Yeah, that was the name of a song on the credits of the movie I just watched.
Where do I start?
So pretty much half the soccer team is suspended for three games (oh wait, they're playing Tuesday...that's only two!) for breaking the athletic code and drinking.
I went to the game Thursday to show my support. I was pretty much losing my voice by halftime. No joke.
I also got in a verbal fight with a football player. I won. Why? Because his comeback to me "Oh, I'm sorry, you don't know what points on a scoreboard look like do you? I forgot, you play football," comment was "I know what points are."
Chalk that up to another reason I'm a bitch.
Anyway, I was rooting for Betty, HWSFRN, and Whelk Boy. Yes, I said it, Whelk Boy. He may be the ex-boyfriend I don't get along with, but he did score the only goal for our team. I tried to give him a compliment at the bonfire and he spit a sunflower seed at me.
So I pretty much raped Beaver several times at the bonfire. I even stole his belt.
I also stole Chocolate's battery. I made him give me a hug for it.
Hmmm. Chocolate. I like him.
He wouldn't give me a hug at first, and I was all like, "Cause your girlfriend's here?"
I guess they broke up or something.
Then I pretty much was all over him the entire night. Literally.
Then of course I accidentally hit him in the face.
Not good.
I cannot type right now, and I can only be on for another 32 minutes, so all typos I am going to not delete and you have to deal with it, okay?
Sat between Pink Piggy and Random Freshman. Not good. He's competitive.
For once the bandgeeks were able to eat FIRST. Okay, so usually the school runs out of food on one side or w/e, so the people in first lunch get to eat as much as they want, but we don't.
There were so many slackers (first lunchers) bitching. It was hilarious.
We a few sophomores, juniors, and seniors gathered around in the hall playing pepband music. Fun.
We walked to the bus garage. It was raining. I don't even know how long we were in there for. I was torn between flirting with Chocolate and Random Freshman.
In the end, Random Freshman said "Oh, I see you like Chocolate now." I had a mini-bitch fit. I gave him the finger. Then I told him he didn't know what he was talking about....and he said something along the lines of "I'm sorry, you have the right to flirt with're single."
Damn straight.
I so I pretty much jumped from group to group conversing with people. Man-pretty was there. It rocked.
I gave Chocolate about a bazillion hugs.
I also started about 16 fights.
Seriously, if you walked past me at the game, chances are I asked you if you wanted to fight.
So I don't know football. There were a few times I had to lean over and ask RF what was going on. I'm glad I have a friend who used to play football.
Field show went decently. I guess.
The score was 30 to 26...we were losing. Three seconds left in the game and we had the ball. We scored the very last second.
Refs didn't count it. They claimed it was too late...they NEVER blew the end whistle.
I held my English teacher's baby. He cried.
So I sat there for an hour and a half with Random Freshman. I knew he was looking at her. He kept saying things about her to me.
Okay, so I understand he likes her...but does he REALLY have to rub it in my face?
Seriously, he acts like he's the only person in the world who likes someone who likes someone else.
Every time he tells me he "still has a chance," I just think I'm glad one of us does.
Screw that.
To be honest with you, I like her. She was in the running for my Freshman of the Year award.
I also like Sister-Sister. He's awesome.
So here is my problem as I see it. Or as I can type it in 19 minutes.
I like RF, but I don't want to. He has his own dealios with 456/654 and whatnot. He's such a nice guy when he's not depressing himself over her.
I really like Chocolate. I was looking in his eyes and I can't even tell what color they are. Maybe they're green...maybe they're brown. Who knows?
He's so funny.
He barely talks, but when he does it's awesome.
I've also gotten in his pants...
(oh, I also got in J-J's pants before the parade...when Chocolate walked by, he had to make sure that I wasn't wearing HIS pants...again.)
Sound kinda bad?
Here's where it gets worse.
So Pink Piggy and I were escaping the madness of the sports crap yesterday before lunch. We went to the bandroom. HWSFRN was there.
Is this getting predictable?
We all went through pepband music making notes of which we should convince Mr. Knihtila to let us the end we (I), left an anonymous note taped to his chair.
So He Who Shall Forever Remain Nameless escaped to practice room with the piano. Pink Piggy went to go do something, and I sat there watching HWSFRN poking various piano keys.
He started singing.
I don't know why, but I just couldn't stop watching him.
He looked over, and I ducked. Pink Piggy saw and giggled heartily.
He went back to playing and singing. Needless to say, it happened a second time.
The third time he just stared ahead and said, "I know you're there."
What does he do? He turned off the lights to "sneak up on me."
Somehow I ended up in the practice room with him. I was sitting on the floor and he was on the piano bench. He just started talking nonsense. I just watched. After a few minutes, I saw Pink Piggy out of the corner of my eye...a little while later he was all like, "Get in here!"
So Pink Piggy and I sat on the floor listening to HWSFRN's stories.
If you've never heard his stories, you're missing out.
I don't like him, but I do.
I don't know how to explain my thought process.
Beaver said something about how there's a history, and that's why I get like this. Some history...spanning back from 6th grade when he first started calling me a fat whore.
I know HWSFRN isn't a big deal...I'll probably not feel like this in a couple days.
However, I still like Random Freshman....and Chocolate.
I really like Chocolate.
The fact of the matter is, I don't even have a chance with either of them.
I doubt I'll be turning into 456/654 anytime soon, so I can say goodbye to Random Freshman.
But Chocolate hates me. I can't even count how many times he calles me crazy in a single day. Then there's the fact he literally RUNS away from me.
And he can run....stupid cross country.
I think I'm going to try to spend more time with Chocolate rather than Random Freshman.
No joke.

"We'll never be as young as we are right now." --Jim Steinman
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Sunday, September 24, 2006
I got my mouse for Biology II.
I went through two baby name books to find a name I actually liked.
I have come to the conclusion that I am naturally drawn to "not so common" names due to the commonosity of my lame name.
He's such a cute little mouse. He goes by Fabian Aberdeen-Hugh.
No joke.
I heart that name.
So the adventure of Friday went down like this.
