"We'll never be as young as we are right now." --Jim Steinman
Sunday, July 31, 2005
I just realized I never explained the title of my last post! Okay, so I learned how to have a napkin eating contest while at camp. You take a small part of a corner on an unfolded napkin and stick it to your tongue. Then whoever gets the entire napkin into their mouth first without using their hands wins!!! I almost won, but I started gagging. It was fun though!
Saturday, July 30, 2005
Napkin eating contests and other goodies
I came back from camp this afternoon! It was sweet. Before I went I automatically assumed I was a Christian. Well, Thursday morning I really was saved and now feel better about myself.
Cabin 8 was sweet! I'm not sure if I can come up with nicknames at the moment, but I'm going to try. Let's see...first off, there was Cell Phone, Wang Chung, Tangled Hair...and I'm still pondering some other names. So don't feel left out!
I'm talking to Man-pretty right now. I think he's more comfortable around me and stuff now. Not many guys would say some of these things to their ex-girlfriends. He and I are talking like we did when we dated, which is a good thing because we always joked around about music and movies. He's currently telling me about Top Gun.
I'm really tired right now.
As for that certain guy who needs a nickname. I have come up with one. It's not very clever or anything, but it was something that reminded me of you while I was at camp. I promise that if I can come up with a better one, it will replaced. For now, you are known as Gunnar. It just so happens to be a very weird story, so it's best if you do not ask why.
So far, four people have come online that were in my cabin. It's sweet. I should really go. I just had a weird thought: If I was still at camp I'd be getting out of Chapel and heading for cabin devotions which would probably last until 2:00 in the morning.
As soon as I got home I hugged my non-plastic mattress. It will feel good not to sleep on a sleeping bag on top of a plastic mattress that is incased in more plastic!
Cabin 8 was sweet! I'm not sure if I can come up with nicknames at the moment, but I'm going to try. Let's see...first off, there was Cell Phone, Wang Chung, Tangled Hair...and I'm still pondering some other names. So don't feel left out!
I'm talking to Man-pretty right now. I think he's more comfortable around me and stuff now. Not many guys would say some of these things to their ex-girlfriends. He and I are talking like we did when we dated, which is a good thing because we always joked around about music and movies. He's currently telling me about Top Gun.
I'm really tired right now.
As for that certain guy who needs a nickname. I have come up with one. It's not very clever or anything, but it was something that reminded me of you while I was at camp. I promise that if I can come up with a better one, it will replaced. For now, you are known as Gunnar. It just so happens to be a very weird story, so it's best if you do not ask why.
So far, four people have come online that were in my cabin. It's sweet. I should really go. I just had a weird thought: If I was still at camp I'd be getting out of Chapel and heading for cabin devotions which would probably last until 2:00 in the morning.
As soon as I got home I hugged my non-plastic mattress. It will feel good not to sleep on a sleeping bag on top of a plastic mattress that is incased in more plastic!
Saturday, July 23, 2005
The Band Geek and other interesting stuff
Alright, so since I will be in the wilderness with no phone, music, TV, or computer this next week, I will spend my time trying to come up with the perfect name for "The Apartment Searcher Guy" because <--- name right there is way too long for you. I feel that you deserve a worthy name, so I will spend time giving you a proper one that ranks as high as others I have given people....such as My Favorite Blond, Peanuts, Grandpa Stick, Dora, Mo, Pink Piggy, Victim, Man-pretty, The Fool, and Whelk Boy. Wish me luck with that.
Okay, I'm going to post my schedule for the '05-'06 school year, so if anyone has any classes with me, please comment and let me know so I won't be all aloney on my owney.
Quarter 1 Block1 Block 2 3A 3B Block 4
Drivers Ed. Chemistry Band English Contemporary Literature
Quarter 2
Chemistry Biology Band English Lifeguard Training
Quarter 3
Speech Hstry of Ecnmy Band English Adv. Algebra
Quarter 4
Adv. Algebra Biology Band English Info. Processing II
What a fun year, huh?
I'm almost done...I seriously think that I am going to have some serious issues not having a computer at all this week. I won't even have any music to help me cope...I guess I'll just dance the week away....I'll miss all you guys!!!
With that, I'll leave you all with this hilarious thing Dora sent me...the funny thing is that it's very true for all of us Band Geeks out there. I can actually relate to what it says about a French Horn since I've played the French Horn for.....hmmm....4 years now....
The Band Geek!! (dun dun duh! *aka dramatic music*)
Ah, here we see a herd of band geeks in their natural habitat: the band field, commonly mis-labeled as the football field. Never make this mistake within earshot of the band geek. Band geeks and football players are natural enemies. Competition for territory is fierce. Band geek herds normally win by sheer numbers, as football players tend to keep their herds small in number. Band geeks herds have been known to reach numbers of 150 or more.
The band geek is a complex and fascinating animal, capable of moving at high speeds in unison to form complex and intricate shapes on the fields, as well as producing amazing musical sounds. Herds of band geeks will frequently gather on weekends to put on these displays, coming from all over the area to participate and often waiting hours at a time for their turn. Band geeks are best viewed during the fall season when they gather with their individual herds to practice for the regional gathering of the herds. Band geeks have been known to migrate huge distances simply to attend these gatherings, known as ¡§tournaments¡¨ to the band geek.
Though the herds of band geeks move as a single unit, the herd is actually made up of numerous subspecies of band geek. There are four main classifications of band geek, each with its respective subspecies. The classifications are: Percussion, Brass, Woodwind and Pageantry, often called Color Guard.
