Wednesday, November 30, 2005
A as in elephant!
I would hereby like to claim Beaver as my hero. I was stressing out over a whole bunch of stupid stuff. I was sitting in English today worrying about the stupid paper I have due tomorrow that I have yet to start (not my fault, I think maybe ONE person in the entire class has started it because Bob O'Reilly's stupid schedule). Anyway, I was flipping through my notebook, gave up, and threw it on the pile of stuff. Well, on the back of the notebook there are a bunch of drawings of "Super Beavers" and sayings of how great Beaver is. I couldn't stop laughing. It made my day. I have to bring the notebook home next week some time so I can scan the pictures so you all can have a bit of a giggle.
Uggghh. Lifeguard training was pretty fun today. Yesterday, however, I tried to get out of the pool and I couldn't stand up. Mrs. Anderson had us to a conditioning 500 consisting of sprints, rescue kicking, and kickboard. Not very cool. I guess I made it out lucky. I was sharing a lane with Giant Floating Hippo. He pretty much collapsed afterwards--although, I'm guessing that is because he's a wrestler and has mostlikely barely eaten all week.
Like I said, today was a lot better. We were being tested on rescues and the such. Mrs. Anderson decided that everyone was going to rescue a dude because dudes don't float as well as girls do. I rescued Giant Floating Hippo, so it was all good 'cause he's not a big of a guy. Unfortunately, I had to later attempt to save President Poseur. I am 4'11". President Poseur is nearing 6'1" and built of solid muscle--no joke. I think it took three girls to drag him up and over the wall.
I was TRYING to rescue Running Machine, but she was not doing a very good job of being an unconcious victim. I was hauling her to the wall and she decided to say that it felt like I was trying to hump her. Gosh.
Blah. A couple of weeks ago I bought one of Meat Loaf's newer CDs. I was so happy to have added on to my collection. Yeah, I pretty much hated the CD. He sold out. It's like all modern with bad intros and no screaming guitar solos. One of the songs actually sounds like he is trying to rap--he's like, prbably nearing his 60s!
I just picked the disc up off the floor and have come to the conclusion it's not that bad. It has some really good lyrics, but some of the music will be the death of me, I swear it.
I didn't talk to Man-pretty at all today. I even found myself thinking about a different guy. Felt good, but it seemed awkward. This other guys is actually popular and what not. I know a lot of girls like him, so I pretty much don't have a chance. Plus he wears contacts *shudder*.
Pretty much.....
Gosh, I'm pretty much starting to sound like Beavs with the whole "pretty much" deal.
Monday, November 28, 2005
Damn his sexy glasses
We talked last night for over two hours.
Crap. That song, "Goodbye My Lover," that I posted the lyrics to last night just came on. Go figure.
When he's not around, I get immensely sad. He'll just pop up or come online and we'll talk about how unhappy we both are (oh what an interesting convo. that one was). He'll change the subject and make me laugh hysterically. Everything works out to where I'm happy until he leaves again.
I see him and I miss him. I lay in bed at night and imagine if he'll ever kiss me again. Part of me still actually believes we'll have one last go before he leaves. Then of course the sensible part of me kicks in and says that it won't happen.
It actually makes me sad to think of myself dating someone else. I have been trying to notice other guys (particularily the ones in my lifeguard training class), but every time I imagine myself holding hands with any of them my mind flashes back to some memory I have of holding hands with Man-pretty. I'll get this odd feeling--kinda like the feeling you get when your hands are icey cold and you run them under hot water and they warm up all nice like--anyway, I get that feeling throught my entire body, and I feel so happily nervous like I was when the memories were actually the present and not the past. I get this feeling from REMEMBERING. I cannot even begin to fathom what would happen to me in the case of de-ja-vu.
I guess I'll have to wait and see what happens. We're hanging out Friday, so that should be quite fun.
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Am I sad or am I happy? Who really knows?
I promised Dora that I would post these wonderful pictures of her. They're from way back in April when we had Prom. Gosh, I head a few people talking about this year's Prom the other day.......
This is Red and Dora without any clothes on and major ice.

Dora, Jelly Bean, and Red.

Gosh, I miss Dora.
I had a really weird dream about Man-pretty last night. I was walking to my locker and he was coming down senior hall. He was wearing his red T-shirt, green coat, black shoes, black pants, and his glasses. You guys probably don't understand the meaning of any of that, but all those articles of clothing mean something significant. Well, a few of you may understand the glasses and pants part....
