Friday, March 30, 2007
So I went to the clinic twice and they referred me to a specialist. This specialist's receptionist told my mom that I did NOT need another consultation and I could have the surgery right away.
So I get to the doctor's office after sitting in a car FOREVER. I then sit in a waiting room FOREVER. When I finally get into the room the doctor told me exactly what I already knew and proceeded to describe the procedure I thought I was there for.
My mom and I went to the receptionist desk and asked why I wasn't having surgery that day when I was TOLD I was.
Then the receptionist got all bitchy and said that she didn't understand why I thought I was going to have something like that done when "Doctor" didn't know what was going on.
That pissed me off. All the people there called him "Doctor" not "Doctor.....blah" not "the doctor" but just "Doctor" Weird.
Anyway. The doctor told me to try to make an appointment for next week....but the mean lady at the desk said that was "out of the question for Doctor."
Then she refused to give me an appointment before the end of time.
So this other receptionist lady walked by and saw that I was practically in tears and took over.
She found an appointment open on April 13.
Nope. State
She found an appointment open on April 20.
Maybe. Day before prom. She recommended I try another day incase I would bruise on my eye and look like Frankenstein.
Settled for some outrageous date in May.
Then this other lady came in. She introduced herself and said that chances are, she would be performing the surgery rather than "Doctor." She said she would get me in earlier. Which is how I got my appointment for next Friday.
I'm still mad that the one receptionist told my mom I'd be having the surgery today.
I'm tempted to take an exacto-knife and do the freaking thing myself. It's not even a real "surgery" or anything...but I guess it's classified as one for some weird reason.
....Stupid eyelid.
I actually had semi-amusing things to post about today too. Well...about yesterday. Peanuts and I had a fun Thursday.
Friday, March 23, 2007
Wrong on so many levels
He completely dated himself yesterday with the....
"I'm going to YourSpace and leaving you a message."
Something is seriously wrong with the older generations.
Oh, that's not even the best part.
My homeroom is the best. So that one chick...we'll call Profanity due to the fact she can't speak without dropping an F-bomb or two. Well, she was talking about how she has a boob fetish. Smilie joined in and started talking about how much he loves boobs. At that point, Locker Buddy, who has giant boobs, walked in the door and we all laughed.
Mr. Jasurda usually sits behind his desk and doesn't even pay attention to us. However, he turned his chair around and started to tell us about this old woman he saw at the mall who had the saggiest boobs he's ever seen in his life. He went on to describe how she could have strapped them into her belt.
We laughed so freaking hard.
He just got up and went over to his podium and said "I'm a health teacher. I get to talk about sex all day long." That was actually a little disturbing. Especially the way he said it with the giant smile on his face.
My homeroom is the best. In no other homeroom can you play Guitar Hero II, leave whenever you please, talk about Boobs, play with a real human skeleton, and various other things.
Peanuts and I went into Mr. Hommerding's homeroom and everyone in there either was doing homework or staring at the wall. They're not allowed to talk or anything. That would suck.
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Oh my goodness
Our team rocks. HWSFRN complained about his ex-girlfriend...and Pink Piggy and I beat him with the worst ex...we both dated Whelk Boy. *shudder*
It all went down the third round. HWSFRN,...uggghh...let's call him Wormwood Hill for lack of anything better..., and I were all up in a room with Mrs. Lenz.
We dominated that room. Wormwood Hill rocked out with his prose.
I completely bitch-slapped my monologue. I've never actually been that aware of the audience as I was performing. I actually made eye contact rather than eye-to-forehead contact. I couldn't stop looking at HWSFRN. He had never seen me perform nor I him. He kept making really weird faces...and his messy hair made him look like an evil scientist.
Anyway...so my piece was making fun of people who over-do Shakespeare.
HWSFRN had to follow me....doing a piece from Shakespeare. He was really good. He had this little accent for his introduction and then a completely different accent for his piece.
Like I said, we dominated our room...no one else stood a chance.
Anyway...so while watching the not as outstanding performances of the round something fell out of HWSFRN's pocket. I saw it and some other chick saw it. Afterwards, the other girl picked it up and told HWSFRN he had dropped it.