Peanuts hauled Fabian Aberdeen-Hugh and I through town for various stuff. Eventually, we ended up at our "meeting." We were at Artist's house just kinda pretending to actually get stuff done.
Peanuts and I hauled around town again...can't really remember I, but then we all grouped back up at the school.
Beaver's hair was womanish. It was neat but slightly scary.
So President Poseur and Peanuts' "not boyfriend" were the only dudes who showed up for our class. They had to leave early anyhow for the football game.
Mr. Hommerding and Mr. Peterson were our advisors.
Hommerding was in the best mood in the world. He just kept running around going "You guys...I mean girls...are good. You're going to beat the seniors. BEAT THE SENIORS!!!" No joke. He was downright giddy. He kept saying really stupid stuff...and I just kept saying uber stupid stuff back to him.
He was eating in the hallway *tsk tsk* and Pink Piggy ran up to him screaming it was against school rules.
So what did he do? He shoved the entire piece of pizza in his mouth. Even better than the time he said "for shizzle my nizzle."
I don't even remember.
Okay, so all the girls who were at Artist's house earlier in the day had all of a sudden turned on eachother. No joke. I'll get into that later, I guess.
Pink Piggy and I started decorating the archway. One problem was that part of it spewed into the freshman hall. Too bad. We called dibs on the corner.
Mr. Hoogland was all like, "You have to take that stupid thing down."
Uggghh, it's not cool to joke around with teenage girls who are pissed off.
I guess he's cool though.
Anyway, so Pink Piggy and I were rollin' out the archway when we had a brilliant idea. Artist was just like, "NO WAY, that'll look bad. I'll do it myself." I was pissed. I ran away to Mr. Peterson's room to help President Poseur blow up balloons.
Sad when I would rather spend time with President Poseur....anyway, he had to leave for football, so I had him send down Pink Piggy.
So basically, it was Pink Piggy and I lounging around in Mr. Peterson's room blowing up balloons.
He has the best spinny-chair. We probably should've been elsewhere actually doing something, but instead we were looking at all the pictures Mr. P has in his back room and looking up music on his computer.
By the time we left the chemistry room, the seniors were throwing crete paper across the hall. It was hilarious.
We went back to decorating. I was uber hyper. Mrs. Pippenger was all like laughing at me. I thought Mr. Peterson was going to shoot me. He kept telling me to shut up.
Yeah, I didn't.
So Peanuts hauled the straight-haired Beaver, IB, and I to the football game.
We all enjoyed a little pot in her car.
Literally, a small, metal pan....what were you thinking?
So Peanuts and I were workin' concessions with a few other female juniors. It was raining.
Then there was lightning, so they had to postpone for 15 minutes....resume....lightning....postpone 30 minutes....and finally called it quits.
The night ended with Peanuts, Mr. Feuerer, and I having a popcorn fight in the elementary school playground.
Good times.
Too bad I'm going to go to school tomorrow and be uber pissed. Seriously, I can probably give you a list of people in MY grade that will rip down the decorations. I can understand people in other grades doing it, but not my own.
Stupid people.
I'm wearing my prom dress from freshman prom to school tomorrow. No joke.
I got my mouse for Biology II.
I went through two baby name books to find a name I actually liked.
I have come to the conclusion that I am naturally drawn to "not so common" names due to the commonosity of my lame name.
He's such a cute little mouse. He goes by Fabian Aberdeen-Hugh.
No joke.
I heart that name.
So the adventure of Friday went down like this.
Peanuts hauled Fabian Aberdeen-Hugh and I through town for various stuff. Eventually, we ended up at our "meeting." We were at Artist's house just kinda pretending to actually get stuff done.
Peanuts and I hauled around town again...can't really remember I, but then we all grouped back up at the school.
Beaver's hair was womanish. It was neat but slightly scary.
So President Poseur and Peanuts' "not boyfriend" were the only dudes who showed up for our class. They had to leave early anyhow for the football game.
Mr. Hommerding and Mr. Peterson were our advisors.
Hommerding was in the best mood in the world. He just kept running around going "You guys...I mean girls...are good. You're going to beat the seniors. BEAT THE SENIORS!!!" No joke. He was downright giddy. He kept saying really stupid stuff...and I just kept saying uber stupid stuff back to him.
He was eating in the hallway *tsk tsk* and Pink Piggy ran up to him screaming it was against school rules.
So what did he do? He shoved the entire piece of pizza in his mouth. Even better than the time he said "for shizzle my nizzle."
I don't even remember.
Okay, so all the girls who were at Artist's house earlier in the day had all of a sudden turned on eachother. No joke. I'll get into that later, I guess.
Pink Piggy and I started decorating the archway. One problem was that part of it spewed into the freshman hall. Too bad. We called dibs on the corner.
Mr. Hoogland was all like, "You have to take that stupid thing down."
Uggghh, it's not cool to joke around with teenage girls who are pissed off.
I guess he's cool though.
Anyway, so Pink Piggy and I were rollin' out the archway when we had a brilliant idea. Artist was just like, "NO WAY, that'll look bad. I'll do it myself." I was pissed. I ran away to Mr. Peterson's room to help President Poseur blow up balloons.
Sad when I would rather spend time with President Poseur....anyway, he had to leave for football, so I had him send down Pink Piggy.
So basically, it was Pink Piggy and I lounging around in Mr. Peterson's room blowing up balloons.
He has the best spinny-chair. We probably should've been elsewhere actually doing something, but instead we were looking at all the pictures Mr. P has in his back room and looking up music on his computer.
By the time we left the chemistry room, the seniors were throwing crete paper across the hall. It was hilarious.
We went back to decorating. I was uber hyper. Mrs. Pippenger was all like laughing at me. I thought Mr. Peterson was going to shoot me. He kept telling me to shut up.
Yeah, I didn't.
So Peanuts hauled the straight-haired Beaver, IB, and I to the football game.
We all enjoyed a little pot in her car.
Literally, a small, metal pan....what were you thinking?
So Peanuts and I were workin' concessions with a few other female juniors. It was raining.