The band geek herd is led by one to two alpha band geeks, typically known as drum majors. The Drum Major may come from any known subspecies. Unlike with other animals, the status of the Drum Major is not determined by popularity, talent, or strength, but rather the odd ability to wave their arms around for long periods of time. This is their main function and they labor under the delusion that other members of the herd are watching them.
The Percussion band geek falls into one of two subspecies: the Drumline, made up of bass drums, quints, snares and sometimes cymbals, and the Pit, so named because that is the place most of the band would like to push them into. There are major differences between these two subspecies. The Drumline takes part in forming the musical and visual displays with the rest of the herd on the band field. They are the beat of the band, often keeping tempo when the herd is practicing. The pit, however, is stationary. They stay within a pack-rat like nest of instruments, most commonly found just in front of the Drum Major.
Next we have the Brass classification, consisting of the Trumpet, French Horn, Trombone, Baritone, and Tuba subspecies. The Brass is predominantly male, with the exception of the French Horns. The Trumpets are the highest voice, often the largest of the brass subspecies and quite frequently the most annoying. They spend most of their time competing with one another to see who can play the loudest or highest. Dynamic markings mean nothing to them. They play only loud or ear shattering. The French Horns have a slightly lower voice and are easier to tolerate than the Trumpet. They like to confuse other members of the herd by calling themselves Mellophones. The Trombones, by contrast, are nearly as annoying as the Trumpets. Their instrument doubles as a weapon, so be wary of provoking them. Unlike other species of brass, the Trombone has no valves. The typical Trombone spends most of its time swapping dirty jokes with the Baritones or fellow Trombones. The Baritones like to refer to themselves as Euphoniums. No one quite knows why. They like to talk to the Trombones without actually having to be one of them. Do not trust the Baritones. They spend their time plotting the downfall of other sections so that they can take over their solos. The tubas are the lowest voiced and calmest of the brass classification. Carrying such a large instrument will take the fight out of almost anyone. It is the dearest wish of many to destroy the woodwind section, particularly the flutes, for complaining about how heavy their tiny instruments are. Overall, the brass section is responsible for most of the sound and mayhem within the herd.
The woodwinds are natural enemies of the brass, despite being in the same herd. The woodwinds are typically smaller, calmer, and more maneuverable on the band field than the brass, yet typically cannot be heard due to the overwhelming sound of the brass. The brass do everything in their power to drown out the sound of the woodwinds. Subspecies of the woodwind include the saxophone, clarinet, and flute. Saxophone¡¦s are brass wannabe¡¦s. Their instrument is made of metal, yet they are still classified as a woodwind. Some saxophones even go so far as to stick close to the tubas during the musical displays, despite the best efforts of the tubas to avoid them. The clarinets are more tolerable than the saxophones. They tend to keep to themselves and attract relatively little animosity from other members of the herd. Many clarinets like to pretend they are really in the Pageantry classification and spin their instruments in their hands, much to the annoyance of other members of the herd. Keeping to themselves so much, clarinets are widely considered to be the least sane species of band geek. Finally, there are the flutes, the most enigmatic subspecies in the herd. They are made of metal, like the saxophones, yet do not even have a wooden reed to give them claim to being a woodwind. However, due to the animosity harbored by the tubas, the brass refuses to accept them as part of their group. The flutes are almost exclusively female and generally disliked by every other subspecies of band geek. The flute resembles a piece of plumbing and sounds like a dog whistle. They are typically clueless as to the animosity of other members of the herd and consider themselves to be the pinnacle of musical talent.
Lastly, we have the Pageantry. Like the flutes, they are almost exclusively female, though males have been known to exist. Unlike the rest of the herd, they produce no sound. The Pageantry typically consists of Sabres, Rifles, and Flags. Sabres spin fake sword like objects and rifles spin large, fake guns. Why they find this entertaining is a mystery to the rest of the band geek herd. The flags spin and throw colorful banners as part of a display understood only by other Pageantry members. The woodwinds, percussion, and brass do not consider them to be true members of the herd because they produce no sound, but let them think they are in the herd. (not true)
The behavior of the band geek varies depending on the age of the individual. The youngest is known as the Freshman. Freshmen consider themselves to be the experts of the herd and have no problem telling others this. Freshmen are frequently the targets of a ritual known as ¡§trash-canning,¡¨ performed whenever the upperclassmen are bored. The next age is the sophomore, typically made up of those who managed to live through their freshman year. Slightly more mature than the freshmen, they have finally learned that they are not the smartest members of the herd. Next are the Juniors. They try to hang around the seniors, act as immature as the sophomores and are responsible for most of the pranks committed within the herd. Lastly, the seniors, the oldest members of the herd. Seniors know everything about band. Never question this. Seniors spend a majority of their time keeping the freshmen in line and reminiscing about past field shows, usually finishing by saying the freshmen aren¡¦t nearly as good as they were.
The language of the band geek is unlike any other. While some of it resembles English, some words are known only to the band geek, such as Sectionals, Tempo, Horn flash, and Drill Charts. Conversely, some words in English are completely unknown to the band geek, words like Free Time, Individuality, and Lives. A majority of communication, however, is non-verbal and comes in the form of music produced by the instruments of the band geeks.
In conclusion, the band geek is a fascinating individual worthy of further study, particularly for its complex social structure within the herd and its ability to produce intricate and well practiced musical and visual displays.
