"We'll never be as young as we are right now." --Jim Steinman

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Best week

Chuck of the Day:
"Chuck Norris' first job was as a paperboy. There were no survivors."

Yesterday's Chuck of the Day:
"Chuck Norris can win a game of connect four in three moves."

This weekend rocked. Why...?
The following reasons are an outline...if you're lucky enough I may explain them in further detail.......

  • Soccer win over Bayfield
  • I earned a silver at State in a personal transition situation
  • I had time to myself to envision my future
  • When left alone on the UW Madison campus I did not get lost but found where I was
  • I was in HWSFRN's bed with a complete male stranger
  • Prom rocked
  • Marenisco came up and grinded on me...slightly disturbing
  • I realized some stuff about guys
  • Work rocks...except for the whole reaching up on a top shelf to get a box larger than I am

I may write more about some aspects later.


think tank said...

good week for both of us, eh?

think tank said...

work 3rd shift at a busy international cargo airport.

that sucks.