Then there was lightning, so they had to postpone for 15 minutes....resume....lightning....postpone 30 minutes....and finally called it quits.
The night ended with Peanuts, Mr. Feuerer, and I having a popcorn fight in the elementary school playground.
Good times.
Too bad I'm going to go to school tomorrow and be uber pissed. Seriously, I can probably give you a list of people in MY grade that will rip down the decorations. I can understand people in other grades doing it, but not my own.
Stupid people.
I'm wearing my prom dress from freshman prom to school tomorrow. No joke.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Random stuff blog is freakin' out on me. No joke.
Okay, so today I was talking to this guy I've liked for a LONG time. I mean, I honestly think he's the definition of "The Perfect Guy."
At camp, this chick asked us to envision someone we would marry that we already know...he was the FIRST guy to pop into my head.
Anyway, I was talking to him and he just smiled at me and I just started dorky laugh when I squinch my eyes and snort. He just kept smiling.
As far as I know, he's never had a girlfriend or anything. Sometimes I REALLY like him, but other times he just kinda falls out of my mind until he just somehow pops up and asks me about our homework.
I've pretty much had a small crush on him since the 4th grade. He and I were on the same bus route and he would always make sure he saved me a seat.
Is this sad?
Seriously, you people probably have no clue who I'm talking about. I don't even think Beaver knows.
The guy probably knows. If he doesn't, I'm shocked. Then again, we were talking about this story where the main chick character was giving "messages" and he couldn't understand what she meant.
Pff. Dudes.
Okay, so today I was talking to this guy I've liked for a LONG time. I mean, I honestly think he's the definition of "The Perfect Guy."
At camp, this chick asked us to envision someone we would marry that we already know...he was the FIRST guy to pop into my head.
Anyway, I was talking to him and he just smiled at me and I just started dorky laugh when I squinch my eyes and snort. He just kept smiling.
As far as I know, he's never had a girlfriend or anything. Sometimes I REALLY like him, but other times he just kinda falls out of my mind until he just somehow pops up and asks me about our homework.
I've pretty much had a small crush on him since the 4th grade. He and I were on the same bus route and he would always make sure he saved me a seat.
Is this sad?
Seriously, you people probably have no clue who I'm talking about. I don't even think Beaver knows.
The guy probably knows. If he doesn't, I'm shocked. Then again, we were talking about this story where the main chick character was giving "messages" and he couldn't understand what she meant.
Pff. Dudes.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
The best part of my day involved human anatomy...
So I bought The Rocky Horror Picture Show Soundtrack. I heart it. No joke.
I have to post some whicked lyrics of how I've been feeling lately...........
It was great when it all began
I was a regular Frankie fan
But it was over when he had the plan
To start working on a muscle man
Now the only thing that gives me hope
Is my love of a certain dope
Rose tints my world
Keeps me safe from my trouble and pain
I'm a wild and an untamed thing
I'm a bee w ith a deadly sting
You get a hit and your mind goes ping
Your heart'll pump and your blood will sing
So let the pary and the sounds rock on
We're gonna shake it 'till the life has gone
Rose tint my world
Keep me safe from my trouble and pain
I felt horrible today. I couldn't quite place it. I was cheered up in English when Peanuts was bein' Peanuts. I heart her.
Mrs. Lenz is awesome. No joke. English is my favorite to band, of course.
Mr. Knihtila dropped the field show today. We're going to walk onto the field playing "I Get Around" and just stand in a big "PHS" and play the rest of the songs.
So I felt like poo during Biology II. I couldn't stand the stupid football player jock guys any more. All the talk about is getting in various freshmen girls' pants.
I moved across the room, but they still get to me!
I asked for a pass to the library. Mr. Zierer loves me, so he just let me leave. I was "researching" Munchausen Syndrome. Not so much luck.
I just kinda sat in one of the armchairs looking at human anatomy books.
I can't wait 'till I take Anat. and Phys....3rd quarter or 4th quarter...pff. I don't even remember.
I had to go back to class 'cause my crap was still there. High Heels and I played with the skeleton...putting it in odd stances. That thing is taller than I am. Not even the real one in the closet--the fake one by his desk.
The best part? Okay, so after school a few girls and dI stayed to sort out some hall decorating stuff. We were kinda in the middle of Cross-Country practice. They were doing the stretch things where you lean over....Downward Dog in Yoga....if you have any idea what that is.
Pink Piggy caught me staring at a guy's butt.
He had a nice butt.
Then he stood up.
I couldn't stop laughing.
Wilke looked over at us like we didn't have any right to be in the Commons.
I heart him...Chocolate, not Wilke
To be honest with you people, I think I may be developing a small crush on him.
He's so freaking quiet, though.
Plus he hates me.
He's the token Kennan/Catawban. Every "Posse" type thing needs one.
I have to post some whicked lyrics of how I've been feeling lately...........
It was great when it all began
I was a regular Frankie fan
But it was over when he had the plan
To start working on a muscle man
Now the only thing that gives me hope
Is my love of a certain dope
Rose tints my world
Keeps me safe from my trouble and pain
I'm a wild and an untamed thing
I'm a bee w ith a deadly sting
You get a hit and your mind goes ping
Your heart'll pump and your blood will sing
So let the pary and the sounds rock on
We're gonna shake it 'till the life has gone
Rose tint my world
Keep me safe from my trouble and pain
I felt horrible today. I couldn't quite place it. I was cheered up in English when Peanuts was bein' Peanuts. I heart her.
Mrs. Lenz is awesome. No joke. English is my favorite to band, of course.
Mr. Knihtila dropped the field show today. We're going to walk onto the field playing "I Get Around" and just stand in a big "PHS" and play the rest of the songs.
So I felt like poo during Biology II. I couldn't stand the stupid football player jock guys any more. All the talk about is getting in various freshmen girls' pants.
I moved across the room, but they still get to me!
I asked for a pass to the library. Mr. Zierer loves me, so he just let me leave. I was "researching" Munchausen Syndrome. Not so much luck.
