I don't get mad very easily...okay, I do, but I never actually STAY mad.
This time is different.
I am so freaking pissed off at Random Freshman.
I probably won't be as mad if he had made the comment and directed it at me, but no...his dumb comment was about an entire group of people.
Okay, so here's the 'fo.
RF likes 456/654. So he stopped sitting with all his friends during lunch to sit at the same table as her. Hmm.
He is ditching his REAL friends to make friends with this chick's friends to get close to the chick!
Oh wait, if that's what he was doing I wouldn't care. Except for the fact he is now DITCHING is real friends.
He sits with new people during lunch. Who cares.
I do that. I went from sitting with one group of friends to another group of friends.
Point: I went from sitting with FRIENDS to OTHER FRIENDS. But it's not like I ignore either groups of friends.
A couple days ago he made the comment of "I sit with people a year younger than me. I'm cool now."
I think, not exactly positive on this one, that he's mocking Pink Piggy and I because we, as juniors, sit with the sophomores.
Again, that's not what bothers me...but we're getting there.
Yesterday during band he had a headache and asked if I had any pain reliever. I said I would give him some when I went to my locker.
All happy cheery.
Then something climbed up his ass and attacked his ovaries.
So Ertz, Pink Piggy, Chocolate, Random Freshman, and I were all standing around talking. Then he pops out this idiotic remark of "My new friends are normal. You guys aren't."
What a bitch-ass comment!
Okay, so we're immature. Duh.
Sadly, he's the MOST immature of us all!
After that he stormed off to find his freshman buddies...who apparently provide a "normal environment" for him.
Band ended and I went to my locker.
Snap. (yeah, I said it)
There's my asprin.
I shoved the entire bottle in my pocket and went to lunch.
So I told Pink Piggy, Tent, and Chocolate about my "plan" to embarrass RF infront of his "normal" friends.
At this point I was a little ticked, but not quite to the whole pissed off category.
They egged me on to actually do it.
I waited for him to get lunch and I went over and slammed the bottle of pills on the table and said, "Do you still need these or are your new 'normal' friends your drug dealers now?"
His eyes got huge and he said he didn't need them anymore.
I went back to the table and talked to Chocolate and Ertz about what went down.
So RF approached the table a few minutes later.
He stood next to me and asked if he apologized if I would give him a couple asprin because he DID need them. I guess his new friends also worsen his heaadaches.
I didn't even look at him as I gave him the bottle.
He only apologized because he wanted something.
I don't care if he has other friends. Seriously, I could care less if he got 456/654 pregnant or something.
He compared the two groups. He says they're better than we are.
Maybe they are. Maybe I'm making more out of little.
I'm so pissed off.
Am I wrong?
The sad thing is I know I'm going to walk into band Monday and he's going to probably act like nothing happened.
I'm not even going to talk to him.
I'm so mad.
It's his fault. He had to make that jerky comment on how they're better than we are.
If they're such freaking "wonder friends" then why was he even around to tell us we suck.

"We'll never be as young as we are right now." --Jim Steinman
Friday, October 27, 2006
Monday, October 23, 2006
Best day ever
Alright, so have you guys ever played telephone?
I heart that game...when one person says something and by the time it gets to the last person it's tragically skewed.
Okay, so during OP today I was talking to Locker Buddy about the band trip and how I found Chocolate's pants and put them on.
During lunch, she and I were talking again in the line for sweet, sweet chicken patties. We were joking around and the words "pants" and "got into" came about.
So by the time I got out of the lunch line and was seated across from Chocolate and next to Christmas tree, and then the comment of "Chocolate made sweet, sweet love to Lemons."
Thanks Grandpa Stick.
Somehow that topic was avoided and we started talking about two people kissing for two days straight.
This is what happens when I sit next to a bunch of guys during lunch.
I seriously hearted today hardcore.
Why? Because Mr. Jasurda is the best homeroom teacher in the world.
Who else makes comments about prostitution?
Okay, so I had never seen Beaver's mother. Ever.
Then today I saw her. I was just like AHHHHH. And then she said Beaver was in Colorado. So that's where he's been.....
