Today was the senior's last day.
It was sad.
I cried a little bit during the slide show.
Then I had to go to ER...and we heard all the seniors slamming their lockers as they were leaving. I wanted to cry.
So I got out of ER and walked to my locker and there was a paper dumbell on it that said "Craig" in glitter.
It was so sweet. I just stood infront of my locker staring at it until Peanuts walked by and gave me a hug.
I should probably talk about our game yesterday. We had our regional game against Somerset. We were seated 6th and they were seated 3rd.
We spanked them.
Not even kidding.
This is the FIRST time our girls' soccer team has advanced past the first game of regionals.
I didn't really play much. This chick on the other team tripped me and then fell on me. She landed on my bad ankle.
I wanted to go back in, but Coach wouldn't let me. He said he didn't want me to hurt myself any more.
I still can't believe we won. We're playing Barron tomorrow. I'm kinda scared.
Yesterday and today during Anat & Phys we were taking random pictures. I made Locker Buddy put some gloves on and touch the freaking cat for the first time. She was just like "ewww!"