Tuesday, December 26, 2006
You suck
The stupid thing wouldn't let me post.
Correction--it wouldn't let me view my dashboard.
I guess I have to stick with old blogger.
Unless I'm doing something stupid and can't properly click on the link that says "Dashboard".
I had something to post about, but now I don't even feel like doing it anymore.
Beaver, remind me to give you those monologues.
Friday, December 22, 2006
Just disregard the last post
I would delete it, but it has the story of the sex pills, so I shall leave it up. Oh my goodness. I wish I could have counted the number of references made today about that bottle of pills.
So I never posted about the nonsense of Monday...here's how it went down:
Poser wrapped a stand,
J-J decided to drop out of the music at random intervals,
Chocolate told me I had a "fabulous rack",
I flashed Chocolate,
Cap'n Chocolate promised me a hug,
...and then Chocolate compared me to his sister.
...oh, would a few of those things sound a little less awkward if I said I had on blinking antlers?
Today was actually a crazy day.
I turned in a German project that was nowhere near to actually being finished.
A few people just gathered around laptops and watched Michael Jackson videos on youtube during Trig.
Chemistry rocked. We basically just made ice cream. Peanuts and I kicked the stuff across the floor and talked to HWSFRN. Somehow we got on the topic of butts...how, I do not know. Basically, the conclusion of that conversation ended up being that HWSFRN has a large bottom, but Chocolate's is bigger, but Mr. Peterson has the biggest butt in the world.
I think I may have actually managed to recrute Peanuts and Pink Piggy for the soccer team....and Poser said he'd think about managing :D
Chocolate promised me a hug for Christmas. He lied. During lunch Pink Piggy and I made little hearts all over his homework...good times.
So he pretended like he was going to hug me and then ran away. OOOO.
Too bad I sat next to him during the movie thinger.
That was amusing. I barely watched the movie because I was too busy whispering stuff in his ear. Alas, he still refused to hug me....and pouting did not work.
In the end, I threw a bag of chips at him and he hugged me.
Then I found out that when I was getting the chips Threw yelled at him and said he had to hug me or she'd hurt him.
Who cares. I still got my freaking hug.
We all took a field trip to my locker because it is the best thing in the world. Seriously. It is.
Hmm. However, Flew's, Giggle's, and Chocolate's lockers were anything but spectacular. Pink Piggy and I are having an extreme makeover locker edition. ....and I found out Chocolate's locker is popped, so I can just throw random stuff in there :P
Yeah, I tried uploading some pictures of Random Freshman, HWSFRN, and Beaver all in makeup. However, my computer is being stupid and saying the images cannot be found. Stupid.
Oh, I also have a picture of my fabulous locker, for those of you who have not held the beauty of its wonder upon your eyeballs.
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Oh wow
Then again, I do listen to his heinously long stories.
Anyway. So during band today we were watching a movie. I went over to him and gave him his Christmas present. I went over and hid between Tall Creepy Guy and Locker Buddy to watch the reaction on his face.
It was priceless.
....I bought him sexual enhancement pills.
I gave him his real present (heinously cheesey kung fu movies and a couple keychains), and I'm pretty sure he was in shock. He said something about displaying the pills on his dresser or something...Idk.
Then I went back to sit down.
NEVER in my life did I think I would hear the words "Give me a hug" come out of HWSFRN's mouth hole. No joke.
I thought he was kidding. He wasn't.
It wasn't even awkard or anything. It was long, though. Seriously, it was like a good 5 seconds.
Peanuts saw and all during lunch she kept saying really lame things like how cute it was.
Saturday, December 16, 2006
I'm not going to college
a.) "My daughter hates me........"
b.) "When I went to Madison......."
c.) "HWSFRN, shut the hell up!"
You can probably tell by the post title that the story that sparked this post was option #b.
Yes, I realize "b" is not actually a number.
Yeah, he told us about when he was in college he'd read a book while walking down the street, study while riding a bike, and all that crap.
Okay, I don't study. I do for chemistry...but that is it.
The story didn't get any better. He started throwing out all these statistics about people who start going to college but then drop out.
My conclusion:
college is going to suck ass.
That class didn't go very well. Mr. P heard EVERY awkward thing I said. Seriously. I say the stupidest stuff, and ALWAYS hears me.
...like when I was talking about riding a bike naked. Peanuts couldn't stop laughing on that one.
But alas, I do miss those casual Fridays.
Monday, December 11, 2006
A Beaver Excursion
So we had the forensics meeting this morning. HWSFRN scared the crap out of me when he snuck up behind me and said he wants me to be "his successor" as captain of the team next year. I'm surprised he doesn't want his golden boy, Random Freshman, to hit that up.
Kinda makes me giggle sometimes.....I think HWSFRN is getting pissed at RF. I'll walk into band and RF'll just make fun of HWSFRN...then when HWSFRN comes in I listen to him talk about how stupid RF is. Hmm.
Oh. So during German Peanuts said she was sorry. For what, I didn't know.
She worked with HWSFRN this weekend...but HE wasn't the one to say something embarrassing about me....it was HER!!!
Okay...so she's trying to get me a boyfriend.
Why? I do not know. She said she wants to "see me happy."
She thinks I need to shack up with Tall Creepy Guy. Her reason? Because he's so tall and I'm so short we would make normal sized children.
Then she suggested another guy. I swear she kept badgering me about it for most of chemistry. Somehow HWSFRN got in on the conversation. His EXACT words were "Dear God, don't do it."
I seriously want to know why she's trying to shack me up.
I had YAC after school. Beavs and I hit the Dollar Store and then the library. We decorated the Teen Zone.
I thought Beaver would have a little bit more skill in the whole decorating thing.
I guess he's just not femmie enough. I have to admit, he did get better after a while...except for that one present he wrapped...and the fact he threw ornaments in random crevaces.
Then we went to The 'Dub. It was amusing...HWSFRN was working. He was just complaining about the dancing snowman that shakes his butt.
It was hilarious. I called him a hooker and he couldn't do anything because he was working. Beaver asked him an inappropriate question...good times.
Went to the concert after that....well, I left like, 10 minutes into it.
I probably should be studying my chemistry.
Alas, I am watching Family Guy, talking to Horn Boy, and blogging.
Good times.
Besides, all I did this weekend was study. NO JOKE. I woke up at 6:00 am yesterday and studdied a couple hours before church.
Friday, December 08, 2006
If I would have had ONE person to stop me it wouldn't've happened!