Anyway, Cake came up and he was wearing his Mr. Peterson shirt (long story...Cake basically took a couple pictures of Mr. Peterson and his favorite saying and then put them on a shirt). Then he started flirting with me in only the Cake can. Man-pretty got all sad, but he knew he had no right to stop it. Cake then turned into Beaver who then popped his collar and walked away. Man-pretty hugged me and said he was sorry. I could even smell his Old Spice cologne.
My dad came into my room and announced he was going to the store just incase I woke up and didn't know where he was. I rolled over and tried to find my dream again. I hate it when that happens.
Anyway....here's a really good song that makes me feel sad and happy all at the same time.
"Goodbye My Lover" by James Blunt
Did I disappoint you or let you down?
Should I be feeling guilty or let the judges frown?
'Cause I saw the end before we'd begun,
Yes I saw you were blinded and I knew I had won.
So I took what's mine by eternal right.
Took your soul out into the night.
It may be over but it won't stop there,
I am here for you if you'd only care.
You touched my heart you touched my soul.
You changed my life and all my goals.
And love is blind and that I knew when,
My heart was blinded by you.
I've kissed your lips and held your head.
Shared your dreams and shared your bed.
I know you well, I know your smell.
I've been addicted to you.
Goodbye my lover.
Goodbye my friend.
You have been the one.
You have been the one for me.
I am a dreamer but when I wake,
You can't break my spirit - it's my dreams you take.
And as you move on, remember me,
Remember us and all we used to be
I've seen you cry, I've seen you smile.
I've watched you sleeping for a while.
I'd be the father of your child.
I'd spend a lifetime with you.
I know your fears and you know mine.
We've had our doubts but now we're fine,
And I love you, I swear that's true.
I cannot live without you.
Goodbye my lover.
Goodbye my friend.
You have been the one.
You have been the one for me.
And I still hold your hand in mine.
In mine when I'm asleep.
And I will bear my soul in time,
When I'm kneeling at your feet.
Goodbye my lover.
Goodbye my friend.
You have been the one.Y
ou have been the one for me.
I'm so hollow, baby, I'm so hollow.
I'm so, I'm so, I'm so hollow.
Friday, November 25, 2005
What have you been thankful for? I'm been thankful for this bra--my boobs look great!
What have you been thankful for? -Aunt C
I'm thankful for this bra--my boobs look great! -Cousin A
What did you put on your Secret Santa wishlist?
What kind of CDs? -My mom
Ones I don't have. -Lemons
I look at these two and think "Hmmm, I don't want to have children. What if they end up like that?" Then of course I look at Lemons and think, "I want a daughter just like that!"
Haha, thank you for that. -Lemons
What? Who's havin' kids? Grandma, she's pregnant! -Cousin L
Point proven. -Cousin S
Will somebody please eat the damn cream puffs? How about the pie? I don't have room in the fridge. -Aunt C
Cousin B is playing cards--while doing is nails. Tell him it's my turn for the buffer! -Anonymous
Isn't that great?
Let me see! *grabs from hand* -Cousin K
If you rip that out of my hands again I'll break all of your damn little monkey fingers off! -Cousin A
This cat is freaking huge.
I think it's mad. Let's ride it!
Only you would want to ride the fat cat. -Cousin S
Ahhhhh, it's licking me--I'm not food! -Lemons
Somebody grab me a whip--quick! -Cousin S
Lemons, a closed mouth gathers no feet. -Grandma
Um, okay. -Lemons
Grandma said you have no friends. -Cousin A
I love family functions. Seriously.
I guess there was misinformation on the news 'cause that car the girl died in was on E and not D.
I came this close to giving Man-pretty the address to this blog. He called me Lepregnome and I don't really remember telling him about that nickname...kinda creeped me out. He said that he would never read my blog unless of course I specifically gave him permission to.
We have a deal. I am going to highly edit some past posts and give him the address when he graduates because he would like to know what is going on in my life after he leaves for Texas...or California...crap, I can't remember. I think he leaves for Texas, takes this test thing and then goes to California.....poo. Why does everyone go to California?
I tried to get him to promise not to read old posts, but he flat out said that promise would be broken. Idk, maybe if I edit the more embarrassing posts I'll let him read some time before May.....
He NEVER stays to watch basketball games after pepband is over. I asked him if he would stay for one game and watch the dance team. He said he doesn't like watching the dance team because "dancing in formation kinda creeps him out." He said he would make an exception just for me! Haha, I win!
