"We'll never be as young as we are right now." --Jim Steinman

Friday, September 08, 2006

Biology II


I'm sitting in the hallway directly across from Beaver's locker. Should I stuff some garbage through the slot? I think I shall.
I hope it was the right locker. No joke.

The first pepband is tonight. I'm pumped.
Too bad it's raining hardcore.

Coach F told me he wasn't our forensics coach this year.
I guess Mrs. Lenz is replacing him. Pff.
She's neat, though.

Except F didn't care if the girls spent time in the guys' bedroom or if we invited strangers into HWSFRN's room. Good times had in Madison.

I managed to get a 94% on my pre-calc quiz *woot woot*
I'm still mad I was scheduled for pre-calc before trig. Pff.

I glued a dead moth to my finger.
Most of the legs fell off my giant brown moth (which I'm yet to classify....should be doin' it right now actually), so piled them on the remaining legs and superglued those beotches on.
Too bad the glue ran onto my finger as well.

Um....idk. I had a possibility to post, so I took it. I heard some rumor from a reliable source....but I don't want to believe it at all. Stupid stuff.

I love pepband.
It's the Eagle Game tonight...or turkey game if you're J-J.
We lost the Eagle last year, and I doubt we'll get it back any time soon.


Cassius said...

yea, i found it and me and kris stared at it for like, five mintues, wondering if there was a man in my locker.

i love reading your blogs. they're addictive. and thank the lord for ibooks and the capability to blog in school!

think tank said...

I lied. I wrote in my post on Thursday that I wouldn't comment on blogs this weekend, but in a sleep deprived state, I feel like doing it.

It's too bad that the iBook that I have, and the iBook that you have at school, are obselete. Shame. They are nice little laptops, aren't they?

Can't really relate too much to anything else you wrote, but hey, it's still nice to read.