"We'll never be as young as we are right now." --Jim Steinman

Monday, October 31, 2005

Today sucked and tomorrow shall be a whole lot worse

One of my best friends claims to read my blog, but I know for a fact that she doesn't. On the off chance that I just so happen to be wrong, I will wait and see if she actually reads this and says anything to me about it.
We'll start off the story from last year. She was having a party and told me I was invited. I was excited beyond all reason until one day I overheard (she said it rather loud...I'm pretty sure she WANTED me to hear it) her telling someone she could only invite so many people. Okay, no big deal.
This year, we are closer than ever; infact, I consider her one of my best friends. Well, she once again invited me a party claiming that I would be the life of the party and the entertainment. Earlier today she told me that her parents were no longer allowing her to have such a party. Well, here's a hint for you--
When you lie to your "best friend" about the party they're not invited to, make sure that you don't make out the guest list while she is sitting next to you. Oh, and if she asks what you're doing, don't start up some shit about what she's wearing.

Okay, so I was upset about that today. Then of course we had out first dance practice--it sucked. I wanted to cry. I don't have my new jazz shoes yet, so I had to dance in my socks which meant falling down repeatedly. New York was showing me some moves which I pretty much caught on to quite quickly. Then of course Jelly Bean was showing me some stuff. Jelly Bean is awesome, but she's been dancing forever, so she expects everyone to catch on as fast as she does. Yeah, that wasn't exactly happening, so I just faked it and then asked Roll Around to help me. She offered to help me before practice tomorrow as well. Besides that, I think I'm decent at our routine so far.
Then of course there's the fact that tomorrow practice will be pure crap. Why? Oh, because three people skipped out on practice today, so when they show up at least one of them will demand special attention while the rest of the people mope around. In my opinion (along with the rest of the team), Perfection is the only one who has a legitimate reason for not showing; no one could get a hold of her to let her know we had practice. Red decided to go trick-or-treating, but she catches on fast, so she'll be able to get the dance all good and all that crazz (I promised Shop Buddy I'd use his new word--mixture of "crap" and "jazz"). Ultimatum didn't show up either. I figure she of all people should have come to the first practice considering the fact she told Coach Patty that if she didn't dance varsity she didn't dance at all.

I'm very sad. Someone should really cheer me up--PLEASE!!! When I came home my mom yelled at me for something stupid to the point where I wanted to cry. Then she yelled at me again, so I did cry. Yeah, she yelled again.
Hater moved in across the street, so we're waving to each other. He's hilarious. He was being a major distraction to me during contem. lit. that I went to the IMC to type my paper--HE FOLLOWED ME!!! Needless to say, I did not get my whole paper finished.

On a good note, here are the shoes I have to get for dance if I make varsity. Only the red stripes will be white so we all match.

If I don't make varsity, these are what I'm going to get. Just to spite Coach Patty. Well, not really because if we're not on varsity we can get whatever went 'cause we don't have to match.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

The past few days

A lot has happened in the past few days, but I have been far too tired to come online. Honestly, the other night I went to sleep at 7:30.
Anyway, I scared the crap out of Man-pretty. I beat the crap out of him. Okay, so I was play-punching him while he stared at me. I guess he expected me to be pissed off at him and never talk to him again, but I was acting like normal and being all cool (like I always am).

Haha, it takes a whole lot to get me pissed off--unless of course your name is Beaver and you leave for Colorado and don't tell me, make me think you're unbelievably sick, and then have everyone in the world know you're out of state besides me. That would really piss me off. Okay, so maybe it wouldn't exactly piss me off, but it would make me sad to know that I had no clue one of my friends was going to be gone for an entire freaking week when everyone else knew where he/she was.

Anyway........we have our first dance team practice Monday!!! The bad news is that next week is going to be sheer crap. Coach Patty wants to watch us bust our butts for places on varsity instead of holding tryouts. We only have ten girls, but only a maximum of eight can be on varsity. Fun fun. That means I have a less than a week to perfect my toe-touches, splits, kicks, and pyroettes (spelling...?...it's French...so that's nothin' close), and whatever New York and Brooklyn come up for us...probably Jelly Bean (now known as Jack as of this afternoon).

My dad took me out driving again tonight and five deer and one llama almost ran out infront of me....within a mile of our house. I love that llama. My dad couldn't stop laughing when I pulled over, rolled down the window, and then started doing the llama hand thing. Does anyone else remember the llama hand thing?

I witnessed the most disguesting thing the other day. Alright, so someone told G-string that if he ate a tube of chapstick he'd get a dollar. Yeah, I sit two down from him in band...he ate it, squished it in his mouth, read the tube, and then spit it out on the floor. The trumpet section and the French horns all ewwed and had to explain to the rest of the band what happened.
The funny part? G-string is the guy who stood me up for the middle school formal thing in 8th grade. It is quite sad to realize that I was stood up by a guy who would willingly eat an entire tube of chapstick....and in the end he didn't even get a dollar. Will someone please remind me what I saw in him?

Pink Piggy was telling me how "alike" Man-pretty and HWSFRN are. I still don't see it. I mean, they both are tall beyond all reason, have brown hair, and play guitar. I could name off countless other guys who also fit that description. It kinda bothers me how they're ALWAYS together. Seriously. Face Paint said that I should avoid a trilogy of not cool guys, but I have a feeling HWSFRN will complete the trilogy.

Mr. Peterson completely made my day and then crushed it. I walked into chemistry and he was like, "...Story for the day--You all know a Mr. Man-pretty, correct? Well let me tell you how much of an idiot he is......" Greatest story I have ever heard. Then of course everyone was talking so he told everyone to get up and stand next to someone they hate. I had a line next to me. HWSFRN, ZC, and Kookie all claimed to hate me more than the others, but in the end ZC won. Yeah, he and I got into a "You're stupid/You smell" argument. Well, in his defense, he doesn't "smell," but he had WAY too much cologne on.

Yeah, I probably won't be able to post again until Sunday or Monday, so savor this one!