Thursday, November 24, 2005
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Nothing really particular pops to mind for a post title, so this is what you are stuck with
Second block there was a test in biology. I didn't study for it. Locker Buddy got all pissed at me because I managed to get 100%. I guess I'm just cool like that.
Mrs. Anderson went through and told us what was all cut at the school board meeting. I really can't remember all what got the ax, but I know Catawba did, the gifted and talented program was eliminated completely, driver's ed. is gone, the school is no longer allowed to have use of the pool (no swimming in gym classes), and sports were reduced by 20%.
Practice kinda scared me. Red and I were sitting and talking after school and she just disappeared. I was the only one at practice for half an hour. A few more people showed up eventually, but it wa funny.
We had the first basketball pepband of the year last night. It rocked. I was he only one who would sit next to Man-pretty. His ex-girlfriend, T&S, was home from college--I turned a corner and literally collided with her. I hate how that stuff works out. Man-pretty was walking around in his kilt. He tried to flash me....but it was okay 'cause he had shorts on underneath.
A lot of Philly graduates showed up to the game and stuff. Some of the more cute members of the class of '05 were there! Unfortunately, the only one I really care about seeing was not there...Gosh, Water Bottle really should visit more often. Oddly enough, I was looking through my stuff a couple of days ago and found a picture of him. It made me think about how much of an idiot he used to be--I wonder if he is still like that. I'll never forget the day he walked through Mollman's door and said, "I just looked at my grades. I'm gettin' a D in senior English but a F in freshmen English. That doesn't not make any sense!"
I'm still trying to figure out how the hell he managed to graduate. I'm pretty sure he's going to school to be a dentist. Dr. Water Bottle--now there's a scary thought.
Well, he was a huge idiot, but he was uberly cute. Plus he was ALWAYS flirting with someone!
Beaver is stalking me. Very rarely do I actually go to the store. Somehow the past two times that I have gone he has been there with his dad. Creepy much. Yeah, Man-pretty was working but I managed to not say hi to him. I have come to the conclusion to grow will-power.
My mom took me to get a shot today. I really didn't want to go. Not because of the whole shot thing but because I really didn't want to put any pants on. I went anyway. I walked through the door and saw a girl that looked vaguely familiar. I was all like....whoa, that looks like Dora's sister...and that looks like.....DORA!!! She's sick beyond all reason. I am so happy that I saw her! I <3>
I would like to end this post by saying that I am cruel. For the first week of so of their relationship, HWSFRN and his girlfriend were constantly together. Well, they have abandoned that idea and only cling to one another before school, band, lunch, after school, and between classes. I was lucky enough to see his girlfriend hitting on another guy while they were apart. It feels mean to laugh at that, but he laughs at me all the time. I know, revenge is bad.....
Whoa, I was just about to end this post there. Then of course Man-pretty just came online. He was driving home from work and it's kinda like a blizzard outside. Pretty much. I guess there was a flipped, white car in his lane that he didn't see until he hit it........
He's okay and no one else was in the other car--so everything is all good.
I want to know who abandons their white vehicle on the road while it is snowing! Honestly people, think!
Monday, November 21, 2005
My dilemma
Last night Man-pretty and I were talking online. Everything was all fun and everything--we were goofing off.
He got all serious on me. He apologized for everything that he's put me through. He even said why he did some of it.
A couple of minutes ago we were walking down the hall together and I felt this overwhelming saddness and joy at the same time.
He is amazing.
I think about the times when he put his arms around me and realize that will never happen again.
I think about the times we held hands and cuddled in the library.
I hate this.
I still love him.
Every day I question if I will ever stop.
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Victim and I went shopping at Mall of America and it kicked ass. We spent $12.50 on thongs for Man-pretty and fun stuff like that.
I bought a sweet shirt that says "Hangin' with my Gnomies" and it has a bunch of garden gnomes on it!
I also bought a whole bunch of Napoleon stuff...like a flip book of him dancing.
Marenisco called and wanted to go to the movies this afternoon. Victim, Marenisco, and I all hit the movie theater up and watched Harry Potter.
I cannot even begin to count the amount of cat-calls I did--not to mention the *woot woot*ing.
Yeah, so Harry Potter is like all shirtless in the movie....I pretty much lost it.
Friday, November 18, 2005
From Beaver's Beef to Beaver's Fudge within one fundraiser
I also apologize to Face Paint. I'm sorry, I forgot we were engaged--it's been so long since we last talked! These things just tend to slip my mind. I promise not to forget anymore.
Speaking of not talking to people in a while.....I haven't talked to Mr. Mystery in a LONG time.
