talk to him.
I'm so mad.

It's his fault. He had to make that jerky comment on how they're better than we are.
If they're such freaking "wonder friends" then why was he even around to tell us we suck.



Cassius said...

o geez. i havent been at that table in such a long time. ive been over discussing the finer points of the north korean sanctions and people with cookie and HWSFRN. i think i got that right

think tank said...

shows his true character, when in contrast to new people.

he isn't worth fighting over or getting upset about. he truly is just a wiener, like I said a lot earlier.

Anonymous said...

for the love of god RF is retarded. seriously. like dont get worked up about him. he is fighting a losing battle with 456/654... and im positive theres 0 chance of him getting her prego... but whatever