"We'll never be as young as we are right now." --Jim Steinman

Monday, October 23, 2006

Best day ever

Alright, so have you guys ever played telephone?
I heart that game...when one person says something and by the time it gets to the last person it's tragically skewed.

Okay, so during OP today I was talking to Locker Buddy about the band trip and how I found Chocolate's pants and put them on.

During lunch, she and I were talking again in the line for sweet, sweet chicken patties. We were joking around and the words "pants" and "got into" came about.

So by the time I got out of the lunch line and was seated across from Chocolate and next to Christmas tree, and then the comment of "Chocolate made sweet, sweet love to Lemons."

Thanks Grandpa Stick.

Somehow that topic was avoided and we started talking about two people kissing for two days straight.

This is what happens when I sit next to a bunch of guys during lunch.

I seriously hearted today hardcore.

Why? Because Mr. Jasurda is the best homeroom teacher in the world.
Who else makes comments about prostitution?

Okay, so I had never seen Beaver's mother. Ever.

Then today I saw her. I was just like AHHHHH. And then she said Beaver was in Colorado. So that's where he's been.....
Explains a lot.

1 comment:

think tank said...

had a good day, too. downloaded a rap song. ooooh. maybe I'm becoming like my dad. he's got a soft spot for Tupac. hah.


no capitalization, and that is just the way it's rolling.

oh, so, telephone sounds neat. remember doing that back in the elementary school days. waaaay back in the day.

it's great that you love your days. make every day after it just like it, and you'll be onto something good.