I'm not quite sure how to feel right now.
Happy beyond all reason
Pissy beyond comprehension.
So I hate going to class on Fridays.
I have a class from 8:50-9:45
a class from 9:55-10:50
a class from 11:00-1:oo
and then I work from 1:00-3:00.
My roommates both have one class on Fridays and it's an afternoon class.
So when I get home I just want to eat, take a nap, and read.
I'm chubby...so I get cranky when I don't get to eat all day.
Usually I don't get to do that because a trip to the mall or some sort of other engagement is already planned.
Today I got to nap.
Hardly...but I still got one in.
I was soooo... hungry today. I was told that we would be going to Tequilia's (dirt cheap Mexican restaurant next to campus).
I was excited...
Nope. Plans change.
Get into slutty costume (naughty nurse...that I still have on as I type this).
Get pissed off. I couldn't find my white tank top I was going to wear underneath it.
Surprising. I did laundry yesterday and when I went to go get my clothes the dryer was already opened a little. I didn't think anything of it...but since I'm missing clothes I'm pretty much just irate about that.
So I put make up on. Not good. Face is all splotchy and eyebrows needed to be plucked.
So I'm getting ready, and then my roommates leave. I have no clue where they went. So I'm wandering the halls dressed as a whorey nurse looking for them.
I find them.
New plan:
Find a party.
Translation for me:
Watch them get drunk and babysit them.
*Flashback to last weekend*
We walked to a party like 20 minutes away from campus. Long walk. So I was the only one who paid attention to the people leading the way.
Good thing I was also the one who stayed sober.
So Anelram is all over the place making friends left and right downing one after another...
Er-Er had like a quarter as much as Anelram but was by far the worst. I was afraid she was going to barf all over herself. Then she got mauled by some creeper. Lucky for her I was there to be like, "Dude, back off my friend!"
It took forever for me to get them back to campus. La Crosse isn't a huge city, but it's a hell of a lot bigger than P-Town.
So I get them back to the dorm and tuck them in (making sure that a garbage can is ready).
Don't get me wrong...it was a lot of fun before it got too crazy.
I grinded with someone I can't quite recall the name of. I shall call him Green Shirt Man.
Green Shirt Man was there with his girlfriend. She went to the bathroom. He came up to me and said, "My girlfriend is in the bathroom. I want to dance with you."
I was trying to actually dance. He just wanted to "back-side dance" as Er-Er drunkenly calls it.
Back to the present.
So then we were like, "Hey, it's only like 8:30...there's no parties yet."
There's a dance party going down in the basement...kinda wish I was there right now instead of here :(
So we go down there.
Bad news:
I'm not wearing enough clothes to shake it how I do.
And I had half the contents of my purse shoved in my cleavage...money, student ID, keys, hair tie, chapstick, and pepper spray.
Trust me...that's quite an accomplishment...especially when you take into consideration that my boobs just aren't that big. But hey...I stocked thos B-cups. Haha.
So we're all dancing and having some funsies.
I'm actually having fun compared to the whole getting ready fiasco.
Then I was like, "I'm going to the bathroom to fix my hair." I do that. Come back with a cute little bun, and everyone I was with is GONE. Seriously. So I'm like WTF bitches? So I walk from the basement to the 4th floor looking for them (AGAIN). I was bitching to my RA about how my roommates ditched me when Er-Er pops out from a random room and was like, "Oh."
So they were like, "We didn't know where you went, so we left."
Totally forget the part where I said where I was going. They didn't know what I ment by "bathroom."
And they're kinda annoyed that I was pissed about something so small.
So I go back to the dance and guess what...
Mr. UW-La Crosse came down.
Legit...he was actually in the Mr. UW-La Crosse pageant last year AND WON.
Background on Mr. UW-La Crosse
He's attractive.
He's the RA for 3B (I'm in 4B for referencing purposes)
Great dancer.
Knows the entire Thriller dance (it was his talent for the pageant or something...IDK...It's on YouTube)
So he comes down there dressed as...well...Michael Jackson in Thriller. And he totally has a mini-afro.
*Flashback to last night*
We've been playing "Sock Assassins" since about Tuesday.
