"We'll never be as young as we are right now." --Jim Steinman

Monday, July 31, 2006

"Those stupid blobs you kids have now-a-days."

For those of you who weren't aware, I was at camp last week...hence the reason my blog remained silent.

It was great. The cabin I was in started to bond like, instantly. Sadly, I was the oldest girl (besides the counselor) in the cabin.

Through the week, I kept getting reminded of stuff from home... At one night chapel the speaker just went off on a random tangent (he reffered to them as commercials) on teenagers and technology. The post title is a quote of his I had to steal considering the fact he was reffering not to a blob, but a blog. It made me giggle.

Yeah, so this guy always came to breakfast like every day wearing guitar pants things...and I just kept thinking that was something Man-pretty would wear.

Two girls in my cabin were from River Falls...and I was all like, "My Dora is from River Falls!!!" So Dora, if you're reading this, I'm gonna set you up to get all up on them...they're freshman. lol

So, one of the girls from River Falls had a hat that said "RF." Stupid initials. I just laughed and thought of Random Freshman.

Of course the true kicker was when I walked into the cabin and heard "I sleep with Beaver every night."
To quote Beaver himself....BUSH
She had a stuffed beaver that sat on her pillow. It had clothes and everything...well, it wasn't wearing pants....
It kept staring at me. That beast had a large tail.

Okay, so there was this guy.
I walked up to the carpet ball tables to talk to this chick...well, this guy just started talking to me. I never did understand him when he said his name, but I do know he was from Hudson. Anyway...he asked me if I wanted to see how much he sucked at carpet ball.
I was just like...sure.
He chucked the ball and got one in on the other side.
He laughed and said it was pure luck. Then he closed his eyes, turned around, and threw the ball sideways.
Three more balls went in.
Then Hudson boy felt the need to explain that he WASN'T trying to show off and he wasn't trying to hit on me or anything.
I couldn't stop laughing.
I announced that I was leaving and left.
However, it didn't end there 'cause we played Mission Impossible in the woods a couple nights later.

I learned how to play Wah. These two guys who kept screaming "Do you lika da juice? I lika da juice." taught it to me. ...Of course they also started playing invisible 'sack after that. Amusing.

Yeah, so last year I only gave my phone number/address to one guy...who never called or wrote me.
So he managed to hurt himself during Mission Impossible Woods Style...we were sitting up in the nurse's office thinger for 20 minutes talking about stupid stuff. At the end of the week he asked me for my phone number and address again. I'm not expecting him to do anything.

Good times.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Fun with stickers

So there were some Spongebob stickers. Beaver slapped one on my chest region.
Sadly, that's the most action I've had since...well, let's just say for a VERY long time. We had a nice little giggle over that one.

Thanks for the excitement, Beaver.

Okay, so maybe this isn't exactly how the song goes, but hey...it's my blog and I can edit the lyrics however I please.

I kind of find I like a life this lonely
It rips and pierces me, in places I can't see
I love the rip of nerves
The rip that wakes me
So I'm dissatisfied, I love dissatisfied
I love to feel there's always more that I need
I flirt with any flighty thing that falls my way
But how I needed you
When I needed you.
Switch songs...
It's later than you think and
A kiss is a terrible thing to waste.
You shouldn't tremble when we touch
There's no reason for these fears
It's a promise that was made
We've been promised this for years
I wanna show you it all
What to do and where and how.
Cause we'll never be as young as we are right now
We'll never be as young as we are right now

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

I'll have a slice of your mother

^^^quite possibly the only song lyric I laugh at every time I hear it. It is completely random, and I love it.

I have come to the conclusion IM conversations are bad. Why? Because I end up saying something like this....

Lemons says:
'cause that was before I had a clue what I was doing, and he was so good. I sucked hardcore...my blowing was horrible.

Some of you are wondering "What is she talking about?"
The answer? BAND I had to sit next to the band director's son in 7th grade band...he knew what he was doing and I did not.

Is it sad that I'm pumped for the field show? I really am. I want to get out on that field and boss the freshman around. Yes, one...singular....He's in my section, so it is allowed. I think I may have a name for him, but I've only spoken with him once. He might be known as Suck Up...however, this may become confusing as to the fact "Suck Up" happens to be one of my aliases. Don't ask.

He is already in the running for "The Coolest Freshman" position. I also need to find a "Coolest Sophomore" and "Coolest Senior." Last year's senior is out due to graduation, Beaver and Ju Freaking Wolf have are out of the running because they won last year.

