Okay, so I grabbed the jackalope by the ear and made a very hard decision. I comfronted Man-pretty about how I feel about our friendship. I sent him an e-mail (isn't technology great?)...a very long e-mail at that. I was really freaked out that he might take it that I wanted a relationship or nothing.......because that's how Whelk Boy took it when I said that it was hard adjusting to the "friend status."
To my good fortune (and the right choice of words) he did not take it that way. He apologized and said that he wants this friendship to work. The thing is when he's not at work, he's either cleaning or doing some kind of stuff in his basement, so he's been uber tired lately. In all his spare time (including multi-tasking online) he plays his guitar. Which is quite understandable.
I'm talking to him right now actually. He's telling me how he can put his toe in his mouth........hmmmmmmm. LOL
Anyway...I went on vacation this past weekend. We went to Lake Superior. As I sat up and ate my snack of beef jerkey and caramels, I had to awaken my creative juices. Yes, I am pleased to announce that Lemons the ever-so-famous Lepregnome has written a poem...actually, it kinda started out as a song, but it sounded a lot like "Welcome to My Life"....so.....
You guys are lucky, I wasn't going to post it tonight, but I have nothing better to do. Remember, I need to edit it more...it isn't exactly as great as my previous poems. It's after the song lyrics...gosh, I'm posting a lot tonight!
However, here are some lyrics to a great song I was listening to this weekend. Bowling For Soup is credited with some really quite weird music, but this song is actually serious(ish). Yeah, if some of it looks familiar, I have used a lot of it for various screen names.....
by Bowling For Soup
Try not to talk when there's nothing to say.
Kept bottled up, we get carried away.
Then I fall, then I fall down.
Then we fall down.
And you know that it makes me feel so ridiculous.
A pocket full of posies...
We fall down on the inside; pretty on the outside.
Turn it around, can we turn it around?
Try to make a comeback with nowhere to start from now.
But it's looking up.
A second chance, a much better day.
A sunset that just won't go away.
Then I fall, then I fall down.
We all fall down.
And you know that it makes me feel so ridiculous.
A pocket full of posies...
We fall down on the inside; pretty on the outside.
Turn it around, can we turn it around?
Try to make a comeback with nowhere to start from now.
But it's looking up.
And you know you said you'd never end up this way.
Close the door behind you, i just wanna stay for a while.
We all fall down, we all fall down, we all fall...
Down on the inside; pretty on the outside.
Turn it around, can we turn it around?
Try to make a comeback with nowhere to start from now.
But it's looking up.
Down on the inside; pretty on the outside.
Turn it around, can we turn it around?
Try to make a comeback with nowhere to start from now.
But it's looking up.
My Sweet Release
by Lemons the Lepregnome
I can feel it coming almost every day.
When it comes my pain will melt away.
I’ll welcome it into my life
as it erases all my strife.
My mental capacity is thinning
and I can feel I am not winning.
Paranoia has replaced my tears
that have blurred away the years.
(supposed to be chorus)
I can feel it coming almost every day.
When it comes my pain will melt away.
I’ll welcome it into my life
as it erases all my strife.
My mental capacity is thinning
and I can feel I am not winning.
Paranoia has replaced my tears
that have blurred away the years.
(supposed to be chorus)
Everyone claims to care;
I question if they’re truly there.
My cries are far too loud.
I find myself looking down.
Sweet release take me away
far away from reality.
Fearing a fatality,
I fall to the floor
still craving more.
A cage is lifted.
With mind reset I can think clearly,
movement is now free.
The sweet release has done its work.
In my bloodless head no bad thoughts lurk.
I can feel my body adjust
No hate, fear, love, or lust.
Everything is finally fine.
No problems I claim as mine.
Carefully I lift up my head
and find a new life to be lead.
My sweet release has come and gone;
it was the cure all along.
This time there will be no stress;
My life will no longer be a mess.
I question if they’re truly there.
My cries are far too loud.
I find myself looking down.
Sweet release take me away
far away from reality.
Fearing a fatality,
I fall to the floor
still craving more.
A cage is lifted.
With mind reset I can think clearly,
movement is now free.
The sweet release has done its work.
In my bloodless head no bad thoughts lurk.
I can feel my body adjust
No hate, fear, love, or lust.
Everything is finally fine.
No problems I claim as mine.
Carefully I lift up my head
and find a new life to be lead.
My sweet release has come and gone;
it was the cure all along.
This time there will be no stress;
My life will no longer be a mess.
Delightful poem. You didn't eat a pasty? No vacation to the U.P. is complete without one (wait, you did go to Michigan, right?)
No, we stayed on the Wisconsin side of Superior. One of my friends lives in the U.P and she has never had a pasty. She has invited me over some time, so maybe while I'm there I will have to try one.
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