"We'll never be as young as we are right now." --Jim Steinman

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Under a lot of stress?

I didn't go to school yesterday. I was too tired. Yeah, that sounds lame, but I didn't think I would make it through first block.
My mom let me stay home and sleep.
Last week's schedule:
Fri-no practice!
This week:
Wed-didn't go to school

So I spent all yesterday napping and relaxing. I woke up this morning and was like, "wow, I feel so good!"

I go to first block and take my muscle quiz on the cat. 100% bitches! It was supposed to be a group quiz, but I just wrote down all the answers and asked my group if they disagreed. Good times.

So I was sitting in class and I started to get "the feeling"...where my arms get heavy and my face goes numb. I stood up and told Peanuts I thought I was going to pass out, so she told me to sit down.
After I sat down it got worse. Locker Buddy said something...Idk what. I remember dropping my books out of my hands and the last thing I remember is Mr. Zierer telling someone to grab me.

*BLACK swirls of colors with an anonymous figure*
The dreams I have when I pass out always freak me out.

I opened my eyes, and I was laying on the floor and Mr. Zierer was holding my hand and taking my pulse. Kay Sue was some where and Mr. Hoogland and Mr. Feurer were there I guess.
Yeah, I just kinda layed on the floor for a while until I could start breathing regularly.

And then Mr. Feurer and Mr. Hoogland basically dragged me to Mr. Hoogland's office.
Oh isn't that a fun story.

Mr. Hoogland was like, "Are you under a lot of stress?"
Then I started thinking of all the work I'll be missing today...and the game against Lakeland.

I know Mrs. Laurila's going to say something about me being gone again. Idk...she always tries to make people feel guilty for missing her class....NO MATTER WHAT THE REASON.

I need another nap.

1 comment:

think tank said...

I'll give you some valium. That'll do the trick!