I went to Winona with Peanuts and Anelram (my best friend from high school and my best friend from college...best of both worlds).
Peanuts introduced me to a guy she knew I would instantly find attractive. Needless to say, I pineappled Ron Burgundy.
I wasn't planning on drinking at the party. I hate drinking. It's just not my thing, but we were celebrating the end of the semester. Peanuts knew everyone there, and it was a lot of fun. But I like to dance and no one was dancing, so our small group just found a little section of basement and started dancing to the music. No bigs.
I pulled a dollar bill out of Ron Burgundy's boxers with my teeth.
And then the alcohol kicked in.
Peanuts disappeared, so it was just Anelram, Ron Burgundy, and myself. We just danced in a triangle. Somehow we were all over eachother just dancing and singing like we were the best of friends.
Ron Burgundy was so drunk, and Anelram was tipsy. I pecked Anelram on the lips just as a joke, and Ron Burgundy said he wanted some, so I did the same to him. I later on found out that he was talking to Anelram.
I was having so much fun. Ron Burgundy's attractiveness was just making things so much better. He was very nice, and I understood why Peanuts wanted me to meet him. I'm sure he was the only reason I was upright most of the night. Leaning against him helped, and he always danced low so that we were closer in height. I love it when people do that for me.
And then he was gone. I was all by myself in the basement of this house. I was content just sitting on the floor watching the beer-pong tourny. These 3 guys came up and started talking to me. They were very nice, but I crawled away to find the others.
I went to the second floor and found Peanuts sleeping. Then I saw Anelram and Ron Burgundy come out of the bathroom together...which lead me to start asking awkward questions. We were making our way downstairs when the 3 guys came back and started harrassing me. By then I had no clue what was going on, but they started saying that they all had girlfriends and that I shouldn't flirt with them, but I had barely talked to them and it had been mostly about how happy we were that the semester was over. I was confused, but Ron Burgundy took my hand and we were dancing again. We were passing the apple pie back and forth just sniffing the way it smelled like cinnamon and tasted like apple juice. Then someone threw up and Ron Burgundy and I were trying to get around to go back upstairs. Someone was in the bathroom throwing up and I recognized it as a girl I had met earlier in the night, so I went in and tried to take care of her. Something told me that I had puke on me, so I spent a lot of time washing any exposed skin. And then we were leaving. Sober Man made sure we were all secured into the car and we were on our way. Somehow Ron Burgundy and I were having a full-on conversation in German (apparently my German is better when I'm drunk...I may not remember genders, but for some reason I can formulate sentences really well :P)
Then he started speaking Chinese and I was lost. I haven't met many people who can speak Chinese, but apparently he can. When we got back to the dorm I was really confused because we were on the third floor, but I knew Peanuts didn't live on the third floor. Apparently the decision of me sleeping in Ron Burgundy's room was made without my knowledge. Somehow my bag of stuff was already in his room, so I changed into my pajamas, but it took me forever to find out how to put my pants on. And then Anelram was there too. And Ron Burgundy wasn't wearing any clothes besides boxers. So we all cudled on the little bed and attempted to watch Anchorman. Anelram climbed up on the top bed to go to sleep and Ron Burgundy followed her. I didn't like being alone. I was so angry. I started talking about pineapples so Anelram would get the hint, but she never got up. I got up and left. I was walking down the hallway trying to find somewhere to go. I sat on the floor and waited for Anelram to come find me so I could yell at her. But no one came.
I started to fall asleep in the hallway, but then Ron Burgundy was there pulling me up. Still in his boxers. He said something about Anelram, and I got the idea. He put me back in the lower bunk and climbed back on the top.
And then I had a tantrum.
I threw myself on the floor (which is probably why my back is killing me) and started bad-mouthing myself. So he put me back in the bed and stood next to me promising that in the morning he would make me oatmeal. He stayed next to the bed for a really long time, but finally he kissed me cheek and went back up to where Anelram was passed out. I fell asleep for roughly an hour. I woke up sobbing because I had a nightmare. To add to it, I was still incredibly drunk and couldn't remember where I was. Anelram popped her head over mine, and then I started screaming how much I hated her. She came down (closely followed by Ron Burgundy) and sat with me while I cried over my nightmare. Then we started a new movie and Anelram went to bed again. I kept complaining about how bad I smelled, so Ron Burgundy gave me some Axe deoderant to use. I don't remember why, but Ron Burgundy kept pulling down his boxers to show me his buttcrack. He climbed back up with Anelram and I bitched about having to sleep by myself. We went to bed at around 6:00am. I woke up and I felt perfect (with the exception of my back). No hangover, which was very surprising. Ron Burgundy, on the other hand, was not as lucky. Anelram was somewhere, and Ron Burgundy and I were just sitting having a conversation. Then I asked the million dollar question: "Do you remember my name?"
He still couldn't get my name right. But at least calling me Marie was closer than Marlena...which he had been calling me earlier. We kept joking around about things that had happened at the party. He appeared very embarrassed over many things (like showing me his buttcrack). It was fun again. Anelram just sat there while we talked for the most part. And FINALLY, he put on a pair of pants.
And then we left.
Anelram, Peanuts, and I talked.
Anelram told me that earlier in the night Ron Burgundy asked if they could fool around, and she told him no because I pineappled him. He was angry because I wasn't the one he would have picked.
Looking back at it sober I don't know how I didn't realize that Ron Burgundy wasn't into me but rather Anelram.
Something along these same lines happened about a month into the school year. I met this guy named Kyle, and I thought he was very nice. But he went for Anelram instead.
When we were at the party I thought he was actually interested in me but no. I was wrong.
I had also thought Kyle might have liked me a little when I first met him, but I was wrong there too.
Always wrong.
It appears that every girl I talk to has some sort of boy options. I have none.
For a while I was happy about it. Nothing to make me sad. But now I am sad for that very reason.
I hate it.
Is it wrong of me to want male attention? I honestly can't tell you the last time I was flirted with. Well...maybe with Aeropostale before we started dating...like two years ago.
I think I need uglier friends.
And it probably doesn't help that the only guys I hang around with are man-sluts who are always surrounded by pretty girls.

"We'll never be as young as we are right now." --Jim Steinman
Friday, December 12, 2008
Friday, November 14, 2008
Piercings and Pineapples
So I'm pretty sure most people know that I was in La Crosse for roughly a week before I wandered into a tattoo/piercing parlor.
I like having my nose pierced...except for when I blow my nose and the stud gets stuck in the Kleenex and rips out.
Not so hot.
So last night Anelram and I were like, "Hey, let's get pierced again."
Anelram is like addicted to piercings...she has quite a few.
We were trying to convince Er-Er to get her cartilage pierced (she chickened out last time).
So what did I decide to get pierced?
I've lost some weight since being in college (kinda the reversal from most people I've talked to).
When I packed clothes to come here, I actually packed pants that were way too small for my fat ass...however, when I where those pants I now have to also wear a belt.
Do not get me wrong, I am by no means skinny.
I'm okay.
So I decided to get my belly-button pierced.
So I'm filling out the form thing, and I was like, "I should be scared or something right now...but I'm not."
I have decided that I like getting pierced.
So the guy put the clamp thing on my skin...that hurt the most. He was like, "Okay breath in...breath out...one more time...hold it...and I'm putting in the stud."
I didn't even feel the needle go in. The clamp masked the feeling.
My nose most deffinately hurt more...but that was also more awkward...
That brings us to pineapples.
As related to "Pineapple Situations."
Used in "Pineapple! Pineapple! The platypus is eating the pineapple!"
Pineapple basically means dibbs.
Anelram and I had to figure out a codeword for our situations.
So I liked this guy...Yle. And she liked him, but I met him first. Well...they had sex. And I lied to her and told her I didn't care about it.
She recently found out that I did care, and now she feels bad.
So. She told me that I need to tell her when I like a guy so she doesn't have sex with him first.
She moves quickly. (joke)
So our thing now is that I have to call pineapple and she'll lay off.
But for some reason she keeps calling pineapple. Why, I do not know. Every guy we've met has been interested in her, so she doesn't need to call pineapple.
So that is the art of the pineapple.
Sad thing is...I've only pineappled two guys. One I plan on never seeing ever again...and I'm pretty sure the other has a thing for a girl down the hall.
Anelram's pineapple situations are turning out much better than mine.
Why I try, I don't even know.
I like having my nose pierced...except for when I blow my nose and the stud gets stuck in the Kleenex and rips out.
Not so hot.
So last night Anelram and I were like, "Hey, let's get pierced again."
Anelram is like addicted to piercings...she has quite a few.
We were trying to convince Er-Er to get her cartilage pierced (she chickened out last time).
So what did I decide to get pierced?
I've lost some weight since being in college (kinda the reversal from most people I've talked to).
When I packed clothes to come here, I actually packed pants that were way too small for my fat ass...however, when I where those pants I now have to also wear a belt.
Do not get me wrong, I am by no means skinny.
I'm okay.
So I decided to get my belly-button pierced.
So I'm filling out the form thing, and I was like, "I should be scared or something right now...but I'm not."
I have decided that I like getting pierced.
So the guy put the clamp thing on my skin...that hurt the most. He was like, "Okay breath in...breath out...one more time...hold it...and I'm putting in the stud."
I didn't even feel the needle go in. The clamp masked the feeling.
My nose most deffinately hurt more...but that was also more awkward...
That brings us to pineapples.
As related to "Pineapple Situations."
Used in "Pineapple! Pineapple! The platypus is eating the pineapple!"
Pineapple basically means dibbs.
Anelram and I had to figure out a codeword for our situations.
So I liked this guy...Yle. And she liked him, but I met him first. Well...they had sex. And I lied to her and told her I didn't care about it.
She recently found out that I did care, and now she feels bad.
So. She told me that I need to tell her when I like a guy so she doesn't have sex with him first.
She moves quickly. (joke)
So our thing now is that I have to call pineapple and she'll lay off.
But for some reason she keeps calling pineapple. Why, I do not know. Every guy we've met has been interested in her, so she doesn't need to call pineapple.
So that is the art of the pineapple.
Sad thing is...I've only pineappled two guys. One I plan on never seeing ever again...and I'm pretty sure the other has a thing for a girl down the hall.
Anelram's pineapple situations are turning out much better than mine.
Why I try, I don't even know.
Friday, October 31, 2008
I'm not quite sure how to feel right now.
Happy beyond all reason
Pissy beyond comprehension.
So I hate going to class on Fridays.
I have a class from 8:50-9:45
a class from 9:55-10:50
a class from 11:00-1:oo
and then I work from 1:00-3:00.
My roommates both have one class on Fridays and it's an afternoon class.
So when I get home I just want to eat, take a nap, and read.
I'm chubby...so I get cranky when I don't get to eat all day.
Usually I don't get to do that because a trip to the mall or some sort of other engagement is already planned.
Today I got to nap.
Hardly...but I still got one in.
I was soooo... hungry today. I was told that we would be going to Tequilia's (dirt cheap Mexican restaurant next to campus).
I was excited...
Nope. Plans change.
Get into slutty costume (naughty nurse...that I still have on as I type this).
Get pissed off. I couldn't find my white tank top I was going to wear underneath it.
Surprising. I did laundry yesterday and when I went to go get my clothes the dryer was already opened a little. I didn't think anything of it...but since I'm missing clothes I'm pretty much just irate about that.
So I put make up on. Not good. Face is all splotchy and eyebrows needed to be plucked.
So I'm getting ready, and then my roommates leave. I have no clue where they went. So I'm wandering the halls dressed as a whorey nurse looking for them.
I find them.
New plan:
Find a party.
Translation for me:
Watch them get drunk and babysit them.
*Flashback to last weekend*
We walked to a party like 20 minutes away from campus. Long walk. So I was the only one who paid attention to the people leading the way.
Good thing I was also the one who stayed sober.
So Anelram is all over the place making friends left and right downing one after another...
Er-Er had like a quarter as much as Anelram but was by far the worst. I was afraid she was going to barf all over herself. Then she got mauled by some creeper. Lucky for her I was there to be like, "Dude, back off my friend!"
It took forever for me to get them back to campus. La Crosse isn't a huge city, but it's a hell of a lot bigger than P-Town.
So I get them back to the dorm and tuck them in (making sure that a garbage can is ready).