Okay, so Peanuts and Locker Buddy were there, but I kind of lost them somewhere before "Fired Up." I'm sure they would've pretented it.
So it started with HWSFRN complaining about putting his pepband music in order.
I just decided I would offer to do it for him. He handed over his pepband folder, concert folder, and flip folder (which still had field show music in it, mind you).
So I took all the little pieces of music and put them in order. I could've stopped there.
No. I put all his music in alphabetical order.
Not a big deal, right?
So Peanuts was mocking me about my "transition phase." My transition lasts somewhere about 1.25 seconds.
Being the stupid, friendless individual that I am, I decided to lay a sit next to HWSFRN and proceed to tell him about my "transition phase."
Which lead to other topics.
Oh, and then HWSFRN and I inducted Chocolate into the "Mint Society."
Chocolate called me ugly...like 8 times. I'm pretty sure he was just joking around (or at least I hope so). I threw popcorn at him. It's just like wow. How many times have I been called ugly/hideous in the past day and a half. I think it's mounting somewhere near 17 times. No joke.
But it's okay because Chocolate is a stripper.
Or something like that.
I have a habit of just reaching over and undoing his watch. Apparently when I do that his pants fly across the room. That's a long story in that makes very little to no sense at all.
Chocolate's mom is insane....but in a good way.
She subbed for Frau Marshall today. She is so freaking random. She went from talking about how to say calculator in German to talking about stray cats in less than a breath.
Then of course she was telling us how to say keg auf Deutsch...and about the never-ending supply of tapped beer. You gotta love Chocolate's mom.
So yesterday we had Mr. Nelson as a sub for Mr. Peterson. Kookie called me ugly. It was hilarious. I was upset, but laughing hysterically. HWSFRN tried to cheer me up. He kept telling me that he would kick Kookie in the nuts to make me stop crying.
...Of course when HWSFRN found out I was mostly laughing and kind of sleeping for a time he was pissed off.
Too bad he showed how much of a nice guy he is. I hugged him and he freaked out.
I love Mr. Peterson.
He gave Kookie additional problem sets for calling me ugly and making me cry.
Mr. Peterson is so weird.
After school I was walking by his room and he ran down the hallway to catch up with me (it was so cute 'cause his daughter was running behind him)
and he stopped me jus to remind me to study. That man is nuts.
Friday, December 01, 2006
Everyone's got a little Captain in 'em.
I guess we'll start with band. So I saw "Carry On My Wayward Son" was on the pepband list for tonight. That is my all-time favorite pep tune. No joke. It was probably one of the best pepband lists Ray K has every come up with.
Oh, so during lunch I was actually informed. For some reason, the topic of conversation came across Chocolate's double-secret middle name. He and I were the only ones who knew it. I do not know why. So everyone was guessing what it is.
It reminds me of a pirate, but he said it's more of a liquor. Which then started the "Everyone's got a little Captain in them." Which is why I have now started calling him Captain Chocolate.
Some of the girls came to the conclusion Chocolate's full name is now ****** Your Mother Scotch Tequilia ******
Hmm. So during English I tried to show off for Betty by busting a move and pretty much busted my face. Seriously. I spun in non-spinning shoes and ended up face-down on the floor. Betty's so sweet. He jumped up and grabbed me to make sure I was okay. Awww.
Chemistry. We got a work day.
Peanuts and I were in the back of the room talking about how cute we think Mr. Peterson is. Yeah.
So I think he knows. Seriously, that man has crazy, wicked hearing...We're expecting him to just look up one day and be like, "I can HEAR YOU!" We don't talk that quietly.
Okay. So Peanuts and I were insulting Tall Creepy Guy and HWSFRN. Good times. HWSFRN and I were screaming things at eachother....mostly about being a mint. Mr. Peterson was just all like, "Ahh, HWSFRN, you're not allowed to talk anymore!" Oh yeah.
So HWSFRN got in trouble...I just kept firing away insults. I even had the best burn I think I've ever had.
So the topic was of why he's a mint. (inside joke in which I stupidly let him in on.)
So I was all like, "Yeah, you're like Starbucks after coffee mints--little and not very strong." Okay, not the greatest burn, but he wasn't allowed to respond. Greatest moment ever.
So Peanuts and I kept talking. Then we got *** in trouble and he wasn't even doing anything.
We moved onto someone else who got in trouble be cause of us.
THEN another person.
Good times.
We never got yelled at.
Um. I stayed after school for the game. Just kinda pimped out in the band room for a while. Somehow I made it out into the Commons where I was the lone member of the dance team who was setting up our fundraiser table.
Haha. I someone managed to get (Captain) Chocolate to help me. So he and I went into the teacher's lounge to get a table when Awkward Russian Kid just jumped in and grabbed the other end of the table and said he could handle it. I was thinking "Oh, that's sweet!" Then he followed it up with "You girl. You weak."
I tried explaining the "Triangles of Funness" to (Captain) Chocolate, but he just made it into a dirty joke. Figures.
Our JV performance wasn't that great.
I just kinda hung out in the band room and took random pictures trying to finish up my camera. Yeah, so when we finally got out to play some hardcore pepband I was seated awkwardly. So I have to sit down to play my French horn, so everyone's standing up and my eyes are at crotch level. Yeah, so (Captain) Chocolate was behind me and every time I went to say something to him I got a face full of awkwardness.
Yeah, then Mr. K was all like, "Oh, skip 'Carry On My Wayward Son." I had a fit. I refused to play "Ashland Loyalty." No joke, I just played random notes in my irate state of mind. Then of course I sang the bugle call thinger at the end of our school song. Oh yeah.
Then it got interesting.
I was showing off my hardcore Chinese splits to anyone who would watch. (Chinese splits are the ones where your legs to out the sides rather than infront/behind)
Um. Our varsity dance sucked. We had like, 5 people off in our middle formation. I was irate...especially since I made that part up!!!
Some time after that, we got back on conversation of the whole Chocolate's middle name. Tent Pitch finally understood the "Captain" reference.
AS IN CAPTAIN MORGAN. He was a sweet name....****** Morgan ******
Oh, and then Captain Chocolate somehow ended up laying face down on a table....three girls (myself included) all raised our hands like we were going to spank him.
And then I did. I spanked Chocolate. He was in shock.
Hmm...I escaped with Peanuts....we went jogging (with a soft "J") and she just laughed and said,
"You do realize you just spanked a teacher's son, right?"
Um. What else?
