Most would say not considering I hate most things...okay, everything.
I think Valentine's Day is the cause of this thought. I've never had a significant other during the holiday, so this could be why I hate the idea of it, but I truly don't believe so. People should spend more than just one concentrated day of romance on their partner.
At least this year most of my friends are single, so I don't have to be the awkward, lonely single who stays behind on the commercially oriented night of romance.
Perhaps this stems from my love life being at a complete stand still for the past 3 1/2 years.
Shit if I know.
But really, am I too cynical for existence?
I am bitterly distrustful of most concepts and ideas these days. The only thing I seem to have continued optimism for is humanity itself, which is a big thing to be in favor of.
I hold the generic ideal that my generation will change the world, and I truly believe it. I've shaved my head for cancer research and dropped mad cash for my collection of TOMS. The people I surround myself with continue my hope of furthering humanitarian kindness and growth, but as for everything else, I could really not be more skeptical.
Maybe I'm not cynical and I just have a strong dislike of what most people enjoy.
Like Glee.
I honestly don't see the link between the Super Bowl and Glee and why they tag-teamed Fox's Sunday Night line-up.
Hmm. Packers pwning the Steelers teamed up with horny teens who do covers of songs written and made famous by other artists. Perfect "mash-up."
I truly can't stand when I hear someone say "This is a Glee song!"
No it's not. Someone else wrote it, sang it, and made it famous way before Glee got to it.
It's like Kidz Bop for hormone-fueled teenagers.
But I admit, there are worse things in life than Glee, and I have nothing against people who enjoy it or act/sing in it. I just dislike what a giant monster it has become and when people shun me for saying I don't watch the show.
Sorry, I did not intend this to be a Glee-bashing post.
I apologize if I have offended anyone.
Really, I am just putting off finishing my summer staff applications.