Jedi HanSolo is currently the only one in the running for sophomore.

Oh...so I watched American Pie Band Camp for the first time the other day. There was a guy in it...I can't remember his name, but he was Matt's roommate...the one with the robot who got it on with Chloe (the guy, not the robot).
Anyway, I was all like, "He reminds me of somebody," but I couldn't think of who until they did a marching scene and the guy was carrying a tenor sax. BOOM Jedi. He had pretty much the same haircut, round face, glasses, pinchable cheeks, and instrument as Jedi HanSolo.
Too bad he wasn't wearing a gray and black striped shirt.

Speaking of the name Jedi HanSolo. Children are amusing. There was this 6 year old girl at my table on Tuesday...she was all like, "Look at that boy who happens to share the same name as Jedi." Okay, so maybe that isn't word for word what she said, but pretty close...She went on for 5 minutes to tell me how cute she thinks this boy is. I was like...wow.

Have a childhood. Don't start the whole boy crap until you're well over 30.

The best part of the whole situation? She and the boy kept doing this look at each other, say like 4 words, giggle, and look away.
I wanted to walk up to this girl and be like "You flirt better than I do."

The sad truth? She does.
My flirting is all creepy...just ask RF.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Haha, people I work with HAVE to like me

So on Friday I got off work at 4:00. I was about to walk out the door when Jenny came up and was all like, "Hey, what ya doin' in an hour? Feel like comin' back in to unload a shipment?"
So Jenny, her son, and I unloaded the stupid truck...it only took an hour, but still.

Sunday I had off. I was pumped 'cause I don't have to work until Wednesday...and then I have all next week off because I have camp. Well, at about 9:05 in the morning, the phone rings and it's this other lady I work with, Gail. Apparently, the cashier for the day didn't show up for her shift, and I live closest to the store. Suckage.

My paycheck'll probably be pretty nice, though.

So I was trying to cool off this morning, and I had a thought: I am one lonely individual. All I do is wake up, watch Walker Texas Ranger, head to the library on Tues. & Thurs., eat, read, listen to music, dance like a fool, probably eat some more, and then watch House if it happens to be on.

I love House. If you don't watch it, you should.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

The only way to further inflate his ego would be to use some sort of pump

I just want to slap that boy when he starts talking about how "great" he is. Seriously, he keeps saying "When I take chemistry...yeah, I'm taking it as a sophomore...I'm going to *insert stupid idea here*" Today I finally wanted to deflate him the smallest fraction by telling him I, too, took chemistry as a soph. He was "stunned" I took it already. I wanted to hurt him.

He thinks he's so much better than everybody else. We had a shortage of volunteers today, so we were trying to make due with what we had. We had four volunteers to six tables...Ju Freaking Wolf and I were scrambling between the tables making sure the kids had paint or if they wanted markers or w/e. Ditz and the evil douche bag stood in the corner talking. Then when he decided he was going to come over to Ju Freaking Wolf and I while we were stapling the flipbooks and his excuse was "I'm doing PR. Those two boys want to grow their hair out like mine." Then he started playing with his hair 'cause he thinks it makes him look good. I'm sorry, but since he got contacts and grew his hair our he looks like a stoner. Seriously...add in the part where he deprives himself of sleep and rolls out the whole blood-shot eyes look and you have yourself the stereotypical drug addict. I know he's not stupid enough to do crap like that...oh wait, wasn't it him that was telling me about his "party of one" he was going to have after prom? I guess his plans were to raid his parents' liquer cabinet or w/e.

A lot of girls like him for some reason. Of course, I used to be one of them...there was a period of about....maybe 2 or 3 months where I thought he was a nice guy who was easy to talk with. Of course, I didn't realize at the time that whenever he was being "nice" was when he was around a certain girl. A girl who seems to pop up a lot, now that I think about it.

I was talking to him about when I made the mistake of asking him out. He doesn't even remember me doing it. The sad thing is that I remember pretty much every detail of that night. Our football team was losing. Pink Piggy and I were working concessions, and he came up to talk with us. After the crowd died down he and I sat on one of the picnic tables talking until the last few minutes of the game. We stood up, and I just blurted out the one thing that had been on my mind the entire night. He just stared at me...so I asked again...he laughed.

When I tried to retell the story to him the other day, he didn't remember anything until I got to the "When you laughed, I turned to run away and almost fell into a puddle."
His response. "Haha, I remember that."