I just kinda sat in one of the armchairs looking at human anatomy books.
I can't wait 'till I take Anat. and Phys....3rd quarter or 4th quarter...pff. I don't even remember.
I had to go back to class 'cause my crap was still there. High Heels and I played with the skeleton...putting it in odd stances. That thing is taller than I am. Not even the real one in the closet--the fake one by his desk.
The best part? Okay, so after school a few girls and dI stayed to sort out some hall decorating stuff. We were kinda in the middle of Cross-Country practice. They were doing the stretch things where you lean over....Downward Dog in Yoga....if you have any idea what that is.
Pink Piggy caught me staring at a guy's butt.
He had a nice butt.
Then he stood up.
I couldn't stop laughing.
Wilke looked over at us like we didn't have any right to be in the Commons.
I heart him...Chocolate, not Wilke
To be honest with you people, I think I may be developing a small crush on him.
He's so freaking quiet, though.
Plus he hates me.
He's the token Kennan/Catawban. Every "Posse" type thing needs one.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Okay, so I guess there's a song or a CD or something of the sort titled "My teen angst now has a body count"
I find this highly amusing.
So Friday I was all sad for some reason.
Here's what went down:
So I grabbed J-J's marching beast of a melaphone rather than my own 'cause mine is held together with tape.
I got to the field and realized J-J doesn't keep a lyre (sp?) in his case like a sane person. So if anyone saw me in the awkward position of having my music between my legs and leaning's J-J's fault.
Too bad it was his music I had between my legs...don't tell him :P
Then of course Random Freshman and He Who Shall Forever Remain Nameless had to "dance" during one of the songs. When I say dance, I mean move their hips in awkward ways.
Now when someone's sitting and the people making odd motions are standing it can get awkward. No joke.
So when I left the game it was 42-12...I left before half-time.
The highlight of the game? Talking to Peanuts about guys. She and I are so ffffing close it's not even funny. She's telling me about her experiences and wants and then we laugh at mine.
She and I both have "issues" with this particular freshman...but I kinda like this girl...she was up for "Freshman of the Year" (Beaver, we need people for that award...all my nominees decided to be stupid and be...stupid)
Nine o' One was kinda listening in going "Wait, who do you like...which guy?" at random moments. The best part was when I started getting really loud and Random Freshman decided to walk by.
We all had a giggle fit.
Until the same EXACT thing happened to Peanuts...only with a guy she doesn't like but I guess used to...she was telling me stories from days past.
So I actually went and got a new blog. I probably won't actually post in it, but having it makes me feel better. No joke.
I now own The Rocky Horror Picture Show soundtrack. I love it.
It doesn't have "Sword of Damocles" on it though. I didn't like that song anyhow.
Okay, so I probably won't post often this next week. Homecoming is approaching fast.
We had a junior class meeting for anyone interested in doing float/hallway/window. Six people showed up...Wait, four...I'm not going to count President Poseur and I 'cause we're class officers and we're "supposed" to be there.
President Poseur decided to bring up the topic of Prom. I just want to make it through HOMECOMING alive before I even delve into the prom business.
He wants a pirate themed prom.
I told him I would hit him in the face if he suggested it again.
Then a few girls want a Ho-down theme.
The Kennan/Catawbans want to have a Kennan/Catawban based prom. No joke, it was actually suggested.
So far the most popular idea is Alice in Wonderland.
....Because we're all 7 years old.
Okay, so I don't have any good ideas myself, but I'm trying....and these other ones are kinda far out there.
I find this highly amusing.
So Friday I was all sad for some reason.
Here's what went down:
So I grabbed J-J's marching beast of a melaphone rather than my own 'cause mine is held together with tape.
I got to the field and realized J-J doesn't keep a lyre (sp?) in his case like a sane person. So if anyone saw me in the awkward position of having my music between my legs and leaning's J-J's fault.
Too bad it was his music I had between my legs...don't tell him :P
Then of course Random Freshman and He Who Shall Forever Remain Nameless had to "dance" during one of the songs. When I say dance, I mean move their hips in awkward ways.
Now when someone's sitting and the people making odd motions are standing it can get awkward. No joke.
So when I left the game it was 42-12...I left before half-time.
The highlight of the game? Talking to Peanuts about guys. She and I are so ffffing close it's not even funny. She's telling me about her experiences and wants and then we laugh at mine.
She and I both have "issues" with this particular freshman...but I kinda like this girl...she was up for "Freshman of the Year" (Beaver, we need people for that award...all my nominees decided to be stupid and be...stupid)
Nine o' One was kinda listening in going "Wait, who do you like...which guy?" at random moments. The best part was when I started getting really loud and Random Freshman decided to walk by.
We all had a giggle fit.
Until the same EXACT thing happened to Peanuts...only with a guy she doesn't like but I guess used to...she was telling me stories from days past.
So I actually went and got a new blog. I probably won't actually post in it, but having it makes me feel better. No joke.
I now own The Rocky Horror Picture Show soundtrack. I love it.
It doesn't have "Sword of Damocles" on it though. I didn't like that song anyhow.
Okay, so I probably won't post often this next week. Homecoming is approaching fast.
We had a junior class meeting for anyone interested in doing float/hallway/window. Six people showed up...Wait, four...I'm not going to count President Poseur and I 'cause we're class officers and we're "supposed" to be there.
President Poseur decided to bring up the topic of Prom. I just want to make it through HOMECOMING alive before I even delve into the prom business.
He wants a pirate themed prom.
I told him I would hit him in the face if he suggested it again.
Then a few girls want a Ho-down theme.
The Kennan/Catawbans want to have a Kennan/Catawban based prom. No joke, it was actually suggested.
So far the most popular idea is Alice in Wonderland.
....Because we're all 7 years old.
Okay, so I don't have any good ideas myself, but I'm trying....and these other ones are kinda far out there.
Friday, September 15, 2006
I feel like a bomb is about to blow up inside me.
I kinda use this blog like a diary, but I can't and I'm going to blow up.