Monday, October 24, 2005

Haha, what a great day

I had some really weird dreams last night. Of course they were all weird in a good way (except part of one that set me off in hysterics during chem today). There were like, three guys in my dream and they're call cute, so it rocked. lol
I won't go into detail about it a whole lot, but the three guys were Cake (yeah, I feel bad considering Cake is Man-pretty's best friend), Mr. Peterson (kinky midget having dreams about her chemistry teacher), and Face Paint (that one was priceless).
Needless to repeat myself, the day started off good.

The Fool found out that one of the babies his wife is carrying just so happens to be a girl--hmm, seems like my hypothesis of twin girls is lookin' pretty good...he's pissed because he wanted boys. I drew him a picture (during one of his boring lectures) of his estrogen filled house.
I need to like stop worrying about all my tests and stuff. The chemistry exam we took on Friday absolutely terrified me, but Mr. Peterson passed them back and I had a 94%...again.
Yeah, Shop Buddy asked what my score was and then didn't talk to me for an hour. Teeth Kick melted the bottom out of a test tube today. Glue, Moshpit, and I were all sharing a table with him and Hallway when all of a sudden the tube expanded and dropped CuCo3 into the Bunsen burner which caused some whicked awesome green flames. Great times.

My dad took me to get my temps today--enough said right there!

Oh, and I forgot to mention that I saw Water Bottle the other day. I had forgotten how cocky he is. I wonder if he is taking any sort of English classes. I'll clarify that lame joke for those of you who don't get it.
Water Bottle was a senior last year who sat next to me during FRESHMEN English. It was really sad because he almost failed it a second time because of the whole water bottle incident. Gosh, I loved it when Mollman always yelled at him for flirting with the freshmen girls.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Which one of these is none like the others

My family is very odd. Yeah, everyone says that about their own families, but if there are any other families that come even remotely close to mine I'd be surprised. First off, they are all blonde (no offense to blondes, but they like to fit the stereotype quite well). Secondly, none of them (the ones of age) have not gone to college but rather work in factories.
I'm not trying to badmouth my family, but I do not fit in. I am the only brunette and am "the smart one." My 13-year old cousin has had more boyfriends than I ever intend to have--much like my other cousins. I am the only one who is currently not attached to a guy, so I caught hell for that one.
I walked through the door with my "I Love Dorks" shirt on and everyone was like, "Haha, that's so true!"
I seriously think that when I am with my family I get dumber. I accidentally stuck myself with a safety pin and it bled all over the place. My youngest cousin, who I slightly despise, had to grab my bleeding finger so she could look at it.
That's another thing, this 11-year old girl has to be the constant center of attention. You think I'm kidding? No one said anything to her in about a minute because my aunt was telling us how someone had died; well, Spoiled had to start screaming about how she didn't understand why no one bought her anything during the trip to the store.
She also made me watch the stupid Glade thing puff for like three minutes--do you have any idea how many times one of those things can puff in three minutes???
I feel bad admitting it, but I do have a favorite cousin. Although, she did kinda save me from drowning, so I guess she has right to be my Life Saver. The conversation throughout the house rarely left the topic of sex. I, being one of the only virgins in the room, kept out of it until Life Saver told me that if I make it to my 17th birthday she'll give me $20.
Hmmm....with her giving me $20 and Marenisco and my bet of $5 it seems that I could make a lot of money with this whole virgin thing. lol.

I'm so excited--I get to leave school early to get my temps that I was supposed to get a month ago!
I guess I will leave you all with some lyrics of...you guessed it, Franz Ferdinand. No, I am not obsessed, I bought the CD and am happy (plus I cannot find a couple of my Meat Loaf CDs which angers me to a great extent).

"You Could Have it so Much Better"

The last message you sent
Said I looked really down
That I oughtta come over
And talk about it
Well I wasn't down
I just wasn't smiling at you
As I look at us now it seems

That your slapping my back
as if it's all alright
but it's not

I'm trying to get up
But you're pushing me down
Yeah you're pushing me down
So I'll get on my own

Now there's some grinning goon
On my TV screen
Telling us all that
It's alright because
She wears this and
He said that and
If you get some of these
It'll all be alright
Yeah if you get some of these
It'll all be alright
Well I refuse
To be a cynical goon
Passing the masses
An easy answer
Because it won't be alright
Oh no it won't be alright
It won't be alright
Unless you get up
Come on and get up

Well I'm just a voice in your earpiece
Telling you no
It's not alright
You know you could have it so much better
You could have it so much better
If you tried

Saturday, October 22, 2005

What's with all the ****ing penguins?!?!

Marenisco is in town, so she and I went to the movies. I was afraid we were going to get kicked out. The only thing playing was March of the Penguins which meant A LOT of little kids.
We didn't really watch the movie; we just talked a whole lot.
She talked a lot about guys, and I just nodded along with her. I told her that I plan on staying a virgin until I get married--she doesn't believe me. She bet me $5 that I'll get it on with some dude before then. We both had a big laugh over that one.

I get to go to my cousins' house tomorrow and carve pumpkins. This should be fun.
Today, however, wasn't that great. I had to clean my room and it took forever. I somehow got rid of 8 pairs of shoes without crying. *Sigh* I love my shoes too much.

I'm so excited--Franz Ferdinand is the musical guest on SNL tonight! Gosh, I'm such a Franz Freak. I was staring at my poster I have over my bed of all the guys standing all weird like. This year, if I make it to state, I will have to stop at that specialty poster store and get another one.
Haha...I'm just rambling on. I should really learn how to stop that.

"Having sex at ninety is like playing pool with a rope" Gosh, Face Paint, where do you hear these things? lol, they're great! Almost reminds me of "Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity."

A quick thought before I leave...

I'm about to leave for the movies, so I'll keep it all brief. I have a hot date tonight! Unfortunately it is with Marenisco....that is okay. She and I should have tons of fun. She called me yesterday and was like, "I'll be there in an hour!" Happy happy!

"Having sex at ninety is like playing pool with a rope." Face Paint, where do you hear these things at? lol. Great.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Whoa--take a step back there fool!