Okay, I'm going to post my schedule for the '05-'06 school year, so if anyone has any classes with me, please comment and let me know so I won't be all aloney on my owney.
Quarter 1 Block1 Block 2 3A 3B Block 4
Drivers Ed. Chemistry Band English Contemporary Literature
Quarter 2
Chemistry Biology Band English Lifeguard Training
Quarter 3
Speech Hstry of Ecnmy Band English Adv. Algebra
Quarter 4
Adv. Algebra Biology Band English Info. Processing II
What a fun year, huh?
I'm almost done...I seriously think that I am going to have some serious issues not having a computer at all this week. I won't even have any music to help me cope...I guess I'll just dance the week away....I'll miss all you guys!!!
With that, I'll leave you all with this hilarious thing Dora sent me...the funny thing is that it's very true for all of us Band Geeks out there. I can actually relate to what it says about a French Horn since I've played the French Horn for.....hmmm....4 years now....
The Band Geek!! (dun dun duh! *aka dramatic music*)
Ah, here we see a herd of band geeks in their natural habitat: the band field, commonly mis-labeled as the football field. Never make this mistake within earshot of the band geek. Band geeks and football players are natural enemies. Competition for territory is fierce. Band geek herds normally win by sheer numbers, as football players tend to keep their herds small in number. Band geeks herds have been known to reach numbers of 150 or more.
The band geek is a complex and fascinating animal, capable of moving at high speeds in unison to form complex and intricate shapes on the fields, as well as producing amazing musical sounds. Herds of band geeks will frequently gather on weekends to put on these displays, coming from all over the area to participate and often waiting hours at a time for their turn. Band geeks are best viewed during the fall season when they gather with their individual herds to practice for the regional gathering of the herds. Band geeks have been known to migrate huge distances simply to attend these gatherings, known as ¡§tournaments¡¨ to the band geek.
Though the herds of band geeks move as a single unit, the herd is actually made up of numerous subspecies of band geek. There are four main classifications of band geek, each with its respective subspecies. The classifications are: Percussion, Brass, Woodwind and Pageantry, often called Color Guard.
The band geek herd is led by one to two alpha band geeks, typically known as drum majors. The Drum Major may come from any known subspecies. Unlike with other animals, the status of the Drum Major is not determined by popularity, talent, or strength, but rather the odd ability to wave their arms around for long periods of time. This is their main function and they labor under the delusion that other members of the herd are watching them.
The Percussion band geek falls into one of two subspecies: the Drumline, made up of bass drums, quints, snares and sometimes cymbals, and the Pit, so named because that is the place most of the band would like to push them into. There are major differences between these two subspecies. The Drumline takes part in forming the musical and visual displays with the rest of the herd on the band field. They are the beat of the band, often keeping tempo when the herd is practicing. The pit, however, is stationary. They stay within a pack-rat like nest of instruments, most commonly found just in front of the Drum Major.
Next we have the Brass classification, consisting of the Trumpet, French Horn, Trombone, Baritone, and Tuba subspecies. The Brass is predominantly male, with the exception of the French Horns. The Trumpets are the highest voice, often the largest of the brass subspecies and quite frequently the most annoying. They spend most of their time competing with one another to see who can play the loudest or highest. Dynamic markings mean nothing to them. They play only loud or ear shattering. The French Horns have a slightly lower voice and are easier to tolerate than the Trumpet. They like to confuse other members of the herd by calling themselves Mellophones. The Trombones, by contrast, are nearly as annoying as the Trumpets. Their instrument doubles as a weapon, so be wary of provoking them. Unlike other species of brass, the Trombone has no valves. The typical Trombone spends most of its time swapping dirty jokes with the Baritones or fellow Trombones. The Baritones like to refer to themselves as Euphoniums. No one quite knows why. They like to talk to the Trombones without actually having to be one of them. Do not trust the Baritones. They spend their time plotting the downfall of other sections so that they can take over their solos. The tubas are the lowest voiced and calmest of the brass classification. Carrying such a large instrument will take the fight out of almost anyone. It is the dearest wish of many to destroy the woodwind section, particularly the flutes, for complaining about how heavy their tiny instruments are. Overall, the brass section is responsible for most of the sound and mayhem within the herd.
The woodwinds are natural enemies of the brass, despite being in the same herd. The woodwinds are typically smaller, calmer, and more maneuverable on the band field than the brass, yet typically cannot be heard due to the overwhelming sound of the brass. The brass do everything in their power to drown out the sound of the woodwinds. Subspecies of the woodwind include the saxophone, clarinet, and flute. Saxophone¡¦s are brass wannabe¡¦s. Their instrument is made of metal, yet they are still classified as a woodwind. Some saxophones even go so far as to stick close to the tubas during the musical displays, despite the best efforts of the tubas to avoid them. The clarinets are more tolerable than the saxophones. They tend to keep to themselves and attract relatively little animosity from other members of the herd. Many clarinets like to pretend they are really in the Pageantry classification and spin their instruments in their hands, much to the annoyance of other members of the herd. Keeping to themselves so much, clarinets are widely considered to be the least sane species of band geek. Finally, there are the flutes, the most enigmatic subspecies in the herd. They are made of metal, like the saxophones, yet do not even have a wooden reed to give them claim to being a woodwind. However, due to the animosity harbored by the tubas, the brass refuses to accept them as part of their group. The flutes are almost exclusively female and generally disliked by every other subspecies of band geek. The flute resembles a piece of plumbing and sounds like a dog whistle. They are typically clueless as to the animosity of other members of the herd and consider themselves to be the pinnacle of musical talent.