I don't think you people actually realize how much I EDIT myself on this beast. Why? Because I'm not sure exactly who reads and when, but as far as I know, I have five usual readers and an occasional one.
I love my readers. No lie. You guys are freaking awesome, but I think that's the problem. You're guys.
I cannot think with five males in my brain.
It's like, "I could say this...but this one guy might be all like...or the other guy might *BOOM*"
Then there's Random Freshman. I don't know if he reads anymore, but EVERY post I think, "Should I write how I feel or just skirt around it?" I usually avoid the topic.
I think I have to start another blog. I probably won't post in it often, but I'll put the uber personal stuff in it.
I feel like I'm going to blow up.
Especially after tonight.
Oh, and Beaver...I'm pretty sure I bruised one of my ovaries. No joke. It hurts so freaking bad.
The funny part? I did it with a vacuum cleaner.
I know I've posted these lyrics before, but I have to post them again for my own piece of mind. Just replace the her/she/boy words with him/he/girl.
"Auf Achse" by Franz Ferdinand
You see her, you can't touch her
You hear her, you can't hold her
You want her and you can't have her
You want to, but she won't let you
She's not so special
So look what you've done, boy
Now you wish you'd never come back here again
Oh, never come back here again
You see her, you can't touch her
You hear her, you can't hold her
You want her and you can't have her
You want to, but she won't let you
She's not so special
So look what you've done, boy
And now I'm nailed above you, gushing from my side
It's with your sins that you have killed me
Thinking of your sins I die
Thinking how you'd let them touch you
How you'd never realise that I'm ripped
And hang forsaken
Knowing never I will rise again
You see her
You hear her
You want her
You want to
You see her
You still hear her
You want her
You still want to
I kinda use this blog like a diary, but I can't and I'm going to blow up.
I don't think you people actually realize how much I EDIT myself on this beast. Why? Because I'm not sure exactly who reads and when, but as far as I know, I have five usual readers and an occasional one.
I love my readers. No lie. You guys are freaking awesome, but I think that's the problem. You're guys.
I cannot think with five males in my brain.
It's like, "I could say this...but this one guy might be all like...or the other guy might *BOOM*"
Then there's Random Freshman. I don't know if he reads anymore, but EVERY post I think, "Should I write how I feel or just skirt around it?" I usually avoid the topic.
I think I have to start another blog. I probably won't post in it often, but I'll put the uber personal stuff in it.
I feel like I'm going to blow up.
Especially after tonight.
Oh, and Beaver...I'm pretty sure I bruised one of my ovaries. No joke. It hurts so freaking bad.
The funny part? I did it with a vacuum cleaner.
I know I've posted these lyrics before, but I have to post them again for my own piece of mind. Just replace the her/she/boy words with him/he/girl.
"Auf Achse" by Franz Ferdinand
You see her, you can't touch her
You hear her, you can't hold her
You want her and you can't have her
You want to, but she won't let you
She's not so special
So look what you've done, boy
Now you wish you'd never come back here again
Oh, never come back here again
You see her, you can't touch her
You hear her, you can't hold her
You want her and you can't have her
You want to, but she won't let you
She's not so special
So look what you've done, boy
And now I'm nailed above you, gushing from my side
It's with your sins that you have killed me
Thinking of your sins I die
Thinking how you'd let them touch you
How you'd never realise that I'm ripped
And hang forsaken
Knowing never I will rise again
You see her
You hear her
You want her
You want to
You see her
You still hear her
You want her
You still want to
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
May your f'ing class dues!
Did anyone see me running around the school during OP the other day?
President Poseur was no where to be found after the first few minutes.
Then of course I needed to find our she, Pink Piggy, and I went around the junior homerooms telling people to pay their class dues.
Basically, we walked into a room and I would start listing off reasons why people should do it so I don't hit them in the face.
I love Mr. Peterson.
Because when I got to his homeroom someone started yelling at me that I was being a bitch and they didn't want to pay $5...oh wait, his dad pretty much owns half the freaking town.
Mr. Peterson was all like, "Mr. *******, please shut up. Mr. *******, enough. Enough."
Then he went off on how I was talking about necessary stuff. Everyone shut up.
Yay for Mr. Peterson being a class advisor!!!
I have a hit list. Some people I actually want to hit in the face...others are just on for show.
President Poseur was no where to be found after the first few minutes.
Then of course I needed to find our she, Pink Piggy, and I went around the junior homerooms telling people to pay their class dues.
Basically, we walked into a room and I would start listing off reasons why people should do it so I don't hit them in the face.
I love Mr. Peterson.
Because when I got to his homeroom someone started yelling at me that I was being a bitch and they didn't want to pay $5...oh wait, his dad pretty much owns half the freaking town.
Mr. Peterson was all like, "Mr. *******, please shut up. Mr. *******, enough. Enough."
Then he went off on how I was talking about necessary stuff. Everyone shut up.
Yay for Mr. Peterson being a class advisor!!!
I have a hit list. Some people I actually want to hit in the face...others are just on for show.
- Beaver (he has to be number one for everything)
- Super Glue (he wastes my super glue)
- Ju Freaking Wolf (she doesn't sit directly infront of me anymore)
- Random Freshman (I can't think of a reason, but I know he should be up here)
- President Poseur (He gave hall decorating duties to someone else despite the fact I did it last year)
- My Favorite Blonde (she's my Sudoku buddy)
- My Favorite Blonde's cousin (he won't stop mocking me)
- My Pre-Calc book (that thing needs a good smiting...or a cliff)
- Chocolate (every time I say something to him he just stares at me blankly)
- The people at the fix-musical-instruments-factory (they STILL have Charlie)
- The Beach Boys (Because I LOVE the last...12 or so measures of "Help Me Rhonda")
- Mr. Jasurda (he's too freaking awesome)
- Betty (he's the perfect guy)
- That new guy who looks kinda like Man-pretty (obvious reasons)
- J-J (he's got his license and mocks me about it)
- All the bugs I have to identify for Biology
- Whoever put so many f'ing FRENCH words in the GERMAN language.