I very politely talked to Man-pretty today. He looked really bad. I was waiting in line at lunch and he stepped up behind me. Mrs. Mollman was infront of me, so I had someone to protect me.
Okay, so for those of you who do not know Mrs. Mollman, she is the coolest teacher ever. She's like, not just a teacher but one of my best friends. I'll walk into her class just to talk to her and goof around.
She and I were talking when Man-pretty just started talking to me. She just stood there and smiled as he told me about his singing.
During contemporary literature I told her about what was going on between the two of us and she was amazed. "But he was hitting on you and flirting with you pretty heavily during lunch!!!"
I just started laughing and was like, "Really?"

I think J-J is stalking me now. It was funny because no matter where I went today he was there. Oh, we had to sign up for Solo & Ensemble today and we're doing a duet again! Haha, I'm so excited--I really hope it goes better than the last time we did one together........okay, so that one wasn't so bad, but it could have been better.

I assume that you all have seen Bring it On. Well, there was a part when Torance or whatever was cheering and she kept looking at the guy in the stands and what not. Then of course that one chick (Whitney?) came up and was like, "You were having 'cheer sex' with him!"
Well, the same kinda thing happened to me today. Okay, not really. The situation just reminded me of that movie.
I've NEVER ONCE talked to this guy in my life, but he was sitting at the computer across me and we kept looking at each other. I kept catching him looking at me and then looking away. I have to reemphasize the fact that I have never talked to this guy before. At the begining of the year I found out what his name was because someone asked me if I had seen him and then pointed out who he was.
I won't give any clue to who he is except for the fact that he is a senior.
It's like, nothing really big. Except for the fact that I had a guy looking at me when I felt like complete and utter poo---made me feel REALLY good.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

The convo we had about 10 minutes ago

Man-pretty says:
I'm not sure that I was thinking with my head or my heart

Man-pretty says:
and I think you're right, things are just to confussing right now. I'm sorry if I got your hopes up
Lemons says:
so you're taking back the offer?
Lemons says:
or whatever
Man-pretty says:
Lemons says:
Man-pretty says:
Man-pretty says:
I shoulda thought this out a bit more
Lemons says:
Man-pretty says:
Lemons says:

Man-pretty is now status is now "offline"

Well, I guess I TECHNIQUALLY talked to him...

I walked into school today and Victim came running up to me--usually not a good sign. She has taken it upon herself to sort out the whole Man-pretty relationship dealio....then again I guess she does have a part in it considering the fact that she introduced us and then asked him out for me like six times (all of which I was unaware of until recently). Anyway, back to the story.....
She said that she told him to meet me in the library, then she said that we were supposed to meet in the commons due to the staff meeting. Well, I went into the commons to find him amid a large group of senior guys all playing cards. I went up to one of the poles and leaned against it until I realized it had been the one Beaver mounted at the Homecoming dance. Well, I went and sat next him as the cards were being put away. Obviously small talk was to precede the whole "relationship talk," but right as we were leaving that conversation territory the worst scenario occured. You could imagine all the stupid/not cool things that could have happened, but no one could have predicted what actually went down at the first table of the midle row in the PHS commons.
I had no problem discussing some of the issues I had on my mind infront of people I don't know, but when He Who Shall Forever Remain Nameless approached the table I knew nothing of importance would be lifted from my mind. I just sat there as the two discussed Man-pretty's new shirt. The bell rang, I mumbled "see ya," and took off for The Fool's room. I opened my locker, stared in the mirror, and came to the conclusion that he doesn't seem to want this as badly as he claimed to have a week ago--yes fools, it has been a week. I scurried through the near empty halls as a few tears fell from my eyes as thoughts of how I was fine (slightly damaged, but okay all around) before he brought up the possibility of a second chance. Now everything seems to be falling apart. Oddly enough, the only thing in my life that remains intact are my grades.
I know that he had no control over HWSFRN's arrival, but throughout the day I tried to seclude myself when he was around just incase he might approach me--which he did not. I'm going to try again tomorrow.......I really shouldn't be the one chasing after him.
During first block, I wasn't exactly in the best of moods. However, I cheered up when we had to correct papers. Yeah, doesn't sound like much, but The Fool gets off topic fairly easily, so I spent half an hour drawing Pacman and Halloween scenes all over Swiss Cheese's paper. She laughed when I handed it back to her.....
I felt like such a nerd when we had to watch a video. Well, first off, everyone was all like, "Mr. Z, the tape is jumpy!" Of course I, being the geek that I am, announced that the tracking was off. The Fool, being foolish (DURRR), coulding find the "tracking" button on the remote (to top it all off he had the DVD player remote instead of the VCR one....). I had to show off my dorkosity (I have now called myself a nerd, geek, and a dork in one paragraph) and push the right combo. of buttons to fix the stupid thing.

We had pepband tonight--which was SUPPOSED to be the high point of my day! Well, Kr!st was acting really bizarre. I found J-J (my future husband...I'll get into that one later) and he and I think that she might have been a little intoxicated......
I'm not sure if I have been acting as J-J's mother or future wife for the past couple of days. Today, for example, I supplied him with valve oil and alphabatized his music for him. Then of course between songs I couldn't stop laughing because I could see my reflection in his glasses. I declared my love for him and gave him a hug. Yeah, even though I was joking, I still don't think he heard me because he started ranting about how much of a stud he is. Sometimes I love that guy. Not many people know this story, but last year some time I had been walking home with him when he gave me some very exciting news. I can't recall exactly what he had informed me of, but it made me happy enough to just lean over and kiss him on the cheek. It didn't even phase him. The other guy we were walking with, however, thought it was so funny that J-J got "action" from an older girl.

Uggghh, I'm still upset about the whole Man-pretty thing, but it wasn't his fault. We'll see how tomorrow goes.....so no driving to Wisconsin for Face Paint!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

I accidentally bootlicked Batman's Bitch!