Explains a lot.
I heart that game...when one person says something and by the time it gets to the last person it's tragically skewed.
Okay, so during OP today I was talking to Locker Buddy about the band trip and how I found Chocolate's pants and put them on.
During lunch, she and I were talking again in the line for sweet, sweet chicken patties. We were joking around and the words "pants" and "got into" came about.
So by the time I got out of the lunch line and was seated across from Chocolate and next to Christmas tree, and then the comment of "Chocolate made sweet, sweet love to Lemons."
Thanks Grandpa Stick.
Somehow that topic was avoided and we started talking about two people kissing for two days straight.
This is what happens when I sit next to a bunch of guys during lunch.
I seriously hearted today hardcore.
Why? Because Mr. Jasurda is the best homeroom teacher in the world.
Who else makes comments about prostitution?
Okay, so I had never seen Beaver's mother. Ever.
Then today I saw her. I was just like AHHHHH. And then she said Beaver was in Colorado. So that's where he's been.....
Explains a lot.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
I've started to write this post three different times with three different topics in mind.
I've clearly deleted them all.
What I've come up with and will regret posting later on tomorrow morning:
I'm not good enough for Random Freshman because I'm not 456/654 and I never will be her.
I'll never be good enough for HWSFRN because to him I've always been the dead toy he tosses limply to the side that desperately wants to play. (That sounds horribly bad)
I'm not "edgy" enough for New Guy.
I'm too loud for Chocolate. I'm always talking and always rambling. He's so quiet and laughs when its appropriate.
someone told me that when "hmmmm" is typed out it only has one "m." I hereby defy their single m usage.
There are some times when I feel that some of the things don't fit....like Friday when Chocolate was uber hyper and started making fun of himself. Seriously, he started it.
Is it normal to know you have no chance but still hope?
I don't want to. I just want to be like, screw it.
I don't even like HWSFRN.
Pff. I don't really like New Guy either.
Sometimes I don't like Random Freshman.
Usually I like Chocolate.
I would like to continue this thought and many more, but I have to do the rest of my homework.
I've clearly deleted them all.
What I've come up with and will regret posting later on tomorrow morning:
I'm not good enough for Random Freshman because I'm not 456/654 and I never will be her.
I'll never be good enough for HWSFRN because to him I've always been the dead toy he tosses limply to the side that desperately wants to play. (That sounds horribly bad)
I'm not "edgy" enough for New Guy.
I'm too loud for Chocolate. I'm always talking and always rambling. He's so quiet and laughs when its appropriate.
someone told me that when "hmmmm" is typed out it only has one "m." I hereby defy their single m usage.
There are some times when I feel that some of the things don't fit....like Friday when Chocolate was uber hyper and started making fun of himself. Seriously, he started it.
Is it normal to know you have no chance but still hope?
I don't want to. I just want to be like, screw it.
I don't even like HWSFRN.
Pff. I don't really like New Guy either.
Sometimes I don't like Random Freshman.
Usually I like Chocolate.
I would like to continue this thought and many more, but I have to do the rest of my homework.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Nicknames are by far easier for my brain to comprehend
So Jake has bitch slapped Jed like 11 times.
I am now keeping a tally.
I still don't know what I got on my speech. Pff.
Tasha gave me her loggin for her MySpace. I'm really tempted to just change all her settings. However, the only major thing I did was edit her Top 8 (which is now Top 20)...but that was the whole reason for her giving me the thinger anyhow.
Oh, plus I added Franz Ferdinand to her friends...but of course that's expected.
I think I figured out why I'm going nuts. I blame my dad. Why you may ask?
Because what he said the other day. So we were on the way home the other day and he just popped out with,
"You know, Lemons, when I was your age I was already dating your mother."
First off, who says that? More over, what did he mean by telling me that?
Uggghh, we had our PSAT thing today. What a joke. So for some reason a bunch of guys decided "Hey, I'm going to take 4 pencils in case 3 break." Then of course there weren't enough for the rest of the people in the auditorium. Stupid idiots.
