"We'll never be as young as we are right now." --Jim Steinman

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Oh wow

So HWSFRN seriously being a jerk face to all his friends. No joke. It seems like he's treating everyone like shit---except it seems he's actually treating me nicer than he usually does.
Then again, I do listen to his heinously long stories.

Anyway. So during band today we were watching a movie. I went over to him and gave him his Christmas present. I went over and hid between Tall Creepy Guy and Locker Buddy to watch the reaction on his face.

It was priceless.
....I bought him sexual enhancement pills.

I gave him his real present (heinously cheesey kung fu movies and a couple keychains), and I'm pretty sure he was in shock. He said something about displaying the pills on his dresser or something...Idk.

Then I went back to sit down.

NEVER in my life did I think I would hear the words "Give me a hug" come out of HWSFRN's mouth hole. No joke.
I thought he was kidding. He wasn't.

It wasn't even awkard or anything. It was long, though. Seriously, it was like a good 5 seconds.

Peanuts saw and all during lunch she kept saying really lame things like how cute it was.


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