Dance team is over.
We went to Wisconsin Dells Friday and Saturday for competition.
We stayd in the Kalahari which is like the largest hotel I've ever been in. It has the largest indoor-water park or something. There was like a mall inside, too. Plus the dance competition was in the hotel as well. And since it was a national qualifier, it was no small event.
Our suite was amazing! In the middle was this huge room with a king-size bed that the coaches slept in. Then you opened these huge bamboo doors to a kitchen attached to a living room with a balcony (covered in snow). A connecting door on the left side was my room with a few other girls. Then the same thing on the right side.
The water park had to be the most amusing thing ever.
I'm going to start out by saying I have never worn a bikini before this weekend.
My bikini wasn't a giant one with straps and plastic connector things.
No, I had on a WHITE STRING BIKINI. But it was fun. I was like, "Hells yeah I'm in a bikini!"
It was great...except for one water-ride...
So the girls I were hanging around with were like, "Let's do the toilet bowl thing!" This ride had signs all over it saying that you should not do it if you were not a strong swimmer and that you had to go down a certain way to make sure you didn't kill yourself and stuff of the sort.
So Punch goes down the slide first followed by Do-it(!). Then there was me. Umbrella and The Running Queen were behind me going "We're so scared! What if we hit our heads and drown!"
That makes me feel so great.
So I'm goin' down the slide part and it I could just feel the force pulling me down. Finally, I popped into the toilet part and I could not stop laughing as I fall down the hole.
That was where the strong swimmer thing came in. You basically just drop into the pool and you have to like fight the stream of water to get up.
Keep in mind, I was just dropped like 12 feet while wearing a string bikini.
My top didn't even have a chance of staying on my boobs.
So I'm in the water fighting to get the stupid thing back on so that when I do come up, I'm not totally exposing my tatters to the world.
Punch and Do-it(!) are waiting next to the stairs, so I stand next to them. There was a very brief pause before both of them started laughing and said, "So, did your swimsuit come off?" I'm just like, "Uh, yeah, my top came off."
Punch's response: "Haha. My bottoms came down."
So we stood there waiting for the other two girls to fall out of the hole. It was hilarious...Umbrella like kinda tumbled-cannonballed out and The Running Queen just came rolling out.
Girls weekends are the best.
The competition itself was so great. There was a team that did a upward-facing 360 donkey kick. I can only do a downward 180.
I still can't even imagine how they did it!
One of the other teams started out their routine with a collective backflip. Wow.
There was one team...I felt so badly for them! It was a pretty small team. They had their flyer in the air, then they prepped her for a toss...instead of going up she went to the side. The sad thing was that they threw her at so much of an angle that her spotters couldn't catch her.
Props to that girl for picking herself up and finishing the routine...probably with at least a bruised tailbone. Then as the team they kept going there would always be half the team at least 3 counts off.
Then they dropped another girl. Wow.
There was only one college team entered in this particular competition.
It was UW La Crosse.
Oh my goodness! They were so good! I'm just in awe watching them, but it was sad at the same time because I know that next year I won't be able to dance. There's no freaking way. I don't have the base training required to do it.
Their mascot was there too...I thought he was going to get shot. He was running around purposely blocking video cameras and stealing fight signs.
But yeah. I was walking down the hallway shortly after they performed and I say them standing in the hallway. Upclose, some of those guys were really quite cute. It's cool that next year I'll be going to college with some of them!
188 days!

"We'll never be as young as we are right now." --Jim Steinman
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Friday, February 15, 2008
You are the worst friends ever
So this year I thought I had a lot more friends.
A lot more close friends.
I was nominated to be a Winter Fest candidate...because I'm the only senior on the dance team.
A whole bunch of stuff went down and I even found a guy to run with me, Betty.
So today we had the voting. I voted for myself and Betty voted for me...and of course Peanuts voted for me too.
That was it.
I walked up to one of my best friends. She and I have been very close since 5th grade. "Did you vote for me?"
"No, I voted for *******."
Now, the girl that she voted for just so happens to be someone the teachers suggested shouldn't run because she's never at school (and she's been known to party a little too much).
Thank you for not voting for me.
Next friend. She didn't vote for me either.
The pattern continued.
