I overheard a highly amusing conversation today. HWSFRN told Kookie that he and his girlfriend are the most disturbing couple ever. Considering the fact that I witnessed HWSFRN's girlfriend (oh let's call her...Flute) walk up to HWSFRN, announce she was cold, and suggest he warm her up...I think they win the disturbing factor.
The best part was that he just stood there and stared at here. Sometimes I'm not sure if he likes her or loathes her. It must be one of those love/hate relationships.
The other day I was accidentally flirting with HWSFRN (I just can't control it sometimes), but I didn't know Flute was right behind me. I just kinda walked away. Today, I walked into the bathroom, and I swear she ambushed me. I didn't even notice her until she said my name. I must have looked panic stricken or at least guilty. I had a quick conversation with her about how HWSFRN constantly mocks me and how he should not rub off on her.
I honestly thought she was going to bitch slap me or something.
Although, it's not like I really did anything wrong.
President Clinton was mocking me because I named my dummies in lifeguard training. The big torso is Jack and the baby is Graham. We only had the dummies for a couple of minutes and I already find them amusing. Boxer Boy went to inflate the lungs on his torso one and blew so hard the head went flying off. Great times.
For some reason, we were all talking about how Betty looks like he's from the Middle East or something. The picture in his license actually supports the argument. I love Betty. He is the coolest. He is also a pretty white guy (despite his semi-Hispanic background)--well, except for that day he wore the du-rag, but we won't get into that one.
A lovely picture of Red Eye, Tape (a.k.a. Action), and Betty in his turbin. Okay, so maybe not the best picture, but I ripped it off President Poseur's blog. Gosh that's an old picture--the bushes aren't all naked and covered in snow. I love the bushes. Some day I wish to hide in them and jump out. Then again, I also wish to go cow tippin'....

it's cold over here. Jessica called Sunday morning, and I mentioned the sheet of ice over my car, and she was talking about the 75 degree weather and warm breeze. blah.
you're just too flirtatious for your own good, sometimes, sorry to say.
Life is a lot like a hot bath-nice at first, but the longer you stay in, the more wrinkled you get.
Random quote of the Day!!
or, 'at first you get burned, then you just get used to it.'
i have nothing to say,
I might be getting some net on my laptop, once Verizon ceases being retarded and will let me know some access numbers and stuff. the deli has wireless internet connection.
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