Mrs. Harrison is nuts. No joke. So she gave us 10 minutes to fill out our age and gender, but when it came to filling out all the long stuff she gave us .7 second(s). Then of course she berreted us for "working ahead" on our name section. Like we had NO CLUE what we were doing...not like we haven't done it 80 million times prior.
Oh, then she would start the timer for the test before she told us to actually start. Unfair.
The part that really pissed me off?
She was screaming for dead silence, but she went around and told nearly every person (not very quietly, I might add) to fold over their answer sheets. She was a bigger distraction than anything.
That woman is nuts.
The test was....idk.
It got to the point where I was like, "Hmmm, letter D has a 4 in the answer. I like the number 4, I'll put that one."
Then of course I started doodling in my assignment book. Me drawing is not a good thing. I started a new drawing dude rather than my usual Lars Lion, Kilt Boy, and Bike Man. I have yet to name him, but he has a beard. He may very well be Beardy.
Of course Lars Lion is back for a revival....he and his unruly penguin make me giggle hardcore.
So I came down with a giggle fit somewhere between Mrs. Lenz' room and Zach's locker. Then Jed walked by and I just started laughing harder. Zach (this whole Zach thing is difficult) said I should tackle him.
This is a thought to ponder.
I am now keeping a tally.
I still don't know what I got on my speech. Pff.
Tasha gave me her loggin for her MySpace. I'm really tempted to just change all her settings. However, the only major thing I did was edit her Top 8 (which is now Top 20)...but that was the whole reason for her giving me the thinger anyhow.
Oh, plus I added Franz Ferdinand to her friends...but of course that's expected.
I think I figured out why I'm going nuts. I blame my dad. Why you may ask?
Because what he said the other day. So we were on the way home the other day and he just popped out with,
"You know, Lemons, when I was your age I was already dating your mother."
First off, who says that? More over, what did he mean by telling me that?
Uggghh, we had our PSAT thing today. What a joke. So for some reason a bunch of guys decided "Hey, I'm going to take 4 pencils in case 3 break." Then of course there weren't enough for the rest of the people in the auditorium. Stupid idiots.
Mrs. Harrison is nuts. No joke. So she gave us 10 minutes to fill out our age and gender, but when it came to filling out all the long stuff she gave us .7 second(s). Then of course she berreted us for "working ahead" on our name section. Like we had NO CLUE what we were doing...not like we haven't done it 80 million times prior.
Oh, then she would start the timer for the test before she told us to actually start. Unfair.
The part that really pissed me off?
She was screaming for dead silence, but she went around and told nearly every person (not very quietly, I might add) to fold over their answer sheets. She was a bigger distraction than anything.
That woman is nuts.
The test was....idk.
It got to the point where I was like, "Hmmm, letter D has a 4 in the answer. I like the number 4, I'll put that one."
Then of course I started doodling in my assignment book. Me drawing is not a good thing. I started a new drawing dude rather than my usual Lars Lion, Kilt Boy, and Bike Man. I have yet to name him, but he has a beard. He may very well be Beardy.
Of course Lars Lion is back for a revival....he and his unruly penguin make me giggle hardcore.
So I came down with a giggle fit somewhere between Mrs. Lenz' room and Zach's locker. Then Jed walked by and I just started laughing harder. Zach (this whole Zach thing is difficult) said I should tackle him.
This is a thought to ponder.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
"Screw you, I'm going back to sleep"
I told Mark that his quote would be my post tittle for tonight, and I would not lie to him. Of course then he whacked out another priceless quote of "Did you just touch my underpants? You can't touch my underpants!"
What else did I say I was going to post in here today? Hmmm....
Oh yeah, Jake asked if Jed's nickname should be changed to end in "with nuts" to signify he's male. Ouch.
Then of course Jake kept slapping Jed. I mean, after the first two times, Jed should've seen it coming. Seriously.
It made me giggle though.
So I had to give a 12-15 minute speech for Biology II....it ended up being 24 minutes and 14 seconds. Hmm. A bit over the time limit.
Oh, I pretty much failed my pre-calc test.
Yesterday we were doing the review and the girls in my group just started throwing Cocoa-puffs all across the room. HOWEVER, I was the one that got yelled at because I was looking at my notecards for my speech.