Seriously, this last one bothers me. It's German class and I can't even remember how many times Frau Marshall goes "blah...French in origin"
Who cares about san souci and papier.
And remember, I'm going to hit you in the face and/or ovaries.
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Michael Jackson, Kurt Cobain, and Your Mom
So my mom sent me this e-mail....I know most of my readers are male, so just don't get offended or anything.
For all those men who say, Why buy a cow when you can get milk for free. Here's an update for you: Now days, 80% of women are against marriage, WHY? Because women realize it's not worth buying an entire pig just to get a little sausage.
1. Men are like ...Laxatives ...... They irritate the crap out of you.
2. Men are like.Bananas ........ The older they get, the less firm they are.
3. Men are like ......Weather . Nothing can be done to change them.
4. Men are like .......Blenders You need One, but you're not quite sure why.
5. Men are like .....Chocolate Bars .... Sweet, smooth, & they usually head right for your hips.
6. Men are like ....Commercials ....... You can't believe a word they say.
7. Men are like Department Stores ..... Their clothes are always 1/2 off.
8. Men are like ......Government Bonds .... They take soooooooo long to mature.
9. Men are like .....Mascara . They usually run at the first sign of emotion.
10. Men are like .Popcorn ..... They satisfy you, but only for a little while.
11. Men are like Snowstorms .... You never know when they're coming, how many inches you'll get or how long it will last.
12. Men are like ........Lava Lamps .... Fun to look at, but not very bright.
13. Men are like Parking Spots ........... All the good ones are taken, the rest are handicapped.
We lost the football game. I can just see the shock on anybody's face who wasn't there. Final score of 20-6.
The conversing was a whole lot better.
I love pepband so much. Football pepband isn't my favorite, but I can roll with it.
When I got there, I was like, "Who do I usually sit by for pepband?" Oh crap...Man-pretty graduated.
So I stood by Bowling Pin, Ertz, Ju Freaking Wolf, Jedi Hansolo, and a few other sophomores (except Ju Freaking Wolf who is a senior).
I love singing in "Hey! Baby!" It makes me happy.
None of our trumpets can play the school song. Yell just got her braces off, so she's out of the high notes...and My Favorite Blonde plays football, so she's out for the football season.
During band I sang the part. It was awesome. I can't sing.
The Van, who graduated last year, had to play the school song. It was awesome. No joke.
I renamed Jedi Hansolo. His new name is Chocolate. I can't remember why...except I kept saying "You're sweet, sweet like chocolate."
So he thinks I'm crazy.
He's crazy. Last night was the most I've EVER seen him speak. I guess his cross practice was easy or something.
He says I scare him, and I'm pretty sure he hates me.
He's freaking adorable--I just want to pinch his chubby cheaks.
I even told him my MySpace picture is of him (then Beavs added so is my Hotmail picture).
Okay, that sounds weird, but I'm in the picture too and it's a GOOD picture of me.
I'm not going to lie. I was flirting with him pretty hard core. No joke.
I just have to make sure I don't "Your Mom" him too much...considering I have his mom for German 3rd and 4th quarter.
Oh, and Dora, Homecoming is the 29th. I think Mr. Knihtila is kinda freaking 'cause we have less than two weeks to perfect the field show and march.
For all those men who say, Why buy a cow when you can get milk for free. Here's an update for you: Now days, 80% of women are against marriage, WHY? Because women realize it's not worth buying an entire pig just to get a little sausage.
1. Men are like ...Laxatives ...... They irritate the crap out of you.
2. Men are like.Bananas ........ The older they get, the less firm they are.
3. Men are like ......Weather . Nothing can be done to change them.
4. Men are like .......Blenders You need One, but you're not quite sure why.
5. Men are like .....Chocolate Bars .... Sweet, smooth, & they usually head right for your hips.
6. Men are like ....Commercials ....... You can't believe a word they say.
7. Men are like Department Stores ..... Their clothes are always 1/2 off.
8. Men are like ......Government Bonds .... They take soooooooo long to mature.
9. Men are like .....Mascara . They usually run at the first sign of emotion.
10. Men are like .Popcorn ..... They satisfy you, but only for a little while.
11. Men are like Snowstorms .... You never know when they're coming, how many inches you'll get or how long it will last.
12. Men are like ........Lava Lamps .... Fun to look at, but not very bright.
13. Men are like Parking Spots ........... All the good ones are taken, the rest are handicapped.
We lost the football game. I can just see the shock on anybody's face who wasn't there. Final score of 20-6.
The conversing was a whole lot better.
I love pepband so much. Football pepband isn't my favorite, but I can roll with it.
When I got there, I was like, "Who do I usually sit by for pepband?" Oh crap...Man-pretty graduated.
So I stood by Bowling Pin, Ertz, Ju Freaking Wolf, Jedi Hansolo, and a few other sophomores (except Ju Freaking Wolf who is a senior).
I love singing in "Hey! Baby!" It makes me happy.
None of our trumpets can play the school song. Yell just got her braces off, so she's out of the high notes...and My Favorite Blonde plays football, so she's out for the football season.
During band I sang the part. It was awesome. I can't sing.
The Van, who graduated last year, had to play the school song. It was awesome. No joke.
I renamed Jedi Hansolo. His new name is Chocolate. I can't remember why...except I kept saying "You're sweet, sweet like chocolate."
So he thinks I'm crazy.
He's crazy. Last night was the most I've EVER seen him speak. I guess his cross practice was easy or something.
He says I scare him, and I'm pretty sure he hates me.
He's freaking adorable--I just want to pinch his chubby cheaks.
I even told him my MySpace picture is of him (then Beavs added so is my Hotmail picture).
Okay, that sounds weird, but I'm in the picture too and it's a GOOD picture of me.
I'm not going to lie. I was flirting with him pretty hard core. No joke.
I just have to make sure I don't "Your Mom" him too much...considering I have his mom for German 3rd and 4th quarter.
Oh, and Dora, Homecoming is the 29th. I think Mr. Knihtila is kinda freaking 'cause we have less than two weeks to perfect the field show and march.
