"We'll never be as young as we are right now." --Jim Steinman

Monday, October 09, 2006


533 songs on my iPod and he had to find THE ONE.

So last Thursday, before my computer broke...again...we had pepband. Woot woot.


I stole Chocolate's sweatshirt for no real reason. Quite stupid of me considering the fact my jacket and iPod were inches from his feet.
So I had his shirt and he had my iPod. Not that even of a surrender.

To sum it up...he went through some of my music, found my Snow Patrol (NOT the new stuff...older stuff from when I called their goodness...if you have no clue what I'm talking about, go to the library and find the CD I reccomended they buy like a year and a half ago when I first started liking them unlike some posers who just like them for the moment. Get over yourselves...sorry, my rant for the day)
So he was looking through my Snow Patrol and found a song...by the name of "Chocolate."
Good song...you should download it.

So then I tickled him. I'm sorry, but if someone asks you "Are you ticklish?" You don't flat out say yes.

YAC meeting. So only three people showed up...Beaver, Ju Freaking Wolf, and myself. Surprisingly, we actually managed to get a lot done...more than usual, actually. I blame Grandpa Stick. Chances are, he'll blame Dr. Jerry.

I have to give a presentation on Munchausen Syndrome a week from today. I started the visuals yesterday and the actual report today. Well, I've had the information for it for about a month, but you know how it goes...
I'm going to show House for one of my visuals.

HWSFRN scared the crap out of me today. He just jumped in my face and started screaming "It's Columbus Day, aren't you excited?" Wow.

Grandpa Stick hit me in the face. It was hilarious. I was trying to push him off the end of the table and when I succeeded his elbow flew up and hit me in the mouth. It bled and swelled a little.
Pig Tails jumped up and was all like, "Did you just hit her?" It was my fault. Why? Because I'm clumsy and do stupid things.


think tank said...

My college had Columbus Day off. One of the pluses for going to community college.

I've heard that song, "Chocolate." I'll put Snow Patrol on my list of artists to buy. It's getting kind of long.

When Les borrowed my iPod, she was browsing through the music, and noticed the clean version of "Get Low" by Lil Jon & The Eastside Boyz. She had a laugh over that, since hip-hop is her thing.

Alas. Seems like there aren't too many iPod Mini owners to commiserate with. Ipod Nano had to go in and steal the thunder.

think tank said...

some reason, it doesn't show that comment registered in the comment ticker. hmm...

Cassius said...

it takes a whole to register ohio guy.
and yea, nano's rock. cant touch this