Very, very sad with that. I think I want to cry.
I had to be saved by President Clinton today! It was funny. I laughed. I also had to save Asthma. He's like kinda small for a guy, but it still took me forever to drag him across the pool.
Only five people went to dance practice, so we had the majorit there. We took that to our advantage and overruled a whole bunch of steps! Yeah, practice was fun until Mr. Peterson came and stood there for like 15 minutes. I wanted to cry. He was waiting around for his wife to pick him up.
Boston was telling us something funny about Mr. Peterson. I guess he and his wife were "guest" speakers in her child psychology class and every time Mr. Peterson went to say something his wife cut him off. She talked for the majority of the time. I guess that explains why hewants everyone to listen to him tell his stories--just so HE can have a turn to talk.
There was a picture of the teachers in the paper....so next week I want to scan it and put up the picture....with Mr. Peterson in it. I think My Favorite Blonde is going to beat me up after this.
I'm sorry, but Mr. Peterson is just far too cute!
Victim and I are going shopping tomorrow at Mall of America *woot woot*! She's here right now mocking all my nicknames like an uncool person. Joking, she's THE coolest!
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Seriously, is it me?
I need to further the story. I finally admitted to the fact that I liked HWSFRN and then he up and got a girlfriend.
I admit to liking President Poseur (my previous sworn enemy) and this morning he started dating this uber tall, uber skinny, uber blonde, uber rich chick.
I am irate!
Now, do these guys get wind of my liking them and then decide they have to have a girlfriend as protection from me or something? It's like a streak--I like a guy and he gets a girlfriend.
I'm starting to think it's me.
My deepest apologizes to My Favorite Blonde. She read my post from a few days ago when I said Mr. Peterson is hot beyond all reason. I sort of completely forgot that Mr. Peterson just so happens to be My Favorite Blonde's cousin. Yeah........awkward much.
Although, she cannot stop me from thinking he's cute because he is.
She can also not stop me from staying after school to be tutored by him....which I did today ;)
I felt like an idiot. I really wasn't getting some of the equations we're doing because I missed like four days of chem for various reasons. I came in to get help and he said I was doing it just fine. Yay!
Today was Peanuts' birthday *woot woot*.
Gosh, did anything else really happen today?
Lifeguard training rocked. We didn't have to swim the 500 today (another woot woot)! Mrs. Anderson (haha, I just realized that My Favorite Blonde is also related to Mrs. Anderson through marriage) wanted someone to be the drowning victim for Boxer Boy. I would gladly be saved by him. Oh that was a fun one. He saved me and it was cool.
Then of course I found a new way to pass time. A few of the guys were going off the boards while I was underwater. My goggles aren't that bad, so I could see the guys as they hit the water. It was really quite neat. Plus I could check them out without being all like obvious and stuff. Of course I wasn't looking at President Poseur 'cause he's not cool any more. I was only looking at President Clinton and Boxer Boy 'cause they're nice.
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Man-pretty said that he and I are THE COOLEST people ever--Yay!
I think that pretty much every notebook I have in my locker now says something about "Beaver's Beef." Not even joking.
We have so much snow already. I'm so excited! I'm just really quite scared to drive in it. It is so nice to look out the windows and see the trees coated in white.
We had to swim another 500 today. It took me 13:30. Very sad. Actually, I think I may have gone an extra lap too many...so yeah. I hereby win.
My hormones are just far too active lately. I'm not even kidding. I was talking to my previously sworn enemy today and I was actually flirting with him. I may now have an itsy bitsy crush on him. He and I have been talking a lot more lately since we have 3B and 4th block together. He's actually younger than I am....it's weird....
Dance could have been better. My splits to the right need a little bit of perfecting, but I'm almost there. Yeah, Coach Patty put me in the VERY back again; that is the third formation that I am behind everybody else. It kinda makes me mad because she wanted Ultimatum up front because she's been kinda in back "most" of the time. I, however, have been in back the entire time. It's cool though, 'cause I like dance more now. I'm better...I think I just needed to ease myself into the season rather than just being good straight off from summer.
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
The mystery of the girls' bathroom REVEALED!!!
It was actually really funny because I don't believe that males use the bathroom as we do. We just sit there and talk about stuff. Half the time when we change we just do it right out in the open rather then in the stalls. We just talk and goof around.
Of course the locker room is a completely different story. I remember being very little and just walking around completely naked without a care in the world. Now, in the pool locker room, everyone either gets dressed in the stalls or covers up with a towel while changing into/out of their suit. There really is not a whole lot to see.