Ehhh... That's enough details of my life to suffice for the night.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
A wonderful day followed by...well, this
So I think I did really well...except the two "men in black" who were supposed to come in and carry me off stage kinda missed the cue I gave them...they picked up eventually though.
I loved Beaver's dirt.
I'm pretty sure Shop Buddy didn't know his lines.
So after our play (the very first one) I went in back and ran the lights from the little booth thinger. Yeah, I couldn't hear anything in there. I had to actually pay attention to know when to hit the blackouts.
Yeah, so Beavs and RF were MCing. Best thing ever.
So during dress rehearsal, I was watching them do their little things. There was one where Beaver hypnotized Random Freshman and then had him jump and stuff.
So during the actual performance, I was watching out the window, but I didn't see RF doing any stupid stuff.
Then he bitch-slapped Beaver and ran off stage.
I HEARD the slap all the way up in the booth thinger. I couldn't hear people's lines, but I could hear the sound of Beaver being slapped.
I couldn't stop laughing.
I loved the whole makeup stuff. It was great. Seriously, there were girls who didn't trust themselves putting on their own eyeliner, so I was running around just doing that.
Then I got to the guys.
I did Beaver's eyeliner...that boy couldn't keep his eyes open.
I did Random Freshman's eyeliner...he was afraid I was going to "stab his contact out."
...Then I did HWSFRN's. He didn't want to wear any, but Gloria said he had to :P
I told him he looked pretty and he gave me the finger. He did look pretty, though.
Not man-pretty like Man-pretty, but just...pretty.
Poor Random Freshman...while he and I were talking backstage, a freshman chick walked up to him and said he looked like a girl. Yeah, he does have high cheek bones, rosy cheeks, and pretty blue eyes, but it's still cute.
The best part? I got pictures. I threatened HWSFRN that I was going to put them all on my MySpace to share with the world. Oh yeah.
I can't wait to get them developed :P...yeah, I'm still a loser who uses disposable cameras.
Hmmm...I told Mr. Peterson about HWSFRN in makeup. He just laughed. When HWSFRN walked into class Mr. P said something about his red cheeks. Great fun.
Oh, Mr. Peterson shaved off his beard....he doesn't look like a pedophile (sp?) anymore. Seriously, he looked scary.
Yeah, compared to yesterday, today sucked hardcore.
Friday, November 24, 2006
So what won't I do for $25?
It spawned (yes, I said spawned) in chemistry one day...don't ask me which one.
Peanuts and I were having giggles over something that deserved far more than a mere titter. She said she would give me $25 if I did something....I said no.
Then she pointed out that I WANTED to do it.
Which is true, I REALLY wanted to do it. However, I'm pretty sure it's illegal in most states. Well, maybe not...but yeah.
Then Peanuts goes "You won't do it for $25?" Incredibly loud. I'm pretty sure she said it loud enough for Mr. Brown to hear it all the way down in the basement.
Then HWSFRN turns around and says something along the lines of "You won't do it for $25...I heard you'd do it for $3!"
Of course he can say that, but if I call myself a whore Mr. Peterson gets mad.
I don't even know. Yeah.
The next day:
Someone else brings it up!
Then after school.
So I'm standing at my locker getting my practice clothes and whatnot when HWSFRN comes up and asks what I won't do for $25.
I made a plan somewhere between my locker and the office...seriously, for me, that's quick scheming.
My plan pretty much consisted of saying "I can't tell you because it has to do with you."
and then running into the girls' bathroom.
Why? I have no clue.
The dead honest truth is that the $25 thing didn't have anything to do with him at all. Yeah.
So I said my stuff and tried to make a run for it. Too bad he was between me and the door. Which meant I had to keep the convo up.
I didn't think that far in advance.
His response (and this is a direct quote...right afterwards I wrote it on my hand so I wouldn't forget how stupid he sounded):
"I know, for $25 you won't tell me you're totally diggin' on my hot bod."
Then he started laughing.
I didn't.
I asked him if he was stupid and he stopped laughing and commented how serious I was acting.
I thought he was being serious. So he took me serious. Then a whole lot of awkward laughter occured.
Yeah. Basicially it went from me saying we weren't talking about the same thing to him going. "Yeah, we are talking about the same thing." and walking out into the student parking lot.
The weird part--
He got heinously sentimental on me the other night. He said something so freaking nice I was blown away....of course he followed it up with "whore", but it was still nice anyhow. Okay, so maybe it wasn't even that nice. However, it was nice enough for me to save the conversation and re-read it the next day. Given it was only a 5 minute conversation pertaining to my hookering.
Yeah, I dubbed "hookering" to be the verb of "hooker." No, it is not "whoring" or "hook."
Why did such a stupid joke turn into such a stupid story?
Because I made it that way.
Yeah, I figured out why I like him so freaking much. It took me almost four and a half years to figure it out.
I guess I won't delve into that big category of Jeopardy tonight.
The moral of the story I learned from the "$25 story":
Don't say things that make you sound like a mint.
So what won't I do for $25?
It spawned (yes, I said spawned) in chemistry one day...don't ask me which one.
Peanuts and I were having giggles over something that deserved far more than a mere titter. She said she would give me $25 if I did something....I said no.
Then she pointed out that I WANTED to do it.
Which is true, I REALLY wanted to do it. However, I'm pretty sure it's illegal in most states. Well, maybe not...but yeah.
Then Peanuts goes "You won't do it for $25?" Incredibly loud. I'm pretty sure she said it loud enough for Mr. Brown to hear it all the way down in the basement.
Then HWSFRN turns around and says something along the lines of "You won't do it for $25...I heard you'd do it for $3!"
Of course he can say that, but if I call myself a whore Mr. Peterson gets mad.
I don't even know. Yeah.
The next day:
Someone else brings it up!
Then after school.
So I'm standing at my locker getting my practice clothes and whatnot when HWSFRN comes up and asks what I won't do for $25.
I made a plan somewhere between my locker and the office...seriously, for me, that's quick scheming.
My plan pretty much consisted of saying "I can't tell you because it has to do with you."
and then running into the girls' bathroom.
Why? I have no clue.
The dead honest truth is that the $25 thing didn't have anything to do with him at all. Yeah.
So I said my stuff and tried to make a run for it. Too bad he was between me and the door. Which meant I had to keep the convo up.
I didn't think that far in advance.
His response (and this is a direct quote...right afterwards I wrote it on my hand so I wouldn't forget how stupid he sounded):
"I know, for $25 you won't tell me you're totally diggin' on my hot bod."
Then he started laughing.
