"We'll never be as young as we are right now." --Jim Steinman

Monday, February 21, 2005

The Most Indecisive Person Ever!

This isn't a poem, but I don't want it to be a normal entry either.

On the bus ride home I watched him.
His full, luscious lips lip syncing to Led Zeppelin.
He had his glasses on...illuminating the brownness of his eyes.
Is it wrong that I want to look into those eyes and touch those lips?
I could watch him for hours, days, on end.
Gazing out the window at nothing much, he looks so handsome.
I caught his eye a few times, but recieved no smile.
My eyes continuously travel up to the cow-lick in his bangs.
I want to play with it.
Why can't he decide?
Is it that hard?
He likes me, but he doesn't trust himself.
I don't understand how he can be so amazing but think he's such an uncaring boyfriend.
I wish he would let me make that decision.

This is tearing me apart, but I love this feeling. It's like a blissful pergatory. I know that's a total oxymoron, but it's the only way I can describe how I'm feeling. Not knowing what's going to happen, or what he's going to say just makes tingle with anticipation. However, I want to know. Will this crush, ever develop into anything more?

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