Yeah, I am a dork, but Bible Camp sounds really fun. I mean, I think I need to learn more about the Bible.
The fact that the camp is co-ed doesn't hurt either. JOKING!!! I need to make some new friends anyway...not that the ones I have are bad, but BB is always talking abou the interesting people she met at Brain Camp.
It isn't until July though, so I've got a ways to wait.
I've come to the conclusion that I am insane.
Don't ask me why, you'd probably get scared.
I cannot believe out basketball team lost. Seriously, we have the most kickass team ever. Mo said that it was a really close game though. It's sad 'cause I really wanted to travel with them. Mr. K said that if they advanced any further the pepband would get to go with. WOW! I am a total band geek! Actually I thought it would be neat to take long bus rides with certain tuba players in the band (take a guess at which one I mean, there's only two and one's a crackhead).
I've also decided that I'm going to start color-coding my posts. Instead of just picking a color I haven't used for a while.
This color is for crap.
This color is for poetry.
This color is for stories (if I ever get around to posting any).
This color is for when I'm feeling romantic.
This color is for when I'm upset.
This color is for when I want to vent.
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