Lastly, we have the Pageantry. Like the flutes, they are almost exclusively female, though males have been known to exist. Unlike the rest of the herd, they produce no sound. The Pageantry typically consists of Sabres, Rifles, and Flags. Sabres spin fake sword like objects and rifles spin large, fake guns. Why they find this entertaining is a mystery to the rest of the band geek herd. The flags spin and throw colorful banners as part of a display understood only by other Pageantry members. The woodwinds, percussion, and brass do not consider them to be true members of the herd because they produce no sound, but let them think they are in the herd. (not true)
The behavior of the band geek varies depending on the age of the individual. The youngest is known as the Freshman. Freshmen consider themselves to be the experts of the herd and have no problem telling others this. Freshmen are frequently the targets of a ritual known as ¡§trash-canning,¡¨ performed whenever the upperclassmen are bored. The next age is the sophomore, typically made up of those who managed to live through their freshman year. Slightly more mature than the freshmen, they have finally learned that they are not the smartest members of the herd. Next are the Juniors. They try to hang around the seniors, act as immature as the sophomores and are responsible for most of the pranks committed within the herd. Lastly, the seniors, the oldest members of the herd. Seniors know everything about band. Never question this. Seniors spend a majority of their time keeping the freshmen in line and reminiscing about past field shows, usually finishing by saying the freshmen aren¡¦t nearly as good as they were.
The language of the band geek is unlike any other. While some of it resembles English, some words are known only to the band geek, such as Sectionals, Tempo, Horn flash, and Drill Charts. Conversely, some words in English are completely unknown to the band geek, words like Free Time, Individuality, and Lives. A majority of communication, however, is non-verbal and comes in the form of music produced by the instruments of the band geeks.
In conclusion, the band geek is a fascinating individual worthy of further study, particularly for its complex social structure within the herd and its ability to produce intricate and well practiced musical and visual displays.
Friday, July 22, 2005
I've been called many things...
So I have been called many things including friend, whore, genius, idiot, tease (according to Man-pretty--let's not get into the story)........however, I have never been called obsessive compulsive--until yesterday.
Socceroholic and I volunteer at the library together and apparently every time he put something down I would straighten it, or when we deflated some things I flattened out his crumpled ones. I guess I have a tendancy to make things look perfect (not my room). He found it to be funny...and now Man-pretty thinks it's funny that I deny being obsessive compulsive!
On a completely different note...
I'm starting to think that whenever my life gets too boring I purposely do stupid things to make it sadly hilarious. Seriously, some of the things that've happened to me in the past year and a half hurt, but now that I think about it, I'm not so sure they occured by accident.
Case in point: The first time I ever gathered the courage to ask a guy out
I had been working the concessions stand at a football game when Grandpa Stick (the guy I once liked), came and stood about 10 feet infront of the window for half an hour. I, not knowing what to do, went out and talked to him. We had a fun conversation that ended in me getting him to come up to the window so Pink Piggy and I could talk to him as we worked. After Pink Piggy left, Grandpa Stick and I were talking next to the bleechers. Well, I mustered the courage to say, "You should go out with me." He just stared, so I repeated myself--he laughed. I, once again not knowing what to do, took a step back to walk away. However, I ended up tripping over a picnic table and falling in the mud....then he and I were talking about this situation recently--HE DOESN'T REMEMBER ANY OF IT!
It seriously sounds like something from a movie, which is sad.
So now, I am waiting for myself to do my next stupid stunt that will add ever-so-much comedy to my blog.
Oh, gosh! How could I possibly forget! Okay, so I was reading THE BEE yesterday when I came across a "help wanted" ad. Some lady, Carol, is looking for workers for the fair! I called and I am going to be working either the gate or parking cars at this year's fair for $5.25 an hour!!! Man-pretty said that if that excites me I need to get a life.
Lately, it has been difficult for me to come up with names for people I write about. I have been questioning whether I should drop the nickname system and just use everyone's real name. I mean, it's kinda funny that a few of you guys actually have adopted the names I have given you and signed my yearbook with the false identity (Dora). Others know nothing of the names in which I use. One, (Man-pretty) know nothing of the names, but once referred to himself as "Man-pretty," which really freaked me out.
So, as I think of new names for the new people entering my life, please let me know what everyone thinks about the abolishment of the name system...
Socceroholic and I volunteer at the library together and apparently every time he put something down I would straighten it, or when we deflated some things I flattened out his crumpled ones. I guess I have a tendancy to make things look perfect (not my room). He found it to be funny...and now Man-pretty thinks it's funny that I deny being obsessive compulsive!
On a completely different note...
I'm starting to think that whenever my life gets too boring I purposely do stupid things to make it sadly hilarious. Seriously, some of the things that've happened to me in the past year and a half hurt, but now that I think about it, I'm not so sure they occured by accident.
