The topic of discussion:
"Why I hate Ohio." --a bitching of HWSFRN
- Where the hell is Ohio, anyhow
- It's so stupid
- It's the second worst state
- People from Ohio are stupid
Sorry Face Paint! It made me laugh so hard. Usually the things he complains about are political or at the very least controversial......but no, the rant of the day had to be OHIO.
(Oh, and according to HWSFRN, the worst state is Iowa....because apparently everyone in Iowa hates themself)
We started registering for senior year today. I was walking to the auditorium and though, "Holy crap, this is the last time I'll register!" Yay.
I wanted to get on stage and slap Mrs. Harrison. Not even kidding.
Ok, there's a girl on the dance team, and I'm going to literally hit her in the face. No joke. This is the chick who thinks she can show me how to do a donkey kick...when I've known how to do them forever. w/e.
Okay, so she's one of the people making up part of a routine, right? She decided she wants to do the coffee grinder....I have no problem with that. I was the person who put the sprinkler in one of our routines last year.....
The thing is, she can only do the coffee grinder if she takes off her shoe. My question: are you planning on ripping off your shoe in the middle of the routine to do the freaking move and then run after it? Seriously? I want to know what your master plan is.
Uggghh...and I told this chick she could have a couple of my Pixie-Stix...she ate like 9. All the purple ones, no less.
I love Pixie-Stix. I bring them to class, insult someone, and then throw one at their face. I think Mr. Peterson's gets mad when I ask him if he wants the middle of class. It was actually mildly hilarious when I went to eat one and accidentally dumped it on my cheek.
I'm a sad, sad individual.
Seriously folks, this is as good as it gets.