"We'll never be as young as we are right now." --Jim Steinman

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Calculus is a joke

Calculus feels like it is 4 hours long. Every day! I feel like I understand what's going on, and then when I do the homework I can only do half the problems.

Go figure that I only had 3/10 problems on the homework quiz today. Suck.

Class is kinda funny, though. Mr. Duerr is so awkward. Sometimes he'll be like, "Back in my day..." or occasionally "Back in the day..."

Seriously...if he shaved his little chin hair thing he would look 15.

Then today...omg. It was so funny. He's one of those people who when they talk they have really badly timed pauses.

Like when he said, "When I was taking calculus I drank a lot--------of coffee."
And then he went on with something like, "and I had little baggies full------------of cocoa beans."

Then there is his "best friend"...that was so hilarious. He was telling us about one of his professors that he used to hang out with and go to math conferences with.
J-Rod asked if they partied it up.

His respons: "No...well, there was one time."

Mr. Duerr makes me giggle.

1 comment:

think tank said...

At least you can do calculus. Count that blessing. :)