Thanks Mrs. Pippenger.
Yeah, so the test she made up had stuff in it we never covered in class. How does that work? I just started guessing on answers after a while. I'll be lucky to get a C.
So Zach (oh yeah, I said it) keeps getting "Can't Touch This" stuck in my head. Every four seconds.
Samantha ewwed Jed. That kinda makes me angry.
Due to my lack of artistic creativism (yeah, I said it), Tasha had to make my poster for me. I spent 45 minutes making a poster and it turned out like a dyslexic four year old made it. No joke. It was very, very sad.
Hmmm, so I'm thought of so many things I've wanted to post tonight now that I actually have chance to get online....too bad I can't remember many of them.
I feel like poo.
What else did I say I was going to post in here today? Hmmm....
Oh yeah, Jake asked if Jed's nickname should be changed to end in "with nuts" to signify he's male. Ouch.
Then of course Jake kept slapping Jed. I mean, after the first two times, Jed should've seen it coming. Seriously.
It made me giggle though.
So I had to give a 12-15 minute speech for Biology II....it ended up being 24 minutes and 14 seconds. Hmm. A bit over the time limit.
Oh, I pretty much failed my pre-calc test.
Yesterday we were doing the review and the girls in my group just started throwing Cocoa-puffs all across the room. HOWEVER, I was the one that got yelled at because I was looking at my notecards for my speech.
Thanks Mrs. Pippenger.
Yeah, so the test she made up had stuff in it we never covered in class. How does that work? I just started guessing on answers after a while. I'll be lucky to get a C.
So Zach (oh yeah, I said it) keeps getting "Can't Touch This" stuck in my head. Every four seconds.
Samantha ewwed Jed. That kinda makes me angry.
Due to my lack of artistic creativism (yeah, I said it), Tasha had to make my poster for me. I spent 45 minutes making a poster and it turned out like a dyslexic four year old made it. No joke. It was very, very sad.
Hmmm, so I'm thought of so many things I've wanted to post tonight now that I actually have chance to get online....too bad I can't remember many of them.
Band is a joke.
There are so many people who just goof off and don't even care. John and I are actually doing pretty well. Yeah, we both aren't the best musicians, but we try. Then of course there are the stupid idiots who just don't care and just sit around and talk.
I've told Ally why I'm a whore. Seriously.
So I don't know what I'm doing.
I go from liking one guy to liking another while still liking the first. It sucks hardcore.
I feel so bad.
I've had a bad experience with this new(ish) guy. No joke. I think about how crappy he made me feel and how I cried last time.
Why am I just suddly so indecisive now? It's like, I can't decide which guy I like.
Or maybe it's a matter of I don't think I have a chance with any, so I go after them all.
I feel like poo.
Monday, October 09, 2006
533 songs on my iPod and he had to find THE ONE.
So last Thursday, before my computer broke...again...we had pepband. Woot woot.
I stole Chocolate's sweatshirt for no real reason. Quite stupid of me considering the fact my jacket and iPod were inches from his feet.
So I had his shirt and he had my iPod. Not that even of a surrender.
To sum it up...he went through some of my music, found my Snow Patrol (NOT the new stuff...older stuff from when I called their goodness...if you have no clue what I'm talking about, go to the library and find the CD I reccomended they buy like a year and a half ago when I first started liking them unlike some posers who just like them for the moment. Get over yourselves...sorry, my rant for the day)
So he was looking through my Snow Patrol and found a song...by the name of "Chocolate."
Good song...you should download it.
So then I tickled him. I'm sorry, but if someone asks you "Are you ticklish?" You don't flat out say yes.
YAC meeting. So only three people showed up...Beaver, Ju Freaking Wolf, and myself. Surprisingly, we actually managed to get a lot done...more than usual, actually. I blame Grandpa Stick. Chances are, he'll blame Dr. Jerry.
I have to give a presentation on Munchausen Syndrome a week from today. I started the visuals yesterday and the actual report today. Well, I've had the information for it for about a month, but you know how it goes...
I'm going to show House for one of my visuals.