Basic premise of Sock Assassins:
You are given a slip of paper with someone's name on it. You must "assissinate" them by throwing a sock at them. However, there are rules...you must be invited into their room, it cannot be during quiet hours...and a few more.
So the guy who has been trying to assassinate me is GORGEOUS. He's always creeping around my room trying to get at me. He missed me the other day...well, he hit someone who wasn't me (which gives me a 5 minute grace period to get away).
So I had a little convo with him. He said that Mr. UW-La Crosse was his RA and was very much pushing that he kill me.
So my RA (who is tight with Mr. UW-La Crosse) suggests that I bargain with Mr. UWL to commit suicide in exchange for a hug.
Hell yeah.
So he came up and was immediately swarmed by all the girls on my floor. (Seriously...he's that attractive)
Then he admitted that he couldn't remember all our names (my roommates and myself).
Then he got all cute and was like, "Um...I feel bad if you die just for a hug."
And then he gave me a hug anyway.
My roommate has a picture. (Check Facebook)
And then someone gave him a massage and was making sex sounds (hilarious, but completely irrelevant...much like most of this post)
Back to tonight.
I was walking down the stairs, and I totally saw my assassin. But he didn't have any socks.
So we walked down to the dance party together.
Then I was talking to Mr. UWL and I was like, "You didn't tell Assassin the bargain, did you?"
And then there was much freaking out of my assassin saying "Why didn't you take the deal?"
And then some more things were said which changed Mr. UWL's opinion. Then HE was begging ME for a hug.
So there I was wearing my naughty nurse costume that barely covers my lower back HUGGING Mr. UWL who was wearing the tightest pants I've ever seen.
So then I committ suicide. Assassin killed me with my own sock.
Highly epic.
So I'm kinda upset my roommates ditched our plans and then ditched out on me.
But...I am in blissful happifullness thinking about the fact that I got not one but TWO hugs from a beautiful, beautiful man.

"We'll never be as young as we are right now." --Jim Steinman
Friday, October 31, 2008
Saturday, October 11, 2008
I'm drunk right now.
Erin can't get me in bed.
Thaat's what she's saying to her parents tonight.
Why is the rum gone?
Rum burns my throat.
I love Erin?
I think I blacked out for a little bit.
'Cause Erin was next to me and then she was at her desk.
And now she's at her desk talking to her mom and or dad.
She says I'm plastered.
Anelram is like talking to Kyle. Kyle is such a good guy, but she's going to like reak it to him that she does not want a relationship.
He's so nice. He picked me up and he carried him.
Yuma is such a nice guy. His name is Yuma. He is from Japan. He went to an all Japanese party tonight, but apparently he told Kyle that he would do me.
That's weird 'cause I only talked to him about his classes and stuff.
He's in macro economics or something.
He was so cute, but I'm pretty sure his watch was a girl's watch.
I can totally edit my own spelling when I'm drunk.
Drunk shouldn't be capitalized...
I really hope Kyle...Yle....'if we're still playing Circle of Death...walks Marlena back...'cause the Campus Police said girls should not walk alone.
Obama confiscated my pepper spray. I saw McCain today.
I was scared 'cause I can't keep my mouth shut and I kept saying that Republicans lie. They told me at the Republican headquarters that everyone would have a seat but they lied.
I couldn't sit down.
Er-Er keeps kicking my computer closed.
I love Er-Er.
She's keeping me from being \
She has a Spanish shirt on.
I speak German.
Yuma speaks German too. His mother is German.
Um, CSI Miama is on. It's like 1 in the morning.
I met Kyle first. And then 'cause Marlena is pretty he liked her and not me.
But that's okay, 'cause I'm okay with that.
Um. I'm okay. Er-Er is great.
Tracy is in my pre-calc class with Dr. Kelly.
Tracy has great boobs.
I talked to Craig, but sometimes I feel sad.
Er-Er says 'night.
I love you, readers...even though I have few.
McCain would make a good president, but I am probably going to vote for Obama...'cause I feel Obama has a better economic policy.
I read the newspapers.
I read CNN.com
I am a well-iinformed individual. Um. Um. Um.
Where's Marlena?
Erin can't get me in bed.
Thaat's what she's saying to her parents tonight.
Why is the rum gone?
Rum burns my throat.
I love Erin?
I think I blacked out for a little bit.