All the guys reading this are probably all saddened at this news. I apologize. If it helps you sleep at night, you can keep on pretending we run around naked.
I had to go driving today! The Fool said that I'm not a bad driver--YAY!!! I was supposed to drive during first block (chemistry--*sob*) with Skizzle and this chick that I do not feel all too strongly toward, but Locker Buddy took her spot. So it was Locker Buddy, Skizzle, The Fool, and I all in a car for an hour and a half. All The Fool wanted to talk about was setting us all up with guys......slightly odd, but hey, if he can hook me up......lol.
We had to swim the 500 again today in lifeguard training. I managed to do it! I was so proud of myself--20 lengths of the pool!
Of course after that I was exhausted. Unfortunately, I have dance practice right after. Only four people showed up to practice. New York, Jelly Bean, Roll Around, and I were the only ones there, so we practiced and looked fantastic. Coach Patty apologized to me for being so hurtful yesterday, so it was all good. She even said that she's not worried about my performance 'cause I rock it up.
We started talking about uniforms and stuff which gets me all excited on the inside. We now have access to some of the older uniforms, so we're going to see if we can find the right sizes of those instead of spending more money for new ones. Coach Patty wants us to go see the Raider Classic competition so we can get an idea of it all. Yay!
Gosh, I'm so tired.
Monday, November 14, 2005
If I'm the only Lepregnome in existance (that I know of), does that mean I run the government? If so, does that make me a dictator?
Oh Lemons, I really don't care that you spent your entire weekend working on adding on to the dance routine.
We really can't put your counts on because they're not really good enough. I want some that "fit" well here.
Lemons, I'm just going to assume that you're doing something wrong even though everyone else on the team says you're doing it right.
Practice ends at 5:30, but you're not allowed to leave until 5:45.
I want to even out the height in all the formations. I don't want all the tall people on one side, but Lemons has to be in the very back.
You may be in the very back in almost all the formations, but Ultimatum has been kinda towards the back in some of the formations, so why mess with a winning pattern?
Lemons, I know you don't complain about being in the back. However, Victim complained for you, so I will tell you why you have to be put in the back: Ultimatum does better Russians then you do, so we want the audience to see her.
Plus she has long legs and you really don't.
Jo wasn't being very cool while we were painting the library. It actually turned out quite well, if you ask me.
Locker Buddy might have a tumor. I was standing at my locker on Friday and she told me. She was acting like it was nothing more than a hang nail. I'm so scared for her.
He Who Shall Forever Remain Nameless clearly likes ditzy girls. I walked up to him on Friday and started play punching him like I do practically every day. He announced that I wasn't allowed to talk to him anymore because of his GIRLFRIEND. I'm not sure if those are his rules or hers.
I was at my locker and they walked past holding hands. I wanted to vomit. This girl is nice--infact, she's very nice. She just has a tendancy to point out the obvious A LOT. She is like, queen of the ditzy people. She was LITERALLY following him around.
I'm just bitter--let me be bitter.
He was actually talking to me today. We were just goofing around and I completely forgot about his girlfriend until I heard, "What are you two bickering about this time?" I love how she not only snuck up behind us while we were talking, but she also implanted herself in the conversation like it was a daily habit.
It is going to snow in massive amounts tomorrow, so that should make me uber happy--oh wait, I have to go driving with The Fool tomorrow! Joy joy.
I went to the library after practice to see the lovely painting job we did. Yeah, here's my thought process as I walked up to the building....
Oh look, Mrs. Anderson's car.
Didn't Mrs. Anderson sell her car?
Oh yeah, she sold it to her daughter.
Wait, isn't her daughter married to my cute chemistry teacher?
Crap, that's his car, isn't it?
I wonder if he'll say anything about our PB&J thing today.
Hmmmm, this looks like a good book.
The walls look wonderful--damn we rock!
Oooo crap, that's Mrs. Peterson.
"Hi Lemons."
Whoa, she did not just say hi to me by name.
"......Uggghh, hi Mrs. Peterson......."
Fun times.
For those of you who have not heard me say it yet, I am not liking guys until they like me first. Unfortunately, someone had to point out the fact that it is highly unlikely that a guy I might have the slightest interest in would like me first. Thank you whoever you are. You are lucky that I don't even know who said that because my back was turned.