I didn't.
I asked him if he was stupid and he stopped laughing and commented how serious I was acting.
I thought he was being serious. So he took me serious. Then a whole lot of awkward laughter occured.
Yeah. Basicially it went from me saying we weren't talking about the same thing to him going. "Yeah, we are talking about the same thing." and walking out into the student parking lot.
The weird part--
He got heinously sentimental on me the other night. He said something so freaking nice I was blown away....of course he followed it up with "whore", but it was still nice anyhow. Okay, so maybe it wasn't even that nice. However, it was nice enough for me to save the conversation and re-read it the next day. Given it was only a 5 minute conversation pertaining to my hookering.
Yeah, I dubbed "hookering" to be the verb of "hooker." No, it is not "whoring" or "hook."
Why did such a stupid joke turn into such a stupid story?
Because I made it that way.
Yeah, I figured out why I like him so freaking much. It took me almost four and a half years to figure it out.
I guess I won't delve into that big category of Jeopardy tonight.
The moral of the story I learned from the "$25 story":
Don't say things that make you sound like a mint.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
No words
I'm not sure how to describe it. No, I wasn't high or drunk or doing anything else inappropriate.
I walked into my old bedroom and thought of something. It literally took my breath away--I had to sit down.
The thought made me happy...happier than I know it should. I don't know. I felt all tingly inside like people do in really crappy romantic comedies.
I guess it kinda spawned from a conversation I had a couple days ago. I was caught off guard and didn't know how to react. I guess I just reacted to it.
Please don't ask me what I'm talking about. I can't explain it any more, but I don't think I even want to give out any more details.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Not enough time
Mr. Peterson is growing a beard. Seriously, it's driving me insane.
HWSFRN now wishes to be known as Pretentious Jackass.
I can no longer use the words whore/hooker/ho/slut infront of Mr. Peterson.
Horn Boy is completely okay with my sticking my hands in his sweatshirt.
Horn Boy is actually a 17 year old female...according to MySpace.
Chocolate struts when he walks.
Having small boobs FINALLY is paying off.
I have Badger's (Beaver's little sister) clothes in my locker.
HWSFRN gave *** AIDS, which he got from me.
HWSFRN gave *** AIDS, which he got from Peanuts, who got them from me, but no one can know who exactly I got them from because I'm such a whore. However, Tall Creepy Guy may be the person who gave them to me.
HWSFRN gave *** various strains of AIDS and/or butt herpes because I date raped him.
Same story with 3 actual outcomes.
The moral of the story? There are some things I WON'T do for $25.
Haha. That's a story I would like to get into.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Just stop talking
Too much information syndrome...the lame thing chicks say to eachother.
Mr. Peterson has TMIS.
He walked into class and started with the story of the day "So I went to the bathroom and....."
He went on to talk about how he violated the urinal code or w/e he called it. Apparently he got close to some dude who then told him he had a nice watch. I don't even have to be a dude to know that's awkward.
He wasn't wearing a watch.
I pretty much didn't hear the whole story because Peanuts and I were too busy laughing hysterically. It was a long story, too. He just kept listing off guys who came into the bathroom while he was in there.
I promised Peanuts I would post about it.
There you go, my 'Nuts.
Mrs. Mollman is going nuts. So everyone in the class did a whole bunch of work and turned it in, but Mollman handed it back today and said it wasn't good enough.
Apparently, when the directions say "Use the word in a sentence to show its definition", they really mean "Write a huge, incredibly wordy sentence describing a massive story to highlight the usage of ONE word."
Mrs. Lenz says to shorten things up and not drag everything out, but Mrs. Mollman says to expand on everything to make it look like we're pompous jackasses.
Lesson for the day:
Sometimes your best just isn't good enough.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Where did today go?
It took Peanuts and I 20 minutes to figure out we're stupid.
What do we do?....okay, what do I do?
I ask HWSFRN to help me. Did I actually expect him to make any sense--no.
It went something along the lines of:
HWSFRN "Do it. You did it wrong. Shut up and do the problem."
Why did I ask HIM for help? Well, mostly because I didn't think he would actually attempt to help me.
So I'm trying to convince Peanuts to go out for the dance team despite the fact practice started Monday. I tried to show her some of our moves during class. When I do the ONE that looks heinously awkward all I hear is "Lemons, get off the floor, you dirty whore."
Why does HWSFRN have to be so mean?
It feels like I have no time for anything. At all.
Today I came home and made a mental list of all the things I have to do, so I took a nap.
Just call me slacker. Well, I did most of my homework tonight...I guess that's a start.
I feel like breaking in half. I won't be working much anymore because of practice, so I'll probably have more time to actually stay on track with...something.
I've started biting my lips AGAIN. I've been biting my lips since I was like a toddler.
I get nervous.
I bite chunks of skin off my lips.
Monday, November 13, 2006
Who wears short shorts?
The guy she says likes me was apparently trying to look up HER skirt. Haha. I love how things flip around like that. Makes me giggle hardcore.
No joke.
Peanuts has pretty much been my support system lately between homeroom, first block, band, English, and AP Chem.
We just giggle so much.
Like during chemistry today. Mr. Peterson, out of nowhere just points out the fact that she and I are juniors. Apparently we have a lot to live up to.
I doubt this will happen.
I cannot possibly concentrate in that class. I don't really think it's the class but more of who's in it.
So Peanuts thinks I should hit up Tall Creepy Guy.
No freaking way.
That would be highly awkward.
Besides, he's my fighting buddy.
The sad truth. It comes down to this.
So I've had a thought on my mind, A LOT.
I really don't want to voice it, but I feel I already have.
To announce it publicly on my blog would make it fact, but I'm not sure that's what I want.
Somehow more and more people seem to know.
Shut up.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
There's no apologizing in the moshpit
...Power of One.
Freaking awesome. I couldn't possibly talk about the amazingnessosity.
My favorite part was the moshpit. Except for the 80 chicks who decided they were going to carry their purses. That was stupid.
A fight broke out. It was kinda funny.
One dude from Project 86 decided he was going to jump into the crowd. Yeah, I was afraid I was going to crack a rib or something.
Pink Piggy and I made it to the second row by the time Toby Mac came on. Then Sister-sister was all like, "You can stand here."
He's such a nice guy.
Then water was thrown on us.
The security people kept asking me if I was okay. It was kinda making me mad.
Then again, 4'11" and shoved between people of average height, not easy.
It reeked hardcore.
No joke.