Case in point: The first time I ever gathered the courage to ask a guy out
I had been working the concessions stand at a football game when Grandpa Stick (the guy I once liked), came and stood about 10 feet infront of the window for half an hour. I, not knowing what to do, went out and talked to him. We had a fun conversation that ended in me getting him to come up to the window so Pink Piggy and I could talk to him as we worked. After Pink Piggy left, Grandpa Stick and I were talking next to the bleechers. Well, I mustered the courage to say, "You should go out with me." He just stared, so I repeated myself--he laughed. I, once again not knowing what to do, took a step back to walk away. However, I ended up tripping over a picnic table and falling in the mud....then he and I were talking about this situation recently--HE DOESN'T REMEMBER ANY OF IT!
It seriously sounds like something from a movie, which is sad.
So now, I am waiting for myself to do my next stupid stunt that will add ever-so-much comedy to my blog.
Oh, gosh! How could I possibly forget! Okay, so I was reading THE BEE yesterday when I came across a "help wanted" ad. Some lady, Carol, is looking for workers for the fair! I called and I am going to be working either the gate or parking cars at this year's fair for $5.25 an hour!!! Man-pretty said that if that excites me I need to get a life.
Lately, it has been difficult for me to come up with names for people I write about. I have been questioning whether I should drop the nickname system and just use everyone's real name. I mean, it's kinda funny that a few of you guys actually have adopted the names I have given you and signed my yearbook with the false identity (Dora). Others know nothing of the names in which I use. One, (Man-pretty) know nothing of the names, but once referred to himself as "Man-pretty," which really freaked me out.
So, as I think of new names for the new people entering my life, please let me know what everyone thinks about the abolishment of the name system...
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Too much cheese
I had a very strange realization yesterday. You see, I was eating lasagna (which had quite a bit of cheese in it already) and without realizing it, I started to add even more cheese. I sat down with a glass of milk and enjoyed my dairy-rich meal.
Then tonight, we went out to the bowling alley where I ordered one of my two usuals. Since I am one of those few people who could eat the same thing day after day, I usually get grilled cheese with cheese curds or a cheese burger with cheese curds. Hmmmm...I'm noticing a lot of cheese/milk/ice cream in my diet.
Although I was not born in this great(ish) state, I fear I have adapted to the status of a true Wisconsinite *gasp*.
I had a quick skim over what my friends eat during the typical lunch time at school. Victim eats (every day) a small bag of Cheetos dipped in nacho cheese, Man-pretty used to eat a bologna sandwich with a side of nacho cheese but now prefers anything with a side of ice cream. Pretty much everyone else eats nachos, ice cream, and a milk shake......
I have come to the conclusion that I will be a good person and come up with a 12-step dairy program. I mean, there's one for just about everything else.
Step 1: Realize you have a problem.
Step 2: Go to your fridge and count the number of dairy products within.
Step 3: Find a budy so you both can overcome the situation together.
Step 4: Every time you pass any type of cattle avert your eyes.
Step 5: Start picking off small amounts of cheese from your food.
Step 6: Add any flavoring to your milk as to avoid the natural flavor.
Step 7: Find replacement toppings for cheese.
Step 8: Buy a nice, greasy pizza and eat the entire thing without squeegying the grease off the cheese beforehand.
Step 9: Take a gimungous whif of limburger cheese.
Step 10: Stock up on chocolate. Even though milk is the main ingredient, you can barely tast it.
Step 11: Support Fabio and start buying "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter."
Step 12: Never stop the consumption of ice cream. You started out this program as an addict, so the complete removal of dairy from your system would be both unhealthy and unwise.
I've been thinking of a lot of things lately. Seriously, Man-pretty told me that he seriously thinks I have ADD.
Anyway, so on Monday, I was talking to Victim online when none-other then Whelk Boy signed in. I have not talked to him since......Homecoming when I had to comfront him with the rumors he was starting. I talked to him--he hasn't changed a bit. I just have one question--WHAT WAS I THINKING!?!? He is very rude. He actually dared to bring up his relationship with Pink Piggy. Somehow he believes she still likes him. Then Man-pretty came online...I swear it was like attack of the ex-boyfriends or something!
I was just reading some of my old posts and I found the one I wrote when Man-pretty and Whelk Boy were playing football. The best thing ever happened and somehow I had forgotten about it until I read it. Whelk Boy had the ball and Man-pretty tackled the crap out of him! Ahhhh...the memories of freshman year!
It's July. It's two months 'til September. In September I turn 15 1/2....which is exactly 56 days until I can get my temps! The Fool better be prepared--he's my homeroom teacher, so I already warned him about how I almost ran over the dog, hit the garage, and cut my leg when I was trying to park the riding lawnmower. However, he is the driver's ed. teacher, so he should know how to teach me (learn me as Sir would say) how to drive properly.
I leave for camp Sunday. I am very excited!!!
I think this post is long enough.....
Then tonight, we went out to the bowling alley where I ordered one of my two usuals. Since I am one of those few people who could eat the same thing day after day, I usually get grilled cheese with cheese curds or a cheese burger with cheese curds. Hmmmm...I'm noticing a lot of cheese/milk/ice cream in my diet.
Although I was not born in this great(ish) state, I fear I have adapted to the status of a true Wisconsinite *gasp*.
I had a quick skim over what my friends eat during the typical lunch time at school. Victim eats (every day) a small bag of Cheetos dipped in nacho cheese, Man-pretty used to eat a bologna sandwich with a side of nacho cheese but now prefers anything with a side of ice cream. Pretty much everyone else eats nachos, ice cream, and a milk shake......
I have come to the conclusion that I will be a good person and come up with a 12-step dairy program. I mean, there's one for just about everything else.
Step 1: Realize you have a problem.