'Cause Erin was next to me and then she was at her desk.
And now she's at her desk talking to her mom and or dad.
She says I'm plastered.
Anelram is like talking to Kyle. Kyle is such a good guy, but she's going to like reak it to him that she does not want a relationship.
He's so nice. He picked me up and he carried him.
Yuma is such a nice guy. His name is Yuma. He is from Japan. He went to an all Japanese party tonight, but apparently he told Kyle that he would do me.
That's weird 'cause I only talked to him about his classes and stuff.
He's in macro economics or something.
He was so cute, but I'm pretty sure his watch was a girl's watch.
I can totally edit my own spelling when I'm drunk.
Drunk shouldn't be capitalized...
I really hope Kyle...Yle....'if we're still playing Circle of Death...walks Marlena back...'cause the Campus Police said girls should not walk alone.
Obama confiscated my pepper spray. I saw McCain today.
I was scared 'cause I can't keep my mouth shut and I kept saying that Republicans lie. They told me at the Republican headquarters that everyone would have a seat but they lied.
I couldn't sit down.
Er-Er keeps kicking my computer closed.
I love Er-Er.
She's keeping me from being \
She has a Spanish shirt on.
I speak German.
Yuma speaks German too. His mother is German.
Um, CSI Miama is on. It's like 1 in the morning.
I met Kyle first. And then 'cause Marlena is pretty he liked her and not me.
But that's okay, 'cause I'm okay with that.
Um. I'm okay. Er-Er is great.
Tracy is in my pre-calc class with Dr. Kelly.
Tracy has great boobs.
I talked to Craig, but sometimes I feel sad.
Er-Er says 'night.
I love you, readers...even though I have few.
McCain would make a good president, but I am probably going to vote for Obama...'cause I feel Obama has a better economic policy.
I read the newspapers.
I read CNN.com
I am a well-iinformed individual. Um. Um. Um.
Where's Marlena?
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Boys and Obama
I'll start out with Obama.
He had a rally in La Crosse today.
I totally went and I saw him for like half a second 'cause I'm little and people in crowds are rude and decide to stand inftont of a person half their height.
Great speech.
I bought a pin.
My pepper spray (that my dad requested I carry with me at all times) was confiscated at security.
There were a bunch of middle schoolers there. I couldn't really understand why...especially since they can't vote. But then there was this guy yelling at them a lot...they were on a field trip. They couldn't have cared less.
Seriously. They just talked the entire time and I was like, "Ahhh...shut up...I can't even hear the speech over you're stupid giggling about Hannah Montana!"
And whenever anyone would clap they would all freak out like they were showing off...too bad they didn't even know what he was talking about.
Okay. Onto the boy front.
I am officially the master. I went from loser girl who can't talk to guys...to the master...well...kinda back down to a loser again. But that's okay 'cause I have a story.
So it's Oktoberfest, which means lots of drinking and hardcore partying. So in my dorm they decided to throw a dance party as an alternative to going out and getting trashed. So my roommates and I went.
We joined a random circle of people and started dancing in the middle of it...'cause we're cool like that.
Well, there was this cute guy...I shall call him Green Shirt. I couldn't tell if he was actually dancing with anybody or not...but he was with this weird guy.
The weird guy kept mocking Anelram every time she pulled out a sweet dance move.
So she and I were pulling out our Night at the Roxbury moves hardcore. And Roommate #4 was like, "I have to call my boyfriend now." 'cause let's face it...she's whipped like a man. Then Anelram was like, "I'm all sweaty." So she left.
Then Er-Er and I were getting our dance on...and she decided to leave.
So I was randomly dancing around by myself. Then my RA and hot RA from 3B was dancing with me (and my roommates were jealous 'cause Hottie 3B RA is #1 on the list).
I closed the dance party. So I was walking to my cube and then the guy who was mocking Anelram's moves came out of a corner door and was like, "Dude, we just went in a circle!"
And then I was like, "Um, the stairs are here. It's not hard to find...there's 3 sets." And then he told me he was from a diff. hall. (I shall call him Game) Pff.
And then he followed me and said he heard the party was in my room.
He had 2 friends with him (one was Green Shirt).
So I walk up to our room and Anelram wasn't there, but Er-Er had like JUST gotten out of the shower and was combing her hair, and I come in with
And then they left to go to this girl's room down the hall.