I had like 7 people touching me at the same time for who knows how long. A few cute guys...not gonna lie.
I had a lot of fun at dinner and on the ride home, as well. Good times. No joke.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Lip plumper, crushes, and Chemistry
To be honest with you, most of the quotes are from AP Chem...because everyone in there is nuts...especially Mr. Peterson.
The first day of the quarter...what do we do? Well, Mr. Peterson couldn't make it through attendance without making fun of HWSFRN (who wasn't there).
Oh, and then he showed us pictures of his bedroom. Why? Because he was proud that he built his own bed or something like that. Then he went into detail about how he's been sleeping on a futon for the past 14 years. Wow. Now that's an accomplishment.
He has a bug collection in his room. Incredibly awkward...he went through and described what they were. I dislike bugs very greatly.
The best part? I have the class with Peanuts. Let's just say Peanuts feels the same way about Mr. Peterson as I do.
I love Peanuts. Seriously, we're the only juniors in the class, and we just kinda sit in the corner giggling about random things.
We were having an "exclusive" conversation in which Tall Creepy Guy tried to get in on. He does that a lot.
He's alright though. I don't understand the "Creepy" part of his name...but I'm sure Peanuts has her reasons.
So we did a lab today. It seemed like everyone just picked a lab spot and just started right away. Not Peanuts and I; we found a set-up and put our notebooks there.
We were the first ones done with the lab.
Because for some odd reason, Mr. Peterson came up and did the first six steps of the lab while we just stood there giggling. Seriously, all we had to do was adjust the flame part way through the lab. He even dug the silver from our little crucible thinger.
Mr. Peterson's the coolest.
Except for the fact he ran across my random ramblings in my notebook.
I guess I look like the chick who plays Ugly Betty. Kookie won't stop calling me Miss Ferrera. Slightly amusing.
Would I sound conceted if I said I think someone likes me a little bit? I'm starting to think so. Peanuts thinks its hilarious.
Apparently I want Beaver in the pants...I've now heard this from not one but TWO people.
Random Freshman apologized to me.
I'm singing a Class A vocal solo. I don't sing...except in the shower.
I kicked ass on the ASVAB thingy.
Locker Buddy, Peanuts, and I were playing with lip plumper today. The funniest stuff you can purchase. Seriously. When you first put it on it just feels like thick lip gloss.
Then it starts to tingle. My lips felt like they were about to fall off. No joke.
Now we have a porn star lip thing goin' on. Quite amusing.
So one of my best friends told me she thinks one of the guys I like (I'm such a whore...but it's down to two, now) is cute. I was shocked, but oddly enough, not angry at all. I found it freaking hilarious.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Today rocked hardcore
My letterman's jacket FINALLY came in.
I don't think I failed my pre-calc quiz.
My insect collection got a 92%.
Fabian got an 88%.
I rocked up my band lesson.
I can actually play my solos well.
Hmm. What else?
I'm trying a new tactic: being nice to HWSFRN. Like, creepy nice. It's hilarious. He'll start off by calling me a whore and then I'll be all like, "Whoa."
...Well, except for the other day when he was on one side of the hall and I on the other...screaming "whore" down the hallway.
So I told him something I probably shouldn't've, but it was amusing. He just stared at me with this huge smile on his face.
The awkwardly niceness is actually kind of fun.
Oh, and today I told him I bought him a Christmas present last night. I think that one may have caught him a wee bit off guard.
I pretty much raped Beaver during lunch.
Oh, and Beaver, you still haven't told me your girlfriend story.
I'm so happy the quarter ends Friday. I'm pumped for AP Chemistry...too bad I still haven't started the assignment sheet.
I should probably get on that this week.
That class should rock hardcore...just because of who's all in it.
Oh yeah.
Lost it again.
I assume Mr. Peterson will be yelling at Peanuts and I to shut up on a daily basis...but that's okay due to the green corduroy pants. (I think only Peanuts knows that joke)
Tall Creepy Guy (I didn't name him--that was Peanuts' deal) and I had a throw-down in the hallway the other day. I asked him if he wanted to fight and he was all like WHOA.
There was a condom on the floor infront of my locker yesterday. I have no clue why. I "discreetly" screamed "Who lost a condom?" Mrs. Gernaey gave me a heinously awkward look.
Good times.
I love Pink Piggy hardcore. No joke.
So at lunch the other day (quite possibly yesterday? Who knows) she and I were sitting on one side of the table and Chocolate and the guy she likes were sitting across from us.
She's so bad at being subtle.
She and I started talking about our prom committee business and whatnot and she just whispers as LOUD as she could "Should we ask them?"
It honestly surprises me that NEITHER of the guys heard her. No joke. Consider me flabberghasted (sp?) Personally, I believe it's a wee bit early to be asking people, anyhow.
Hmm. So she and I badgered them with the "You should really go! It'll be fun! It's our junior prom...we'll go to your junior prom."
So Pink Piggy worked on the one dude and I tried to talk to Chocolate.
To sum it all up, it ended with me saying "Why are you so good at ignoring me?"
Thanks Chocolate.
Friday, October 27, 2006
You freaking dilhole
This time is different.
I am so freaking pissed off at Random Freshman.
I probably won't be as mad if he had made the comment and directed it at me, but no...his dumb comment was about an entire group of people.
Okay, so here's the 'fo.
RF likes 456/654. So he stopped sitting with all his friends during lunch to sit at the same table as her. Hmm.
He is ditching his REAL friends to make friends with this chick's friends to get close to the chick!
Oh wait, if that's what he was doing I wouldn't care. Except for the fact he is now DITCHING is real friends.
He sits with new people during lunch. Who cares.
I do that. I went from sitting with one group of friends to another group of friends.
Point: I went from sitting with FRIENDS to OTHER FRIENDS. But it's not like I ignore either groups of friends.
A couple days ago he made the comment of "I sit with people a year younger than me. I'm cool now."
I think, not exactly positive on this one, that he's mocking Pink Piggy and I because we, as juniors, sit with the sophomores.
Again, that's not what bothers me...but we're getting there.
Yesterday during band he had a headache and asked if I had any pain reliever. I said I would give him some when I went to my locker.
All happy cheery.
Then something climbed up his ass and attacked his ovaries.
So Ertz, Pink Piggy, Chocolate, Random Freshman, and I were all standing around talking. Then he pops out this idiotic remark of "My new friends are normal. You guys aren't."
What a bitch-ass comment!
Okay, so we're immature. Duh.
Sadly, he's the MOST immature of us all!
