We'll start off the story from last year. She was having a party and told me I was invited. I was excited beyond all reason until one day I overheard (she said it rather loud...I'm pretty sure she WANTED me to hear it) her telling someone she could only invite so many people. Okay, no big deal.
This year, we are closer than ever; infact, I consider her one of my best friends. Well, she once again invited me a party claiming that I would be the life of the party and the entertainment. Earlier today she told me that her parents were no longer allowing her to have such a party. Well, here's a hint for you--
When you lie to your "best friend" about the party they're not invited to, make sure that you don't make out the guest list while she is sitting next to you. Oh, and if she asks what you're doing, don't start up some shit about what she's wearing.
Okay, so I was upset about that today. Then of course we had out first dance practice--it sucked. I wanted to cry. I don't have my new jazz shoes yet, so I had to dance in my socks which meant falling down repeatedly. New York was showing me some moves which I pretty much caught on to quite quickly. Then of course Jelly Bean was showing me some stuff. Jelly Bean is awesome, but she's been dancing forever, so she expects everyone to catch on as fast as she does. Yeah, that wasn't exactly happening, so I just faked it and then asked Roll Around to help me. She offered to help me before practice tomorrow as well. Besides that, I think I'm decent at our routine so far.
Then of course there's the fact that tomorrow practice will be pure crap. Why? Oh, because three people skipped out on practice today, so when they show up at least one of them will demand special attention while the rest of the people mope around. In my opinion (along with the rest of the team), Perfection is the only one who has a legitimate reason for not showing; no one could get a hold of her to let her know we had practice. Red decided to go trick-or-treating, but she catches on fast, so she'll be able to get the dance all good and all that crazz (I promised Shop Buddy I'd use his new word--mixture of "crap" and "jazz"). Ultimatum didn't show up either. I figure she of all people should have come to the first practice considering the fact she told Coach Patty that if she didn't dance varsity she didn't dance at all.
I'm very sad. Someone should really cheer me up--PLEASE!!! When I came home my mom yelled at me for something stupid to the point where I wanted to cry. Then she yelled at me again, so I did cry. Yeah, she yelled again.
Hater moved in across the street, so we're waving to each other. He's hilarious. He was being a major distraction to me during contem. lit. that I went to the IMC to type my paper--HE FOLLOWED ME!!! Needless to say, I did not get my whole paper finished.
On a good note, here are the shoes I have to get for dance if I make varsity. Only the red stripes will be white so we all match.
If I don't make varsity, these are what I'm going to get. Just to spite Coach Patty. Well, not really because if we're not on varsity we can get whatever went 'cause we don't have to match.

remember, when life gives you Lemons, make lemonade? Even if the lemonade doesn't taste good.
lol. Wonderful thought. Although in my family we say "If life gives you Lemons, cut them up into small pieces and squeeze them into your enemy's eyes."
Difference of opinion I guess.
Haha, that's great. I love you too Dora!
ok mari if you are talking about me in that first paragraph i am really pissed. first let me tell you something. i am not having any parties and i tell you everything. you are one of my best friends. i would never try to hurt your feelings. if this is not about me i feel like an ass. but i had to get that out there. just so u no that i would never intentionally hurt you or anyone for that matter. i luv ya Tash
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