Totally forgot about it until.......
HWSFRN says:
one question
who was that note from?
Lemons says:
HWSFRN says:
round 3
Lemons says:
oh, the one that fell out of your pocket?
HWSFRN says:
HWSFRN says:
i had nthing in my pocket
Lemons says:
did it say anything?
HWSFRN says:
it had a phone number
HWSFRN says:
and the words call me
I think it might've been from that psycho chick from PF. She kept stalking our team and it was creepin' a bit.
She told me she thought a guy from our team was cute, but she wouldn't say which one...and the fact that she legitimately scared me made me not want to know.
She was insane.
I fear for HWSFRN.
I don't even know the chick's name...but she felt it was necessary to dig through my purse when I wasn't looking. Apparently she felt it was normal to meet me and then rummage through my belongings.
She laughed manically and said, "I borrowed your pen, hope you don't mind." I didn't know what to say...so I said what I ALWAYS say, "So I noticed."
Anyway. My scores were 25, 24, 23. Translation: a perfect score, an almost perfect score, and a slap in the face.
Seriously...I believe 23s are mean...they say that you're REALLY good, but the judge is just to stingy to give you that 24/25.
Friday, March 16, 2007
Snickers Runs are the best
- Mr. Peterson's sehr eng Hose.
- Chocolate's creepy stalker skills
- HWSFRN singing the Snickers song
- Chocolate stripping
- G-string wearing my naughty lingere (sp?...oh who cares)
- the Snickers run
- Getting a 2 on my solo
- Talking to the infamous Sam
- Hearing Chocolate tell me his mom likes me
Mr. P's pants were...there's not even a word for how tight those pants were. It was weird.
Chocolate has a habit of just randomly playing with my keys. Whenever I can't find them they're usually in his pocket. We gave him a little test during lunch today to see if he knew what the keys were to.
Should I be creeped out that he knew exactly what all my keys went to? It was mildly hilarious.
HWSFRN decided to randomly play the Snickers song on his guitar. Good times. Then I decided it would be great to scope out the Commons to find someone eating a Snickers to serenade. Too bad I scoped all the vending machines and found NONE.
Which lead to the Snickers run. (I apologize for not going in order with the list) So I told Tall Creepy Guy there were no Snickers to be found. I believe his exact words were "You--Car--Now" So we jumped in his ghetto-cruiser and took a trip to Amaco. He has to be one of the funniest people I've ever met. He just has random stuff in his car...it was awesome. He makes me giggle. Well, I had like 20 minutes until my solo...and I was freaking out. That made it so much better.
Of course we never pulled the plan of me sitting in the Commons eating the Snickers while HWSFRN and a few others did the song.
So I was talking to Chocolate...and he just randomly started unbuttoning his shirt. And then we did the whole "You're not wearing pants" deal (he was wearing pants, it's just an incredibly inside joke). It was so funny.
I have this pink nightgown thing...it's very close to a teddy if you guys know what that is. I wanted to wear it under my blazer deal. G-string decided he wanted to put it on. It was hilarious. He was all like, "Does this make my ass look fat?" The best part was almost at the end of the night when his mom said she liked my top...and he said he looked better in it. The look on her face was priceless.
I was freaking out on my solo, hardcore. I got a 2. I didn't deserve it. My judge told me I've been holding my French horn incorrectly for 6 years. Mr. Knihtila said that I didn't have to hold it how she said...yay!
Infamous Sam was there. Sam doesn't get a nickname. He's just Sam. He is quite possibly one of the most attractive guys I have ever seen in my life. I met him in Superior and found out he only lives like 20 miles away...so now I make it a point to find him at every district event. He's so nice. I just randomly walked up to him and asked if he was going to be at district tomorrow. *sigh*
Everyone abandoned me...except for Chocolate. I don't even remember what we were talking about when he asked me about my German project he didn't know about.
Long story short: I asked how he knew about the project and apparently his mom told him about my "awesome project"...which went into the awkward "wait you mom was talking about me...what did she say" deal which ended with Chocolate saying that his mom likes me.