After that he stormed off to find his freshman buddies...who apparently provide a "normal environment" for him.
Band ended and I went to my locker.
Snap. (yeah, I said it)
There's my asprin.
I shoved the entire bottle in my pocket and went to lunch.
So I told Pink Piggy, Tent, and Chocolate about my "plan" to embarrass RF infront of his "normal" friends.
At this point I was a little ticked, but not quite to the whole pissed off category.
They egged me on to actually do it.
I waited for him to get lunch and I went over and slammed the bottle of pills on the table and said, "Do you still need these or are your new 'normal' friends your drug dealers now?"
His eyes got huge and he said he didn't need them anymore.
I went back to the table and talked to Chocolate and Ertz about what went down.
So RF approached the table a few minutes later.
He stood next to me and asked if he apologized if I would give him a couple asprin because he DID need them. I guess his new friends also worsen his heaadaches.
I didn't even look at him as I gave him the bottle.
He only apologized because he wanted something.
I don't care if he has other friends. Seriously, I could care less if he got 456/654 pregnant or something.
He compared the two groups. He says they're better than we are.
Maybe they are. Maybe I'm making more out of little.
I'm so pissed off.
Am I wrong?
The sad thing is I know I'm going to walk into band Monday and he's going to probably act like nothing happened.
I'm not even going to talk to him.
I'm so mad.
It's his fault. He had to make that jerky comment on how they're better than we are.
If they're such freaking "wonder friends" then why was he even around to tell us we suck.
Monday, October 23, 2006
Best day ever
I heart that game...when one person says something and by the time it gets to the last person it's tragically skewed.
Okay, so during OP today I was talking to Locker Buddy about the band trip and how I found Chocolate's pants and put them on.
During lunch, she and I were talking again in the line for sweet, sweet chicken patties. We were joking around and the words "pants" and "got into" came about.
So by the time I got out of the lunch line and was seated across from Chocolate and next to Christmas tree, and then the comment of "Chocolate made sweet, sweet love to Lemons."
Thanks Grandpa Stick.
Somehow that topic was avoided and we started talking about two people kissing for two days straight.
This is what happens when I sit next to a bunch of guys during lunch.
I seriously hearted today hardcore.
Why? Because Mr. Jasurda is the best homeroom teacher in the world.
Who else makes comments about prostitution?
Okay, so I had never seen Beaver's mother. Ever.
Then today I saw her. I was just like AHHHHH. And then she said Beaver was in Colorado. So that's where he's been.....
Explains a lot.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
I've clearly deleted them all.
What I've come up with and will regret posting later on tomorrow morning:
I'm not good enough for Random Freshman because I'm not 456/654 and I never will be her.
I'll never be good enough for HWSFRN because to him I've always been the dead toy he tosses limply to the side that desperately wants to play. (That sounds horribly bad)
I'm not "edgy" enough for New Guy.
I'm too loud for Chocolate. I'm always talking and always rambling. He's so quiet and laughs when its appropriate.
someone told me that when "hmmmm" is typed out it only has one "m." I hereby defy their single m usage.
There are some times when I feel that some of the things don't fit....like Friday when Chocolate was uber hyper and started making fun of himself. Seriously, he started it.
Is it normal to know you have no chance but still hope?
I don't want to. I just want to be like, screw it.
I don't even like HWSFRN.
Pff. I don't really like New Guy either.
Sometimes I don't like Random Freshman.
Usually I like Chocolate.
I would like to continue this thought and many more, but I have to do the rest of my homework.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Nicknames are by far easier for my brain to comprehend
I am now keeping a tally.
I still don't know what I got on my speech. Pff.
Tasha gave me her loggin for her MySpace. I'm really tempted to just change all her settings. However, the only major thing I did was edit her Top 8 (which is now Top 20)...but that was the whole reason for her giving me the thinger anyhow.
Oh, plus I added Franz Ferdinand to her friends...but of course that's expected.
I think I figured out why I'm going nuts. I blame my dad. Why you may ask?
Because what he said the other day. So we were on the way home the other day and he just popped out with,
"You know, Lemons, when I was your age I was already dating your mother."
First off, who says that? More over, what did he mean by telling me that?
Uggghh, we had our PSAT thing today. What a joke. So for some reason a bunch of guys decided "Hey, I'm going to take 4 pencils in case 3 break." Then of course there weren't enough for the rest of the people in the auditorium. Stupid idiots.
Mrs. Harrison is nuts. No joke. So she gave us 10 minutes to fill out our age and gender, but when it came to filling out all the long stuff she gave us .7 second(s). Then of course she berreted us for "working ahead" on our name section. Like we had NO CLUE what we were doing...not like we haven't done it 80 million times prior.
Oh, then she would start the timer for the test before she told us to actually start. Unfair.
The part that really pissed me off?
She was screaming for dead silence, but she went around and told nearly every person (not very quietly, I might add) to fold over their answer sheets. She was a bigger distraction than anything.
That woman is nuts.
The test was....idk.
It got to the point where I was like, "Hmmm, letter D has a 4 in the answer. I like the number 4, I'll put that one."
Then of course I started doodling in my assignment book. Me drawing is not a good thing. I started a new drawing dude rather than my usual Lars Lion, Kilt Boy, and Bike Man. I have yet to name him, but he has a beard. He may very well be Beardy.
Of course Lars Lion is back for a revival....he and his unruly penguin make me giggle hardcore.
So I came down with a giggle fit somewhere between Mrs. Lenz' room and Zach's locker. Then Jed walked by and I just started laughing harder. Zach (this whole Zach thing is difficult) said I should tackle him.
This is a thought to ponder.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
"Screw you, I'm going back to sleep"
What else did I say I was going to post in here today? Hmmm....
Oh yeah, Jake asked if Jed's nickname should be changed to end in "with nuts" to signify he's male. Ouch.
Then of course Jake kept slapping Jed. I mean, after the first two times, Jed should've seen it coming. Seriously.
It made me giggle though.
So I had to give a 12-15 minute speech for Biology II....it ended up being 24 minutes and 14 seconds. Hmm. A bit over the time limit.
Oh, I pretty much failed my pre-calc test.
Yesterday we were doing the review and the girls in my group just started throwing Cocoa-puffs all across the room. HOWEVER, I was the one that got yelled at because I was looking at my notecards for my speech.
Thanks Mrs. Pippenger.
Yeah, so the test she made up had stuff in it we never covered in class. How does that work? I just started guessing on answers after a while. I'll be lucky to get a C.