Don't get me wrong...it was a lot of fun before it got too crazy.
I grinded with someone I can't quite recall the name of. I shall call him Green Shirt Man.
Green Shirt Man was there with his girlfriend. She went to the bathroom. He came up to me and said, "My girlfriend is in the bathroom. I want to dance with you."
I was trying to actually dance. He just wanted to "back-side dance" as Er-Er drunkenly calls it.
Back to the present.
So then we were like, "Hey, it's only like 8:30...there's no parties yet."
There's a dance party going down in the basement...kinda wish I was there right now instead of here :(
So we go down there.
Bad news:
I'm not wearing enough clothes to shake it how I do.
And I had half the contents of my purse shoved in my cleavage...money, student ID, keys, hair tie, chapstick, and pepper spray.
Trust me...that's quite an accomplishment...especially when you take into consideration that my boobs just aren't that big. But hey...I stocked thos B-cups. Haha.
So we're all dancing and having some funsies.
I'm actually having fun compared to the whole getting ready fiasco.
Then I was like, "I'm going to the bathroom to fix my hair." I do that. Come back with a cute little bun, and everyone I was with is GONE. Seriously. So I'm like WTF bitches? So I walk from the basement to the 4th floor looking for them (AGAIN). I was bitching to my RA about how my roommates ditched me when Er-Er pops out from a random room and was like, "Oh."
So they were like, "We didn't know where you went, so we left."
Totally forget the part where I said where I was going. They didn't know what I ment by "bathroom."
And they're kinda annoyed that I was pissed about something so small.
So I go back to the dance and guess what...
Mr. UW-La Crosse came down.
Legit...he was actually in the Mr. UW-La Crosse pageant last year AND WON.
Background on Mr. UW-La Crosse
He's attractive.
He's the RA for 3B (I'm in 4B for referencing purposes)
Great dancer.
Knows the entire Thriller dance (it was his talent for the pageant or something...IDK...It's on YouTube)
So he comes down there dressed as...well...Michael Jackson in Thriller. And he totally has a mini-afro.
*Flashback to last night*
We've been playing "Sock Assassins" since about Tuesday.
Basic premise of Sock Assassins:
You are given a slip of paper with someone's name on it. You must "assissinate" them by throwing a sock at them. However, there are rules...you must be invited into their room, it cannot be during quiet hours...and a few more.
So the guy who has been trying to assassinate me is GORGEOUS. He's always creeping around my room trying to get at me. He missed me the other day...well, he hit someone who wasn't me (which gives me a 5 minute grace period to get away).
So I had a little convo with him. He said that Mr. UW-La Crosse was his RA and was very much pushing that he kill me.
So my RA (who is tight with Mr. UW-La Crosse) suggests that I bargain with Mr. UWL to commit suicide in exchange for a hug.
Hell yeah.
So he came up and was immediately swarmed by all the girls on my floor. (Seriously...he's that attractive)
Then he admitted that he couldn't remember all our names (my roommates and myself).
Then he got all cute and was like, "Um...I feel bad if you die just for a hug."
And then he gave me a hug anyway.
My roommate has a picture. (Check Facebook)
And then someone gave him a massage and was making sex sounds (hilarious, but completely irrelevant...much like most of this post)
Back to tonight.
I was walking down the stairs, and I totally saw my assassin. But he didn't have any socks.
So we walked down to the dance party together.
Then I was talking to Mr. UWL and I was like, "You didn't tell Assassin the bargain, did you?"
And then there was much freaking out of my assassin saying "Why didn't you take the deal?"
And then some more things were said which changed Mr. UWL's opinion. Then HE was begging ME for a hug.
So there I was wearing my naughty nurse costume that barely covers my lower back HUGGING Mr. UWL who was wearing the tightest pants I've ever seen.
So then I committ suicide. Assassin killed me with my own sock.
Highly epic.
So I'm kinda upset my roommates ditched our plans and then ditched out on me.
But...I am in blissful happifullness thinking about the fact that I got not one but TWO hugs from a beautiful, beautiful man.
Happy beyond all reason
Pissy beyond comprehension.
So I hate going to class on Fridays.
I have a class from 8:50-9:45
a class from 9:55-10:50
a class from 11:00-1:oo
and then I work from 1:00-3:00.
My roommates both have one class on Fridays and it's an afternoon class.
So when I get home I just want to eat, take a nap, and read.
I'm chubby...so I get cranky when I don't get to eat all day.
Usually I don't get to do that because a trip to the mall or some sort of other engagement is already planned.
Today I got to nap.
Hardly...but I still got one in.
I was soooo... hungry today. I was told that we would be going to Tequilia's (dirt cheap Mexican restaurant next to campus).
I was excited...
Nope. Plans change.
Get into slutty costume (naughty nurse...that I still have on as I type this).
Get pissed off. I couldn't find my white tank top I was going to wear underneath it.
Surprising. I did laundry yesterday and when I went to go get my clothes the dryer was already opened a little. I didn't think anything of it...but since I'm missing clothes I'm pretty much just irate about that.
So I put make up on. Not good. Face is all splotchy and eyebrows needed to be plucked.
So I'm getting ready, and then my roommates leave. I have no clue where they went. So I'm wandering the halls dressed as a whorey nurse looking for them.
I find them.
New plan:
Find a party.
Translation for me:
Watch them get drunk and babysit them.
*Flashback to last weekend*
We walked to a party like 20 minutes away from campus. Long walk. So I was the only one who paid attention to the people leading the way.
Good thing I was also the one who stayed sober.
So Anelram is all over the place making friends left and right downing one after another...
Er-Er had like a quarter as much as Anelram but was by far the worst. I was afraid she was going to barf all over herself. Then she got mauled by some creeper. Lucky for her I was there to be like, "Dude, back off my friend!"
It took forever for me to get them back to campus. La Crosse isn't a huge city, but it's a hell of a lot bigger than P-Town.
So I get them back to the dorm and tuck them in (making sure that a garbage can is ready).
Don't get me wrong...it was a lot of fun before it got too crazy.
I grinded with someone I can't quite recall the name of. I shall call him Green Shirt Man.
Green Shirt Man was there with his girlfriend. She went to the bathroom. He came up to me and said, "My girlfriend is in the bathroom. I want to dance with you."
I was trying to actually dance. He just wanted to "back-side dance" as Er-Er drunkenly calls it.
Back to the present.
So then we were like, "Hey, it's only like 8:30...there's no parties yet."
There's a dance party going down in the basement...kinda wish I was there right now instead of here :(
So we go down there.
Bad news:
I'm not wearing enough clothes to shake it how I do.
And I had half the contents of my purse shoved in my cleavage...money, student ID, keys, hair tie, chapstick, and pepper spray.
Trust me...that's quite an accomplishment...especially when you take into consideration that my boobs just aren't that big. But hey...I stocked thos B-cups. Haha.
So we're all dancing and having some funsies.
I'm actually having fun compared to the whole getting ready fiasco.
Then I was like, "I'm going to the bathroom to fix my hair." I do that. Come back with a cute little bun, and everyone I was with is GONE. Seriously. So I'm like WTF bitches? So I walk from the basement to the 4th floor looking for them (AGAIN). I was bitching to my RA about how my roommates ditched me when Er-Er pops out from a random room and was like, "Oh."
So they were like, "We didn't know where you went, so we left."
Totally forget the part where I said where I was going. They didn't know what I ment by "bathroom."
And they're kinda annoyed that I was pissed about something so small.
So I go back to the dance and guess what...
Mr. UW-La Crosse came down.
Legit...he was actually in the Mr. UW-La Crosse pageant last year AND WON.
Background on Mr. UW-La Crosse
He's attractive.
He's the RA for 3B (I'm in 4B for referencing purposes)
Great dancer.
Knows the entire Thriller dance (it was his talent for the pageant or something...IDK...It's on YouTube)
So he comes down there dressed as...well...Michael Jackson in Thriller. And he totally has a mini-afro.
*Flashback to last night*
We've been playing "Sock Assassins" since about Tuesday.
Basic premise of Sock Assassins:
You are given a slip of paper with someone's name on it. You must "assissinate" them by throwing a sock at them. However, there are rules...you must be invited into their room, it cannot be during quiet hours...and a few more.
So the guy who has been trying to assassinate me is GORGEOUS. He's always creeping around my room trying to get at me. He missed me the other day...well, he hit someone who wasn't me (which gives me a 5 minute grace period to get away).
So I had a little convo with him. He said that Mr. UW-La Crosse was his RA and was very much pushing that he kill me.
So my RA (who is tight with Mr. UW-La Crosse) suggests that I bargain with Mr. UWL to commit suicide in exchange for a hug.
Hell yeah.
So he came up and was immediately swarmed by all the girls on my floor. (Seriously...he's that attractive)
Then he admitted that he couldn't remember all our names (my roommates and myself).
Then he got all cute and was like, "Um...I feel bad if you die just for a hug."
And then he gave me a hug anyway.
My roommate has a picture. (Check Facebook)
And then someone gave him a massage and was making sex sounds (hilarious, but completely irrelevant...much like most of this post)
Back to tonight.
I was walking down the stairs, and I totally saw my assassin. But he didn't have any socks.
So we walked down to the dance party together.
Then I was talking to Mr. UWL and I was like, "You didn't tell Assassin the bargain, did you?"
And then there was much freaking out of my assassin saying "Why didn't you take the deal?"
And then some more things were said which changed Mr. UWL's opinion. Then HE was begging ME for a hug.
So there I was wearing my naughty nurse costume that barely covers my lower back HUGGING Mr. UWL who was wearing the tightest pants I've ever seen.
So then I committ suicide. Assassin killed me with my own sock.
Highly epic.
So I'm kinda upset my roommates ditched our plans and then ditched out on me.
But...I am in blissful happifullness thinking about the fact that I got not one but TWO hugs from a beautiful, beautiful man.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
I'm drunk right now.
Erin can't get me in bed.
Thaat's what she's saying to her parents tonight.
Why is the rum gone?
Rum burns my throat.
I love Erin?
I think I blacked out for a little bit.
'Cause Erin was next to me and then she was at her desk.
And now she's at her desk talking to her mom and or dad.
She says I'm plastered.
Anelram is like talking to Kyle. Kyle is such a good guy, but she's going to like reak it to him that she does not want a relationship.
He's so nice. He picked me up and he carried him.
Yuma is such a nice guy. His name is Yuma. He is from Japan. He went to an all Japanese party tonight, but apparently he told Kyle that he would do me.
That's weird 'cause I only talked to him about his classes and stuff.
He's in macro economics or something.
He was so cute, but I'm pretty sure his watch was a girl's watch.
I can totally edit my own spelling when I'm drunk.
Drunk shouldn't be capitalized...
I really hope Kyle...Yle....'if we're still playing Circle of Death...walks Marlena back...'cause the Campus Police said girls should not walk alone.
Obama confiscated my pepper spray. I saw McCain today.
I was scared 'cause I can't keep my mouth shut and I kept saying that Republicans lie. They told me at the Republican headquarters that everyone would have a seat but they lied.
I couldn't sit down.
Er-Er keeps kicking my computer closed.
I love Er-Er.
She's keeping me from being \
She has a Spanish shirt on.
I speak German.
Yuma speaks German too. His mother is German.
Um, CSI Miama is on. It's like 1 in the morning.
I met Kyle first. And then 'cause Marlena is pretty he liked her and not me.
But that's okay, 'cause I'm okay with that.
Um. I'm okay. Er-Er is great.
Tracy is in my pre-calc class with Dr. Kelly.
Tracy has great boobs.
I talked to Craig, but sometimes I feel sad.
Er-Er says 'night.
I love you, readers...even though I have few.
McCain would make a good president, but I am probably going to vote for Obama...'cause I feel Obama has a better economic policy.
I read the newspapers.
I read CNN.com
I am a well-iinformed individual. Um. Um. Um.
Where's Marlena?
Erin can't get me in bed.
Thaat's what she's saying to her parents tonight.
Why is the rum gone?
Rum burns my throat.
I love Erin?
I think I blacked out for a little bit.
'Cause Erin was next to me and then she was at her desk.
And now she's at her desk talking to her mom and or dad.
She says I'm plastered.
Anelram is like talking to Kyle. Kyle is such a good guy, but she's going to like reak it to him that she does not want a relationship.
