"We'll never be as young as we are right now." --Jim Steinman

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Well that's stupid

So I was trying to eat lunch yesterday.
Didn't really work.
Random Freshman wouldn't shut up about 456/654. Grandpa-Stick, Ertz, and I just talked about stuff and he would just pop up and say something stupid.

He wanted to know if she was dating anyone, but he couldn't ask for fear of "creepiness". Hmmm....
To shut him up, I suggested he ask someone else to ask her.


So stalkerboy kept asking me what I was going to say to her and not to mention his name.
I just asked Beaver what was going on and then told Random Freshman to just ask the girl out already.
Doubt he'll do it.

Yeah, so the question of the week is what do a pimp, a ho, Barbie, Ken, Jenna Jameson, Random Freshman, and a cranky hobo all have in common? They're all going to California.

Yeah, so people always say really lame, obvious things to "Bring to California." I would rather bring something creative and fun. Like a cranky hobo, an illegal immigrant, and duct tape. I still can't believe President Poseur suggest a porn star. I still can't believe I knew who he was talking about....stupid Vh1.

Yeah, so a certain somebody who "claims" to know a whole LOT about music made an ass of himself the other day.
He was all like, "Yeah so there's this new song I heard by *insert band name I had never heard of and can't currently remember*." So he just kept going on about the basic premise of the song.
I freaked him out when I started singing the end of it.

Too bad it isn't sung by *band I don't know*.
And it's NOT new....try circa 1977.

I thought EVERYONE knew Meat Loaf sings "Paradise by the Dashboard Light."
Apparently not.

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