So Zach (oh yeah, I said it) keeps getting "Can't Touch This" stuck in my head. Every four seconds.
Samantha ewwed Jed. That kinda makes me angry.
Due to my lack of artistic creativism (yeah, I said it), Tasha had to make my poster for me. I spent 45 minutes making a poster and it turned out like a dyslexic four year old made it. No joke. It was very, very sad.
Hmmm, so I'm thought of so many things I've wanted to post tonight now that I actually have chance to get online....too bad I can't remember many of them.
I feel like poo.
Monday, October 09, 2006
So last Thursday, before my computer broke...again...we had pepband. Woot woot.
I stole Chocolate's sweatshirt for no real reason. Quite stupid of me considering the fact my jacket and iPod were inches from his feet.
So I had his shirt and he had my iPod. Not that even of a surrender.
To sum it up...he went through some of my music, found my Snow Patrol (NOT the new stuff...older stuff from when I called their goodness...if you have no clue what I'm talking about, go to the library and find the CD I reccomended they buy like a year and a half ago when I first started liking them unlike some posers who just like them for the moment. Get over yourselves...sorry, my rant for the day)
So he was looking through my Snow Patrol and found a song...by the name of "Chocolate."
Good song...you should download it.
So then I tickled him. I'm sorry, but if someone asks you "Are you ticklish?" You don't flat out say yes.
YAC meeting. So only three people showed up...Beaver, Ju Freaking Wolf, and myself. Surprisingly, we actually managed to get a lot done...more than usual, actually. I blame Grandpa Stick. Chances are, he'll blame Dr. Jerry.
I have to give a presentation on Munchausen Syndrome a week from today. I started the visuals yesterday and the actual report today. Well, I've had the information for it for about a month, but you know how it goes...
I'm going to show House for one of my visuals.
HWSFRN scared the crap out of me today. He just jumped in my face and started screaming "It's Columbus Day, aren't you excited?" Wow.
Grandpa Stick hit me in the face. It was hilarious. I was trying to push him off the end of the table and when I succeeded his elbow flew up and hit me in the mouth. It bled and swelled a little.
Pig Tails jumped up and was all like, "Did you just hit her?" It was my fault. Why? Because I'm clumsy and do stupid things.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
The name "Chuck"literally means Strong and Manly"
Why does Random Freshman read the posts I don't want him to read, but he doesn't seem to read the ones I want him to.
So he said he doesn't read anymore.
Well, he read the one from Saturday where I bitched about him bein'all up on 456/654.
(This effing computer has issues with the space bar. Deal with it.)
So I walked into the band room and RF just pointed at me and said "I knew you're addicted to Chocolate!"
Clever phrasing,I'm notgoing to lie.
What were you saying?
Oh yeah....so he apologized about rubbing 456/654 in my face. He's a nice boy.
The awkward part?
He said he can "help" with Chocolate.
Hmmm. This seriously reminds me of a story I wrote in "My Steno"...the one I kept inmy purse forever...Beaver, you know what I'm talking about....I think.
Anyway, then he said I shouldn't flirt with Chocolate because...something.
Odd. If my personality clashes with what he likes, why do I like him?
Sucks for me, doesn't it?
Sometimes Ijust want to get so pissed at Random Freshman, but I can't. I really don't have a legit reason to be mad...which is quite possibly why I DON'T get mad. He's just too random-freshmany. I like it.
Damn the Chocolatey goodness.
Haha. I wore my (Hershey's) chocolate shirt yesterday. I can't remember who it was who announced "Chocolalte was on my boobs."
Random-freshmany is now an adjective. Wait for the exact definition.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Well that's stupid
Didn't really work.
Random Freshman wouldn't shut up about 456/654. Grandpa-Stick, Ertz, and I just talked about stuff and he would just pop up and say something stupid.
He wanted to know if she was dating anyone, but he couldn't ask for fear of "creepiness". Hmmm....
To shut him up, I suggested he ask someone else to ask her.
So stalkerboy kept asking me what I was going to say to her and not to mention his name.
I just asked Beaver what was going on and then told Random Freshman to just ask the girl out already.
Doubt he'll do it.
Yeah, so the question of the week is what do a pimp, a ho, Barbie, Ken, Jenna Jameson, Random Freshman, and a cranky hobo all have in common? They're all going to California.
Yeah, so people always say really lame, obvious things to "Bring to California." I would rather bring something creative and fun. Like a cranky hobo, an illegal immigrant, and duct tape. I still can't believe President Poseur suggest a porn star. I still can't believe I knew who he was talking about....stupid Vh1.
Yeah, so a certain somebody who "claims" to know a whole LOT about music made an ass of himself the other day.
He was all like, "Yeah so there's this new song I heard by *insert band name I had never heard of and can't currently remember*." So he just kept going on about the basic premise of the song.
I freaked him out when I started singing the end of it.
Too bad it isn't sung by *band I don't know*.
And it's NOT new....try circa 1977.
I thought EVERYONE knew Meat Loaf sings "Paradise by the Dashboard Light."
Apparently not.
Monday, October 02, 2006
Was today a bad day?
Not good.
She's a nice lady, but she confuses me drastically.
So it was REVIEW DAY....stuff I already learned. Yeah, she made it seem like I had never before seen numbers in my life.
Test tomorrow.
That should be interesting.
During band we got new music for the concert we have in like...3 weeks. Hmmm.
Mr. Knihtila gave us candy though....that was neat.
So I finally figured out what Chocolate's middle name is. I've been asking him for about a week, but he wouldn't tell me. I just started calling him Chocolate Hank.
Mr. Knihtila posted grades the other day, so I figured I'd just look on the sheet rather than badger him about it.
Now I know why he wouldn't tell me. He turned red anddenied it being his name, but it was on the paper.
It's a neat name, but it doesn't exactly "mesh" with his first name.
So J-J is getting a French horn to take home. That pisses me off...considering I'm first chair and I don't even have one.
I slammed my hand in my French horn case. Well, I guess saying it like that is misleading. A chunk of skin got caught in one of the latches and the latch closed on it.
It hurt so effing badly. It was like, jammed to the point I had to rip it out of the latch. Sick. I thought Pink Piggy was gonna puke when I started poking the huge blister I had on the palm of my hand...then it broke open and bled all over. It doesn't look that bad now which is cool.
I went up to get lunch and the lunch lady told me I couldn't eat. That's kinda odd considering I had like, $18 in my account last week.