Then um....Bandana came up and he insisted that we watch this sweet movie. So Bandana, Anelram, and I are chillaxin' on the futon watching a movie and Er-Er was sleeping.
The instant that Bandana leaves Game walks in the room. And remember Anelram had not been there when he was there earlier. So he's talking to me like we've known eachother forever (he is VERY outgoing) and then the 3 of us are just chillin' on the futon. Then I was like, "Hey, what happend to the other two guys you were with?"
And then he made a phone call and they were instantly knocking on our door. Green Shirt like collapsed on the floor and the other guy, Ireland, crumpled onto the bean bag. So we're talking about very awkward things and then Er-Er rolls over and wakes up.
When she went to bed Bandana had been there, but now there were 3 guys there. Wow.
And then Game was like, "Hey, Ireland, you should cuddle with Er-Er."
So he climbs up into her bed and starts spooningn with her.
Poor Er-Er.
So we looked up this thing on the internet called the "Birmingham Bootycall."
Don't ask.
But Game kept teasing Green Shirt that he had done it with a girl...which was weird.
So I went to the bathroom and when I came back Game was in bed with Anelram and Green Shirt was passed out on the floor.
So while I was gone they all decided to have a "Cuddle Party."
So I had to cuddle with the guy on the floor. I grabbed a blanket off my bed (which is NOT stable for 2 people unlike the other ones) and sat next to him.
Then it got weird. I had to tell him that the blanket that he had wrapped around him was the "cum blanket."
Then I had to explain WHY it was called the cum blanket.
So he and I were like laying a foot apart on the floor and I could totally hear Anelram and Game talking "weirdly" on her bed. Then I started laughing left for a little bit. So when I came back, Game and Ireland had to use the bathroom. And then Anelram and Er-Er are like "We do too!"
So Green Shirt and I are just chillin' on the floor. Then we climbed onto the futon. The guys came back and were being weird and teasing Green Shirt.
So then it was finally time to go to sleep...at roughly 4 in the morning. After laying there for like 15 minutes, Green Shirt put his arm around me, and I was like giggling on the inside.
And then we were spooning. And I was trying not to laugh out loud. Then he fell asleep and rolled over.
But I couldn't sleep.
Well, the futon is directly under Anelram's bed. She and Game were...well, not sleeping.
So I fell asleep eventually, and in the morning when Ireland woke up and decided to wake up everyone else...they left.
But before they left, Green Shirt actually shook my hand.
Then I confronted Anelram and I was like, "You know I heard everything, right?" And she's like, "yeah, I thought I could hear you laughing."
That was Saturday, and I never expected to see these guys again. I'm pretty sure Green Shirt was disguested by me.
Since then, Game has been texting Anelram NONSTOP. It's cute.
Today it was insanely cold in our room and neither one of us wanted to get up (Er-Er was still in class), so we called Game to come over and shut our window.
He did.
I'm sure I'll be seeing PLENTY of Game around the room if he's into Anelram.
So this has been an eventful week.
I spooned with a stranger and saw Barack Obama
He had a rally in La Crosse today.
I totally went and I saw him for like half a second 'cause I'm little and people in crowds are rude and decide to stand inftont of a person half their height.
Great speech.
I bought a pin.
My pepper spray (that my dad requested I carry with me at all times) was confiscated at security.
There were a bunch of middle schoolers there. I couldn't really understand why...especially since they can't vote. But then there was this guy yelling at them a lot...they were on a field trip. They couldn't have cared less.
Seriously. They just talked the entire time and I was like, "Ahhh...shut up...I can't even hear the speech over you're stupid giggling about Hannah Montana!"
And whenever anyone would clap they would all freak out like they were showing off...too bad they didn't even know what he was talking about.
Okay. Onto the boy front.
I am officially the master. I went from loser girl who can't talk to guys...to the master...well...kinda back down to a loser again. But that's okay 'cause I have a story.
So it's Oktoberfest, which means lots of drinking and hardcore partying. So in my dorm they decided to throw a dance party as an alternative to going out and getting trashed. So my roommates and I went.
We joined a random circle of people and started dancing in the middle of it...'cause we're cool like that.