Maybe I'm just bitter at him because of that memory, but I seriously doubt it. I just believe he is that much of a freaking dilhole.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

The Badger Clan

Volunteering today. There were no dudes...Beaver and Grandpa Stick crapped out...except for after the program ended, Grandpa Stick was actually IN the library...loser.

Since Beaver was not present, I pimped it out with his little sister. She would do something, and in my head I was thinking "Beaver would do that"...no joke. I have named her Badger; she and I were in the "Badger Clan."

We were playing "Four Corners" or w/e...there were 4 animals: scorpion, crab, lion, and badger. I was the badger...basically I just stood there holding a stuffed badger in which I later discovered was a pupet thingy. Oh I had fun with that. Badger was all like, I want to be an animal...so she joined me. This little girl sat by us and started hitting me with her crab...it was so cute.

We have an age limit...today's was 4-7. This girl and her sister put their age down on a piece of paper as 9 and 8. I was the bouncer, along with Badger, so I served them up and kicked them out. They were all bitchy about it too! I just wanted to scream "get out my library, fool!"

Ju Freaking Wolf was there...we pimped it out afterwards in the "Adult section"...mystery, to be exact.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Eyelevel with his elbow

Today my manager was Joel. He is a beast...I'm eyelevel with his elbow...no joke.
This lady was all like, "I want the windchime on the top." and Joel like leaned over me and plucked it down like it was nothin'.


The highlight of work today? Well, besides watching a kid try to fit an elastic frisbee around his head....I found birth control on the floor. I was picking some plastic wrapper off the floor (from a careless person who had to open their stuff right infront of the door), when I saw this blue thing on the floor. I picked it up, and it had a specific brand of a birth control pill on it. I laughed hysterically.

Haha, now time for lyrics. No real particular meaning...except for one part, but it's not like I'm depressed or anything...I just think they're some good lyrics to a good song.

"It's Just Me"
I lost a piece of me in you;
I think I left it in your arms.
I forget the reasons I got scared,
But remember that I cared quite a lot.

You see but lately
I've been on my own.
Yeah one, but one by choice.

You see, thats a first for me,
There's only me, yeah theres only me,
And now I realize for once,
It's just me.
It's just me.
It's just me,
And I'll find a way to make it,
There's noone left to stop me.
Here I go.

Can we take it from the top?
So why so long?
So sad, I wanna be strong.
Don't try to take this from me.
I'm already spent living half my life undone
So why so long?
So sad, I wanna be strong.

I've been talking to my aunts and uncles, mom and dad again.
I've been finding out that I have what this world calls friends.
I've tried to push them all away,
They push me back and wanna stay
And that's one good thing I have.
I'm gonna feel a peace in me,I'm gonna feel at home.
I'm gonna make this cloud above me disappear, be gone

I wanna feel a punch inside, my heart beat on the floor.
I don't wanna hurt no more.

So sad, i wanna be strong.
Don't try to take her from me.
I've already spent my life living half undone.
I used to be the one who won before.
I used to smile but dont no more.
I'm living just to watch it all go by.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

We're not in Wisconsin anymore

So there's a sign in The Dub that says that ^^^

So the whole volunteering business has started this week. Some of the little kids are really cool, but some of them are not so much...There are some that you can talk to and be like, "Oh, you're going to grow up to be THAT kind of person." Like one girl, she was telling me how she and all her friends have secrets they cannot tell another girl. She said this infront of the girl who isn't supposed to know the secrets. I was just like, "You freaking hampster."

Beaver and I were dancing and he accidentally spun me into some little boys playing musical paws...

The olderish kids were today, so that was kinda cool...except for the fact there are some kids who are like, 10 or 11 that are as tall as I am.

Random Freshman's mom came in to drop of a few kids and started talking about RF....blah blah blah. She had these shoes on that I saw in a store a couple weeks ago...I was so close to buying them. They looked really cute with the outfit she was wearing....maybe I should have bought them.....Oh well. When she left, Beaver and I had a RF-looks-a-lot-like-his-mom moment.

I've been single for a year. One full, freaking year...to the day. I've given up hope...Maybe I'll concentrate on my grades more than guys.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

What I learned today:

  1. It is a bad thing to bombard one of your male friends with pick-up lines.
  2. Grandpa Stick makes me feel like an ass.
  3. Mr. Peterson screams louder than a woman.
  4. Never leave your instrument unattended; it may end up wearing a birthday hat.
  5. When Beaver and Random Freshman have an argument over whether Big Foot can or cannot climb a tree while you are literally right between them just point, laugh, and say "This is so going in my blog."