Okay, so Hater of All Humanity (let's just call him "Hater" decided he was going to grab my foot and bring it as far up as he could. Yeah, then he asked, "Oh, you're flexible, this isn't fun anymore." Somehow during all that I accidentally kicked Batman's Bitch. He went running around saying that he had been bootlicked. Great times.

I went to find Man-pretty this morning in his homeroom. I was so pissed because I couldn't find him! Yeah, so I didn't talk to me--which earned me a slap from Beaver--I deserved it though.

I brought two shirts to school for Shop Buddy. One was pink with Spongebob and the other was BRIGHT pink with Hello Kitty. He wanted the Hello Kitty one...
He wore it all day and looked freaking hilarious in it!

Kookie kept calling me a nerd today because I'm reading The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. I guess HWSFRN said that I am the only chick he knows who he's seen with a copy. Oh, and then of course ZC told Kookie that all the emotional damage he inflicts upon me daily causes me to go home and cry. Kookie actually felt really bad after that and asked if he ever REALLY hurt my feelings. Yeah right, I know he's always joking!

Okay, so I was crusin' the school's homepage today and found that our soccer team is so kickass that they have their own site! Although it doesn't surprise me considering the fact that the coach is one of the Techies. Yeah, I was scannin' some of the pictures all up on it as well.......

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Accept the chumposity that is your destiny, fool!

I don't think I've seen Victim laugh so hard in a LONG time. Yeah, well I screamed the post title to Leg Hump because he said I was bein' an idiot for telling him to "Back out of my Kool-aid." I'm not even kidding, he was all up in my Tang. lol. I need to stop. He deserved it though--he was mocking my non-matching shoes!
I'm not really sure why, but today people kept noticing that I was wearing two different shoes--it's NOT the first time I've done it.....

Okay, so tomorrow Shop Buddy might be wearing my hot pink Hello Kitty shirt......he has to be in a yearbook picture (for yearbook staff) and they all decided to wear pink shirts. For some reason he didn't want to ask his sister for clothes, but I was fine! The funny part was he SPECIFICALLY asked if I had Hello Kitty.....

Yeah, I walked into contemporary literature and my name was on the board for "being naughty." Odd. I don't think I've had that since like, the third grade. Mollman was gone today, so she made a list of "students who might get out of control." Duck was our substitute, so it was okay--he likes me. Unfortunately for Batman's Bitch, he was in trouble before he actually did anything. Mollman left a note that said he was to be separated from the class as soon as it started. He was uber pissed.

I still haven't talked to Man-pretty about getting back together yet. I gave Beaver permission to slap me if I don't do it by tomorrow...well maybe Thursday........

Monday, October 17, 2005

If Hillary Duff or Lindsay Lohan is cast as me.....

I believe that only Beaver was priviliged enough to hear my ranting and raving this afternoon. Although, I'm not sure how much attentin he was paying because he had his hands full with BBQ sauce.
Anyway, I recognized my life as a movie--a very bad teen drama. I was sitting in band convincing J-J that Concert C was G and played open when I glanced over his shoulder at Man-pretty, who had been looking at me but turned away. Throughout the period, we had this stupid thing where we'd look at each other and turn away. We both (I hope he was anyway) aware what was going on, which is lame.
If a movie even remotely resembling this situation was ever made, I would be willing to bet either Hillary Duff or Lindsay Lohan would be cast. If you know me you know how I react to those glutons.......

I told my mom that if Jo doesn't let us have a lock-in at the library, then I will be forced to invite Beaver over for a movie night and what not. She just stared at me.

I was so proud of myself today. I finished my second binder for contemporary literature! Yay for procrastination! I wrote nine papers in the past three days. Uggghh.

I used to be quite close to Shop Buddy's little sister but not so much anymore. She's a year younger than I am, so when I came into high school we didn't talk very much any more. I met Shop Buddy in shop (gasps all around) when he was the only one who'd sit next to me. I found that I much rather prefer his company. I walked home with...hmmm...she really needs a name....we shall call her Flower. Okay, but Flower and I walked home and half the time she just complained about how Shop Buddy has no style. Hmmm...then I quickly reviewed the articles of clothing he is most known for. Let's see, he has his cloud pants, his pink pants with the blue patch, the jeans that have random objects he found sewn onto them, his DirectTV jacket (which he wore today), and his shoes that have random scribbles across them. Plus there is his hair which totally rocks--HOW DARE SHE SAY HE HAS NO STYLE!!!
Idk...I'm just bitter when people diss their siblings because I would do anything to have a sibling. Yeah, I have two step-brother guys, but they're five and seven years older than I am.
Like Man-pretty for example, he claims that when his sister is home from college his parents forget they have a son. He also claims that when she is not there, they do not know where he is. Well, I have to be fair, I did call his house once and his mom didn't know if he was at work or not....turned out he was in his room for a solid three hours playing video games............

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Decisions, decisions, decisions

I have come to the conclusion that I will not make my decision about Man-pretty until we have a nice, long talk in person. I have some questions I want to ask him and feel that I cannot come up with the right choice until I have the answers.
For the past three nights I've been bombarded with memories of the times he and I spent together. I know that only 5% of high school relationships actually develop into happily lasting relationships, but that statistic doesn't help me in this decision.

He and I are currently discussion regret and fear. Very interesting conversation.
Sometimes I am absolutely blown away by how much he knows.

There is a guy, I won't mention his name, that surprised me last night. We had been discussing the whole sitauation with Man-pretty and he seemed kinda protective. I just want to thank him for that. I will take your advice into account when making my decision on this subject.

I have been looking for "messages" in songs lately. Lyrics just come screaming out at me now that I actually have a problem. Funny how that happens, isn't it? I'm currently listening to "I'd Do Anything For Love" by Meat Loaf (arent' I always listening to him?). It now seems to make a lot more sense than it did last week.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Utter confusion

Man-pretty asked if I would take him back.
He said he never should have broken up with me because since he has, he's been thinking about how much he loves me.
We were talking about second chances, and he understands if I decide he doesn't deserve one.
I believe he deserves one, but I'm scared to give him another one.
He truly believes that if he doesn't mess up again, he and I will be together forever....