Friday, September 08, 2006
Biology II
I'm sitting in the hallway directly across from Beaver's locker. Should I stuff some garbage through the slot? I think I shall.
I hope it was the right locker. No joke.
The first pepband is tonight. I'm pumped.
Too bad it's raining hardcore.
Coach F told me he wasn't our forensics coach this year.
I guess Mrs. Lenz is replacing him. Pff.
She's neat, though.
Except F didn't care if the girls spent time in the guys' bedroom or if we invited strangers into HWSFRN's room. Good times had in Madison.
I managed to get a 94% on my pre-calc quiz *woot woot*
I'm still mad I was scheduled for pre-calc before trig. Pff.
I glued a dead moth to my finger.
Most of the legs fell off my giant brown moth (which I'm yet to classify....should be doin' it right now actually), so piled them on the remaining legs and superglued those beotches on.
Too bad the glue ran onto my finger as well.
Um....idk. I had a possibility to post, so I took it. I heard some rumor from a reliable source....but I don't want to believe it at all. Stupid stuff.
I love pepband.
It's the Eagle Game tonight...or turkey game if you're J-J.
We lost the Eagle last year, and I doubt we'll get it back any time soon.
I'm sitting in the hallway directly across from Beaver's locker. Should I stuff some garbage through the slot? I think I shall.
I hope it was the right locker. No joke.
The first pepband is tonight. I'm pumped.
Too bad it's raining hardcore.
Coach F told me he wasn't our forensics coach this year.
I guess Mrs. Lenz is replacing him. Pff.
She's neat, though.
Except F didn't care if the girls spent time in the guys' bedroom or if we invited strangers into HWSFRN's room. Good times had in Madison.
I managed to get a 94% on my pre-calc quiz *woot woot*
I'm still mad I was scheduled for pre-calc before trig. Pff.
I glued a dead moth to my finger.
Most of the legs fell off my giant brown moth (which I'm yet to classify....should be doin' it right now actually), so piled them on the remaining legs and superglued those beotches on.
Too bad the glue ran onto my finger as well.
Um....idk. I had a possibility to post, so I took it. I heard some rumor from a reliable source....but I don't want to believe it at all. Stupid stuff.
I love pepband.
It's the Eagle Game tonight...or turkey game if you're J-J.
We lost the Eagle last year, and I doubt we'll get it back any time soon.
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Is it acceptable to take a bite of string-cheese?
So mom told me our computer is bein' stupid this next week I probably won't be able to post...unless I hijack one of the lab computers.
So I had a very deep conversation with Beaver the other night. I felt like he and I bonded...awwwwwww!!!
I told him some stuff and he told me some stuff.
I'm glad to have my Beaver back.
I was reading this magazine article and I believe I have to quote a small part "Everybody loves a bastard..."
It's true. Seriously.
I had my iPod Mini (which they discontinued...pfff) on shuffle today, and this song came up. I couldn't help but be reminded of He Who Shall Forever Remain Nameless.
So I copied and pasted the lyrics...
Deal with it.
"Walk Away" by Franz Ferdinand
I swapped my innocence for pride
Crushed the end within my stride
Said I'm strong now I know that I'm a leaver
I love the sound of you walking away
Mascara bleeds a blackened tear
And I am cold
Yes, I'm cold
But not as cold as you are
I love the sound of you walking away
Why don't you walk away?
Why don't you walk away?
No buildings will fall down
Why don't you walk away?
No quake will split the ground
Why don't you walk away?
The sun won't swallow the sky
Why don't you walk away?
Statues will not cry
Why don't you walk away?
I cannot turn to see those eyes
As apologies may rise
I must be strong and stay an unbeliever
And love the sound of you walking away
Mascara bleeds into my eye
I'm not cold
I am old
At least As old as you are
As you walk away?
As you walk away
My headstone crumbles down
As you walk away
The Hollywood wind's a howl
As you walk away
The Kremlin's falling
As you walk away
Radio Four is STATIC
As you walk away
The stab of stiletto
On a silent night
Stalin Smiles
Hitler laughs
Churchill claps Mao Tse Tungon the back
So I had a very deep conversation with Beaver the other night. I felt like he and I bonded...awwwwwww!!!
I told him some stuff and he told me some stuff.
I'm glad to have my Beaver back.
I was reading this magazine article and I believe I have to quote a small part "Everybody loves a bastard..."
It's true. Seriously.
I had my iPod Mini (which they discontinued...pfff) on shuffle today, and this song came up. I couldn't help but be reminded of He Who Shall Forever Remain Nameless.
So I copied and pasted the lyrics...
Deal with it.
"Walk Away" by Franz Ferdinand
I swapped my innocence for pride
Crushed the end within my stride
Said I'm strong now I know that I'm a leaver
I love the sound of you walking away
Mascara bleeds a blackened tear
And I am cold
Yes, I'm cold
But not as cold as you are
I love the sound of you walking away
Why don't you walk away?
Why don't you walk away?
No buildings will fall down
Why don't you walk away?
No quake will split the ground
Why don't you walk away?
The sun won't swallow the sky
Why don't you walk away?
Statues will not cry
Why don't you walk away?
I cannot turn to see those eyes
As apologies may rise
I must be strong and stay an unbeliever
And love the sound of you walking away
Mascara bleeds into my eye
I'm not cold
I am old
At least As old as you are
As you walk away?
As you walk away
My headstone crumbles down
As you walk away
The Hollywood wind's a howl
As you walk away
The Kremlin's falling
As you walk away
Radio Four is STATIC
As you walk away
The stab of stiletto
On a silent night
Stalin Smiles
Hitler laughs
Churchill claps Mao Tse Tungon the back
Friday, September 01, 2006
And I'm missing out on naptime because...?
My homeroom was moved.
I'm pissed.
Seriously, before my homeroom was right across the hall from Beaver's and I could just look through the door to be all like "ahhhh."
So I walked up to the room which used to be my beloved homeroom and found a note sending me to room 120. That's on the other side of the block thinger...needless to say, I was about to be late.
So I track down the room and find I'm the first one there. Locker Buddy popped up so we ventured into the room together.