HWSFRN scared the crap out of me today. He just jumped in my face and started screaming "It's Columbus Day, aren't you excited?" Wow.
Grandpa Stick hit me in the face. It was hilarious. I was trying to push him off the end of the table and when I succeeded his elbow flew up and hit me in the mouth. It bled and swelled a little.
Pig Tails jumped up and was all like, "Did you just hit her?" It was my fault. Why? Because I'm clumsy and do stupid things.
So last Thursday, before my computer broke...again...we had pepband. Woot woot.
I stole Chocolate's sweatshirt for no real reason. Quite stupid of me considering the fact my jacket and iPod were inches from his feet.
So I had his shirt and he had my iPod. Not that even of a surrender.
To sum it up...he went through some of my music, found my Snow Patrol (NOT the new stuff...older stuff from when I called their goodness...if you have no clue what I'm talking about, go to the library and find the CD I reccomended they buy like a year and a half ago when I first started liking them unlike some posers who just like them for the moment. Get over yourselves...sorry, my rant for the day)
So he was looking through my Snow Patrol and found a song...by the name of "Chocolate."
Good song...you should download it.
So then I tickled him. I'm sorry, but if someone asks you "Are you ticklish?" You don't flat out say yes.
YAC meeting. So only three people showed up...Beaver, Ju Freaking Wolf, and myself. Surprisingly, we actually managed to get a lot done...more than usual, actually. I blame Grandpa Stick. Chances are, he'll blame Dr. Jerry.
I have to give a presentation on Munchausen Syndrome a week from today. I started the visuals yesterday and the actual report today. Well, I've had the information for it for about a month, but you know how it goes...
I'm going to show House for one of my visuals.
HWSFRN scared the crap out of me today. He just jumped in my face and started screaming "It's Columbus Day, aren't you excited?" Wow.
Grandpa Stick hit me in the face. It was hilarious. I was trying to push him off the end of the table and when I succeeded his elbow flew up and hit me in the mouth. It bled and swelled a little.
Pig Tails jumped up and was all like, "Did you just hit her?" It was my fault. Why? Because I'm clumsy and do stupid things.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
The name "Chuck"literally means Strong and Manly"
Why does Random Freshman read the posts I don't want him to read, but he doesn't seem to read the ones I want him to.
So he said he doesn't read anymore.
Well, he read the one from Saturday where I bitched about him bein'all up on 456/654.
(This effing computer has issues with the space bar. Deal with it.)
So I walked into the band room and RF just pointed at me and said "I knew you're addicted to Chocolate!"
Clever phrasing,I'm notgoing to lie.
What were you saying?
Oh yeah....so he apologized about rubbing 456/654 in my face. He's a nice boy.
The awkward part?
He said he can "help" with Chocolate.
Hmmm. This seriously reminds me of a story I wrote in "My Steno"...the one I kept inmy purse forever...Beaver, you know what I'm talking about....I think.
Anyway, then he said I shouldn't flirt with Chocolate because...something.
Odd. If my personality clashes with what he likes, why do I like him?
Sucks for me, doesn't it?
Sometimes Ijust want to get so pissed at Random Freshman, but I can't. I really don't have a legit reason to be mad...which is quite possibly why I DON'T get mad. He's just too random-freshmany. I like it.
Damn the Chocolatey goodness.
Haha. I wore my (Hershey's) chocolate shirt yesterday. I can't remember who it was who announced "Chocolalte was on my boobs."
Random-freshmany is now an adjective. Wait for the exact definition.
Why does Random Freshman read the posts I don't want him to read, but he doesn't seem to read the ones I want him to.
So he said he doesn't read anymore.
Well, he read the one from Saturday where I bitched about him bein'all up on 456/654.
(This effing computer has issues with the space bar. Deal with it.)
So I walked into the band room and RF just pointed at me and said "I knew you're addicted to Chocolate!"
Clever phrasing,I'm notgoing to lie.
What were you saying?
Oh yeah....so he apologized about rubbing 456/654 in my face. He's a nice boy.
The awkward part?
He said he can "help" with Chocolate.
