"We'll never be as young as we are right now." --Jim Steinman

Monday, April 02, 2007

Well that was pure bull...

The NHS/awards ceremony was weird. The candles freaked me out. It was like a cult. Okay, I understand that you have to be smart to be in NHS...but for those of us who weren't being inducted it was crap.

Well, the part I found to be crap was the whole "accomplishments" list. There were a few that were stretched or out-right lies.
Like "active member in forensics." I'm sorry, but if you DROP OUT after sub-district your freshman year....you CANNOT say that!
If you DROP OUT of dance team and didn't help with routines you should not say you're a CHOREOGRAPHER!
If you were never elected to a position called "Prom Committee Chair Person" you should NOT give yourself the title (oh, and this same girl pissed me off earlier today on the same freaking subject!!!)

There were a few others, but those were the ones that pissed me off to no end.

I really loved when Sister-Sister and HWSFRN had to stand up and say something. The two people who are in forensics just had this lackadaisical tone to their voice like it was nothing. The other people seemed really stiff and crap.
*woot woot* forensics people!

Yeah, so while we were all on stage for forensics I had to stand next to HWSFRN. He just randomly leaned over and whispered, "Lemons, you're really short."
Like I need to be reminded constantly.
Oh, the best part about that was the speech he gave earlier today about how every Monday I astonish him with just how short I am. We all can't be 6'1"

Blah. Do you know what I love? Inside jokes. They are quite possibly my favorite things ever. Peanuts and I were doing a lap around the field and we actually had to stop and catch our breath because we had been laughing so hard. About what? "Rainbow kneecaps." Is it sad just thinking about it now makes me want to keel over giggling?

Maybe more tomorrow. This whole not having homework thing is freaking me out. I have no clue what to do with myself anymore.

1 comment:

think tank said...

Oh, the candles. That takes me back.