She better. Do you have any idea how much sucking up I've done to that woman?
I pretty much spent my entire day with Chocolate. He's so adorable. I can't even take it anymore. He even puts up with my psycho friends. I love fake fighting with him. It always goes the same way with me saying "Why do you hate me?" and them him looking at me with his pretty eyes saying "I don't hate you" all sweet and quietly.
Idk. Sometimes it feels like he likes me back a little bit, but maybe he just sees me as a really good friend.
District tomorrow. I really hope most people make it to State. ....I say most because there's one I don't really think should go. Insert bitch sticker here.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
You will never get this.
So Peanuts forgot.
Pink Piggy forgot, didn't believe it, and then made me cry a little because she gave herself the bad friend award.
Victim said she remembered, but I'm not sure.
Locker Buddy didn't even know.
...and Skizzle just hugged me as I cried because I felt unloved.
Why did I cry?
Today was my birthday--and NO ONE remembered. I kid you not...none of my friends remembered.
Mr. Peterson wished me a happy birthday...but I did bring in brownies...or as he calls them "death on a napkin."
Idk...I guess it's not that big of deal, but...Yeah. I remember my friends' birthdays and do stupid stuff for them (like wrapping their lockers).
Other than that, it wasn't a bad day.
Happy birthday to me.
My last year as a minor.
Thursday, March 08, 2007
You CAN'T do THAT!
So Peanuts was all for me going for Chocolate. Seriously, she thought it was adorable.
Then today...he came into Mollman's room and said hi to me and she was just like, "Get out now! I don't want you in here!" and then when he left she said she didn't want me liking him.
I'm confused.
Oh well. He's a nice boy.
Okay. So Peanuts and I write down stuff to eachother a lot. Every day in chemistry we get out a piece of notebook paper and just write random things.
Yeah, a lot of those things we write are NOT appropriate for a teacher to be reading.....ESPECIALLY Mr. Peterson!
So he just decided he was going to grab my notebook and flip through the pages. OOOO
I freaked out and grabbed it out of his hand...but I think it was a wee bit too late.
The most shocking thing....
I was talking to HWSFRN about something that would be funny. He started out the conversation with "Do you know what would be funny? If you went to prom with me..........but you wore a tux and went as a Mini Me."
The sad thing is....if it wasn't my junior prom I probably would do it. Plus I already bought my dress. It would actually be amusing.
Monday, March 05, 2007
An albino black
Today was wonderful. I felt so pretty. Don't ask why. It just seemed like my hair did what I wanted it to, my makeup didn't smear, and my clothes looked good.
Is it bad I think that? I usually think I look like crap, but today I felt decent.
So I was thinking....I REALLY don't want to go to my junior prom alone. A while ago I said I was going alone because I wanted to go alone. Yeah, I told HWSFRN that I decided I was going to prom alone. His response: "How long did it take you to figure that out?"
Hm. Makes me wonder...could I get a date if I wanted to?
Seriously. The guys I talk to pretty much are all shacked up or hate me. I mean, yeah...I don't want to go alone or with a group of friends and just be like "I'm too cool for this."
I don't even want to go.
I do, but I know I'll end up depressed and go home crying.
My mom's mad at me.
So some military recruiter called. I want to hear what he has to say. My mom, on the other hand, almost started crying and said I can't do it.
It pisses me off. She won't even let me decide what I want to do for myself. It's my freaking decision what I want to do with my life, but she won't even let me CONSIDER it.
Yeah, I probably won't go into the military, but it just pisses me off that she won't let me make my own decision regarding MY LIFE.
"Cry Over Me" --Meat Loaf
It's so easy for you
to feel nothing for me
Did you ever feel anything?
I want you to cry over me
Die over me
Even for a moment
I want you to hurt over me
Feel what I feel
I want you to cry over
Die over me
Baby, just one time.
I want your heart broken
Some sign of emotion
Wanna see the tears tumble down
Show me I meant something
And that you feel nothing
But your world crashing to the ground