Hmmm. This seriously reminds me of a story I wrote in "My Steno"...the one I kept inmy purse forever...Beaver, you know what I'm talking about....I think.
Anyway, then he said I shouldn't flirt with Chocolate because...something.
Odd. If my personality clashes with what he likes, why do I like him?
Sucks for me, doesn't it?
Sometimes Ijust want to get so pissed at Random Freshman, but I can't. I really don't have a legit reason to be mad...which is quite possibly why I DON'T get mad. He's just too random-freshmany. I like it.
Damn the Chocolatey goodness.
Haha. I wore my (Hershey's) chocolate shirt yesterday. I can't remember who it was who announced "Chocolalte was on my boobs."
Random-freshmany is now an adjective. Wait for the exact definition.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Well that's stupid
So I was trying to eat lunch yesterday.
Didn't really work.
Random Freshman wouldn't shut up about 456/654. Grandpa-Stick, Ertz, and I just talked about stuff and he would just pop up and say something stupid.
He wanted to know if she was dating anyone, but he couldn't ask for fear of "creepiness". Hmmm....
To shut him up, I suggested he ask someone else to ask her.
So stalkerboy kept asking me what I was going to say to her and not to mention his name.
I just asked Beaver what was going on and then told Random Freshman to just ask the girl out already.
Doubt he'll do it.
Yeah, so the question of the week is what do a pimp, a ho, Barbie, Ken, Jenna Jameson, Random Freshman, and a cranky hobo all have in common? They're all going to California.
Yeah, so people always say really lame, obvious things to "Bring to California." I would rather bring something creative and fun. Like a cranky hobo, an illegal immigrant, and duct tape. I still can't believe President Poseur suggest a porn star. I still can't believe I knew who he was talking about....stupid Vh1.
Yeah, so a certain somebody who "claims" to know a whole LOT about music made an ass of himself the other day.
He was all like, "Yeah so there's this new song I heard by *insert band name I had never heard of and can't currently remember*." So he just kept going on about the basic premise of the song.
I freaked him out when I started singing the end of it.
Too bad it isn't sung by *band I don't know*.
And it's NOT new....try circa 1977.
I thought EVERYONE knew Meat Loaf sings "Paradise by the Dashboard Light."
Apparently not.
Didn't really work.
Random Freshman wouldn't shut up about 456/654. Grandpa-Stick, Ertz, and I just talked about stuff and he would just pop up and say something stupid.
He wanted to know if she was dating anyone, but he couldn't ask for fear of "creepiness". Hmmm....
To shut him up, I suggested he ask someone else to ask her.
So stalkerboy kept asking me what I was going to say to her and not to mention his name.
I just asked Beaver what was going on and then told Random Freshman to just ask the girl out already.
Doubt he'll do it.
Yeah, so the question of the week is what do a pimp, a ho, Barbie, Ken, Jenna Jameson, Random Freshman, and a cranky hobo all have in common? They're all going to California.
Yeah, so people always say really lame, obvious things to "Bring to California." I would rather bring something creative and fun. Like a cranky hobo, an illegal immigrant, and duct tape. I still can't believe President Poseur suggest a porn star. I still can't believe I knew who he was talking about....stupid Vh1.
Yeah, so a certain somebody who "claims" to know a whole LOT about music made an ass of himself the other day.
He was all like, "Yeah so there's this new song I heard by *insert band name I had never heard of and can't currently remember*." So he just kept going on about the basic premise of the song.
I freaked him out when I started singing the end of it.
Too bad it isn't sung by *band I don't know*.
And it's NOT new....try circa 1977.
I thought EVERYONE knew Meat Loaf sings "Paradise by the Dashboard Light."
Apparently not.
Monday, October 02, 2006
Was today a bad day?
So I walked into pre-calc today and found Mrs. Foytik.
Not good.
She's a nice lady, but she confuses me drastically.
So it was REVIEW DAY....stuff I already learned. Yeah, she made it seem like I had never before seen numbers in my life.
Test tomorrow.
That should be interesting.
During band we got new music for the concert we have in like...3 weeks. Hmmm.
Mr. Knihtila gave us candy though....that was neat.