Thursday, October 13, 2005

My angry makeup

I woke up today and figured I'd dress angry. I threw on my Tripp pants and my Ron Weasly T-shirt. Yeah, I knew I'd catch hell from Kookie for wearing it again, but whatever--the clothes were black and they worked.
Generally I wear very little makeup, but keeping in the theme of the day, I went for lots. I didn't put on any blush, outlined my eyelids in black, colored in gray, and used black eyeliner and mascara.
The funny part? I have never gotten so many compliments before. Peanuts and Locker Buddy said that I looked really pretty today and my makeup looked nice. Not exactly the look I was striving for, but it was nice.
I have come to the conclusion that I am not one who should wear black all the time. The guy from Jostens came today for our class rings. He looked at me kinda funny at first, but then I started to giggle like a fool. My personality doesn't fit the whole goth thing very well. lol.
Batman's Bitch was also sporting all black today, so we acted like idiots for about two minutes. Oh wait, after that we had a grunting match--he won.
Anyhow, I ordered my class ring today. It's going to be very pimp.
Peanuts "legally" changed my name to Lemons. You see, when she was five months old, she was making me (I'm her illegitimate daughter), but she forget to add the secret ingredient--LEMONS--that is why I am so small. Haha, I love contemp. lit.
Wanna know what other class I love? Chemistry. In Mr. Peterson's room, there are quite a few singe marks and holes in his ceiling. Well, there is also a bottle cap wedged in one of them as well, but he would never tell us how it got there until today. He whipped out a bunch of MRE packets and started grinding up the heating thinger. He put like three into a 2Liter bottle, put the cap on, and put it behind these shield things so no one would get hurt. Yeah, the bottle cap flew off and left a huge hole in the ceiling--the biggest hole he's ever made. He actually thought it went through the tile, however, it did not. He has this thing where he has to do an experiment/demonstration twice. Yeah, the second time he put the cap on too tightly, so the whole bottle exploded and shattered the shields he had up for our "safety." It was great because he just left all the pieces scattered on the floor so the detention kids could have something to do.
Pink Piggy and Victim were in the class next door and they were wondering what the loud explosion was. Haha, it was great!

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Glasses, Prostitution, Tootsie Rolls, and the spiffy Beaver

I'd like to start out by saying that Beaver is a woman. Omg, we should totally have a sleep over! lol.
Okay, so the comments from Face Paint about Man-pretty's glasses got me thinking. I have ALWAYS said that guys who wear glasses look better. However, today I have to make the ONE exception. I remembered that HWSFRN used to wear glasses. I walked up to him (while he was sitting of course) and looked in his eyes; I saw his contacts to prove my point. He honestly looks better with contacts--whoa, I never thought I would admit that about any guy!

I sold myself today. Okay, so maybe it's not exactly how it sounds, but Peanuts paid me a dollar not to eat lunch. She bought me for the lunch hour. I generally don't have time to eat in the mornings, so I just catch some lunch at school. Peanuts, however, was having problems with Pig Tails. Although they're not bad problems (he told her he loves her after two weeks of dating), but she still needed my wisdomosity. I of course told her the humiliating story of when I first told a guy I loved him. *shudder/cry*
So I didn't eat until 5:30 tonight.
I guess the theme of the day was Man-pretty being naked. Oh, it sounds like a joke but it's not. When I see someone's boxers or whatever sticking out of their pants I'm not afraid to tell them. Well, his were...No one else was in the room, so he told me he was just going to stop wearing pants all together. Oh, it gets better.....When I was at the library waiting for our meeting to start (yeah, I was there early...makes up for Beaver's tardiness) I was reading the newspaper. Well, I opened the stupid thing up and saw Man-prettty topless. Oh how I giggled. Then of course I was reminded of the fact that he's skinnier than I am. Sometimes I think he's unhealthy--he's 5'11" and 135 pounds--NOT NATURAL! Then of course I've seen him eat...he literally eats three times as much as I do!
Then of course I was going to get my temps today. I already took the stupid test like a month ago, but the DMV is only open one day a month, so I had to wait. Well, The Fool said I needed a birth certificate with a seal on it--the one I have HAS a seal on it. I guess not the right one because the lady at the DMV said I couldn't get my temps! You know, I probably wouldn't've been so upset if she would've been nice about it, but she was being a bitch.
Then of course Peanuts and Shop Buddy were there to top off the party.... It really pisses me off though. I took the test and passed the first time a month ago. There are people in my class who took the test like yesterday because they're not getting an A in the class, but they get their temps before I do even though I work harder.
So I'm really upset about that one.

We had another YAC meeting tonight. Beaver showed up (late as usual) in his FBLA threads. I'm really surprised that he tied his own tie considering the fact that last week I had to do it for him. Jo bought us a bag of Tootsie Rolls which lasted like a second. Then of course Dance Like a Fool was dancing like a fool swiveling back and forth. She, Finding Nimit, and I all ripped apart the candy bag. Haha, great fun. We finally decided how we're going to paint the Teen Center.

Yeah, I'm starting to think Dora is right. She said that I don't really have bad days, but when I do watch out. Today really sucked with the whole temps thing, but I guess it was okay. Except for the lack of sleep, lack of food, and crying too much. Oh, and the green stuff that was smeared across my face (still trying to figure that one out).

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Pictures from Homecoming

Today was pretty uneventful. Well, except for my band lesson and contemporary literature. I found out that I can play uber high now! During contemp. lit. I kinda fell asleep. I blame Mrs. Mollman for making us listen to that book on CD and turning out the lights--BAD MIXTURE!
Yeah, we had to write a paper on what the chapters had been about--somehow I heard enough to manage that one!

Haha, now for pictures!

The sophomore class float that placed second...sadly.

Random Freshman trying to hide from my camera--he didn't!

Victim staring off into space.

Pink Piggy pissed that I took her picture.

Beaver performing some sort of unmentionable acts on a pole.

Mo and Heels pimpin' it out Ninja/Ghetto style.

Beaver with some balloon he found at the game.