Thursday, November 10, 2005
All about my dorkosity and why I am boycotting Beaver
I have lifeguard training fourth block--enough said. That class just tires me out. It is quite a fun class though. All the guys in it are all nice looking I guess. The only one I don't know is a guy I don't really know well enough to name yet--but he's Red's boyfriend. Anyway. I think I may have overheard something I wasn't supposed to. I was sitting next to President Poseur and Red's boyfriend when President Clinton (so many presidents!) walked up and said something about how he didn't put conditioner in his hair and how he started using a new shampoo that really doesn't hold up to his previous one. President Poseur asked what shampoo he used because he thinks President Clinton has nice hair. Then of course Red's boyfriend jumped in and said that President Clinton's hair had a nice "shine" to it. It all went downhill from there when Boxer Boy came out flipping his hair all over the place like some sort of model. A lot of the guys I hang around with are quite preppy or something. It's not a bad thing, just fun to easedrop on conversations! Beaver, of course, is starting to fit the stereotype far too closely. He thinned out his hair and has a creepy fixation with glitter....Beaver, I love you!
Of course I have dance practice right after lifeguard training. We've started on perfecting out routine for competition. Our first one is January 7th! *Woot Woot* Practice was interrupted by Beavs who made the discovery of somebody's underwear.
Okay, so I am hereby boycotting Beaver until I wake up tomorrow morning. I cannot do it any longer than that. I am also boycotting Moshpit. I was walking down the hall and Beaver was saying that I walk all funny. Then of course he stole some of my milk (again), but that doesn't bother me. Moshpit and Beavs then made fun of the way I eat. I DO NOT EAT WEIRD!!!
I am a dork. The school has two techies that are PAID to fix the computers and stuff throughout the building. Mr. Zierer's computer was bein' all stupid like or something, so he had both techies in his room for two hours (according to Zierer) neither could fix the problem. During class he asked if anyone in class was good with computers. I walked up to his computer, clicked the mouse twice and fixed the problem. He didn't believe it was fixed, so he tried it. It didn't work. I sat at his computer for like 15 minutes trying to figure out why it didn't work. Mr. Peterson came in and the two teachers stood talking while I found directions on how to fix the problem--which just so happened to be step for step what I did. Mr. Peterson leaned over my shoulder to see what I was up to. I just got up because I was mad the stupid thing wasn't working. I sat down and did my assignment when Mr. Peterson came up to me and said that he did what I did a second time and it worked. Then he gave me the credit for fixing it! Haha, I win!
Okay, before that though was the best block ever. We were doing a lab in chemistry and Mr. Peterson collected a whole bunch of beaker holders and was adding them one-by-one to HWSFRN's shirt. He added the fifth one and three fell off. HWSFRN just picked them up and gave them back to Mr. Peterson! He never realized that they had fallen off him rather than off the desk. I think there was eight all linked together by the time HWSFRN realized what was going on--ten minutes later.
Monday, November 07, 2005
Mozart--my home diggity
I started out the day sitin' in the hall 'cause The Fool decided not to show up to school today. I would like to announce that Beaver was late for homeroom! I saw him walk down the hall AFTER THE BELL RANG!!!
However, we were given food, so it was all okay. I went to my new first block class, chemistry, and Mr. Peterson told me to leave. I was SUPPOSED to stay there for 20 minutes before the tests started, so I just pimped out in Reilly's first block class.
Yeah, we were given our seats for the tests (I'm next to Peanuts--come on they're forcing us to talk!) and I was overwhelmed by the smell of kitty litter. I turned around and saw Whelk Boy and one of his friends. Yeah....
Action showed up to testing over an hour and a half late. Interesting boy.
In second block biology all I heard for like 20 minutes was "Can I have gum?" "Only if you show me your boob. One boob for one stick of gum." I guess that's what I get for sitting between Locker Buddy and Ronniekins.
Band was highly amusing. Like I already said, we picked out our music. Man-pretty is singing two solos this year. He and I were standing around talking. I went and sat down and Beaver was quick to comfort. He thought I was all sad and stuff. It was so sweet! I was sad, but only because I didn't have any chapstick.
Fourth block was interesting. It is a class of all sophomores except one senior and one senior assistant. I don't really know the one senior guy, but the assistant is none other than Boxer Boy! Haha, I'm so glad he sits infront of me. We had some wonderful times playing hide-and-seek and interviewing in American Studies last year. Oh, plus the fact that he's slightly hot.....He is pretty much the only guy I know who can have hair past his ears and still look good. Like I said, he sits infront of me so I have a wonderful view of his boxers. lol. Unfortunately, Victim and Peanuts are not in the class to enjoy them! I seriously want to know how someone's undies can be that high up their back and NOT be uncomfortable. I mean, the elastic was probably up to his nipples! No joke! Yeah, we get to swim in that class, so I get to see him in his swimming suit...which is pretty much a lot like his boxers. Yay! lol, jk.