He's so nice. He picked me up and he carried him.
Yuma is such a nice guy. His name is Yuma. He is from Japan. He went to an all Japanese party tonight, but apparently he told Kyle that he would do me.
That's weird 'cause I only talked to him about his classes and stuff.
He's in macro economics or something.
He was so cute, but I'm pretty sure his watch was a girl's watch.
I can totally edit my own spelling when I'm drunk.
Drunk shouldn't be capitalized...
I really hope Kyle...Yle....'if we're still playing Circle of Death...walks Marlena back...'cause the Campus Police said girls should not walk alone.
Obama confiscated my pepper spray. I saw McCain today.
I was scared 'cause I can't keep my mouth shut and I kept saying that Republicans lie. They told me at the Republican headquarters that everyone would have a seat but they lied.
I couldn't sit down.
Er-Er keeps kicking my computer closed.
I love Er-Er.
She's keeping me from being \
She has a Spanish shirt on.
I speak German.
Yuma speaks German too. His mother is German.
Um, CSI Miama is on. It's like 1 in the morning.
I met Kyle first. And then 'cause Marlena is pretty he liked her and not me.
But that's okay, 'cause I'm okay with that.
Um. I'm okay. Er-Er is great.
Tracy is in my pre-calc class with Dr. Kelly.
Tracy has great boobs.
I talked to Craig, but sometimes I feel sad.
Er-Er says 'night.
I love you, readers...even though I have few.
McCain would make a good president, but I am probably going to vote for Obama...'cause I feel Obama has a better economic policy.
I read the newspapers.
I read CNN.com
I am a well-iinformed individual. Um. Um. Um.
Where's Marlena?
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Boys and Obama
I'll start out with Obama.
He had a rally in La Crosse today.
I totally went and I saw him for like half a second 'cause I'm little and people in crowds are rude and decide to stand inftont of a person half their height.
Great speech.
I bought a pin.
My pepper spray (that my dad requested I carry with me at all times) was confiscated at security.
There were a bunch of middle schoolers there. I couldn't really understand why...especially since they can't vote. But then there was this guy yelling at them a lot...they were on a field trip. They couldn't have cared less.
Seriously. They just talked the entire time and I was like, "Ahhh...shut up...I can't even hear the speech over you're stupid giggling about Hannah Montana!"
And whenever anyone would clap they would all freak out like they were showing off...too bad they didn't even know what he was talking about.
Okay. Onto the boy front.
I am officially the master. I went from loser girl who can't talk to guys...to the master...well...kinda back down to a loser again. But that's okay 'cause I have a story.
So it's Oktoberfest, which means lots of drinking and hardcore partying. So in my dorm they decided to throw a dance party as an alternative to going out and getting trashed. So my roommates and I went.
We joined a random circle of people and started dancing in the middle of it...'cause we're cool like that.
Well, there was this cute guy...I shall call him Green Shirt. I couldn't tell if he was actually dancing with anybody or not...but he was with this weird guy.
The weird guy kept mocking Anelram every time she pulled out a sweet dance move.
So she and I were pulling out our Night at the Roxbury moves hardcore. And Roommate #4 was like, "I have to call my boyfriend now." 'cause let's face it...she's whipped like a man. Then Anelram was like, "I'm all sweaty." So she left.
Then Er-Er and I were getting our dance on...and she decided to leave.
So I was randomly dancing around by myself. Then my RA and hot RA from 3B was dancing with me (and my roommates were jealous 'cause Hottie 3B RA is #1 on the list).
I closed the dance party. So I was walking to my cube and then the guy who was mocking Anelram's moves came out of a corner door and was like, "Dude, we just went in a circle!"
And then I was like, "Um, the stairs are here. It's not hard to find...there's 3 sets." And then he told me he was from a diff. hall. (I shall call him Game) Pff.
And then he followed me and said he heard the party was in my room.
He had 2 friends with him (one was Green Shirt).
So I walk up to our room and Anelram wasn't there, but Er-Er had like JUST gotten out of the shower and was combing her hair, and I come in with
And then they left to go to this girl's room down the hall.
Then um....Bandana came up and he insisted that we watch this sweet movie. So Bandana, Anelram, and I are chillaxin' on the futon watching a movie and Er-Er was sleeping.
The instant that Bandana leaves Game walks in the room. And remember Anelram had not been there when he was there earlier. So he's talking to me like we've known eachother forever (he is VERY outgoing) and then the 3 of us are just chillin' on the futon. Then I was like, "Hey, what happend to the other two guys you were with?"
And then he made a phone call and they were instantly knocking on our door. Green Shirt like collapsed on the floor and the other guy, Ireland, crumpled onto the bean bag. So we're talking about very awkward things and then Er-Er rolls over and wakes up.
When she went to bed Bandana had been there, but now there were 3 guys there. Wow.
And then Game was like, "Hey, Ireland, you should cuddle with Er-Er."
So he climbs up into her bed and starts spooningn with her.
Poor Er-Er.
So we looked up this thing on the internet called the "Birmingham Bootycall."
Don't ask.
But Game kept teasing Green Shirt that he had done it with a girl...which was weird.
So I went to the bathroom and when I came back Game was in bed with Anelram and Green Shirt was passed out on the floor.
So while I was gone they all decided to have a "Cuddle Party."
So I had to cuddle with the guy on the floor. I grabbed a blanket off my bed (which is NOT stable for 2 people unlike the other ones) and sat next to him.
Then it got weird. I had to tell him that the blanket that he had wrapped around him was the "cum blanket."
Then I had to explain WHY it was called the cum blanket.
So he and I were like laying a foot apart on the floor and I could totally hear Anelram and Game talking "weirdly" on her bed. Then I started laughing left for a little bit. So when I came back, Game and Ireland had to use the bathroom. And then Anelram and Er-Er are like "We do too!"
So Green Shirt and I are just chillin' on the floor. Then we climbed onto the futon. The guys came back and were being weird and teasing Green Shirt.
So then it was finally time to go to sleep...at roughly 4 in the morning. After laying there for like 15 minutes, Green Shirt put his arm around me, and I was like giggling on the inside.
And then we were spooning. And I was trying not to laugh out loud. Then he fell asleep and rolled over.
But I couldn't sleep.
Well, the futon is directly under Anelram's bed. She and Game were...well, not sleeping.
So I fell asleep eventually, and in the morning when Ireland woke up and decided to wake up everyone else...they left.
But before they left, Green Shirt actually shook my hand.
Then I confronted Anelram and I was like, "You know I heard everything, right?" And she's like, "yeah, I thought I could hear you laughing."
That was Saturday, and I never expected to see these guys again. I'm pretty sure Green Shirt was disguested by me.
Since then, Game has been texting Anelram NONSTOP. It's cute.
Today it was insanely cold in our room and neither one of us wanted to get up (Er-Er was still in class), so we called Game to come over and shut our window.
He did.
I'm sure I'll be seeing PLENTY of Game around the room if he's into Anelram.
So this has been an eventful week.
I spooned with a stranger and saw Barack Obama
He had a rally in La Crosse today.
I totally went and I saw him for like half a second 'cause I'm little and people in crowds are rude and decide to stand inftont of a person half their height.
Great speech.
I bought a pin.
My pepper spray (that my dad requested I carry with me at all times) was confiscated at security.
There were a bunch of middle schoolers there. I couldn't really understand why...especially since they can't vote. But then there was this guy yelling at them a lot...they were on a field trip. They couldn't have cared less.
Seriously. They just talked the entire time and I was like, "Ahhh...shut up...I can't even hear the speech over you're stupid giggling about Hannah Montana!"
And whenever anyone would clap they would all freak out like they were showing off...too bad they didn't even know what he was talking about.
Okay. Onto the boy front.
I am officially the master. I went from loser girl who can't talk to guys...to the master...well...kinda back down to a loser again. But that's okay 'cause I have a story.
So it's Oktoberfest, which means lots of drinking and hardcore partying. So in my dorm they decided to throw a dance party as an alternative to going out and getting trashed. So my roommates and I went.
We joined a random circle of people and started dancing in the middle of it...'cause we're cool like that.
Well, there was this cute guy...I shall call him Green Shirt. I couldn't tell if he was actually dancing with anybody or not...but he was with this weird guy.
The weird guy kept mocking Anelram every time she pulled out a sweet dance move.
So she and I were pulling out our Night at the Roxbury moves hardcore. And Roommate #4 was like, "I have to call my boyfriend now." 'cause let's face it...she's whipped like a man. Then Anelram was like, "I'm all sweaty." So she left.
Then Er-Er and I were getting our dance on...and she decided to leave.
So I was randomly dancing around by myself. Then my RA and hot RA from 3B was dancing with me (and my roommates were jealous 'cause Hottie 3B RA is #1 on the list).
I closed the dance party. So I was walking to my cube and then the guy who was mocking Anelram's moves came out of a corner door and was like, "Dude, we just went in a circle!"
And then I was like, "Um, the stairs are here. It's not hard to find...there's 3 sets." And then he told me he was from a diff. hall. (I shall call him Game) Pff.
And then he followed me and said he heard the party was in my room.
He had 2 friends with him (one was Green Shirt).
So I walk up to our room and Anelram wasn't there, but Er-Er had like JUST gotten out of the shower and was combing her hair, and I come in with
And then they left to go to this girl's room down the hall.
Then um....Bandana came up and he insisted that we watch this sweet movie. So Bandana, Anelram, and I are chillaxin' on the futon watching a movie and Er-Er was sleeping.
The instant that Bandana leaves Game walks in the room. And remember Anelram had not been there when he was there earlier. So he's talking to me like we've known eachother forever (he is VERY outgoing) and then the 3 of us are just chillin' on the futon. Then I was like, "Hey, what happend to the other two guys you were with?"
And then he made a phone call and they were instantly knocking on our door. Green Shirt like collapsed on the floor and the other guy, Ireland, crumpled onto the bean bag. So we're talking about very awkward things and then Er-Er rolls over and wakes up.
When she went to bed Bandana had been there, but now there were 3 guys there. Wow.
And then Game was like, "Hey, Ireland, you should cuddle with Er-Er."
So he climbs up into her bed and starts spooningn with her.
Poor Er-Er.
So we looked up this thing on the internet called the "Birmingham Bootycall."
Don't ask.
But Game kept teasing Green Shirt that he had done it with a girl...which was weird.
So I went to the bathroom and when I came back Game was in bed with Anelram and Green Shirt was passed out on the floor.
So while I was gone they all decided to have a "Cuddle Party."
So I had to cuddle with the guy on the floor. I grabbed a blanket off my bed (which is NOT stable for 2 people unlike the other ones) and sat next to him.
Then it got weird. I had to tell him that the blanket that he had wrapped around him was the "cum blanket."
Then I had to explain WHY it was called the cum blanket.
So he and I were like laying a foot apart on the floor and I could totally hear Anelram and Game talking "weirdly" on her bed. Then I started laughing left for a little bit. So when I came back, Game and Ireland had to use the bathroom. And then Anelram and Er-Er are like "We do too!"
So Green Shirt and I are just chillin' on the floor. Then we climbed onto the futon. The guys came back and were being weird and teasing Green Shirt.
So then it was finally time to go to sleep...at roughly 4 in the morning. After laying there for like 15 minutes, Green Shirt put his arm around me, and I was like giggling on the inside.
And then we were spooning. And I was trying not to laugh out loud. Then he fell asleep and rolled over.
But I couldn't sleep.
Well, the futon is directly under Anelram's bed. She and Game were...well, not sleeping.
So I fell asleep eventually, and in the morning when Ireland woke up and decided to wake up everyone else...they left.
But before they left, Green Shirt actually shook my hand.
Then I confronted Anelram and I was like, "You know I heard everything, right?" And she's like, "yeah, I thought I could hear you laughing."
That was Saturday, and I never expected to see these guys again. I'm pretty sure Green Shirt was disguested by me.
Since then, Game has been texting Anelram NONSTOP. It's cute.
Today it was insanely cold in our room and neither one of us wanted to get up (Er-Er was still in class), so we called Game to come over and shut our window.
He did.
I'm sure I'll be seeing PLENTY of Game around the room if he's into Anelram.
So this has been an eventful week.
