"We'll never be as young as we are right now." --Jim Steinman

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Did you just tackle me?

Yeah...so today's practice was like co-ed or w/e.
Coach Desotelle invited a bunch of the guys soccer team people to practice with us because our guys' team dominates....our girls team....not so much.

John had the ball and Jake like ran up to kick it away and somehow they both fell backwards and rolled over the top of me. It was scary!
Auror was being stupid, as usual, and decided she wasn't going to play the position Coach told her to play.
Yeah, so Craig was there. It was so much fun. I don't think I've ever had a better soccer practice.

During the scrimage, I was playing left full-back and he was playing right half-back on the opposite team....so we were on the same side of the field. Basically, my job was to get the ball away from him.

I tried really hard and actually did a pretty decent job!
Then Craig had the ball and I was like, "Oh, I think I can get it." Yeah. I ran up, kicked, and then he ran into me. We both went flying to the ground, and I hit my head. It hurt so freaking bad!

I could tell he felt really bad. He kept saying he was sorry in his really quiet voice. Everyone just kept making jokes about him tackling his girlfriend. Coach Desotelle came over, asked if I was okay, and then ended practice.

The locker room was pretty amusing. I walked in and was all like, "I just got tackled by my boyfriend!"
Totally missed the fact that his ex was standing about half a foot away from me. I don't think she cares though...I mean, she got a new boyfriend .7 seconds after they broke up.

He's such a sweet guy. I feel like I can just talk to him for hours about the weirdest stuff.
I don't know. I'm really scared to show him affection because I don't know if he'll freak out.
I kissed him on the cheek a couple times.
It was REALLY hard. He's like 5'11" compared to my 5'.
Why do I always go for the tall guys?

*sigh* I like him so much.
I feel so weird because I haven't been this happy in such a long time. Idk. I usually get really mad at people who are like "look at my boyfriend!" and now that's pretty much all I want to do.

My locker is like, right on make-out alley (where Kassie and MaCail [sp?] always grope), so I always have to put up with people standing right infront of my locker. Yeah, and Caleb was all like, "Dude, move!" today.
Not like I've EVER had to put up with his crazy girlfriends or anything.....I lie. Kelsey was nice. She actually talked to me....but all the other ones were weird.

I'm so excited that Craig asked me out! I have literally been screaming inside since Monday night.
No joke.


Anonymous said...

Taller guys are sexier, it's a basic principal of physics, ask Mr. P, I don't remember the exact formula, but there is a formula to determine how sexy a person is, and height is in the factor, as long as they're not like freakishly tall

Cassius said...

you know, Mari, compared to you, i hate to say it, but everyone is taller./...