After school kinda sucked. I had to miss the past two days of chemistry (and tomorrow as well), so I have not had my fill of cute chemistry teacher. I came in after school to abandon practice and take my test I missed. Mr. Peterson and I talked a little bit and then he left. HE LEFT THE BUILDING. A teacher actually trusted me enough not to cheat on the final exam. I felt special. Yeah, after my hour and a half final I went to practice for half an hour where I pretty much sucked it up!
Shop Buddy and I had a conversation about love/hate relationships last week. Since then, I haven't been able to shake the thought. He is very insightful and so full of wisdomosity it is scary sometimes.
I mean, sometimes it feels like I truly hate HWSFRN. Then there was that one time he put his arm around me. Yeah, I have never really told anyone about that, but here it is. Idk why, but it just felt really comforting to have his arm wrapped around me. Then of course he gave me a hug and didn't let go of me for like an entire minute. Times like that it's like, whoa--how could I possibly hate this guy? Then of course he calls me a freak, and I go back to wanting to rip out his contacts from his pretty blue eyes just to watch him squirm around blindly.
Sunday, November 06, 2005
Driving fun
I hereby love watching TV. It has been forever since I last watched The Simpsons, but I clicked on the TV and there it was. Ahhhhh--fun.
I'm really tired. No joke.
I can't wait for the new classes. Okay, maybe I can. Monday will be my first Mollmanless day of high school. I had here class every day last year and every day first quarter--I'm going to get lost sometime during my day!!!
Saturday, November 05, 2005
It hurts really bad!
Sounds really gross doesn't it? Oh I can't wait for dance practice--then I get to leap with it.
New classes start Monday which should be quite fun. There is also sophomore testing all next week. Mrs. R is pressuring us to prepare for it because our school is in the top 5% of the nation. Of course we're not recognized for it.
Friday, November 04, 2005
I would like to announce that I have My Favorite Blonde's bouncy ball
I don't know, I guess I just really don't care for the UWSP campus a whole lot (University of Wisconsin Stevens Point for all of you unfamiliar with it). Well, there were a couple of incredibly cute guys I had to stare at, but besides that......
Yeah, I think I want to be an obstetritian again. I just keep going in circles because that's what I wanted to be in like, 8th grade. It was really neat though. In the class that I had I was able to find a baby's heartbeat and it was so neat. Idk, it was really interesting and I didn't space out at all (boo-ya to all you people who say I have ADD--look a bunny!).
I spent the majority of the day with My Favorite Blonde. I now have bruises and mostlikely a cracked rib to prove it as well. When she says, "I just tapped you!" she's lying. It was cool though. I found a bouncy ball on the floor of the van, but it rolled away from me before I could reach it. Of course then My Favorite Blonde had to taunt me with her bouncy ball. I laughed when she lost it--because I now have it! Hahaha--I WIN!!!
Somehow the topic of conversation touched on guys while we were on the way home. Ultimatum was mocking how I have "odd" taste in guys. I would like to say that I DO NOT! There is nothing dorky nor weird about my taste in guys. At least I don't like guys who are in jail *cough PEANUTS cough*.
Nostradomis wouldn't've even have been able to predict what tragedy happened today. I was so pissed off. I really didn't even have any right to be. I was listening to a Franz Ferdinand CD, and I was suddenly mad at the CD. Don't ask me why. I wanted to chuck the friggin' thing out the window. I popped in a Meat Loaf CD--which I then became pissed at as well. How could I possibly become pissed at my two favorite groups?
Luckily, I cooled down after a couple of hours. I then regained my sanity and freaked out to the guitar in "Dead Ringer for Love." I seriously think we need to do a routine to that song, but it says "Rock and roll and brew" repeatedly....which is not very cool I guess.
Thursday, November 03, 2005
The Beaver blow up doll--complete with a manhole
Omg, I don't think I have ever laughed so hard in my life. Today chemistry rocked my dirty little socks. Mr. Peterson decided he was just going to breathe in a whole bunch of helium. I'm sure we all know how I feel about Mr. Peterson *drool*. He was going over old tests and talking about quantum numbers, but no one reall paid any attention to what he was saying. He has a tendancy to just say "Ha!" No laugh or anything...he said that all high pitched and it was awesome. Well, until HWSFRN said something about "Mini Mr. Peterson." Yeah, Mr. Peterson just laughed to himself saying "Ha, Mini P!"