I spooned with a stranger and saw Barack Obama
Monday, September 22, 2008
I'm guessing no one reads this any more
I <3> Fo' sho.
My roommates are freaking awesome.
And I dedicate this to Princess Anelram (you know who you are).
"And I was like...EMILIO!"
So yeah. A tripple rocks. We even have a 4th and a 5th roommates that spend time chillin' in 424B.
Er-Er and I seem to be somewhat boy deficient. No joke.
Okay. Let's be real here--I am boy deficient. She has options.
There are so many cute boys here that I can't fathom how to form words.
I keep meeting really nice, attractive guys...but the problem is that I won't see them again and when I do too much time has gone past and I can't be like, "Hey, remember that time at Whitney when there were no seats left so a girl sat by you...totally me!"
So I keep getting teased because of Dancing Boy.
Story time.
So our hall keeps having random dance parties. They rock. I was chillin' with Roommate #4 (she was teaching me football) when Roommate #5 comes in and is all like, "Dance party 3BC!" I'm in a stained T-shirt and Princess Anelram is not wearing a bra or underoos.
So we go down and bust it up. So all the girls are dressed all slutty and cute because apparently they knew about this whole thing while we are pimpin' in our ever-so-fashionable night wear. All the guys are dancing together 'cause well...they're weirdly cute. But there was one guy who was just kinda dancing in the middle of nowhere. He was totally cute. So I'm gettin' my grove on and whatnot...and he's just spazzmotically dancing to a beat only he can hear. It goes on for like an hour and finally I'm like, "Nice moves...I'm Mari." And he stops dancing and stares at me..."I'm Mike."
And this is the crucial part of the story....
And now I get teased for it.
I do admit, it was hilarious.
Then there is this really cute guy I have a glass with. I will call him...Style. Idk why. He's not my type at all. He has his nose pierced...on both nostrils...but he totally pulls it off well. Okay. So he had these insanely wicked, old school type glasses on and I was like, "Hey, I like your glasses." And what does he do? He pulls out a tape recorder and starts whispering into it. So now I just want to give him compliments to see if he records them or something.
So I live in a cube, right. On the ONLY all-girl floor in the building. Suck ass.
But there's always guys up here.
Our Chancellor, Joe Gow (*girls fainting at the sound of his name*) was on our floor today for some strange reason. Princess Anelram comes bursting through the door screaming "OMG...Joe Gow is here!" I'm only wearing a towel and she leaves our door totally open.
The really weird thing is that I keep seeing people and associating them with other people. Then I keep reminding myself that it cannot possibly be the person I think it is. I thought I saw Pink Piggy the other day and I got very sad.
Weird thing.
So I was walking back to my room one day and I looked in one of he rooms and saw this guy standing with his back to the door. No big deal...Except for the thought going through my brain was, "Skosh (formerally Random Freshman) got taller." Then I was like, "Um...that cannot possibly be who I think it is. So I walk past the door again...There was a tall guy wearing a gray sweatshirt, weirdly fitting pants, and Skosh-like hair.
He looks like Skosh.
So I hate my job. I miss the dollar store.
I was assigned to the library. BUT NO. For some reason I work in the Language Resource Center. From what I understand no one was actually assigned to work at the LRC, but we were all contacted and no one wants to.
I was never actually trained to do the job. I walked in and Dr. Janecki was like, "I'm teaching a Spanish class. Have a nice day." So I work 8 hours a week trying to figure out what the hell is going on. The great part...working there means I'm responsible for being able to set up the technology carts and helping with computer malfunctions.
Okay. My computer skills do not go beyond blogging and Facebook. I kid you not.
It can be entertaining sometimes. No one actually uses the lab for anything. The only people who really come in are ESL students and Spanish 304 people because they have to watch movies.
So I just sit behind the glass watching the empty room and having professors ask me questions I can't answer.
Overall I am loving it. I am so close to Princess Anelram and Er-Er. We talk about things that I never thought I would tell someone after only knowing them a short time. And we're so open. No joke. Like it's crazy, weird.
I have so much stuff I should be doing right now. I think 16 credits is too many for my first semester. But that's okay. My hardest class is probably Biology...and I feel confident in that. I have my first exam Friday. My professor is awesome though. I never thought I would feel comfortable being in a lecture hall type class thing...but it's totally the best. That way the teacher doesn't ask stupid questions and expect answers. No. He just talks and explains.
Hmmm. Okay. I have to go now because Er-Er and I have to go escort Princess Anelram back from another dorm. 'Cause girls aren't allowed to walk through campus alone at night time.
Fun fun.
My roommates are freaking awesome.
And I dedicate this to Princess Anelram (you know who you are).
"And I was like...EMILIO!"
So yeah. A tripple rocks. We even have a 4th and a 5th roommates that spend time chillin' in 424B.
Er-Er and I seem to be somewhat boy deficient. No joke.
Okay. Let's be real here--I am boy deficient. She has options.
There are so many cute boys here that I can't fathom how to form words.
I keep meeting really nice, attractive guys...but the problem is that I won't see them again and when I do too much time has gone past and I can't be like, "Hey, remember that time at Whitney when there were no seats left so a girl sat by you...totally me!"
So I keep getting teased because of Dancing Boy.
Story time.
So our hall keeps having random dance parties. They rock. I was chillin' with Roommate #4 (she was teaching me football) when Roommate #5 comes in and is all like, "Dance party 3BC!" I'm in a stained T-shirt and Princess Anelram is not wearing a bra or underoos.
So we go down and bust it up. So all the girls are dressed all slutty and cute because apparently they knew about this whole thing while we are pimpin' in our ever-so-fashionable night wear. All the guys are dancing together 'cause well...they're weirdly cute. But there was one guy who was just kinda dancing in the middle of nowhere. He was totally cute. So I'm gettin' my grove on and whatnot...and he's just spazzmotically dancing to a beat only he can hear. It goes on for like an hour and finally I'm like, "Nice moves...I'm Mari." And he stops dancing and stares at me..."I'm Mike."
And this is the crucial part of the story....
And now I get teased for it.
I do admit, it was hilarious.
Then there is this really cute guy I have a glass with. I will call him...Style. Idk why. He's not my type at all. He has his nose pierced...on both nostrils...but he totally pulls it off well. Okay. So he had these insanely wicked, old school type glasses on and I was like, "Hey, I like your glasses." And what does he do? He pulls out a tape recorder and starts whispering into it. So now I just want to give him compliments to see if he records them or something.
So I live in a cube, right. On the ONLY all-girl floor in the building. Suck ass.
But there's always guys up here.
Our Chancellor, Joe Gow (*girls fainting at the sound of his name*) was on our floor today for some strange reason. Princess Anelram comes bursting through the door screaming "OMG...Joe Gow is here!" I'm only wearing a towel and she leaves our door totally open.
The really weird thing is that I keep seeing people and associating them with other people. Then I keep reminding myself that it cannot possibly be the person I think it is. I thought I saw Pink Piggy the other day and I got very sad.
Weird thing.
So I was walking back to my room one day and I looked in one of he rooms and saw this guy standing with his back to the door. No big deal...Except for the thought going through my brain was, "Skosh (formerally Random Freshman) got taller." Then I was like, "Um...that cannot possibly be who I think it is. So I walk past the door again...There was a tall guy wearing a gray sweatshirt, weirdly fitting pants, and Skosh-like hair.
He looks like Skosh.
So I hate my job. I miss the dollar store.
I was assigned to the library. BUT NO. For some reason I work in the Language Resource Center. From what I understand no one was actually assigned to work at the LRC, but we were all contacted and no one wants to.
I was never actually trained to do the job. I walked in and Dr. Janecki was like, "I'm teaching a Spanish class. Have a nice day." So I work 8 hours a week trying to figure out what the hell is going on. The great part...working there means I'm responsible for being able to set up the technology carts and helping with computer malfunctions.
Okay. My computer skills do not go beyond blogging and Facebook. I kid you not.
It can be entertaining sometimes. No one actually uses the lab for anything. The only people who really come in are ESL students and Spanish 304 people because they have to watch movies.
So I just sit behind the glass watching the empty room and having professors ask me questions I can't answer.
Overall I am loving it. I am so close to Princess Anelram and Er-Er. We talk about things that I never thought I would tell someone after only knowing them a short time. And we're so open. No joke. Like it's crazy, weird.
I have so much stuff I should be doing right now. I think 16 credits is too many for my first semester. But that's okay. My hardest class is probably Biology...and I feel confident in that. I have my first exam Friday. My professor is awesome though. I never thought I would feel comfortable being in a lecture hall type class thing...but it's totally the best. That way the teacher doesn't ask stupid questions and expect answers. No. He just talks and explains.
Hmmm. Okay. I have to go now because Er-Er and I have to go escort Princess Anelram back from another dorm. 'Cause girls aren't allowed to walk through campus alone at night time.
Fun fun.
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Brett Favre
Yes, I'm going there.
So this morning (at roughly 12:30am) I was flipping through TV stations. This is what I saw...
Breaking News: Brett Favre signed to Jets
I wonder what it is like for people living in other states to hear about #4. Do they get as pissed off as I do?
Maybe because I live in Wisconsin and have been hearing about Brett Favre's every move for roughly the past 2 decades.
I cannot turn on the radio without hearing his name, and it pisses me off.
Don't get me wrong. He's been a great quarter back and is a legend of his own time.
But seriously...RETIRE ALREADY.
I'm sorry, but if I had as much money as he does and my spouse had cancer...I would retire and spend the time I have with my family.
He's been doing this retiring ploy for the past like 3 years. Getting old.
Then when he finally did retire, he realized how much publicity he got from it, and claimed he was forced into it.
You media whore.
Then there are the quotes on ESPN...from what it sounds like he's saying the Packers are being mean to him.
I don't blame Brett Favre, though. I blame Packer fans.
I don't mean the "Go Pack" Packer fans. I mean the "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh The Packers are going to rip you a new ass at Lambeau Field, bitches!" Packer fans.
Craziest people ever.
I get to see more than my fair share of tourists where I work. I can tell which ones are from out of state by how they talk about the Packers. Sad but true.
A local woman came into the store the other day...this is what happened.
Under the counter we have some beaded chains for holding glasses. This woman was looking through them, and I was helping her. There was a very pretty one that I pulled out for her. She said, "Oh, I can't wear that. It's purple."
My response: "You don't like purple?"
Her: "Purple represents the Vikings. I won't wear purple."
Are you shitting me?
It's people like this who make me want to move to a state that does not have a professional football team.
"Packer fans" like this, who drag the game out to some crazy dimension, are the reason why I dislike professional football.
Now, I love soccer. I love it with a passion. I love to play it and watch it. However, I am not a creepy fan.
I watch for the game, not the players.
Infact, as big of a soccer fan I am, I only know the names of 6 players.
He's bigger than the game.
That's a problem.
This season is going to be complete chaos on ESPN and every local news/radio station in the Dairy State.
And no, I'm not referring to those bitches in California who think they have better cheese.
So this morning (at roughly 12:30am) I was flipping through TV stations. This is what I saw...
Breaking News: Brett Favre signed to Jets
I wonder what it is like for people living in other states to hear about #4. Do they get as pissed off as I do?
Maybe because I live in Wisconsin and have been hearing about Brett Favre's every move for roughly the past 2 decades.
I cannot turn on the radio without hearing his name, and it pisses me off.
Don't get me wrong. He's been a great quarter back and is a legend of his own time.
But seriously...RETIRE ALREADY.
I'm sorry, but if I had as much money as he does and my spouse had cancer...I would retire and spend the time I have with my family.
He's been doing this retiring ploy for the past like 3 years. Getting old.
Then when he finally did retire, he realized how much publicity he got from it, and claimed he was forced into it.
You media whore.
Then there are the quotes on ESPN...from what it sounds like he's saying the Packers are being mean to him.
I don't blame Brett Favre, though. I blame Packer fans.
I don't mean the "Go Pack" Packer fans. I mean the "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh The Packers are going to rip you a new ass at Lambeau Field, bitches!" Packer fans.
Craziest people ever.
I get to see more than my fair share of tourists where I work. I can tell which ones are from out of state by how they talk about the Packers. Sad but true.
A local woman came into the store the other day...this is what happened.
