So this morning (at roughly 12:30am) I was flipping through TV stations. This is what I saw...
Breaking News: Brett Favre signed to Jets
I wonder what it is like for people living in other states to hear about #4. Do they get as pissed off as I do?
Maybe because I live in Wisconsin and have been hearing about Brett Favre's every move for roughly the past 2 decades.
I cannot turn on the radio without hearing his name, and it pisses me off.
Don't get me wrong. He's been a great quarter back and is a legend of his own time.
But seriously...RETIRE ALREADY.
I'm sorry, but if I had as much money as he does and my spouse had cancer...I would retire and spend the time I have with my family.
He's been doing this retiring ploy for the past like 3 years. Getting old.
Then when he finally did retire, he realized how much publicity he got from it, and claimed he was forced into it.
You media whore.
Then there are the quotes on ESPN...from what it sounds like he's saying the Packers are being mean to him.
I don't blame Brett Favre, though. I blame Packer fans.
I don't mean the "Go Pack" Packer fans. I mean the "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh The Packers are going to rip you a new ass at Lambeau Field, bitches!" Packer fans.
Craziest people ever.
I get to see more than my fair share of tourists where I work. I can tell which ones are from out of state by how they talk about the Packers. Sad but true.
A local woman came into the store the other day...this is what happened.
Under the counter we have some beaded chains for holding glasses. This woman was looking through them, and I was helping her. There was a very pretty one that I pulled out for her. She said, "Oh, I can't wear that. It's purple."
My response: "You don't like purple?"
Her: "Purple represents the Vikings. I won't wear purple."
Are you shitting me?
It's people like this who make me want to move to a state that does not have a professional football team.
"Packer fans" like this, who drag the game out to some crazy dimension, are the reason why I dislike professional football.
Now, I love soccer. I love it with a passion. I love to play it and watch it. However, I am not a creepy fan.
I watch for the game, not the players.
Infact, as big of a soccer fan I am, I only know the names of 6 players.
- David Beckham (because he's married to my favorite Spice Girl)
- Ronaldino [Brazil] (because he's the man)
- Ronaldo [Brazil] (because he's the fat, older version of Ronaldino)
- Kaka [Brazil] (because let's be honest...he's attractive)
- Beasley [USA] (because his name rhymes with Weasley)
- Dolohov [USA] (how do you not remember a name like that?)
He's bigger than the game.
That's a problem.
This season is going to be complete chaos on ESPN and every local news/radio station in the Dairy State.
And no, I'm not referring to those bitches in California who think they have better cheese.