Step 2: Go to your fridge and count the number of dairy products within.
Step 3: Find a budy so you both can overcome the situation together.
Step 4: Every time you pass any type of cattle avert your eyes.
Step 5: Start picking off small amounts of cheese from your food.
Step 6: Add any flavoring to your milk as to avoid the natural flavor.
Step 7: Find replacement toppings for cheese.
Step 8: Buy a nice, greasy pizza and eat the entire thing without squeegying the grease off the cheese beforehand.
Step 9: Take a gimungous whif of limburger cheese.
Step 10: Stock up on chocolate. Even though milk is the main ingredient, you can barely tast it.
Step 11: Support Fabio and start buying "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter."
Step 12: Never stop the consumption of ice cream. You started out this program as an addict, so the complete removal of dairy from your system would be both unhealthy and unwise.
I've been thinking of a lot of things lately. Seriously, Man-pretty told me that he seriously thinks I have ADD.
Anyway, so on Monday, I was talking to Victim online when none-other then Whelk Boy signed in. I have not talked to him since......Homecoming when I had to comfront him with the rumors he was starting. I talked to him--he hasn't changed a bit. I just have one question--WHAT WAS I THINKING!?!? He is very rude. He actually dared to bring up his relationship with Pink Piggy. Somehow he believes she still likes him. Then Man-pretty came online...I swear it was like attack of the ex-boyfriends or something!
I was just reading some of my old posts and I found the one I wrote when Man-pretty and Whelk Boy were playing football. The best thing ever happened and somehow I had forgotten about it until I read it. Whelk Boy had the ball and Man-pretty tackled the crap out of him! Ahhhh...the memories of freshman year!
It's July. It's two months 'til September. In September I turn 15 1/2....which is exactly 56 days until I can get my temps! The Fool better be prepared--he's my homeroom teacher, so I already warned him about how I almost ran over the dog, hit the garage, and cut my leg when I was trying to park the riding lawnmower. However, he is the driver's ed. teacher, so he should know how to teach me (learn me as Sir would say) how to drive properly.
I leave for camp Sunday. I am very excited!!!
I think this post is long enough.....
Sunday, July 17, 2005
That explains a lot...
Listen up, I have a lot to say.............
Okay, so I grabbed the jackalope by the ear and made a very hard decision. I comfronted Man-pretty about how I feel about our friendship. I sent him an e-mail (isn't technology great?)...a very long e-mail at that. I was really freaked out that he might take it that I wanted a relationship or nothing.......because that's how Whelk Boy took it when I said that it was hard adjusting to the "friend status."
To my good fortune (and the right choice of words) he did not take it that way. He apologized and said that he wants this friendship to work. The thing is when he's not at work, he's either cleaning or doing some kind of stuff in his basement, so he's been uber tired lately. In all his spare time (including multi-tasking online) he plays his guitar. Which is quite understandable.
I'm talking to him right now actually. He's telling me how he can put his toe in his mouth........hmmmmmmm. LOL
Anyway...I went on vacation this past weekend. We went to Lake Superior. As I sat up and ate my snack of beef jerkey and caramels, I had to awaken my creative juices. Yes, I am pleased to announce that Lemons the ever-so-famous Lepregnome has written a poem...actually, it kinda started out as a song, but it sounded a lot like "Welcome to My Life"....so.....
You guys are lucky, I wasn't going to post it tonight, but I have nothing better to do. Remember, I need to edit it more...it isn't exactly as great as my previous poems. It's after the song lyrics...gosh, I'm posting a lot tonight!
However, here are some lyrics to a great song I was listening to this weekend. Bowling For Soup is credited with some really quite weird music, but this song is actually serious(ish). Yeah, if some of it looks familiar, I have used a lot of it for various screen names.....
Okay, so I grabbed the jackalope by the ear and made a very hard decision. I comfronted Man-pretty about how I feel about our friendship. I sent him an e-mail (isn't technology great?)...a very long e-mail at that. I was really freaked out that he might take it that I wanted a relationship or nothing.......because that's how Whelk Boy took it when I said that it was hard adjusting to the "friend status."
To my good fortune (and the right choice of words) he did not take it that way. He apologized and said that he wants this friendship to work. The thing is when he's not at work, he's either cleaning or doing some kind of stuff in his basement, so he's been uber tired lately. In all his spare time (including multi-tasking online) he plays his guitar. Which is quite understandable.
I'm talking to him right now actually. He's telling me how he can put his toe in his mouth........hmmmmmmm. LOL
Anyway...I went on vacation this past weekend. We went to Lake Superior. As I sat up and ate my snack of beef jerkey and caramels, I had to awaken my creative juices. Yes, I am pleased to announce that Lemons the ever-so-famous Lepregnome has written a poem...actually, it kinda started out as a song, but it sounded a lot like "Welcome to My Life"....so.....
You guys are lucky, I wasn't going to post it tonight, but I have nothing better to do. Remember, I need to edit it more...it isn't exactly as great as my previous poems. It's after the song lyrics...gosh, I'm posting a lot tonight!
However, here are some lyrics to a great song I was listening to this weekend. Bowling For Soup is credited with some really quite weird music, but this song is actually serious(ish). Yeah, if some of it looks familiar, I have used a lot of it for various screen names.....
by Bowling For Soup
Try not to talk when there's nothing to say.
Kept bottled up, we get carried away.
Then I fall, then I fall down.
Then we fall down.