Under the counter we have some beaded chains for holding glasses. This woman was looking through them, and I was helping her. There was a very pretty one that I pulled out for her. She said, "Oh, I can't wear that. It's purple."
My response: "You don't like purple?"
Her: "Purple represents the Vikings. I won't wear purple."
Are you shitting me?
It's people like this who make me want to move to a state that does not have a professional football team.
"Packer fans" like this, who drag the game out to some crazy dimension, are the reason why I dislike professional football.
Now, I love soccer. I love it with a passion. I love to play it and watch it. However, I am not a creepy fan.
I watch for the game, not the players.
Infact, as big of a soccer fan I am, I only know the names of 6 players.
- David Beckham (because he's married to my favorite Spice Girl)
- Ronaldino [Brazil] (because he's the man)
- Ronaldo [Brazil] (because he's the fat, older version of Ronaldino)
- Kaka [Brazil] (because let's be honest...he's attractive)
- Beasley [USA] (because his name rhymes with Weasley)
- Dolohov [USA] (how do you not remember a name like that?)
He's bigger than the game.
That's a problem.
This season is going to be complete chaos on ESPN and every local news/radio station in the Dairy State.
And no, I'm not referring to those bitches in California who think they have better cheese.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Damn Koosas
And I won't say it again!
Got college info.
I got into Coate Hall...bitches and hos!!!
So what does that mean?
360 freshmen.
I'm on the fourth floor in a triple room.
That's right...I have not one but TWO roommates.
Marlena and Erin.
I talked to Marlena on the phone. I like her. We were laughing like we had known eachother for longer than a 20 minute phone convo. Seriously. We even delved into the topic of boys. I'm not exactly sure how this was possible.
Her high school was bigger than my town. Dang.
I've Facebooked Erin a couple times. She reminds me of Pink Piggy. She seems really nice.
I'm excited to have 2 roommates.
However, as my ever-so depressing ex-boyfriend points out...I've never had he experience of living with someone. I've never had to share anything because I'm an only child.
So I've been working a lot. I had 64 hours on my last paycheck for a part-time job. One of the night managers was mad because she had 11 hours.
I feel sad for my boss, Sue. I'm not trying to be conceited or anything, but I'm the best cashier there. I have at least a year's experience on almost all the others.
I walked into Sue's office the other day to tell her my last day would be August 24. She got all sad. What I didn't know was that earlier that day Jenny told Sue she was quitting in September.
Jenny does EVERYTHING at the store. She's the manager, she orders, she unloads, she cashiers, she does payroll, she stocks, she fixes the stupid credit card machine, she orders merchandise for Sue's OTHER store, she is the store.
So we had a meeting today for the store. It ended with Sue and Jenny pulling a cake out of the fridge that said
Got college info.
I got into Coate Hall...bitches and hos!!!
So what does that mean?
360 freshmen.
I'm on the fourth floor in a triple room.
That's right...I have not one but TWO roommates.
Marlena and Erin.
I talked to Marlena on the phone. I like her. We were laughing like we had known eachother for longer than a 20 minute phone convo. Seriously. We even delved into the topic of boys. I'm not exactly sure how this was possible.
Her high school was bigger than my town. Dang.
I've Facebooked Erin a couple times. She reminds me of Pink Piggy. She seems really nice.
I'm excited to have 2 roommates.
However, as my ever-so depressing ex-boyfriend points out...I've never had he experience of living with someone. I've never had to share anything because I'm an only child.
So I've been working a lot. I had 64 hours on my last paycheck for a part-time job. One of the night managers was mad because she had 11 hours.
I feel sad for my boss, Sue. I'm not trying to be conceited or anything, but I'm the best cashier there. I have at least a year's experience on almost all the others.
I walked into Sue's office the other day to tell her my last day would be August 24. She got all sad. What I didn't know was that earlier that day Jenny told Sue she was quitting in September.
Jenny does EVERYTHING at the store. She's the manager, she orders, she unloads, she cashiers, she does payroll, she stocks, she fixes the stupid credit card machine, she orders merchandise for Sue's OTHER store, she is the store.
So we had a meeting today for the store. It ended with Sue and Jenny pulling a cake out of the fridge that said
We'll Miss You
Bottom Dollar
It was so sweet. Never, in the two years that I've worked there has anyone ever gotten a good bye cake.
I wanted to cry.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Life so far
I got my final report card in the mail. Along with it was the "Upcoming Events Calendar for PHS" sheet.
Like I care. Seriously. I graduated...I don't care when picture day is, that this year's seniors are even more limited on senior picture selection, or that Mrs. Prohaska's retiring.
The only piece of information that was slightly interesting to me was Homecoming 'cause I might come home for that.
Seriously though! The school wasted 76 pieces of paper by sending them to the graduates. What a freaking joke.
Oh and I went to freshman orientation a couple weeks ago. During registration we were separated into colleges, so I got to meet a few people who are also majoring pre-med. One guy was a freaking dick. I said that it was my first time on campus, and he went into this big rant on how stupid it was for me to never be on campus and decide I wanted to go to school there.
Registration was really embarrassing. My advisor was gorgeous. I had a list of classes I was interested in taking this year, but I totally forgot about it. I usually don't get distracted by an attractive guy, but this guy was WOW. I really hope he's not assigned to be my permanant advisor...'cause that could be bad.
So the university is going to be undergoing some construction in the next few years. They're building a brand new stadium. The one that was there is now a giant pile of stuff.
So where are all this year's home games going to be?
Who goes to Winona State? My bestest friend ever--Peanuts! I told her that and she like freaked out. I'm glad we're going to college close together. I mean, we won't be together constantly, but I can always hop on the bus and go see her.
I just got my wisdom teeth out last week. It went fairly well...except for my gums decide to randomly start bleeding. That part blows.
Like I care. Seriously. I graduated...I don't care when picture day is, that this year's seniors are even more limited on senior picture selection, or that Mrs. Prohaska's retiring.
The only piece of information that was slightly interesting to me was Homecoming 'cause I might come home for that.
Seriously though! The school wasted 76 pieces of paper by sending them to the graduates. What a freaking joke.
Oh and I went to freshman orientation a couple weeks ago. During registration we were separated into colleges, so I got to meet a few people who are also majoring pre-med. One guy was a freaking dick. I said that it was my first time on campus, and he went into this big rant on how stupid it was for me to never be on campus and decide I wanted to go to school there.
Registration was really embarrassing. My advisor was gorgeous. I had a list of classes I was interested in taking this year, but I totally forgot about it. I usually don't get distracted by an attractive guy, but this guy was WOW. I really hope he's not assigned to be my permanant advisor...'cause that could be bad.
So the university is going to be undergoing some construction in the next few years. They're building a brand new stadium. The one that was there is now a giant pile of stuff.
So where are all this year's home games going to be?
Who goes to Winona State? My bestest friend ever--Peanuts! I told her that and she like freaked out. I'm glad we're going to college close together. I mean, we won't be together constantly, but I can always hop on the bus and go see her.
I just got my wisdom teeth out last week. It went fairly well...except for my gums decide to randomly start bleeding. That part blows.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Last day
Today was my last day of school, but we were still being threatened with not graduating.
Pure bullshit.
We bought out own caps & gowns, but the school wouldn't let us get the colors we wanted...and then when they came in they were held hostage until library fines were taken care of.
So...I was told I could not graduate until I paid 30 cents for a library fine that was crap--those were the days I wasn't in school because I hurt my knee!
And Peanuts and I were called to the office yesterday. I have no clue why Kay Sue is being a bitch to us all of a sudden. Every thing we do is wrong--even if we had permission!
So we walk in and she says, "If you plan on graduating Sunday, you need to turn in your uniforms."
Uggghh. I had the damn thing in my locker anyway, but apparently it would have been too much for her to just calmly ask me if I had it.
Especially since we're supposed to turn them in at the banquet anyway!
Then there was the pillar. So in the commons there are 3 pillars. Every year the graduating class paints one and puts all their handprints on. We were told that tradition was being ended this year. Wow.
Enough people complained that they had to reconsider. But they gave us permission on like Tuesday. Hmmm...it took last year's graduating class like a week and a half to do their pillar. Let's see...school ended today....
So we were told that when we got back from our class trip on Wednesday we could prime the pillar. We all get back and about 6 people are waiting around for paint to get there. So Roses, MFB, and I find some really cute colors (pale yellow, baby blue, and sea foam green). Yeah, we picked those colors because we were the only ones there who cared at the time.
But everyone still complained about them. Well, the school picked out class colors...so at least we had a choice in SOMETHING.
But yeah, we came back with paint--then Kay Sue comes in:
KS-- "You can't paint that today! No, we're having the awards ceremony."
Me--"So why does that matter?"
KS--"Someone will lean against it in their nice clothes and you'll have to pay for them."
Me--"Why can't we tape it off and put a sign out?"
KS--"Someone will break through the tape and lean against it."
Roses--"The can of primer says it dries in half an hour--the ceremony isn't for another 3 1/2 hours."
KS--"I said no, and Mrs. Harrison says no."
Then Mrs. Pippenger was all like, "WTF?" Seriously, we were given that specific time to paint.
So we had the awards ceremony. I got 3 scholarships.
AnnMarie for $1,500
Knights of Columbus for $200
James Celba for $500
Yay! I'm proudest of the James Celba one. The scholarship is in memory of James Celba who graduated in the '90s. His dad's speech for presenting the award was amazing. He slipped a copy of the speech into the envelope.
So after the ceremony Roses and I had to prime the damn pillar. We started before all the people were gone.
Yesterday morning we got to school early and put on the first coat.
I skipped calculus to do a second and third coat. Then finally a fourth coat as A lunch was starting.
The paint was really light yellow :P
Fourth block we reserved for hand prints. My fourth block teacher was clueless. She thought we were painting the flagpole. Seriously? So Roses and I were both in the same class, and we were trying to convince Mrs. Allington that we needed to take our class to do the handprints. Her response, "No, we need to wait until they call us down."
Then Roses went all psycho on Mrs. A and was saying, "No, we are THEY. Lemons and I are the ONLY 2 people trying to get this pole done and we need it done now!"
I'm going to miss that girl.
The amazing thing--we got 59 out of 77 people in our class to get their handprints on the pillar before the end of the day. Today we got another 14, and the final 4 (3 of whom were at state track and the fourth kinda expelled) at graduation.
Roses and I did a damn good job getting that stupid pillar done.
I seriously think that the office people were trying to make it hard for us so we would just give up.
Screw that! It's a freaking tradition!
Graduation practice today.
It's common sense that we have to dress up. However, girls are not allowed to wear high heels or flip flops. Not even nice flip flops.
Oh, and we were told that flats look tacky.
So what are we supposed to wear?
It's kinda funny...the NHS people don't get diplomas at graduation. They have to turn in their stole to get one...
I'm so excited that I don't have to put up with this school any more. It's ridicuous. I have to show up and look nice Sunday and that's it.
I'm wearing high heels and I don't care, but they probably won't give me my diploma for that.
So after graduation practice a bunch of the people in my class went out and enjoyed a giant slip-n-slide. We set one up on the hill that goes down to the student parking lot. It was GREAT! I was covered in bubbles and baby oil.
We should have done it at the class trip...but there was enough going on there.
Horny, half-naked guys running around a state park. Peanuts, Bitchy, and I hid on the side of a cliff to get away from them...it was funny.
It was even funnier when we were up on a plateau and they were down on a ledge changing. We could not stop laughing...and then they noticed we were up there.
Wow, this is quite a lot for one post...sorry, but I'm bored and I've got nothing better to do besides research laptops.
I think I'm only going to miss a handful of people. I'm really going to miss our foreign exchange student. We have completely Americanized him. He actually wants to come back and go to college here. They had his YouTube video in the senior slide show. It was great.
If you're into YouTube, I highly recommend you look up "Gael toxic."
Gael screaming the lyrics to "Toxic" in his sweet French accent while shaving. Even if you don't know him, it's still entertaining.
Now I get to get ready for college.
Yay for attending UW-LAX!!!
I regester for classes in 2 weeks.
*woot woot*
Pure bullshit.
We bought out own caps & gowns, but the school wouldn't let us get the colors we wanted...and then when they came in they were held hostage until library fines were taken care of.
So...I was told I could not graduate until I paid 30 cents for a library fine that was crap--those were the days I wasn't in school because I hurt my knee!