I was pissed...I stormed away from the line.
HWSFRN saw me and dragged me across the lunch room and bought me lunch.
He reminded me that I bought him lunch last year and he never paid me back.
He really can be a nice guy.
So I walked into work today and somebody came running through the front door screaming "Somebody call 911!"
A pedestrian was hit by a car while she was crossing the street. Skizzle and Garbage Can came in (their car was directly behind the ambulance in the middle of the road) and told me about the accident.
I know both the driver and the victim.
Let's call the driver Blue Car...
I guess she was turning onto the highway and didn't see Mrs. Skotzke crossing the street. Mrs. Skotzke was laying on the side of the road shaking and crying when the ambulance got there.
This old lady in the store didn't think it was a "big deal" she was hit. Her opinion was that it wasn't a child, so what did it matter?
It's not like she has four (?) kids or anything....
Please pray for her tonignt!
Saturday, September 30, 2006
A fool for love
Where do I start?
So pretty much half the soccer team is suspended for three games (oh wait, they're playing Tuesday...that's only two!) for breaking the athletic code and drinking.
I went to the game Thursday to show my support. I was pretty much losing my voice by halftime. No joke.
I also got in a verbal fight with a football player. I won. Why? Because his comeback to me "Oh, I'm sorry, you don't know what points on a scoreboard look like do you? I forgot, you play football," comment was "I know what points are."
Chalk that up to another reason I'm a bitch.
Anyway, I was rooting for Betty, HWSFRN, and Whelk Boy. Yes, I said it, Whelk Boy. He may be the ex-boyfriend I don't get along with, but he did score the only goal for our team. I tried to give him a compliment at the bonfire and he spit a sunflower seed at me.
So I pretty much raped Beaver several times at the bonfire. I even stole his belt.
I also stole Chocolate's battery. I made him give me a hug for it.
Hmmm. Chocolate. I like him.
He wouldn't give me a hug at first, and I was all like, "Cause your girlfriend's here?"
I guess they broke up or something.
Then I pretty much was all over him the entire night. Literally.
Then of course I accidentally hit him in the face.
Not good.
I cannot type right now, and I can only be on for another 32 minutes, so all typos I am going to not delete and you have to deal with it, okay?
Sat between Pink Piggy and Random Freshman. Not good. He's competitive.
For once the bandgeeks were able to eat FIRST. Okay, so usually the school runs out of food on one side or w/e, so the people in first lunch get to eat as much as they want, but we don't.
There were so many slackers (first lunchers) bitching. It was hilarious.
We a few sophomores, juniors, and seniors gathered around in the hall playing pepband music. Fun.
We walked to the bus garage. It was raining. I don't even know how long we were in there for. I was torn between flirting with Chocolate and Random Freshman.
In the end, Random Freshman said "Oh, I see you like Chocolate now." I had a mini-bitch fit. I gave him the finger. Then I told him he didn't know what he was talking about....and he said something along the lines of "I'm sorry, you have the right to flirt with people...you're single."
Damn straight.
I so I pretty much jumped from group to group conversing with people. Man-pretty was there. It rocked.
I gave Chocolate about a bazillion hugs.
I also started about 16 fights.
Seriously, if you walked past me at the game, chances are I asked you if you wanted to fight.
So I don't know football. There were a few times I had to lean over and ask RF what was going on. I'm glad I have a friend who used to play football.
Field show went decently. I guess.
The score was 30 to 26...we were losing. Three seconds left in the game and we had the ball. We scored the very last second.
Refs didn't count it. They claimed it was too late...they NEVER blew the end whistle.
I held my English teacher's baby. He cried.
So I sat there for an hour and a half with Random Freshman. I knew he was looking at her. He kept saying things about her to me.
Okay, so I understand he likes her...but does he REALLY have to rub it in my face?
Seriously, he acts like he's the only person in the world who likes someone who likes someone else.
Every time he tells me he "still has a chance," I just think I'm glad one of us does.
Screw that.
To be honest with you, I like her. She was in the running for my Freshman of the Year award.
I also like Sister-Sister. He's awesome.
So here is my problem as I see it. Or as I can type it in 19 minutes.
I like RF, but I don't want to. He has his own dealios with 456/654 and whatnot. He's such a nice guy when he's not depressing himself over her.
I really like Chocolate. I was looking in his eyes and I can't even tell what color they are. Maybe they're green...maybe they're brown. Who knows?
He's so funny.
He barely talks, but when he does it's awesome.
I've also gotten in his pants...
(oh, I also got in J-J's pants before the parade...when Chocolate walked by, he had to make sure that I wasn't wearing HIS pants...again.)
Sound kinda bad?
Here's where it gets worse.
So Pink Piggy and I were escaping the madness of the sports crap yesterday before lunch. We went to the bandroom. HWSFRN was there.
Is this getting predictable?
We all went through pepband music making notes of which we should convince Mr. Knihtila to let us play...in the end we (I), left an anonymous note taped to his chair.
So He Who Shall Forever Remain Nameless escaped to practice room with the piano. Pink Piggy went to go do something, and I sat there watching HWSFRN poking various piano keys.
He started singing.
I don't know why, but I just couldn't stop watching him.
He looked over, and I ducked. Pink Piggy saw and giggled heartily.
He went back to playing and singing. Needless to say, it happened a second time.
The third time he just stared ahead and said, "I know you're there."
What does he do? He turned off the lights to "sneak up on me."
Somehow I ended up in the practice room with him. I was sitting on the floor and he was on the piano bench. He just started talking nonsense. I just watched. After a few minutes, I saw Pink Piggy out of the corner of my eye...a little while later he was all like, "Get in here!"
So Pink Piggy and I sat on the floor listening to HWSFRN's stories.
If you've never heard his stories, you're missing out.
I don't like him, but I do.
I don't know how to explain my thought process.
Beaver said something about how there's a history, and that's why I get like this. Some history...spanning back from 6th grade when he first started calling me a fat whore.
I know HWSFRN isn't a big deal...I'll probably not feel like this in a couple days.
However, I still like Random Freshman....and Chocolate.
I really like Chocolate.
The fact of the matter is, I don't even have a chance with either of them.
I doubt I'll be turning into 456/654 anytime soon, so I can say goodbye to Random Freshman.
But Chocolate hates me. I can't even count how many times he calles me crazy in a single day. Then there's the fact he literally RUNS away from me.
And he can run....stupid cross country.
I think I'm going to try to spend more time with Chocolate rather than Random Freshman.
No joke.