And you know that it makes me feel so ridiculous.
A pocket full of posies...
We fall down on the inside; pretty on the outside.
Turn it around, can we turn it around?
Try to make a comeback with nowhere to start from now.
But it's looking up.
A second chance, a much better day.
A sunset that just won't go away.
Then I fall, then I fall down.
We all fall down.
And you know that it makes me feel so ridiculous.
A pocket full of posies...
We fall down on the inside; pretty on the outside.
Turn it around, can we turn it around?
Try to make a comeback with nowhere to start from now.
But it's looking up.
And you know you said you'd never end up this way.
Close the door behind you, i just wanna stay for a while.
We all fall down, we all fall down, we all fall...
Down on the inside; pretty on the outside.
Turn it around, can we turn it around?
Try to make a comeback with nowhere to start from now.
But it's looking up.
Down on the inside; pretty on the outside.
Turn it around, can we turn it around?
Try to make a comeback with nowhere to start from now.
But it's looking up.
My Sweet Release
by Lemons the Lepregnome
I can feel it coming almost every day.
When it comes my pain will melt away.
I’ll welcome it into my life
as it erases all my strife.
My mental capacity is thinning
and I can feel I am not winning.
Paranoia has replaced my tears
that have blurred away the years.
(supposed to be chorus)
I can feel it coming almost every day.
When it comes my pain will melt away.
I’ll welcome it into my life
as it erases all my strife.
My mental capacity is thinning
and I can feel I am not winning.
Paranoia has replaced my tears
that have blurred away the years.
(supposed to be chorus)
Everyone claims to care;
I question if they’re truly there.
My cries are far too loud.
I find myself looking down.
Sweet release take me away
far away from reality.
Fearing a fatality,
I fall to the floor
still craving more.
A cage is lifted.
With mind reset I can think clearly,
movement is now free.
The sweet release has done its work.
In my bloodless head no bad thoughts lurk.
I can feel my body adjust
No hate, fear, love, or lust.
Everything is finally fine.
No problems I claim as mine.
Carefully I lift up my head
and find a new life to be lead.
My sweet release has come and gone;
it was the cure all along.
This time there will be no stress;
My life will no longer be a mess.
I question if they’re truly there.
My cries are far too loud.
I find myself looking down.
Sweet release take me away
far away from reality.
Fearing a fatality,
I fall to the floor
still craving more.
A cage is lifted.
With mind reset I can think clearly,
movement is now free.
The sweet release has done its work.
In my bloodless head no bad thoughts lurk.
I can feel my body adjust
No hate, fear, love, or lust.
Everything is finally fine.
No problems I claim as mine.
Carefully I lift up my head
and find a new life to be lead.
My sweet release has come and gone;
it was the cure all along.
This time there will be no stress;
My life will no longer be a mess.
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
I don't deserve this shit
When Man-pretty said he wanted to remain friends I was estatic. I'm starting to think that he just said that so I'd have some closure.
He and I have talked almost every night since we broke up a week ago, but our conversations have been dull and meaningless. Last night I said something and waited 25 minutes for a response. I never got one, so I went offline to find something better to do with my time.
Now I just said something about a Stephen King book--he and I both love Stephen King, so I'm trying to find some common ground we can discuss, but he hasn't said anything in 15 minutes. I want to see how long it will take him to say anything.
Gee, I can so tell he wants to be my friend!
I want to tell him that so bad. I want to say anything just so I can bitch. However, I won't because I WANT to remain friends with him. He is one of the nicest guys I know, and I enjoy talking to him...when he talks back.
I figured when we broke up he might actually care because he TOLD me he still cares for me, and he doesn't want to see me hurt.
I apologize for all the swearing, but I am very upset right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He and I have talked almost every night since we broke up a week ago, but our conversations have been dull and meaningless. Last night I said something and waited 25 minutes for a response. I never got one, so I went offline to find something better to do with my time.
Now I just said something about a Stephen King book--he and I both love Stephen King, so I'm trying to find some common ground we can discuss, but he hasn't said anything in 15 minutes. I want to see how long it will take him to say anything.
Gee, I can so tell he wants to be my friend!
I want to tell him that so bad. I want to say anything just so I can bitch. However, I won't because I WANT to remain friends with him. He is one of the nicest guys I know, and I enjoy talking to him...when he talks back.
I figured when we broke up he might actually care because he TOLD me he still cares for me, and he doesn't want to see me hurt.
I apologize for all the swearing, but I am very upset right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, July 10, 2005
My new friend
Man-pretty is crazed. We got into a "f*** you!" war. It all started out as a joke, but it ended him him threatening to burn down my house and saying if I didn't shut up he would forget every memory he has of me. I'M NOT SURE IF HE WAS KIDDING! That was a good conversation though, we talked for three hours. However, that was two days ago and he hasn't said anything like that again.
Last night I was crying a lot over him. I stopped crying but somehow ended up puking and it was red--not a good sign. However...I had been eating Cheetos and Coke before I barfed, so maybe that contributed to the color.
We actually talked for over an hour and a half--he just got offline a couple of minutes ago. I think he was trying to tease me by telling me he was so hot he had to take off his shirt.
On a brighter note--I had a first last night! I went streaking! I was only like, half a mile away from Man-pretty's house and I wanted to run by there soooo....badly, but the bugs were bad. So I ended up only staying in the yard.
It was quite nice because it was so hot out. I highly reccomend a quick jog around your houses naked.
