So I was very bored, so I was just looking up stupid stuff online. I learned quite a bit about Meat he actually hates meat loaf; figure that one out. Franz Ferdinand was formed with the band members just kinda sitting around a kitchen saying "We should learn how to play some instruments."
The odd facts that are not quite so odd that I stumbled across.
Okay, so I'm not going to lie to you people...I used to, and still do, LOVE the Spice Girls. They were the first music I went out of my way to listen to. I had everything Spice Girls. Seriously, I had the movie, like 4 posters, cassettes (should probably get the CD versions now that I think about it), T-shirts, shoes, school supplies, the video game, and all that other fun stuff.
I thought the fact they had a movie was the coolest thing in the world. Now the three of you who read this are probably going "what the hell is she talking about?"
Well, Meat Loaf is my favorite singer. He was in Spice World; he played Dennis.
Rocky Horror Picture Show is my favorite movie. Richard O'Brien, who plays Riff Raff (and also wrote the screenplay, lyrics, and music for both the movie and play versions) is in Spice World; he plays Damien.
My favorite show is House. Hugh Laurie, who plays House, is in Spice World; he plays Poirot.
Maybe it's not that big of deal, but I think it's all kinda funny that they're all tied together. Then again, maybe I am crazy.
This is what useless facts you learn from spending time online.

"We'll never be as young as we are right now." --Jim Steinman
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
I carted myself to the Municipal Building at like, quarter to twelve to help set up for the big shindig. Beaver and Mr. Hendricks, the library coordinator dude or w/e, were out front and I didn't even recognize Beavs. I was just like, hmmm.
I was so excited to see Ju Freaking Wolf and a few other people who just make me laugh. So people showed up and we blew up balloons. I am pretty much the balloonmaster because of all the freaking balloon orders that come through at work. I took a hit of helium and for once my voice matched my height. Quite amusing. After rubbing a balloon in Grandpa Stick's hair I have dubbed him a woman. Seriously, he spent the rest of the day pushing it back like I had actually messed it up. w/e.
Jo wanted somebody to take the tank of helium back to IGA, so I grabbed the stupid cart thinger. Beaver pretty much took over after we got through the door. For some reason, he decided to desert his shoes, so I was walking down the street with a shoeless Beaver pushing a tank of helium. Of course when we reached the store, the shoeless thing became an issue. Metzo Piano kicked us out. *sigh*
Beaver's sister was there for reasons I will not go into for fear of upsetting the Beaver. She clearly does not carry the way of the Beaver in her blood. She was holding these balloons and I reached across the table for them--she just stared at me...then handed them to me, but wouldn't let go after a while.
There were a few slacker people who just stood there while the others did stuff. Uggghh. One girl was incredibly late. She showed up like, 15 minutes before the whole deal started...despite the fact we were supposed to be there an hour early.
Okay, so this girl....Idk what to call her, but yeah. When we were at state, Random Freshman told me he liked this girl. While I was at the thing, I just kept looking at her and thinking that I'll never be her. I would never want to be her. She fits nearly every stereotype, that I can think of, of a teenage girl .
I wasn't going to be all like, "Oh, I'm going to be a bitch to her." For some reason she was being a bitch to me. When she walked in, late, she walked over to the raffle table I was working at with Ju Freaking Wolf. She was all like, "Oh hi JFW, hi Beaver, hi blah blah blah." I was all like, "I guess I don't merrit a hello." So when I just said he she turned around.
When we were cleaning up the chairs and tables, I grabbed two chairs, walked to the cart, and put them on. I guess she felt the need to act like I had just done something horrible. The other volunteers were leaving, so I grabbed the other end of the table cart to HELP her. I suggested that we turn it my way to get it in easier. She decided to make it a big deal and refuse. Of course we hit the wall and she made it seem like it was my fault. That cart is now shoved over in the corner of the fence rather than in the empty spot it should be in because she didn't want to turn it.
Maybe I was just seeing things that were not there...Or maybe she just hates me.