I'm not sure what's going on in this picture. Man-pretty is either having some sort of a seizure, or trying to sh*t his pants. I know he CANNOT possibly be dancing because people do not dance with their face. Joking--he's a good dancer (usually).

HWSFRN (trying to ignore me) and ZC sitting around at a D-A-N-C-E!

Man-pretty pretending he was on the phone. Seriously, I went to take a picture and he whipped out his phone to pose.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Beaver's spit on my forehead and HWSFRN's fascination with Penis

I have said it many times, and I probably will not stop voicing it. This school sucks. Today they had a sign out that said something about how due to expenses, the temperature in the building will have to be dropped. I know for a fact that for the past few years they have been dropping the temperature a degree or two to save some money, but they've never dropped it so much that they had to post it. The shit part of the deal is that students are not allowed to wear jackets to classes. There are some classes in PHS that are already beyond cold. Mr. Dural's class for example, I remember sitting in that class wearing sweatshirts and still shivering.

I'm losing my mind; I kid you not. You would not believe how many items I have lost, forgotten, or just been unaware of in the past few days.

Yeah, so I guess I should probably describe the post title--clarification is needed for those of you people (I've been told that quite a few people read this, but only a couple actually comment) who are not privileged enough to share a lunch with me.
Beaver decided he was going to get his spit all over my forehead. I think it had something to do with a gum wrapper and hitting me across the head.
The whole HWSFRN and Penis thing is quite funny. Let's start out by saying he has his imfamous calculator that has some games loaded into it. Well, I guess last year some time ZC renamed Tetris so it was called Penis. The part of the story that I witnessed is that HWSFRN just realized there was a game on his calculator called "Penis." Great times.
Yeah, HWSFRN shaved his head--or damn near close to it. I'm not sure if it's fitting or not.

I've decided that it was the right time to start calling Random Freshman by his rightful name (screw the name his parents gave him) in real life. There are actually a few people who actually answer to the names I have given to them! *evil giggle*
He, however, has made the request to be called "Dutch." I have to ponder this one a bit. Very rarely do I use a name that I, myself, did not come up with. I asked him if we could possibly make some sort of compromise with Random Dutch. His response was just to laugh and say he wasn't even Dutch.

I went to get my hair cut today (I'm sure HWSFRN will have something to say about it). I very mush dislike blow dryers and curling irons. To be honest with you, I hate them with a passion. Yet, for some reason when the chick who cuts my hair styles it while using both it always turns out really cute.
I also had my eybrows waxed, so they are now all red and puffy. Fun fun.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Yay for shopping!

My mom knows how many shoes I have. Yet for some reason she bought me yet another pair. They're really cute, black heels! I made an agreement with myself that in order to get the new ones, I have to get rid of three pairs. Very sad.
I got my pictures from Homecoming developed today as well. So far my pile of pics. to post is somewhere around 17. I'll probably skim it down a bit and post them on Tuesday. I have to admit, some of them turned out quite well.
I also bought the new Franz Ferdinand CD You Could Have it so Much Better. It's a whicked cool CD that you all should buy 'cause I said so. I'm currently teasing Man-pretty with it. He too is a Franz Ferdinand freak. I could be nice and burn it for him.......

A part of one of the songs reminds me of a conversation I had with a friend last night. I won't mention who it is, but they will know who they are. I'll post the best part of the song:

"Fade Together" by Franz Ferdinand

Once you have loved someone this much
You doubt it could fade
Despite how much you'd like it to
God how you'd like it to
You'd like it to fade

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Haha, I guess I had a date to Homecoming....

I screamed so hard during the pep rally that I was starting to lose my voice. It was hilarious the way Dirty Dave (who is not small) kept running around the gym getting people to do the wave. Someone should have seriously taken the microphone away from K-Teach. Yeah, she's the queen, but she's so ditzy. I still can't believe she said that stuff about her butt and chocolate! I love how the football team had the microphone taken away from them because the whole "...Crow was riding our asses during practice!" thing.

Yesterday freaking rocked. The parade was cool and stuff...except for the whole part when I had to march by HWSFRN. He kept telling me that I am a whore. Then of course Man-pretty was involved in it as well. I guess he kinda stuck up for me, but in a weird way by saying I was a "horrible whore."
We had to wear our pimped out marching uniforms and I LOVED it! I seriously think I'm the only one who likes how they look. Of course mine fit me properly unlike most others. The pants were either too short or the crotch was down the person's knees. Mine, however was fine except for the fact that it made a good push-up bra!

After the parade I "randomly" asked who was all going to the dance. Of course I "coincidentally" asked infront of Random Freshman. Somehow I told him I would teach him how to dance. Yeah, that was my way of getting Pink Piggy to actually come to the dance. It worked!

We had to be at the game and dressed by 6:30. I walked through Philly in my uniform, and you would not believe how many people looked at me. The whole field show went really well. I mostly hung out with Beaver and Pink Piggy. I was starting to get really freaked out when I walked up to Man-pretty, HWSFRN, and ZC. Yeah, ZC decided to be an ass and tell HWSFRN that I wanted him in the pants, hardcore, all night long. That one was interesting. To top it all off our football team lost 36-0. How sad is that? That's okay, I still had fun anyhow.

The dance was amusing. After the field show everyone took off their uniforms--except me of course. When we got to the school I took off the pants, but I left the jacket, ruffles, and cumberbun on. I am hereby the second biggest band geek ever! I managed to get a date while I was in line a the door. G-string and I pretended to be a couple to save $2. I think I spent the first 15 minutes of the dance pushing Man-pretty around. I was literally pushing him across the floor because his shoes had NO traction what-so-ever.
People were literally grinding on each other on the dance floor. It was disguesting. Oh wait, then there was the part of the dance when Random Freshman and I were reprimanded by Huftel! What were we doing, you might ask? We were sitting in the corner (two feet apart from each other) talking about how the DJ wasn't playing either of our requests. Of course I see why people should be stopped from doing such things--just wait a while so the couples fondaling each other can finish up with that. Our principal is an idiot.
So far I think the whole Random Freshman/Pink Piggy thing is going quite well. I'd start a conversation with him, include her, leave, and view from across the room as they continued talking.
Pink Piggy kinda got pissed at Man-pretty. He sid that he hates Eminem, and anyone who knows her well knows she's an Eminem freak. Hard to believe, isn't it? Then she said that people shouldn't break up with a person and then be all up on them at a dance. Yeah, both she and Victim think Man-pretty was flirting with me, but he was just being himself.
Of course I took pictures of it all, so I should probably be able to post those next week sometime.