And Peanuts and I were called to the office yesterday. I have no clue why Kay Sue is being a bitch to us all of a sudden. Every thing we do is wrong--even if we had permission!
So we walk in and she says, "If you plan on graduating Sunday, you need to turn in your uniforms."
Uggghh. I had the damn thing in my locker anyway, but apparently it would have been too much for her to just calmly ask me if I had it.
Especially since we're supposed to turn them in at the banquet anyway!
Then there was the pillar. So in the commons there are 3 pillars. Every year the graduating class paints one and puts all their handprints on. We were told that tradition was being ended this year. Wow.
Enough people complained that they had to reconsider. But they gave us permission on like Tuesday. Hmmm...it took last year's graduating class like a week and a half to do their pillar. Let's see...school ended today....
So we were told that when we got back from our class trip on Wednesday we could prime the pillar. We all get back and about 6 people are waiting around for paint to get there. So Roses, MFB, and I find some really cute colors (pale yellow, baby blue, and sea foam green). Yeah, we picked those colors because we were the only ones there who cared at the time.
But everyone still complained about them. Well, the school picked out class colors...so at least we had a choice in SOMETHING.
But yeah, we came back with paint--then Kay Sue comes in:
KS-- "You can't paint that today! No, we're having the awards ceremony."
Me--"So why does that matter?"
KS--"Someone will lean against it in their nice clothes and you'll have to pay for them."
Me--"Why can't we tape it off and put a sign out?"
KS--"Someone will break through the tape and lean against it."
Roses--"The can of primer says it dries in half an hour--the ceremony isn't for another 3 1/2 hours."
KS--"I said no, and Mrs. Harrison says no."
Then Mrs. Pippenger was all like, "WTF?" Seriously, we were given that specific time to paint.
So we had the awards ceremony. I got 3 scholarships.
AnnMarie for $1,500
Knights of Columbus for $200
James Celba for $500
Yay! I'm proudest of the James Celba one. The scholarship is in memory of James Celba who graduated in the '90s. His dad's speech for presenting the award was amazing. He slipped a copy of the speech into the envelope.
So after the ceremony Roses and I had to prime the damn pillar. We started before all the people were gone.
Yesterday morning we got to school early and put on the first coat.
I skipped calculus to do a second and third coat. Then finally a fourth coat as A lunch was starting.
The paint was really light yellow :P
Fourth block we reserved for hand prints. My fourth block teacher was clueless. She thought we were painting the flagpole. Seriously? So Roses and I were both in the same class, and we were trying to convince Mrs. Allington that we needed to take our class to do the handprints. Her response, "No, we need to wait until they call us down."
Then Roses went all psycho on Mrs. A and was saying, "No, we are THEY. Lemons and I are the ONLY 2 people trying to get this pole done and we need it done now!"
I'm going to miss that girl.
The amazing thing--we got 59 out of 77 people in our class to get their handprints on the pillar before the end of the day. Today we got another 14, and the final 4 (3 of whom were at state track and the fourth kinda expelled) at graduation.
Roses and I did a damn good job getting that stupid pillar done.
I seriously think that the office people were trying to make it hard for us so we would just give up.
Screw that! It's a freaking tradition!
Graduation practice today.
It's common sense that we have to dress up. However, girls are not allowed to wear high heels or flip flops. Not even nice flip flops.
Oh, and we were told that flats look tacky.
So what are we supposed to wear?
It's kinda funny...the NHS people don't get diplomas at graduation. They have to turn in their stole to get one...
I'm so excited that I don't have to put up with this school any more. It's ridicuous. I have to show up and look nice Sunday and that's it.
I'm wearing high heels and I don't care, but they probably won't give me my diploma for that.
So after graduation practice a bunch of the people in my class went out and enjoyed a giant slip-n-slide. We set one up on the hill that goes down to the student parking lot. It was GREAT! I was covered in bubbles and baby oil.
We should have done it at the class trip...but there was enough going on there.
Horny, half-naked guys running around a state park. Peanuts, Bitchy, and I hid on the side of a cliff to get away from them...it was funny.
It was even funnier when we were up on a plateau and they were down on a ledge changing. We could not stop laughing...and then they noticed we were up there.
Wow, this is quite a lot for one post...sorry, but I'm bored and I've got nothing better to do besides research laptops.
I think I'm only going to miss a handful of people. I'm really going to miss our foreign exchange student. We have completely Americanized him. He actually wants to come back and go to college here. They had his YouTube video in the senior slide show. It was great.
If you're into YouTube, I highly recommend you look up "Gael toxic."
Gael screaming the lyrics to "Toxic" in his sweet French accent while shaving. Even if you don't know him, it's still entertaining.
Now I get to get ready for college.
Yay for attending UW-LAX!!!
I regester for classes in 2 weeks.
*woot woot*
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
My senior year.
I was a starting varsity captain.
Until I collided with a girl and had to be carried off the field.
The past two weeks has been weird...from crutches...to wheelchair....to crutches...to walking...to cramping and not being able to get to my crutches...back to walking with a brace.
So I was brought to the ER after the game was over...they took X-rays and said my knee wasn't broken and gave me crutches and a brace.
Coach was all like, "I think you hyper-extended it."
I'm so great my coach had to tell me what was wrong with my freaking knee.
So then I went to Marshfield Clinic...they said it was a sprain and I needed physical therapy.
Then I talked to Trainer John (Who Trains)...he did the whole "Does this hurt? How about here?" Yeah. Now HE thinks that if I hyper-extended/sprained it, that it would be healed by now. So now I might possibly have ligament damage.
Yay for people knowing stuff!
So tonight was our last home game...which means Senior Night. We had absolutely no recognition.
Last year the juniors bought all the seniors balloons and we celebrated.
We got nothing. Not even a mini-speech by coach during half-time.
But on the funny side...Coach is the weirdest person ever.
So Coach Desotelle has 4 children:
I don't know the oldest girl, but the other three I do. So Sawyer and Sebastian are twins that look a lot alike but not exactly alike...(but both are gorgeous) So the girls on the soccer bus were discussing which twin was hotter.
Personally, I feel Sebastian is hotter.
Coach decided to get in on the conversation...he thinks Sawyer is hotter.
WHAT!?!? He's not allowed to have an opinion on which one of his children is hotter!
Just weird. Oh well...I need to do some homework...
I was a starting varsity captain.
Until I collided with a girl and had to be carried off the field.
The past two weeks has been weird...from crutches...to wheelchair....to crutches...to walking...to cramping and not being able to get to my crutches...back to walking with a brace.
So I was brought to the ER after the game was over...they took X-rays and said my knee wasn't broken and gave me crutches and a brace.
Coach was all like, "I think you hyper-extended it."
I'm so great my coach had to tell me what was wrong with my freaking knee.
So then I went to Marshfield Clinic...they said it was a sprain and I needed physical therapy.
Then I talked to Trainer John (Who Trains)...he did the whole "Does this hurt? How about here?" Yeah. Now HE thinks that if I hyper-extended/sprained it, that it would be healed by now. So now I might possibly have ligament damage.
Yay for people knowing stuff!
So tonight was our last home game...which means Senior Night. We had absolutely no recognition.
Last year the juniors bought all the seniors balloons and we celebrated.
We got nothing. Not even a mini-speech by coach during half-time.
But on the funny side...Coach is the weirdest person ever.
So Coach Desotelle has 4 children:
I don't know the oldest girl, but the other three I do. So Sawyer and Sebastian are twins that look a lot alike but not exactly alike...(but both are gorgeous) So the girls on the soccer bus were discussing which twin was hotter.
Personally, I feel Sebastian is hotter.
Coach decided to get in on the conversation...he thinks Sawyer is hotter.
WHAT!?!? He's not allowed to have an opinion on which one of his children is hotter!
Just weird. Oh well...I need to do some homework...
Monday, April 28, 2008
Sluts and Farmers
Prom was Saturday
and I hate Skosh.
True story.
I hate school so much. Seriously.
My classes are
1st block--dual and individual
2nd block--AP calculus AB
3b--German III
4th block--senior leadership
I'm the only senior in my gym class and the rest of the people are stoners...well...most of them. I'm pretty sure the one stoner boy gave me the nod the other day.
I came out of the locker room and he was all like, "I smell vanilla." All I said was, "Oh, that's my perfume."
Then he gave me the nod, and I walked away...then he said something I didn't understand.
Calculus is a joke. I'm not taking the AP test, but Mr. Duerr gives us a practice test every day. It's pointless for me to do them. Especially when I only get 10 right on each one.
Senior Leadership is the biggest waste of my time. Seriously. I kid you not. She talks at us for an hour and 20 minutes and then goes, "Oh I get so tired of talking."
Duh. We get tired of listening to you.
Then she yells at us for laughing. No joke.
She tells us these stupid, random stories...like how her roommate in Boston used to soak her hemroids in her roasting pan.
Seriously...why do I need this class to graduate?
I get to go to Body World on Wednesday!
I'm kinda mad because there are some people who are going just to go.
I am going because I think it is interesting, and I want to be a doctor.
So I hate it whenever somebody asks me what I plan to do with my life.
I say, "I want to be a doctor."
Then they are like, "Oh, that's a lot of work." And then start talking about how I will fail at life.
So I took my college placement tests Saturday before prom. I met this guy who was coordinating the tests for Marshfield. He asked me. I told him.
He was happy for me and started telling me about different classes I can take.
This man didn't know me, but he had more faith in me than people who actually know me.
There's something wrong with this picture.
My own pastor at church doesn't have faith in me getting through medical school.
These people are making me question what I expect from myself.
Screw them.
I have a back-up plan.
If I cannot handle it, I'll transfer to a tech school and become either a surgical technician or an anestheseologist's assistant.
and I hate Skosh.
True story.
I hate school so much. Seriously.
My classes are
1st block--dual and individual
2nd block--AP calculus AB
3b--German III
4th block--senior leadership
I'm the only senior in my gym class and the rest of the people are stoners...well...most of them. I'm pretty sure the one stoner boy gave me the nod the other day.
I came out of the locker room and he was all like, "I smell vanilla." All I said was, "Oh, that's my perfume."
Then he gave me the nod, and I walked away...then he said something I didn't understand.
Calculus is a joke. I'm not taking the AP test, but Mr. Duerr gives us a practice test every day. It's pointless for me to do them. Especially when I only get 10 right on each one.
Senior Leadership is the biggest waste of my time. Seriously. I kid you not. She talks at us for an hour and 20 minutes and then goes, "Oh I get so tired of talking."
Duh. We get tired of listening to you.
Then she yells at us for laughing. No joke.
She tells us these stupid, random stories...like how her roommate in Boston used to soak her hemroids in her roasting pan.
Seriously...why do I need this class to graduate?
I get to go to Body World on Wednesday!
I'm kinda mad because there are some people who are going just to go.
I am going because I think it is interesting, and I want to be a doctor.
So I hate it whenever somebody asks me what I plan to do with my life.
I say, "I want to be a doctor."
Then they are like, "Oh, that's a lot of work." And then start talking about how I will fail at life.
So I took my college placement tests Saturday before prom. I met this guy who was coordinating the tests for Marshfield. He asked me. I told him.
He was happy for me and started telling me about different classes I can take.
This man didn't know me, but he had more faith in me than people who actually know me.
There's something wrong with this picture.
My own pastor at church doesn't have faith in me getting through medical school.
These people are making me question what I expect from myself.
Screw them.
I have a back-up plan.
If I cannot handle it, I'll transfer to a tech school and become either a surgical technician or an anestheseologist's assistant.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
I missed my blog :(
I looked at the date of my last post and couldn't believe it.
To be honest I've been in a bubble for the past few months. Pretty much no emotions or anything. I've never gone this long without having conflicts in my life.
Well, times have changed and everything is back to normal.
A lot has been going on lately. Well....kind of.
So as I've said, I've been away from conflict...which mostly means boys. I have had no interest. None.
Then I went to German camp. I was overcome by boys. I have NEVER experienced that before. At camp we had a family (a group of people we ate with) and a house (who we shared a room with).
So there was a boy in my family named Anton. Weird boy. Very tall.
I was like, "So...Anton, are you a junior or a senior?"
And he was all like, "Um...I'm a freshman."