Jasurda was sitting in the corner. He went from being one of the dudes who fixes computers to teaching gym and stuff.
So far, I like homeroom is quite bad on the whole being on time deal and he didn't even say anything when Peanuts was like 5 minutes late.
I went to my first block class to be totally deflated. My Favorite Blonde and I found some desks when Mrs. Pippenger popped out the seating chart.
I sit next to the ex-boyfriend I don't get along with.
Okay, so it's Pre-calculus...somehow I was scheduled to take Trig AFTER Pre-calc. Figure that one out.
Mrs. P covered all the notes for chapter one...which was an "overview" of Advanced Algebra.
Screw that...she flew through an entire semester's worth of material in less than an hour and a half.
I wish I had my Beaver.
Second block--German.
My german name is in Lewinski!!!
I love it.
Except for the fact my class is full of slackers...except for a few of my friends like Red Roses, Jelly Belly, Scrapbook, and Betty.
Yay for Betty! The fact his mom teaches that class makes it so much better :P
We were supposed to maintain the 3 French horn thing, but the freshman dropped band. Loser. That's okay 'cause J-J and I are going to get horny....French horny. I'm lame. I love that boy.
So K rearranged the band. The tenors are right infront of me, so of course I spent the hour trying to pet Jedi Hansolo's hair and screaming Ju Freaking Wolf!
I already went through my pepband music. I heart it all.
I guess we have 96 people in our band. Huge. K wants to have some sort of mini band or something. He's taking a few of each instrument...he said two French horns...we only have two. Score.
That's the good thing about playing in a small section.
Then again, the barry saxes are a small section and K said only one...I'd like to see HWSFRN and RF duke that one out.
I sit by My Favorite Blonde, so that's the coolest.
During lunch Mr. Dural said something about my hair and then proceeded to play with it. I didn't really expect him to just grab my hair.
Funny...Victim and I always fight over who's cuter...Mr. Peterson or Mr. Dural.
Then of course I managed to fall on my bum while taking My Favorite Blonde's stupid picture out of the garbage. Good times.
3B--English. Um...It's in The Fool's old old homeroom. All the drivers' ed posters are down and tons of books are all over. Weird.
So I only have Mrs. Lenz first and fourth quarter. I guess Mollman is handling second and third quarters English for the skinnies. Just like freshman year!
We're down to 10 people in that class. Sad.
4th Block--Biology II
It's with Zierer...we have 4 projects for the quarter...that's pretty much the class.
I jacked my year-round schedule...we're not supposed to take them, but I don't see the point.
People let me know if they have any classes with me.
Second Quarter:
German I with Marshall
AP Chemistry (Yay for a class with Mr. Peterson!)
Third Quarter:
AP Chemistry
US History I
German II with Hanson
Fourth Quarter:
Anatomy & Physiology
Employment Readiness
German II with Hanson
I'm pissed.
Seriously, before my homeroom was right across the hall from Beaver's and I could just look through the door to be all like "ahhhh."
So I walked up to the room which used to be my beloved homeroom and found a note sending me to room 120. That's on the other side of the block thinger...needless to say, I was about to be late.
So I track down the room and find I'm the first one there. Locker Buddy popped up so we ventured into the room together.
Jasurda was sitting in the corner. He went from being one of the dudes who fixes computers to teaching gym and stuff.
So far, I like homeroom is quite bad on the whole being on time deal and he didn't even say anything when Peanuts was like 5 minutes late.
I went to my first block class to be totally deflated. My Favorite Blonde and I found some desks when Mrs. Pippenger popped out the seating chart.
I sit next to the ex-boyfriend I don't get along with.
Okay, so it's Pre-calculus...somehow I was scheduled to take Trig AFTER Pre-calc. Figure that one out.
Mrs. P covered all the notes for chapter one...which was an "overview" of Advanced Algebra.
Screw that...she flew through an entire semester's worth of material in less than an hour and a half.
I wish I had my Beaver.
Second block--German.
My german name is in Lewinski!!!
I love it.
Except for the fact my class is full of slackers...except for a few of my friends like Red Roses, Jelly Belly, Scrapbook, and Betty.
Yay for Betty! The fact his mom teaches that class makes it so much better :P
We were supposed to maintain the 3 French horn thing, but the freshman dropped band. Loser. That's okay 'cause J-J and I are going to get horny....French horny. I'm lame. I love that boy.
So K rearranged the band. The tenors are right infront of me, so of course I spent the hour trying to pet Jedi Hansolo's hair and screaming Ju Freaking Wolf!
I already went through my pepband music. I heart it all.
I guess we have 96 people in our band. Huge. K wants to have some sort of mini band or something. He's taking a few of each instrument...he said two French horns...we only have two. Score.
That's the good thing about playing in a small section.
Then again, the barry saxes are a small section and K said only one...I'd like to see HWSFRN and RF duke that one out.
I sit by My Favorite Blonde, so that's the coolest.
During lunch Mr. Dural said something about my hair and then proceeded to play with it. I didn't really expect him to just grab my hair.
Funny...Victim and I always fight over who's cuter...Mr. Peterson or Mr. Dural.
Then of course I managed to fall on my bum while taking My Favorite Blonde's stupid picture out of the garbage. Good times.
3B--English. Um...It's in The Fool's old old homeroom. All the drivers' ed posters are down and tons of books are all over. Weird.
So I only have Mrs. Lenz first and fourth quarter. I guess Mollman is handling second and third quarters English for the skinnies. Just like freshman year!
We're down to 10 people in that class. Sad.
4th Block--Biology II
It's with Zierer...we have 4 projects for the quarter...that's pretty much the class.
I jacked my year-round schedule...we're not supposed to take them, but I don't see the point.
People let me know if they have any classes with me.
Second Quarter:
German I with Marshall
AP Chemistry (Yay for a class with Mr. Peterson!)
Third Quarter:
AP Chemistry
US History I
German II with Hanson
Fourth Quarter:
Anatomy & Physiology
Employment Readiness
German II with Hanson
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