Today kinda sucked. My mom's boyfriend dragged us on a "tour" through Loserville. All I thought about the entire time was how much I miss Dora. I remember always talking to her about how losery Loserville is.

Wow, look back and see how long it took me to describe a small fraction of yesterday. Now look at the small portion on today. lol, that's wonderful.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

The bonfire

Okay, so Beaver was right even before I knew he was. Gosh, Beaver, you're so full of wisdomosity.
HWSFRN and I were shoving each other quite a lot. He has now decided to call me a whore instead of a midget. I kinda pantsed him...he was wearing three layers, so it didn't do much.
Yeah, so I was kinda throwing myself at him a little bit. I'm not even sure if he was flirting back or just being a dick.
I accidentally dropped Beaver while I was trying to give him a piggy-back ride. Oops. Then of course Man-pretty gave him one...then gave me one. I wanted to say something about me stradaling him, but I didn't.


Beaver the stud and Lemons the pimp

I am hereby THE PIMP. Okay, maybe not, but I had Beaver on one side and G-string on the other.
Beaver, on the other hand is a stud. Seriously, I mean there had to be close to ten girls surrounding him (about half of which are his girlfriends so I hear ;)... )
Uggghh. So if you haven't already heard, I got a 94% on my chemistry exam!!! Mr. Peterson was passing them back today and he was like, "Excellent Sophomore." I felt really bad because I only had 7 wrong, but the girl behind me had 37 wrong. On the bright side, I did better than He Who Shall Forever Remain Nameless!

Okay, funny story in chemistry today:
Kookie is HWSFRN's best friend or whatever and they sit next to each other and stuff. Well, Kookie took HWSFRN's calculator and was playing with it; well, he found my e-mail address written on a post-it stuck on the inside. For some dumb reason, Kookie thought he was playing with Mr. P's calculator and asked what kind of "Kinky, illegal ****" was going on. He gave me the paper with my e-mail on it and put the calculator down. Sometime during the class HWSFRN picked it up and was all like "Where did it go? What happened to Lemons' e-mail I had in here? Kookie, did you take it?" Kookie found it hilarious that I had given HWSFRN my e-mail, but he found it more appropriate than my giving it to Mr. Peterson--although I guess it was more disturbing to him. HWSFRN asked for the paper back and said that he kept forgetting to bring it home so he could add me to his friends list. I guess he really wanted it or whatever...... Okay, it wasn't so funny telling it, but it really was.

Uggghh, okay, so I was sitting (actually defrosting from being outside during band in like 30 degree weather) at our table during lunch and I realized something. I don't even know why the thought popped into my head, but HWSFRN looked really cute today. As soon as I had that thought go through my head he came running up behind me and starting declaring how tiny I am. Duh. Obviously, I ran after him. Pig Tails (Peanuts' boyfriend) grabbed him so I could hit him or whatever. I laughed and walked away. Very amusing.

We had two hours of goof off during the Homecoming games. Yeah, the sophomores lost everything. I seriously mean EVERYTHING. We should have won the window decorating because the freshmen can't spell the word "make." (Beaver, didn't you paint the window....?) Yeah, Mrs. R claims that we lost hall decorating because there was a piece of paper that had "Kick their butts" underneath a bunch of balloons. The only part you could see was the "Ki" part.

I sat and watched Boys Volleyball with Beav-A-Lot, G-string, and a few other freshmen, but then Pink Piggy, Victim and I decided to head out. We went outside and watched a little bit of Powder-puff Football and saw HWSFRN and Kookie. Victim decided she was going to ask HWSFRN if he would go out with me....I ran away. I guess she started screaming his name to get his attention, saw my reaction, and then abandoned the idea. Thank goodness.

Tonight's the bon fire! I'm going to the soccer game before hand to cheer for Betty alone! Okay, so maybe I'll cheer for Beaver if he plays varsity tonight. It should be fun being around all the soccer guys because we all know what I think of them ;). Uggghh, does HWSFRN play varsity? I can't remember. Maybe he'll be gone by the time I get there....

Batman's Bitch gets to light the bon fire because K-Teach is at an away volleyball game.

Oh, and I was right, Man-pretty did wear his kilt to school today. Pink Piggy almost threw up when she saw his legs. His legs aren't that bad, but she thinks they are.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005


I walked into school again today and saw the same thing as yesterday: people taking down decorations. Well, one guy was just popping balloons, so I walked up to him and told him off. Well, he just laughed at me, so I slapped him; not very hard of course, but still. I was pissed.

Yeah, we had Homecoming Coronation today and I totally spaced about it. Pink Piggy and I were walking down the hall when I noticed Batman's Bitch was all dressed up (in other words, not wearing a football jersey). I had somehow known he was elligible for king but just didn't comprehend it.
Anyway, he won king, which was cool because he's cool. He crowned K-Teach as queen and they gave speeches. Batman's Bitch was hilarious. I can't remember exactly what he said, but it was something along the lines of "I know you're all thinking that our football team sucks and we haven't won a game all season--you're right. However, we might actually have a chance to win Homecoming...for the first time in five years. Yeah....."
Was I the only one who noticed how ditzy K-Teach is? She started mumbling about how unfair it is that the fire is on a day that isn't conveinent for her. Then she said she loves chocolate....
I think K-Teach is really nice, but I'm positive she only won because she's really pretty. I still think Giggle should have won.