So I finally figured out what Chocolate's middle name is. I've been asking him for about a week, but he wouldn't tell me. I just started calling him Chocolate Hank.
Mr. Knihtila posted grades the other day, so I figured I'd just look on the sheet rather than badger him about it.
Now I know why he wouldn't tell me. He turned red anddenied it being his name, but it was on the paper.
It's a neat name, but it doesn't exactly "mesh" with his first name.
So J-J is getting a French horn to take home. That pisses me off...considering I'm first chair and I don't even have one.
I slammed my hand in my French horn case. Well, I guess saying it like that is misleading. A chunk of skin got caught in one of the latches and the latch closed on it.
It hurt so effing badly. It was like, jammed to the point I had to rip it out of the latch. Sick. I thought Pink Piggy was gonna puke when I started poking the huge blister I had on the palm of my hand...then it broke open and bled all over. It doesn't look that bad now which is cool.
I went up to get lunch and the lunch lady told me I couldn't eat. That's kinda odd considering I had like, $18 in my account last week.
I was pissed...I stormed away from the line.
HWSFRN saw me and dragged me across the lunch room and bought me lunch.
He reminded me that I bought him lunch last year and he never paid me back.
He really can be a nice guy.
So I walked into work today and somebody came running through the front door screaming "Somebody call 911!"
A pedestrian was hit by a car while she was crossing the street. Skizzle and Garbage Can came in (their car was directly behind the ambulance in the middle of the road) and told me about the accident.
I know both the driver and the victim.
Let's call the driver Blue Car...
I guess she was turning onto the highway and didn't see Mrs. Skotzke crossing the street. Mrs. Skotzke was laying on the side of the road shaking and crying when the ambulance got there.
This old lady in the store didn't think it was a "big deal" she was hit. Her opinion was that it wasn't a child, so what did it matter?
It's not like she has four (?) kids or anything....
Please pray for her tonignt!
Not good.
She's a nice lady, but she confuses me drastically.
So it was REVIEW DAY....stuff I already learned. Yeah, she made it seem like I had never before seen numbers in my life.
Test tomorrow.
That should be interesting.
During band we got new music for the concert we have in like...3 weeks. Hmmm.
Mr. Knihtila gave us candy though....that was neat.
So I finally figured out what Chocolate's middle name is. I've been asking him for about a week, but he wouldn't tell me. I just started calling him Chocolate Hank.
Mr. Knihtila posted grades the other day, so I figured I'd just look on the sheet rather than badger him about it.
Now I know why he wouldn't tell me. He turned red anddenied it being his name, but it was on the paper.
It's a neat name, but it doesn't exactly "mesh" with his first name.
So J-J is getting a French horn to take home. That pisses me off...considering I'm first chair and I don't even have one.
I slammed my hand in my French horn case. Well, I guess saying it like that is misleading. A chunk of skin got caught in one of the latches and the latch closed on it.
It hurt so effing badly. It was like, jammed to the point I had to rip it out of the latch. Sick. I thought Pink Piggy was gonna puke when I started poking the huge blister I had on the palm of my hand...then it broke open and bled all over. It doesn't look that bad now which is cool.
I went up to get lunch and the lunch lady told me I couldn't eat. That's kinda odd considering I had like, $18 in my account last week.
I was pissed...I stormed away from the line.
HWSFRN saw me and dragged me across the lunch room and bought me lunch.
He reminded me that I bought him lunch last year and he never paid me back.
He really can be a nice guy.
So I walked into work today and somebody came running through the front door screaming "Somebody call 911!"
A pedestrian was hit by a car while she was crossing the street. Skizzle and Garbage Can came in (their car was directly behind the ambulance in the middle of the road) and told me about the accident.
I know both the driver and the victim.
Let's call the driver Blue Car...
I guess she was turning onto the highway and didn't see Mrs. Skotzke crossing the street. Mrs. Skotzke was laying on the side of the road shaking and crying when the ambulance got there.
This old lady in the store didn't think it was a "big deal" she was hit. Her opinion was that it wasn't a child, so what did it matter?
It's not like she has four (?) kids or anything....
Please pray for her tonignt!
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