"We'll never be as young as we are right now." --Jim Steinman

Friday, October 14, 2005

Utter confusion

Man-pretty asked if I would take him back.
He said he never should have broken up with me because since he has, he's been thinking about how much he loves me.
We were talking about second chances, and he understands if I decide he doesn't deserve one.
I believe he deserves one, but I'm scared to give him another one.
He truly believes that if he doesn't mess up again, he and I will be together forever....


think tank said...

oh, my dear. hmm...Jessica gave Stephen a second chance, and a third, and now they're madly in love and will probably get married. But they are also 3 years older than you, and a year older than MP. I think it's too early to talk about being "together forever." Tell him I said that. I am older than him also.

Cassius said...

I personally think that age has no effect on the wisdomosity of this, if thats even a word. I think it's all about how much exp. you have. Generally, experience does come with age, but thats been proven wrong far too many times.

I think that at this point, we shouldn't be guessing what man-pretty is thinking, or what could happen("forever"). I think it all lies in the decsision of whether or not mari is ready to do this, seeing as man-pretty talked about the furthest step. Is he desperate, or truely loving mary? But then again, thats trying to figure out what he's thinking.

Mary, I personally think you should just go for it. You have nothing to lose right now, that is, until you have it so you have something to lose, and that could be a great boyfriend. But if it goes shitty, you have something to lose again, but this time you would want to lose it, and thats a shitty sex-wanting creep. Go for it, you have nothing to lose.

think tank said...

I think I'll flex a bit of seniority muscle and spar with Beaver.

Age has a hell of a lot to do with wisdom.

I have seen my friends be forgiven and just go and break another heart. I have a friend, David, who cheats on all of his girlfriends.
Now, MP is getting older. I can relate to his shoes, being a senior in high school and wanting to make some major decisions and find somebody to be with and to be happy. But, he could just be saying out of a desire to 'capture the moment' and try to have a sense of happiness, and once he realizes he wants something else in life, he would dump Lemons like a cold sack of s$%t. There are many possibilities. Don't even get me to analyzing every one of them. I think too much.

Lemons said...

If he wants me back as much as he claims, he's going to have to pursue me. It's up to him.

Cassius said...

Hmmmm, meh. you took away from my staying away, but you made a fair point. and mary, he is pursueing you

think tank said...

And as The Used sang, "and if you want me back, you're gonna have to ask nicer than that."

Mary, next time we talk, I will prove to you the full depth of my analytical powers. We'll slice this thing up until there is nothing left.

Cassius said...

Thats what The Used said. And, in all seriousness, isnt MP being really really nice to Mary ANYWAYS. and im going to spar some more.

Age does have an effect on someones decisions, like you said with MP, he wants someone to be with. But that doesnt say a thing about the wisdomosity of anything. Age brings emotion, not wisdom. Thats what expierence is for.

Mary, if i were you, and I read all this, I'd be utterly confused. So im going to stop here, and i dearly wish that both beths and mr conformistmachinepeople, aka ben, does too. This is your descision. Im sure as hell done influencing it. And please, dont slice this up. We've done it enough. Thats the last thing, I think, Mary needs. Although this is a huge sit., it's only because we're making it one.