"We'll never be as young as we are right now." --Jim Steinman

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

"Screw you, I'm going back to sleep"

I told Mark that his quote would be my post tittle for tonight, and I would not lie to him. Of course then he whacked out another priceless quote of "Did you just touch my underpants? You can't touch my underpants!"

What else did I say I was going to post in here today? Hmmm....

Oh yeah, Jake asked if Jed's nickname should be changed to end in "with nuts" to signify he's male. Ouch.
Then of course Jake kept slapping Jed. I mean, after the first two times, Jed should've seen it coming. Seriously.
It made me giggle though.

So I had to give a 12-15 minute speech for Biology II....it ended up being 24 minutes and 14 seconds. Hmm. A bit over the time limit.

Oh, I pretty much failed my pre-calc test.
Yesterday we were doing the review and the girls in my group just started throwing Cocoa-puffs all across the room. HOWEVER, I was the one that got yelled at because I was looking at my notecards for my speech.
Thanks Mrs. Pippenger.
Yeah, so the test she made up had stuff in it we never covered in class. How does that work? I just started guessing on answers after a while. I'll be lucky to get a C.

So Zach (oh yeah, I said it) keeps getting "Can't Touch This" stuck in my head. Every four seconds.

Samantha ewwed Jed. That kinda makes me angry.

Due to my lack of artistic creativism (yeah, I said it), Tasha had to make my poster for me. I spent 45 minutes making a poster and it turned out like a dyslexic four year old made it. No joke. It was very, very sad.

Hmmm, so I'm thought of so many things I've wanted to post tonight now that I actually have chance to get online....too bad I can't remember many of them.

Band is a joke.
There are so many people who just goof off and don't even care. John and I are actually doing pretty well. Yeah, we both aren't the best musicians, but we try. Then of course there are the stupid idiots who just don't care and just sit around and talk.

I've told Ally why I'm a whore. Seriously.
So I don't know what I'm doing.
I go from liking one guy to liking another while still liking the first. It sucks hardcore.
I feel so bad.
I've had a bad experience with this new(ish) guy. No joke. I think about how crappy he made me feel and how I cried last time.
Why am I just suddly so indecisive now? It's like, I can't decide which guy I like.
Or maybe it's a matter of I don't think I have a chance with any, so I go after them all.

I feel like poo.

1 comment:

Cassius said...

i really want to respond, but it would give me away- maybe. id rather just see some out of towners stumble.

keep it up for a few posts yea