Last night I was crying a lot over him. I stopped crying but somehow ended up puking and it was red--not a good sign. However...I had been eating Cheetos and Coke before I barfed, so maybe that contributed to the color.
We actually talked for over an hour and a half--he just got offline a couple of minutes ago. I think he was trying to tease me by telling me he was so hot he had to take off his shirt.
On a brighter note--I had a first last night! I went streaking! I was only like, half a mile away from Man-pretty's house and I wanted to run by there soooo....badly, but the bugs were bad. So I ended up only staying in the yard.
It was quite nice because it was so hot out. I highly reccomend a quick jog around your houses naked.
Friday, July 08, 2005
Treading in the land of singledom once again...
Man-pretty feels it would be best if we saw other people.
He actually broke up with me in an IM. At least he didn't send an e-mail like Whelk Boy did.
I didn't feel like telling anyone because it hurt too badly. By the way, this conversation was Wednesday night. He told Victim that we broke up and she called me. Somehow he thinks that during this convo. I wasn't crying AT ALL...if he would've only seen how red and puffy my eyes are. Apparently a while ago he told her that he's been talking to one of his ex-girlfriends a lot lately. Old feelings were being "rekindled"...I'm not sure if that has anything to do with our break up, but it doesn't matter. Well, I guess it does because he might've been picturing her while he was kissing me....
After I got offline I went up to my room and saw a picture of him. I lost it. I realized that I no longer have anyone to love me. There's no one to put their arms around me and make me feel special. He's now my ex-boyfriend. I don't understand this. All I can think of are the times we had so much fun. At graduation he told me that he never wanted to lose me, but now he's given me up.
All I want is to be wanted.
He actually broke up with me in an IM. At least he didn't send an e-mail like Whelk Boy did.
I didn't feel like telling anyone because it hurt too badly. By the way, this conversation was Wednesday night. He told Victim that we broke up and she called me. Somehow he thinks that during this convo. I wasn't crying AT ALL...if he would've only seen how red and puffy my eyes are. Apparently a while ago he told her that he's been talking to one of his ex-girlfriends a lot lately. Old feelings were being "rekindled"...I'm not sure if that has anything to do with our break up, but it doesn't matter. Well, I guess it does because he might've been picturing her while he was kissing me....
After I got offline I went up to my room and saw a picture of him. I lost it. I realized that I no longer have anyone to love me. There's no one to put their arms around me and make me feel special. He's now my ex-boyfriend. I don't understand this. All I can think of are the times we had so much fun. At graduation he told me that he never wanted to lose me, but now he's given me up.
All I want is to be wanted.
Monday, July 04, 2005
He SPANKED me! I said something about stroking a pussy (petting my cousins' cat) and he was like, "I'm gonna have to slap you." Then he reached over and slapped my ass! He had this huge smile and said, "You liked that!"
I bought Man-pretty some Star Wars pins and he had them on his work uniform. I felt appreciated!
Marenesico came to town today--just for a few hours because she's on house arrest. She, Victim, and I pimped out at the craft fair for a couple hours. We walked to the store to bother Man-pretty and he walked out as we were walking in. We stood infront of the store conversing for a few minutes. He flashed me (he lifted up his shirt), so I had to give him some of my Marty Gras beads. After Marenesico left Victim and I were at my house and called Man-pretty. He came over for a few minutes, then we went out looking for "just the right spot" for viewing the fireworks. He was walking WAY infront of us, so he didn't see me fall on my ass. I'm not even sure why I fell. I scraped my knee really quite badly. My hand has a small scrape, but it hurts f***ing bad. He kept asking people if they had a band-aid for me--I found that quite sweet.
Victim ended up going off with some other people. Man-pretty and I went and found some of his friends and watched the display.
We met back up with Victim and walked to my aunt's house. On the way was the spanking incident. We were running around like idiots with sparklers. I managed to fall down--AGAIN!
When we finally went back to my house Victim wanted to see Man-pretty and I kiss because she doesn't believe we ever have. He said he was sick and didn't want to get me sick, so we hugged and kissed each other on the cheek.
I still can't believe he spanked me. It was quite a laugh though.
I bought Man-pretty some Star Wars pins and he had them on his work uniform. I felt appreciated!
Marenesico came to town today--just for a few hours because she's on house arrest. She, Victim, and I pimped out at the craft fair for a couple hours. We walked to the store to bother Man-pretty and he walked out as we were walking in. We stood infront of the store conversing for a few minutes. He flashed me (he lifted up his shirt), so I had to give him some of my Marty Gras beads. After Marenesico left Victim and I were at my house and called Man-pretty. He came over for a few minutes, then we went out looking for "just the right spot" for viewing the fireworks. He was walking WAY infront of us, so he didn't see me fall on my ass. I'm not even sure why I fell. I scraped my knee really quite badly. My hand has a small scrape, but it hurts f***ing bad. He kept asking people if they had a band-aid for me--I found that quite sweet.
Victim ended up going off with some other people. Man-pretty and I went and found some of his friends and watched the display.
We met back up with Victim and walked to my aunt's house. On the way was the spanking incident. We were running around like idiots with sparklers. I managed to fall down--AGAIN!
When we finally went back to my house Victim wanted to see Man-pretty and I kiss because she doesn't believe we ever have. He said he was sick and didn't want to get me sick, so we hugged and kissed each other on the cheek.
I still can't believe he spanked me. It was quite a laugh though.
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