I was so excited to see Ju Freaking Wolf and a few other people who just make me laugh. So people showed up and we blew up balloons. I am pretty much the balloonmaster because of all the freaking balloon orders that come through at work. I took a hit of helium and for once my voice matched my height. Quite amusing. After rubbing a balloon in Grandpa Stick's hair I have dubbed him a woman. Seriously, he spent the rest of the day pushing it back like I had actually messed it up. w/e.
Jo wanted somebody to take the tank of helium back to IGA, so I grabbed the stupid cart thinger. Beaver pretty much took over after we got through the door. For some reason, he decided to desert his shoes, so I was walking down the street with a shoeless Beaver pushing a tank of helium. Of course when we reached the store, the shoeless thing became an issue. Metzo Piano kicked us out. *sigh*
Beaver's sister was there for reasons I will not go into for fear of upsetting the Beaver. She clearly does not carry the way of the Beaver in her blood. She was holding these balloons and I reached across the table for them--she just stared at me...then handed them to me, but wouldn't let go after a while.
There were a few slacker people who just stood there while the others did stuff. Uggghh. One girl was incredibly late. She showed up like, 15 minutes before the whole deal started...despite the fact we were supposed to be there an hour early.
Okay, so this girl....Idk what to call her, but yeah. When we were at state, Random Freshman told me he liked this girl. While I was at the thing, I just kept looking at her and thinking that I'll never be her. I would never want to be her. She fits nearly every stereotype, that I can think of, of a teenage girl .
I wasn't going to be all like, "Oh, I'm going to be a bitch to her." For some reason she was being a bitch to me. When she walked in, late, she walked over to the raffle table I was working at with Ju Freaking Wolf. She was all like, "Oh hi JFW, hi Beaver, hi blah blah blah." I was all like, "I guess I don't merrit a hello." So when I just said he she turned around.
When we were cleaning up the chairs and tables, I grabbed two chairs, walked to the cart, and put them on. I guess she felt the need to act like I had just done something horrible. The other volunteers were leaving, so I grabbed the other end of the table cart to HELP her. I suggested that we turn it my way to get it in easier. She decided to make it a big deal and refuse. Of course we hit the wall and she made it seem like it was my fault. That cart is now shoved over in the corner of the fence rather than in the empty spot it should be in because she didn't want to turn it.
Maybe I was just seeing things that were not there...Or maybe she just hates me.
Thursday, June 22, 2006
I watched it again...
So I watched Rocky Horror Picture Show a "few" more times. Every time I watch it, I find something more to enjoy. Yesterday I watched it with the commentary switched on...that was amusing.
That pretty much consisted of the guy who plays Riff Raff (Richard O'Brien...who also wrote the words and music/lyrics for the movie/play) and the chick who plays Magenta (Patricia Quinn)gossiping over what's happened over the past 20 years since the movie first came out. They talked over the entire movie, so I got a chance to not pay attention to the movie and watch the background and crap.
Is it kinda weird that they eat Meat Loaf's character? Seriously, they eat Meat Loaf.
I've been making a list of some really sweet lyrics (some of which are from Rocky Horror Picture Show because those lyrics are all kickass) that I shall post some time later.
Meat Loaf's next CD is coming out soon. I'm pumped. It's the third installment to the Bat Out of Hell thinger. It's called Bat out of Hell III: The Moster is Loose and looks kinda like this...
We had our soccer banquet Tuesday. I won the hustle award. It was sweet. Coach Desotelle called me "a vicious little dog who can take a hit...who needs to grow four more inches."
I also lettered, so that's cool.
Somebody remind me to contact HWSFRN by next Saturday. Seriously. I really don't want to call him, but I feel it is necessary. Maybe I'll just have Beaver or Peanuts deliver a message to him...they all work at the same facility.
Heck, I could even drag myself down to The Dub and do it myself.
That pretty much consisted of the guy who plays Riff Raff (Richard O'Brien...who also wrote the words and music/lyrics for the movie/play) and the chick who plays Magenta (Patricia Quinn)gossiping over what's happened over the past 20 years since the movie first came out. They talked over the entire movie, so I got a chance to not pay attention to the movie and watch the background and crap.