The Fool is an idiot. He thought we were on O.P. schedule today, so we were in the simulator 15 minutes after the bell rang. After he realized it he just left to his next class and left us there. Yeah, being 15 minutes late to chemistry wasn't cool. Oh crap, I have a huge exam in that class tomorrow. I, for some reason unknown to me, cannot physically memorize Plank's Constant! I think it may be 6.626 * 10^-34 or something. That would be cool if I was right!

So this girl in one of my classes asked me about my boyfriend today. I was slightly confused considering the fact that I do not have one! I guess she thought Beaver and I were....yeah. Slightly amusing.
Oh, and the I guess Victim told Shop Buddy that he and I should go out. I was so angered and he was confused.

Yeah, I got a bunch of information on class rings today. They are so freaking huge! I just want to get something small with my name on it. Yeah, my mom feels old now. We even had to dig out her class ring.

Monday, October 03, 2005

We worked hard, but I'm glad you had fun pulling it all down!

I'm not even sure what to think about today because it was good and bad all at the same time. First off, I walked into school and found a bunch of SOPHOMORE guys taring down decorations in the SOPHOMORE hallway. School hadn't even started and I was uber pissed! I mean, you could visually tell who the people who helped with decorating were: they were the ones picking up the pieces and sticking them back on the walls. The bitter losers, however, said our hallway sucked and started popping all the balloons. The greatest part was that President Poseur, the ever-so-wonderful class president, was one of them!!!

Back when we were still dating, I let Man-pretty borrow one of my CDs which he claimed to absolutely love. He gave it back today (four months later) and claimed to have hated it. Whatever.

He Who Shall Forever Remain Nameless was being an idiot during chemistry. Last Friday, Mr. Peterson let us play with corn starch and water. Well, he forgot to put it away, so all this mold was all up on it. HWSFRN decided to write his name in it like the idiot he is. I actually asked him if he would be willing to try out for the dance team just ask a joke. His reaction was priceless. Then of course, he threatened to punt me. He kept making a motion to show it as well! Douche bag.

Every year I have to march next to someone different. I seriously think Mr. Knihtila hates me. Why, you may ask? Here is who I am placed next to...
Man-pretty, He Who Shall Forever Remain Nameless, Shop Buddy, J-J, Whelk Boy's brother, and Random Freshman (much to Pink Piggy's dislike).
The good news is that this year we're playing a song that makes it easier to stay in step--Yay for "Carry on Wayward Son" and "Joy to the world!"

I always thought that during tests and quizzes it was supposed to be quiet. I guess not in English 10. My stupid remote wasn't working, so it took me freaking forever to finish, but everyone else would not shut up. Even Mrs. R's teacher's assistant was screaming across the room. The best part? I was the one who was reprimanded for it.

I'm really not sure why, but Batman's Bitch looked really cute today. I also realized that whenever he says ANYTHING, almost all the girls in the class start giggling. I kid you not. He started up with the "bootlick" thing again (kinda obvious considering my last post).

Oh, and a special thanks to Dora for making me feel like an even bigger dork. Okay, so during lunch, I was just sitting there talking to Pink Piggy when Perfume (who in their right mind names their daughter after their favorite perfume?) came up to me, gave me a book, and said, "Dora told me to give this to you because you're at the library a lot."
Of course then I realized I am at the library quite a lot more than the average person.

Bessy has been bootlicked

Bootlicked doesn't really fit in there, but Batman's Bitch thinks it fits in almost any sentence. An example is "Do you want to go bootlickin'?" He just asked me that, but I'm not sure what he meant....
The only reason I am posting now is becaue I found a way to beat Bessy and post while at school. However, this computer is very slow, so I will continue about my exciting day later on tonight.
I guess I have write my paper or be bootlicked. I really want to tell him what that means, but I think he might get upset, so I'll continue to let him use it randomly.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Suck fest and happy feelings

I'm angered by Beaver's dad, so I will post about it. For those of you who haven't heard me complain yet, Beaver's dad will not allow him to try-out for the dance team. I doubt we'll have any guys this year because Shop Buddy REALLY doesn't want to do it. Maybe I could convince He Who Shall Forever Remain Nameless--now that's a funny image right there! I could always try to recrute Grandpa Stick and his "flawless" body. Gosh, he's so full of himself. Will someone please remind me of what I saw in him? Friday he was running around the band room telling people he had as "butt flap" in his football uniform (I should just stick to soccer players). Is it me, or does he seriously look like he's high all the time? Just a question. Maybe it's the fact that he wears contacts now and his face just looks empty. Jo thinks that he looks studly without his glasses. YEAH RIGHT!
The good news is that the new Franz Ferdinand CD comes out tomorrow! More bad news is that I probably won't be able to go anywhere to buy it in like a month. Very sad.

Face Paint, your comment was freaking hilarious. It made me giggle.

Oh, and for those of you have not yet heard--Man-pretty is an idiot. Okay, so during the fight we had last week we both said some nasty things, and I'm pretty sure we both regret some of them. Well, he has been trying to suck up to me (kinda). He's been quite nice. Well, I guess he found out about Mr. Mystery and is jealous. He kept asking me questions about how I know him and stuff like that. Very interesting. Victim and I have come to the conclusion that he doesn't like the fact that I'm giving another guy attention....

Saturday, October 01, 2005


Today I was reading a book that said "Virginity is the special gift you can only give once--present it cautiously."
An anonymous friend of mine called me today and we had an interesting conversation. I picked up the phone and I heard "***** and I had sex last night! I finally lost my virginity!!!" Oh my. I love this girl dearly, and she knows it. I do not frown upon what she decides to do because I know she is responsible. The part that freaked me out is that she is two MONTHS older than I am. Oh, and if she is reading this...YOU CAN DO BETTER THAN THAT DICK HEAD!!!
I guess virginity is the theme of the day.

Okay, so Kahne Freak and I were goofing off in the lab yesterday, and for some reason we were on the badger page. We found a link to another page that had all these stupid cartoons. I wanted to watch the stupidest one ever. It was great.
What did I get from it?
"And then he died, which was fortunate for me because he stopped hassaling me." It was so stupid. This lady was using her cat as a machine gun and the cat asked her to stop.