Skizzle ran up to Peanuts and said, "I voted for you!" Peanuts said, "I was disqualified." Sizzle: "Oh, I heard Roses say that." THEN WHY THE HELL DID YOU VOTE FOR SOMEONE YOU KNEW WAS DISQUALIFIED!!!
As I stand right next the two. Do you know how much it hurts to be in the center of a group of people and hear them all say who they voted for and you're name nowhere to be heard.
Now, I know I wasn't going to win, but I thought I would get more than 3 votes.
So I'm sitting in AP English, "Did anybody in this room vote for me?" No response.
Then I get really mad and say that I thought at least a couple of my friends would have voted for me.
This is what pisses me off.....then a girl behind me, whom I thought to be a good friend of mine says, "Well, I didn't know you wanted it."
Well I'm sorry I didn't buy your vote with a piece of candy.
I'm sorry I didn't stick a piece of paper with my name on it to your shirt.
I guess all the posters I put up didn't get my point across that I actually wanted to get votes.
I didn't think I had to ask my friends to vote for me. I'm such a stupid person for thinking that if they saw my name on the ballot they would go, "Oh, she's my friend!"
The best part was all the people I thought were my friends telling me to stop complaining because I didn't win.
Thanks guys. I thought I would have gotten more than 3 votes.
196 days until I leave this town, and I'll be glad to get the hell away from you.
I know I'm crying over something pathetic, but it's not pathetic to me. This shows me how much my friends really value me.
When Mrs. Reilly said there would be no king and queen candidates I was the first person to beg her to change her mind BECAUSE IT MEANT SOMETHING TO ME.
Jumping up and down screaming "I get to run for Winter Fest!" should have been an indicator that it meant something to me.
I really know how important I am to you guys now.
Thanks for making me feel like shit. You guys did such a good job of it.
Oh, and a nonsarcastic thank you to Tasha and Will...who DID voted for me.
A lot more close friends.
I was nominated to be a Winter Fest candidate...because I'm the only senior on the dance team.
A whole bunch of stuff went down and I even found a guy to run with me, Betty.
So today we had the voting. I voted for myself and Betty voted for me...and of course Peanuts voted for me too.
That was it.
I walked up to one of my best friends. She and I have been very close since 5th grade. "Did you vote for me?"
"No, I voted for *******."
Now, the girl that she voted for just so happens to be someone the teachers suggested shouldn't run because she's never at school (and she's been known to party a little too much).
Thank you for not voting for me.
Next friend. She didn't vote for me either.
The pattern continued.
Skizzle ran up to Peanuts and said, "I voted for you!" Peanuts said, "I was disqualified." Sizzle: "Oh, I heard Roses say that." THEN WHY THE HELL DID YOU VOTE FOR SOMEONE YOU KNEW WAS DISQUALIFIED!!!
As I stand right next the two. Do you know how much it hurts to be in the center of a group of people and hear them all say who they voted for and you're name nowhere to be heard.
Now, I know I wasn't going to win, but I thought I would get more than 3 votes.
So I'm sitting in AP English, "Did anybody in this room vote for me?" No response.
Then I get really mad and say that I thought at least a couple of my friends would have voted for me.
This is what pisses me off.....then a girl behind me, whom I thought to be a good friend of mine says, "Well, I didn't know you wanted it."
Well I'm sorry I didn't buy your vote with a piece of candy.
I'm sorry I didn't stick a piece of paper with my name on it to your shirt.
I guess all the posters I put up didn't get my point across that I actually wanted to get votes.
I didn't think I had to ask my friends to vote for me. I'm such a stupid person for thinking that if they saw my name on the ballot they would go, "Oh, she's my friend!"
The best part was all the people I thought were my friends telling me to stop complaining because I didn't win.
Thanks guys. I thought I would have gotten more than 3 votes.
196 days until I leave this town, and I'll be glad to get the hell away from you.
I know I'm crying over something pathetic, but it's not pathetic to me. This shows me how much my friends really value me.
When Mrs. Reilly said there would be no king and queen candidates I was the first person to beg her to change her mind BECAUSE IT MEANT SOMETHING TO ME.
Jumping up and down screaming "I get to run for Winter Fest!" should have been an indicator that it meant something to me.
I really know how important I am to you guys now.
Thanks for making me feel like shit. You guys did such a good job of it.
Oh, and a nonsarcastic thank you to Tasha and Will...who DID voted for me.
