"We'll never be as young as we are right now." --Jim Steinman

Sunday, July 10, 2005

My new friend

Man-pretty is crazed. We got into a "f*** you!" war. It all started out as a joke, but it ended him him threatening to burn down my house and saying if I didn't shut up he would forget every memory he has of me. I'M NOT SURE IF HE WAS KIDDING! That was a good conversation though, we talked for three hours. However, that was two days ago and he hasn't said anything like that again.
Last night I was crying a lot over him. I stopped crying but somehow ended up puking and it was red--not a good sign. However...I had been eating Cheetos and Coke before I barfed, so maybe that contributed to the color.
We actually talked for over an hour and a half--he just got offline a couple of minutes ago. I think he was trying to tease me by telling me he was so hot he had to take off his shirt.
On a brighter note--I had a first last night! I went streaking! I was only like, half a mile away from Man-pretty's house and I wanted to run by there soooo....badly, but the bugs were bad. So I ended up only staying in the yard.
It was quite nice because it was so hot out. I highly reccomend a quick jog around your houses naked.


Lemons said...

Lemons was very near to his house, so she wanted to run past it while wearing nothing. However, I did not do it. I told him I was going to, and he said he was going to close his curtains.

Lemons said...

No, I was at Victim's house. She only lives like, half a mile from Man-pretty. She went inside to get something and while she was in there I stripped and ran around her yard. I wanted to go run down the road to streak past his house, but the bugs were too bad. I ended up only staying in Victim's yard.

think tank said...

quality story