I really don't understand guys. Teeth Kick is CONSTANTLY making fun of Mr. P, but he just laughs at him and threatens detention. Teeth Kick has actually threatened to beat the chem teacher up and called him queer for liking rainbow (I like rainbows too!). Of course Mr. Peterson doesn't truly get mad until his "manliness" is questioned. He was holding an uber long metal pole and Teeth Kick was all like, "Yeah, he's making up for something......" I thought Mr. Peterson was going to hit him.
Later on in the class, he was like, "Hey, wanna go outside?!?!" I have never heard a teacher say that before. Well, we went out and he was showing us an example of a double replacement reaction. He set the experiment thing on a manhole cover and then told us a story about the drains coming from the pool. I guess one year he went to do the same demonstration on the other side of the pool building. Some guy ran over to the huge drains screaming "I love going into manholes!" Who would say something like that? There was some girl who didn't get the whole dirty end of it, but Mr. Peterson refused to clarify.
Then of course the class got even better when Teeth Kick told Mr. Peterson that his daughters are going to grow up to the the class whores. I don't think I've ever seen a teacher so close to crying. First of all, his children are four and two; second, you never tell a person that about their children; and third, well yeah.......Mr. Peterson just kinda laughed it off though. Fun class.
Okay, now for the whole Beaver doll thing. I guess Beavs has like three things to do next weekend and he's going to make some blow up dolls of himself. Yeah, during band I looked behind me and saw Beaver rockin' the bells (or whatever keyboard you just so happened to be playing).
I can't wait 'til the first basketball pepband! Yeah, we might be performing for halftime on the 22nd.
Coach Patty decided that she was going to make us all go through the routine one at a time. I thought I was going to cry. New York was the only one who was able to go through the entire thing without messing up horribly. Our team is now down to nine members since Perfection dropped out. We picked out our uniforms...it is the #3 top b.t.w. Oh, and a special thank you to all the people who gave me your input on the decision--oh wait, no one really did.
Gosh guys, we could have really gone of a male opinion...we were looking for something that exposed a little but not in a whore-type sense. Well, that's what Coach Patty said. Her step-son helped us out a little bit though, so it's okay.
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
For some clarification purposes...
Yeah, I would like to give a shout out to Beaver and his femme exclamation points. Seriously though Beaver, you're cool and what you had on your blog is hereby the highlight of my day. Plus my drawing on your face with a pink pen was also a highlight.
Okay, so Duck (a.k.a. Mr. Nelson) was The Fool's substitute today. He is all cool because he let us watch Vh1 while we were working on our assignment. The new Madonna video came on and there's a part where she's like humping a stereo. He just sat back in his desk watching the TV--it was great. He was all like, "I never knew what was on this channel...I actually PAY my cable bill for this?" Then of course the situation didn't get any better when the next video that came on was "My Humps"...he managed to get about half-way through it before he switched the station. That was a fun class. He started to get me thinking a lot. He was talking about he and his wife have been married for 42 years. I mean, wow. That is a long time--when you think about it, that is an entire middle aged person. With all the divorce in the world now a days, it's really comforting to know that some people do actually stay together and are happy. Hmmmm...Idk, maybe it was just a comforting thought...maybe I'm just crazy.
New York, Hyper, and I were running around doing the butt-butt dance. I guess the butt-butt dance has replaced the "thinking position" from last year.
Yeah, we picked out some possibilities for our uniform at practice today. The thing is, they're all inappropriate for school. We're going to try to persuade Huft-daddy (who started calling our principal that anyhow?) to let us wear them anyway because the cross country and volleyball team have uniforms that violate the dress code. You people should give me some input and let me know which one you like best 1, 2, or 3. Thank you!
Yeah, I guess the pictures didn't come out that big, but if I stretch them they get all bad.....so squint.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Ahhh, a better day
Dance practice rocked. Ultimatum never showed up--again. I find the fact that she expects varsity slightly far-fetched considering the fact she has yet to show up for a practice.
Yeah, I suddenly managed to get a lot better. Yesterday I really, really sucked at everything. Honestly, I was off count and all sloppy. Today, I was actually slightly percise. *woot woot*
I was so happy not to suck as bad. Although, I still can't get that last 8 count all perfect. It's hard to leap left. Yeah, anyway.
I have a lot of papers to write, so I probably shouldn't even be posting right now, but hey, I'm me so it's all good.