"We'll never be as young as we are right now." --Jim Steinman

Monday, October 02, 2006

Was today a bad day?

So I walked into pre-calc today and found Mrs. Foytik.
Not good.
She's a nice lady, but she confuses me drastically.
So it was REVIEW DAY....stuff I already learned. Yeah, she made it seem like I had never before seen numbers in my life.
Test tomorrow.
That should be interesting.

During band we got new music for the concert we have in like...3 weeks. Hmmm.
Mr. Knihtila gave us candy though....that was neat.

So I finally figured out what Chocolate's middle name is. I've been asking him for about a week, but he wouldn't tell me. I just started calling him Chocolate Hank.
Mr. Knihtila posted grades the other day, so I figured I'd just look on the sheet rather than badger him about it.
Now I know why he wouldn't tell me. He turned red anddenied it being his name, but it was on the paper.
It's a neat name, but it doesn't exactly "mesh" with his first name.

So J-J is getting a French horn to take home. That pisses me off...considering I'm first chair and I don't even have one.

I slammed my hand in my French horn case. Well, I guess saying it like that is misleading. A chunk of skin got caught in one of the latches and the latch closed on it.
It hurt so effing badly. It was like, jammed to the point I had to rip it out of the latch. Sick. I thought Pink Piggy was gonna puke when I started poking the huge blister I had on the palm of my hand...then it broke open and bled all over. It doesn't look that bad now which is cool.

I went up to get lunch and the lunch lady told me I couldn't eat. That's kinda odd considering I had like, $18 in my account last week.
I was pissed...I stormed away from the line.

HWSFRN saw me and dragged me across the lunch room and bought me lunch.
He reminded me that I bought him lunch last year and he never paid me back.
He really can be a nice guy.

So I walked into work today and somebody came running through the front door screaming "Somebody call 911!"

A pedestrian was hit by a car while she was crossing the street. Skizzle and Garbage Can came in (their car was directly behind the ambulance in the middle of the road) and told me about the accident.

I know both the driver and the victim.

Let's call the driver Blue Car...
I guess she was turning onto the highway and didn't see Mrs. Skotzke crossing the street. Mrs. Skotzke was laying on the side of the road shaking and crying when the ambulance got there.

This old lady in the store didn't think it was a "big deal" she was hit. Her opinion was that it wasn't a child, so what did it matter?
It's not like she has four (?) kids or anything....

Please pray for her tonignt!

1 comment:

think tank said...

a series of odd occurences. such is life.