Saturday, February 09, 2008
A little bit of S&E
Yesterday was fun.
I got to spend time with some of my friends I haven't really talked to a lot this year.
It started at 1:30 and my first and ONLY performance was at 2:12. I stayed until around 10:00.
So Brass Choir played our song the best we've ever played it. It was damn-near amazing. The funny thing...our judge gave us pretty much exactly the same "suggestions" he gave the group before us. I hate it when judges do that. Then he was all like, "Trumpets...need more air. Tubas...good (I would like to argue that one...). Euphonium...good. French, you should probably be sitting on the other side." Mr. Knihtila was like, "Uh..."
Which leads me to believe the judge was a French horn player because I KNOW I was blasting out the other 2 French horns and all 3 (4?) of the third trumpets.
We got a 2.
We just sat around the band room for quite a long time.
I had a small dress on...and I had a few of the girls on patrol to let me know if I bent over a little too far.
A lot went on, but most of it was stuff only people there would understand. Or people who hear the daily conversation about Random Freshman's well endowment.
That's like the funniest thing ever.
So I had my phone for like half a second...I took like 3 pictures. One of RF's crotch (just for funnies), one of Grandpa-Sick wearing his parka-like jacket, and one of Chocolate and Shoe Buddy all cuddled up on eachother (they're so cute).
Yeah, so Chocolate was like, "give me your phone." Yeah. He just started taking pictures of RF and I. One picture it looks like RF is about to club me over the head, but I'm pretty sure I was dancing and he was adjusting his Bill Cosby sweater.
I had to work the concession stand with the 53 year old freshman. That kid is ridiculous. He's like 14. Wow. I actually heard him once say that he had a long night...he stayed up until 10:00pm. Seriously.
I guess he had a system going before I came into the kitchen, but I was just like here's a soda, some hot dogs, nachos are down there. Then I stood there flirting with cute boys who came through the line. I was waiting for him to just yell at me and be like, "Serve the hot dogs."
It's not easy standing behind the lunch counter in a hot dress, adorable 3-inch heels, amazing black-cherry hair, and rubber gloves.
Good times for my last Solo & Ensemble.
Even though I dropped all my stuff except for Brass Choir and there was no Low Brass Choir this year.
I got to spend time with some of my friends I haven't really talked to a lot this year.
It started at 1:30 and my first and ONLY performance was at 2:12. I stayed until around 10:00.
So Brass Choir played our song the best we've ever played it. It was damn-near amazing. The funny thing...our judge gave us pretty much exactly the same "suggestions" he gave the group before us. I hate it when judges do that. Then he was all like, "Trumpets...need more air. Tubas...good (I would like to argue that one...). Euphonium...good. French, you should probably be sitting on the other side." Mr. Knihtila was like, "Uh..."
Which leads me to believe the judge was a French horn player because I KNOW I was blasting out the other 2 French horns and all 3 (4?) of the third trumpets.
We got a 2.
We just sat around the band room for quite a long time.
I had a small dress on...and I had a few of the girls on patrol to let me know if I bent over a little too far.
A lot went on, but most of it was stuff only people there would understand. Or people who hear the daily conversation about Random Freshman's well endowment.
That's like the funniest thing ever.
So I had my phone for like half a second...I took like 3 pictures. One of RF's crotch (just for funnies), one of Grandpa-Sick wearing his parka-like jacket, and one of Chocolate and Shoe Buddy all cuddled up on eachother (they're so cute).
Yeah, so Chocolate was like, "give me your phone." Yeah. He just started taking pictures of RF and I. One picture it looks like RF is about to club me over the head, but I'm pretty sure I was dancing and he was adjusting his Bill Cosby sweater.
I had to work the concession stand with the 53 year old freshman. That kid is ridiculous. He's like 14. Wow. I actually heard him once say that he had a long night...he stayed up until 10:00pm. Seriously.
I guess he had a system going before I came into the kitchen, but I was just like here's a soda, some hot dogs, nachos are down there. Then I stood there flirting with cute boys who came through the line. I was waiting for him to just yell at me and be like, "Serve the hot dogs."
It's not easy standing behind the lunch counter in a hot dress, adorable 3-inch heels, amazing black-cherry hair, and rubber gloves.
Good times for my last Solo & Ensemble.
Even though I dropped all my stuff except for Brass Choir and there was no Low Brass Choir this year.
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