WHAT?! He looked like he was like 25.
Apparently he thought I was a sophomore.
Then there was my family counselor. HOT.
He was like Man-pretty's twin brother...only with a little more meat on his bones. He was 20 and was probably the only German counselor who got tired of speaking German all the time. Great times. He would be like, "Ja....wir haben einen....um....yeah...so I'll just make some shit up. So I was a frog prince who had like 30 wives and 20 kids and I totally got it on with all the frog princess whores."
Seriously...he actually said that.
He had the #4 hottest ass I've ever seen.
(The real Man-pretty has #3...although it could be argued he has #2)
However, #1 has to go to Reiner. He was also a counselor. I can't even say anything else. Wow. I was sitting on a bench next to Anton and my friend Anna....Reiner stood up on the bench next to me to do the whole "Hallo Waldsee!" thing. His ass was glorious. Anna and I were speechless while Anton got mad.
I got humped by a 12 year old boy. I was busting a move, and he decided to bust a nut.
So it was a 6 hour bus ride home. Random Freshman read Cosmo and learned where the G-spot is. Then I let him practice taking my bra off. Okay...it sounds worse than it is. There was like actual physical contact and it was a group activity. I took it off and and girls on the bus instructed him on how to work the clasp.
Okay. Officially I am changing Random Freshman's nickname. I don't call him that outside of my blog...only in writing.
So Random Freshman is officially Skosh.
So all the German stuff was last weekend. This weekend was State forensics.
Boring ride to Madison.
When we got to the city I checked my phone and found I had about 4 calls from a # I had never seen before. Hmmm...who could it be? Eventually, they left me a message. It went like this:
"Hey...midget, why don't you answer your damn phone?"
This weekend was...amusing.
Quick summary....
I kicked Skosh's ass at Madden 98. I schooled him 2/3 times at Mario Kart.
He explained boxing while we watched a match from 1998.
I got my ass handed to me by a sophomore barely bigger than the trombone he plays. Then he proceeded to chase me around a gas station with a can of SPAM.
Hobo Joe almost got hit by about 90 cars and ate all my half-eaten food. Barf.
While we were in Madison I became very sad. That's where I wanted to go to school, but I'm not.
Every year when I was at the UW campus I would imagine going to school there. But this year I just looked around and realized that next year I won't be there. I'll be at UW-LaX
University of Wisconsin La Crosse:
"Where the men are men and the women are too."
I swear if one more person tells me that I will slap them across the face.
So that would be a summary of my past 2 weeks.
The ones to come should be jam-packed full of soccer games and homework. I'll try to post when I can.
I looked at the date of my last post and couldn't believe it.
To be honest I've been in a bubble for the past few months. Pretty much no emotions or anything. I've never gone this long without having conflicts in my life.
Well, times have changed and everything is back to normal.
A lot has been going on lately. Well....kind of.
So as I've said, I've been away from conflict...which mostly means boys. I have had no interest. None.
Then I went to German camp. I was overcome by boys. I have NEVER experienced that before. At camp we had a family (a group of people we ate with) and a house (who we shared a room with).
So there was a boy in my family named Anton. Weird boy. Very tall.
I was like, "So...Anton, are you a junior or a senior?"
And he was all like, "Um...I'm a freshman."
WHAT?! He looked like he was like 25.
Apparently he thought I was a sophomore.
Then there was my family counselor. HOT.
He was like Man-pretty's twin brother...only with a little more meat on his bones. He was 20 and was probably the only German counselor who got tired of speaking German all the time. Great times. He would be like, "Ja....wir haben einen....um....yeah...so I'll just make some shit up. So I was a frog prince who had like 30 wives and 20 kids and I totally got it on with all the frog princess whores."
Seriously...he actually said that.
He had the #4 hottest ass I've ever seen.
(The real Man-pretty has #3...although it could be argued he has #2)
However, #1 has to go to Reiner. He was also a counselor. I can't even say anything else. Wow. I was sitting on a bench next to Anton and my friend Anna....Reiner stood up on the bench next to me to do the whole "Hallo Waldsee!" thing. His ass was glorious. Anna and I were speechless while Anton got mad.
I got humped by a 12 year old boy. I was busting a move, and he decided to bust a nut.
So it was a 6 hour bus ride home. Random Freshman read Cosmo and learned where the G-spot is. Then I let him practice taking my bra off. Okay...it sounds worse than it is. There was like actual physical contact and it was a group activity. I took it off and and girls on the bus instructed him on how to work the clasp.
Okay. Officially I am changing Random Freshman's nickname. I don't call him that outside of my blog...only in writing.
So Random Freshman is officially Skosh.
So all the German stuff was last weekend. This weekend was State forensics.
Boring ride to Madison.
When we got to the city I checked my phone and found I had about 4 calls from a # I had never seen before. Hmmm...who could it be? Eventually, they left me a message. It went like this:
"Hey...midget, why don't you answer your damn phone?"
This weekend was...amusing.
Quick summary....
I kicked Skosh's ass at Madden 98. I schooled him 2/3 times at Mario Kart.
He explained boxing while we watched a match from 1998.
I got my ass handed to me by a sophomore barely bigger than the trombone he plays. Then he proceeded to chase me around a gas station with a can of SPAM.
Hobo Joe almost got hit by about 90 cars and ate all my half-eaten food. Barf.
While we were in Madison I became very sad. That's where I wanted to go to school, but I'm not.
Every year when I was at the UW campus I would imagine going to school there. But this year I just looked around and realized that next year I won't be there. I'll be at UW-LaX
University of Wisconsin La Crosse:
"Where the men are men and the women are too."
I swear if one more person tells me that I will slap them across the face.
So that would be a summary of my past 2 weeks.
The ones to come should be jam-packed full of soccer games and homework. I'll try to post when I can.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
The last dance team fun
Dance team is over.
We went to Wisconsin Dells Friday and Saturday for competition.
We stayd in the Kalahari which is like the largest hotel I've ever been in. It has the largest indoor-water park or something. There was like a mall inside, too. Plus the dance competition was in the hotel as well. And since it was a national qualifier, it was no small event.
Our suite was amazing! In the middle was this huge room with a king-size bed that the coaches slept in. Then you opened these huge bamboo doors to a kitchen attached to a living room with a balcony (covered in snow). A connecting door on the left side was my room with a few other girls. Then the same thing on the right side.
The water park had to be the most amusing thing ever.
I'm going to start out by saying I have never worn a bikini before this weekend.
My bikini wasn't a giant one with straps and plastic connector things.
No, I had on a WHITE STRING BIKINI. But it was fun. I was like, "Hells yeah I'm in a bikini!"
It was great...except for one water-ride...
So the girls I were hanging around with were like, "Let's do the toilet bowl thing!" This ride had signs all over it saying that you should not do it if you were not a strong swimmer and that you had to go down a certain way to make sure you didn't kill yourself and stuff of the sort.
So Punch goes down the slide first followed by Do-it(!). Then there was me. Umbrella and The Running Queen were behind me going "We're so scared! What if we hit our heads and drown!"
That makes me feel so great.
So I'm goin' down the slide part and it I could just feel the force pulling me down. Finally, I popped into the toilet part and I could not stop laughing as I fall down the hole.
That was where the strong swimmer thing came in. You basically just drop into the pool and you have to like fight the stream of water to get up.
Keep in mind, I was just dropped like 12 feet while wearing a string bikini.
My top didn't even have a chance of staying on my boobs.
So I'm in the water fighting to get the stupid thing back on so that when I do come up, I'm not totally exposing my tatters to the world.
Punch and Do-it(!) are waiting next to the stairs, so I stand next to them. There was a very brief pause before both of them started laughing and said, "So, did your swimsuit come off?" I'm just like, "Uh, yeah, my top came off."
Punch's response: "Haha. My bottoms came down."
So we stood there waiting for the other two girls to fall out of the hole. It was hilarious...Umbrella like kinda tumbled-cannonballed out and The Running Queen just came rolling out.
Girls weekends are the best.
The competition itself was so great. There was a team that did a upward-facing 360 donkey kick. I can only do a downward 180.
I still can't even imagine how they did it!
One of the other teams started out their routine with a collective backflip. Wow.
There was one team...I felt so badly for them! It was a pretty small team. They had their flyer in the air, then they prepped her for a toss...instead of going up she went to the side. The sad thing was that they threw her at so much of an angle that her spotters couldn't catch her.
Props to that girl for picking herself up and finishing the routine...probably with at least a bruised tailbone. Then as the team they kept going there would always be half the team at least 3 counts off.
Then they dropped another girl. Wow.
There was only one college team entered in this particular competition.
It was UW La Crosse.
Oh my goodness! They were so good! I'm just in awe watching them, but it was sad at the same time because I know that next year I won't be able to dance. There's no freaking way. I don't have the base training required to do it.
Their mascot was there too...I thought he was going to get shot. He was running around purposely blocking video cameras and stealing fight signs.
But yeah. I was walking down the hallway shortly after they performed and I say them standing in the hallway. Upclose, some of those guys were really quite cute. It's cool that next year I'll be going to college with some of them!
188 days!
We went to Wisconsin Dells Friday and Saturday for competition.
We stayd in the Kalahari which is like the largest hotel I've ever been in. It has the largest indoor-water park or something. There was like a mall inside, too. Plus the dance competition was in the hotel as well. And since it was a national qualifier, it was no small event.
Our suite was amazing! In the middle was this huge room with a king-size bed that the coaches slept in. Then you opened these huge bamboo doors to a kitchen attached to a living room with a balcony (covered in snow). A connecting door on the left side was my room with a few other girls. Then the same thing on the right side.
The water park had to be the most amusing thing ever.
I'm going to start out by saying I have never worn a bikini before this weekend.
My bikini wasn't a giant one with straps and plastic connector things.
No, I had on a WHITE STRING BIKINI. But it was fun. I was like, "Hells yeah I'm in a bikini!"
It was great...except for one water-ride...
So the girls I were hanging around with were like, "Let's do the toilet bowl thing!" This ride had signs all over it saying that you should not do it if you were not a strong swimmer and that you had to go down a certain way to make sure you didn't kill yourself and stuff of the sort.
So Punch goes down the slide first followed by Do-it(!). Then there was me. Umbrella and The Running Queen were behind me going "We're so scared! What if we hit our heads and drown!"
That makes me feel so great.
So I'm goin' down the slide part and it I could just feel the force pulling me down. Finally, I popped into the toilet part and I could not stop laughing as I fall down the hole.
That was where the strong swimmer thing came in. You basically just drop into the pool and you have to like fight the stream of water to get up.
Keep in mind, I was just dropped like 12 feet while wearing a string bikini.
My top didn't even have a chance of staying on my boobs.
So I'm in the water fighting to get the stupid thing back on so that when I do come up, I'm not totally exposing my tatters to the world.
Punch and Do-it(!) are waiting next to the stairs, so I stand next to them. There was a very brief pause before both of them started laughing and said, "So, did your swimsuit come off?" I'm just like, "Uh, yeah, my top came off."
Punch's response: "Haha. My bottoms came down."
So we stood there waiting for the other two girls to fall out of the hole. It was hilarious...Umbrella like kinda tumbled-cannonballed out and The Running Queen just came rolling out.
Girls weekends are the best.
The competition itself was so great. There was a team that did a upward-facing 360 donkey kick. I can only do a downward 180.
I still can't even imagine how they did it!
One of the other teams started out their routine with a collective backflip. Wow.
There was one team...I felt so badly for them! It was a pretty small team. They had their flyer in the air, then they prepped her for a toss...instead of going up she went to the side. The sad thing was that they threw her at so much of an angle that her spotters couldn't catch her.
Props to that girl for picking herself up and finishing the routine...probably with at least a bruised tailbone. Then as the team they kept going there would always be half the team at least 3 counts off.
Then they dropped another girl. Wow.
There was only one college team entered in this particular competition.
It was UW La Crosse.
Oh my goodness! They were so good! I'm just in awe watching them, but it was sad at the same time because I know that next year I won't be able to dance. There's no freaking way. I don't have the base training required to do it.
Their mascot was there too...I thought he was going to get shot. He was running around purposely blocking video cameras and stealing fight signs.
But yeah. I was walking down the hallway shortly after they performed and I say them standing in the hallway. Upclose, some of those guys were really quite cute. It's cool that next year I'll be going to college with some of them!