Well, there was this cute guy...I shall call him Green Shirt. I couldn't tell if he was actually dancing with anybody or not...but he was with this weird guy.
The weird guy kept mocking Anelram every time she pulled out a sweet dance move.
So she and I were pulling out our Night at the Roxbury moves hardcore. And Roommate #4 was like, "I have to call my boyfriend now." 'cause let's face it...she's whipped like a man. Then Anelram was like, "I'm all sweaty." So she left.
Then Er-Er and I were getting our dance on...and she decided to leave.
So I was randomly dancing around by myself. Then my RA and hot RA from 3B was dancing with me (and my roommates were jealous 'cause Hottie 3B RA is #1 on the list).
I closed the dance party. So I was walking to my cube and then the guy who was mocking Anelram's moves came out of a corner door and was like, "Dude, we just went in a circle!"
And then I was like, "Um, the stairs are here. It's not hard to find...there's 3 sets." And then he told me he was from a diff. hall. (I shall call him Game) Pff.
And then he followed me and said he heard the party was in my room.
He had 2 friends with him (one was Green Shirt).
So I walk up to our room and Anelram wasn't there, but Er-Er had like JUST gotten out of the shower and was combing her hair, and I come in with
And then they left to go to this girl's room down the hall.
Then um....Bandana came up and he insisted that we watch this sweet movie. So Bandana, Anelram, and I are chillaxin' on the futon watching a movie and Er-Er was sleeping.
The instant that Bandana leaves Game walks in the room. And remember Anelram had not been there when he was there earlier. So he's talking to me like we've known eachother forever (he is VERY outgoing) and then the 3 of us are just chillin' on the futon. Then I was like, "Hey, what happend to the other two guys you were with?"
And then he made a phone call and they were instantly knocking on our door. Green Shirt like collapsed on the floor and the other guy, Ireland, crumpled onto the bean bag. So we're talking about very awkward things and then Er-Er rolls over and wakes up.
When she went to bed Bandana had been there, but now there were 3 guys there. Wow.
And then Game was like, "Hey, Ireland, you should cuddle with Er-Er."
So he climbs up into her bed and starts spooningn with her.
Poor Er-Er.
So we looked up this thing on the internet called the "Birmingham Bootycall."
Don't ask.
But Game kept teasing Green Shirt that he had done it with a girl...which was weird.
So I went to the bathroom and when I came back Game was in bed with Anelram and Green Shirt was passed out on the floor.
So while I was gone they all decided to have a "Cuddle Party."
So I had to cuddle with the guy on the floor. I grabbed a blanket off my bed (which is NOT stable for 2 people unlike the other ones) and sat next to him.
Then it got weird. I had to tell him that the blanket that he had wrapped around him was the "cum blanket."
Then I had to explain WHY it was called the cum blanket.
So he and I were like laying a foot apart on the floor and I could totally hear Anelram and Game talking "weirdly" on her bed. Then I started laughing left for a little bit. So when I came back, Game and Ireland had to use the bathroom. And then Anelram and Er-Er are like "We do too!"
So Green Shirt and I are just chillin' on the floor. Then we climbed onto the futon. The guys came back and were being weird and teasing Green Shirt.
So then it was finally time to go to sleep...at roughly 4 in the morning. After laying there for like 15 minutes, Green Shirt put his arm around me, and I was like giggling on the inside.
And then we were spooning. And I was trying not to laugh out loud. Then he fell asleep and rolled over.
But I couldn't sleep.
Well, the futon is directly under Anelram's bed. She and Game were...well, not sleeping.
So I fell asleep eventually, and in the morning when Ireland woke up and decided to wake up everyone else...they left.
But before they left, Green Shirt actually shook my hand.
Then I confronted Anelram and I was like, "You know I heard everything, right?" And she's like, "yeah, I thought I could hear you laughing."
That was Saturday, and I never expected to see these guys again. I'm pretty sure Green Shirt was disguested by me.
Since then, Game has been texting Anelram NONSTOP. It's cute.
Today it was insanely cold in our room and neither one of us wanted to get up (Er-Er was still in class), so we called Game to come over and shut our window.
He did.
I'm sure I'll be seeing PLENTY of Game around the room if he's into Anelram.
So this has been an eventful week.
I spooned with a stranger and saw Barack Obama
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