188 days!
Friday, February 15, 2008
You are the worst friends ever
So this year I thought I had a lot more friends.
A lot more close friends.
I was nominated to be a Winter Fest candidate...because I'm the only senior on the dance team.
A whole bunch of stuff went down and I even found a guy to run with me, Betty.
So today we had the voting. I voted for myself and Betty voted for me...and of course Peanuts voted for me too.
That was it.
I walked up to one of my best friends. She and I have been very close since 5th grade. "Did you vote for me?"
"No, I voted for *******."
Now, the girl that she voted for just so happens to be someone the teachers suggested shouldn't run because she's never at school (and she's been known to party a little too much).
Thank you for not voting for me.
Next friend. She didn't vote for me either.
The pattern continued.
Skizzle ran up to Peanuts and said, "I voted for you!" Peanuts said, "I was disqualified." Sizzle: "Oh, I heard Roses say that." THEN WHY THE HELL DID YOU VOTE FOR SOMEONE YOU KNEW WAS DISQUALIFIED!!!
As I stand right next the two. Do you know how much it hurts to be in the center of a group of people and hear them all say who they voted for and you're name nowhere to be heard.
Now, I know I wasn't going to win, but I thought I would get more than 3 votes.
So I'm sitting in AP English, "Did anybody in this room vote for me?" No response.
Then I get really mad and say that I thought at least a couple of my friends would have voted for me.
This is what pisses me off.....then a girl behind me, whom I thought to be a good friend of mine says, "Well, I didn't know you wanted it."
Well I'm sorry I didn't buy your vote with a piece of candy.
I'm sorry I didn't stick a piece of paper with my name on it to your shirt.
I guess all the posters I put up didn't get my point across that I actually wanted to get votes.
I didn't think I had to ask my friends to vote for me. I'm such a stupid person for thinking that if they saw my name on the ballot they would go, "Oh, she's my friend!"
The best part was all the people I thought were my friends telling me to stop complaining because I didn't win.
Thanks guys. I thought I would have gotten more than 3 votes.
196 days until I leave this town, and I'll be glad to get the hell away from you.
I know I'm crying over something pathetic, but it's not pathetic to me. This shows me how much my friends really value me.
When Mrs. Reilly said there would be no king and queen candidates I was the first person to beg her to change her mind BECAUSE IT MEANT SOMETHING TO ME.
Jumping up and down screaming "I get to run for Winter Fest!" should have been an indicator that it meant something to me.
I really know how important I am to you guys now.
Thanks for making me feel like shit. You guys did such a good job of it.
Oh, and a nonsarcastic thank you to Tasha and Will...who DID voted for me.
A lot more close friends.
I was nominated to be a Winter Fest candidate...because I'm the only senior on the dance team.
A whole bunch of stuff went down and I even found a guy to run with me, Betty.
So today we had the voting. I voted for myself and Betty voted for me...and of course Peanuts voted for me too.
That was it.
I walked up to one of my best friends. She and I have been very close since 5th grade. "Did you vote for me?"
"No, I voted for *******."
Now, the girl that she voted for just so happens to be someone the teachers suggested shouldn't run because she's never at school (and she's been known to party a little too much).
Thank you for not voting for me.
Next friend. She didn't vote for me either.
The pattern continued.
Skizzle ran up to Peanuts and said, "I voted for you!" Peanuts said, "I was disqualified." Sizzle: "Oh, I heard Roses say that." THEN WHY THE HELL DID YOU VOTE FOR SOMEONE YOU KNEW WAS DISQUALIFIED!!!
As I stand right next the two. Do you know how much it hurts to be in the center of a group of people and hear them all say who they voted for and you're name nowhere to be heard.
Now, I know I wasn't going to win, but I thought I would get more than 3 votes.
So I'm sitting in AP English, "Did anybody in this room vote for me?" No response.
Then I get really mad and say that I thought at least a couple of my friends would have voted for me.
This is what pisses me off.....then a girl behind me, whom I thought to be a good friend of mine says, "Well, I didn't know you wanted it."
Well I'm sorry I didn't buy your vote with a piece of candy.
I'm sorry I didn't stick a piece of paper with my name on it to your shirt.
I guess all the posters I put up didn't get my point across that I actually wanted to get votes.
I didn't think I had to ask my friends to vote for me. I'm such a stupid person for thinking that if they saw my name on the ballot they would go, "Oh, she's my friend!"
The best part was all the people I thought were my friends telling me to stop complaining because I didn't win.
Thanks guys. I thought I would have gotten more than 3 votes.
196 days until I leave this town, and I'll be glad to get the hell away from you.
I know I'm crying over something pathetic, but it's not pathetic to me. This shows me how much my friends really value me.
When Mrs. Reilly said there would be no king and queen candidates I was the first person to beg her to change her mind BECAUSE IT MEANT SOMETHING TO ME.
Jumping up and down screaming "I get to run for Winter Fest!" should have been an indicator that it meant something to me.
I really know how important I am to you guys now.
Thanks for making me feel like shit. You guys did such a good job of it.
Oh, and a nonsarcastic thank you to Tasha and Will...who DID voted for me.
Saturday, February 09, 2008
A little bit of S&E
Yesterday was fun.
I got to spend time with some of my friends I haven't really talked to a lot this year.
It started at 1:30 and my first and ONLY performance was at 2:12. I stayed until around 10:00.
So Brass Choir played our song the best we've ever played it. It was damn-near amazing. The funny thing...our judge gave us pretty much exactly the same "suggestions" he gave the group before us. I hate it when judges do that. Then he was all like, "Trumpets...need more air. Tubas...good (I would like to argue that one...). Euphonium...good. French horns...um, you should probably be sitting on the other side." Mr. Knihtila was like, "Uh..."
Which leads me to believe the judge was a French horn player because I KNOW I was blasting out the other 2 French horns and all 3 (4?) of the third trumpets.
We got a 2.
We just sat around the band room for quite a long time.
I had a small dress on...and I had a few of the girls on patrol to let me know if I bent over a little too far.
A lot went on, but most of it was stuff only people there would understand. Or people who hear the daily conversation about Random Freshman's well endowment.
That's like the funniest thing ever.
So I had my phone for like half a second...I took like 3 pictures. One of RF's crotch (just for funnies), one of Grandpa-Sick wearing his parka-like jacket, and one of Chocolate and Shoe Buddy all cuddled up on eachother (they're so cute).
Yeah, so Chocolate was like, "give me your phone." Yeah. He just started taking pictures of RF and I. One picture it looks like RF is about to club me over the head, but I'm pretty sure I was dancing and he was adjusting his Bill Cosby sweater.
I had to work the concession stand with the 53 year old freshman. That kid is ridiculous. He's like 14. Wow. I actually heard him once say that he had a long night...he stayed up until 10:00pm. Seriously.
I guess he had a system going before I came into the kitchen, but I was just like here's a soda, some hot dogs, nachos are down there. Then I stood there flirting with cute boys who came through the line. I was waiting for him to just yell at me and be like, "Serve the hot dogs."
It's not easy standing behind the lunch counter in a hot dress, adorable 3-inch heels, amazing black-cherry hair, and rubber gloves.
Good times for my last Solo & Ensemble.
Even though I dropped all my stuff except for Brass Choir and there was no Low Brass Choir this year.
I got to spend time with some of my friends I haven't really talked to a lot this year.
It started at 1:30 and my first and ONLY performance was at 2:12. I stayed until around 10:00.
So Brass Choir played our song the best we've ever played it. It was damn-near amazing. The funny thing...our judge gave us pretty much exactly the same "suggestions" he gave the group before us. I hate it when judges do that. Then he was all like, "Trumpets...need more air. Tubas...good (I would like to argue that one...). Euphonium...good. French horns...um, you should probably be sitting on the other side." Mr. Knihtila was like, "Uh..."
Which leads me to believe the judge was a French horn player because I KNOW I was blasting out the other 2 French horns and all 3 (4?) of the third trumpets.
We got a 2.
We just sat around the band room for quite a long time.
I had a small dress on...and I had a few of the girls on patrol to let me know if I bent over a little too far.
A lot went on, but most of it was stuff only people there would understand. Or people who hear the daily conversation about Random Freshman's well endowment.
That's like the funniest thing ever.
So I had my phone for like half a second...I took like 3 pictures. One of RF's crotch (just for funnies), one of Grandpa-Sick wearing his parka-like jacket, and one of Chocolate and Shoe Buddy all cuddled up on eachother (they're so cute).
Yeah, so Chocolate was like, "give me your phone." Yeah. He just started taking pictures of RF and I. One picture it looks like RF is about to club me over the head, but I'm pretty sure I was dancing and he was adjusting his Bill Cosby sweater.
I had to work the concession stand with the 53 year old freshman. That kid is ridiculous. He's like 14. Wow. I actually heard him once say that he had a long night...he stayed up until 10:00pm. Seriously.
I guess he had a system going before I came into the kitchen, but I was just like here's a soda, some hot dogs, nachos are down there. Then I stood there flirting with cute boys who came through the line. I was waiting for him to just yell at me and be like, "Serve the hot dogs."
It's not easy standing behind the lunch counter in a hot dress, adorable 3-inch heels, amazing black-cherry hair, and rubber gloves.
Good times for my last Solo & Ensemble.
Even though I dropped all my stuff except for Brass Choir and there was no Low Brass Choir this year.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
I never posted about this...are you serious?
Life has been hectic. I'm going to try to post more like I used to back in the day.
I applied to three colleges:
UW La Crosse Accepted
UW Eau Claire Accepted
Elmhurst College Accepted
I'm not going to Eau Claire because...well, the only reason I applied there was because Aeropostale goes to Stout which is like 30 minutes away. But we broke up.
I Elmhurst was kind of a back-up school. It looks so amazing and appears to be too nice to be practical. It's private and in Chicago. My dad got all mad and was like, "There's a reason we moved away from Illinois!"
La Crosse was really my first choice anyway. I'm really happy. 225 days until I leave! I've been counting for a while. The funny thing is that I've always been so excited to leave this damn town and meet new people, but there are quite a few people from my class planning on going to La Crosse.
President Poseur was going to go, but like in the past week he decided he's going to Madison.
Banana is going.
Mo has applied but hasn't heard back yet.
Bra mentioned something about going there, but Idk if she was actually being serious or just saying stuff to be heard.
Scrapbook is thinking about it too.
And a guy I don't have a name for is also going.
The greatest thing...Peanuts is going to Winona State College...which is just half an hour away over the river! There's a bus that goes between the two towns! We're going to party it up on the Mississippi, bitches!
I'm so excited to go to college!
Every time I say that my mom cries a little.
I applied to three colleges:
UW La Crosse Accepted
UW Eau Claire Accepted
Elmhurst College Accepted
I'm not going to Eau Claire because...well, the only reason I applied there was because Aeropostale goes to Stout which is like 30 minutes away. But we broke up.
I Elmhurst was kind of a back-up school. It looks so amazing and appears to be too nice to be practical. It's private and in Chicago. My dad got all mad and was like, "There's a reason we moved away from Illinois!"
La Crosse was really my first choice anyway. I'm really happy. 225 days until I leave! I've been counting for a while. The funny thing is that I've always been so excited to leave this damn town and meet new people, but there are quite a few people from my class planning on going to La Crosse.
President Poseur was going to go, but like in the past week he decided he's going to Madison.
Banana is going.
Mo has applied but hasn't heard back yet.
Bra mentioned something about going there, but Idk if she was actually being serious or just saying stuff to be heard.
Scrapbook is thinking about it too.
And a guy I don't have a name for is also going.
The greatest thing...Peanuts is going to Winona State College...which is just half an hour away over the river! There's a bus that goes between the two towns! We're going to party it up on the Mississippi, bitches!
I'm so excited to go to college!
Every time I say that my mom cries a little.
Monday, January 07, 2008
Short note
Look...a snow hobo.
I shall call him a snobo.
I forgot the password to my Yahoo! account because I have not signed in for about forever ago.
So yeah...
mini_you_9009@hotmail.com for all who care.
I shall call him a snobo.
I forgot the password to my Yahoo! account because I have not signed in for about forever ago.
So yeah...
mini_you_9009@hotmail.com for all who care.
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