Is it kinda weird that they eat Meat Loaf's character? Seriously, they eat Meat Loaf.
I've been making a list of some really sweet lyrics (some of which are from Rocky Horror Picture Show because those lyrics are all kickass) that I shall post some time later.
Meat Loaf's next CD is coming out soon. I'm pumped. It's the third installment to the Bat Out of Hell thinger. It's called Bat out of Hell III: The Moster is Loose and looks kinda like this...

We had our soccer banquet Tuesday. I won the hustle award. It was sweet. Coach Desotelle called me "a vicious little dog who can take a hit...who needs to grow four more inches."
I also lettered, so that's cool.
Somebody remind me to contact HWSFRN by next Saturday. Seriously. I really don't want to call him, but I feel it is necessary. Maybe I'll just have Beaver or Peanuts deliver a message to him...they all work at the same facility.
Heck, I could even drag myself down to The Dub and do it myself.
Friday, June 16, 2006
just another step to the stereotypical dork
So I went to the eye doctor today.
Part way through the thing she was all like, "Um, do you get a lot of headaches?" Hmmm...let me think...oh wait, I've been medicated for headaches for what seems like eternity.
Well, it turns out I have an astigmatism in one eye and I'm nearsighted in the other.
I need glasses.
I picked out some sweet red ones with thick frames.
Part way through the thing she was all like, "Um, do you get a lot of headaches?" Hmmm...let me think...oh wait, I've been medicated for headaches for what seems like eternity.
Well, it turns out I have an astigmatism in one eye and I'm nearsighted in the other.
I need glasses.
I picked out some sweet red ones with thick frames.
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Stupid thing isn't allowing me to change the coloring...
How Wisconsin are you.
[ ] You were born in Wisconsin
[x] You can taste a difference in cheese or milk made somewhere else. (or have never tasted cheese or milk from somewhere else)
[] You own at least one tie with a or peice of jewelry with a Green Bay Packer theme.
[x] You can find and pronounce : Eau Claire, Oconomowoc, Menomonee Falls, Waukesha, and La Crosse, Fond du Lac.
[x] You can correctly spell Milwaukee.
Total: 3
[x] You know what "bubbler" means.
[] Your pretty sure your parents (especially father) will dis-own you if you stop being a Packer fan.
[x] When the weather hits 0 degrees you decide that maybe it's time to get out a jacket instead of a sweatshirt.
[x] You know what a brat is, and they're at every outdoor event that your family has ever had.
[x] You know how to make a very good sled out of normal household items.
Total: 4
[] You family owns a "winter car" while the "good one" sits in the garage from Nov-Apr.
[x] Your put ketchup on a charcoal grilled NY strip steak.
[] You can make sense out of the words "upnort" and "Trivers".
[] You can visit Luxemburg, Holland, Belgium, Denmark, Berlin, New London & Poland all in one afternoon.
[x] At least twice a year, the kitchen doubles as a meat processing plant or cannery.
Total: 2
[ ] You consider using your life savings to go to a Packer game
[x] Down South to you means Chicago.
[x] You don't have a coughing fit from one sip of Pabst Blue Ribbon.
[x..if I'm making fun of a Kennan/Catawban] You can use the word "ya der hey" easily in a sentence
[ ] Your whole family wears green and gold to church on Sunday.
Total: 3
[] You own a cheesehead
[x] You know how to polka
[] You're a member of the Polar Bear Club and proud of it.
[] You know what a FIB is and can spot them a mile away.
[] You think of the major four food groups as cheese, beer, brats and sausages.
Total: 1
[ ] You have eaten a cow pie at the State Fair.
[x] You know several people who have hit a deer.
[x] Your school classes were canceled because of the cold.
[ ] Your school classes were canceled because of the heat.
[x] You switch from "heat" to "A/C" in the same day.
Total: 3
[x] There was at least one kid in your class who had to help milk cows in the morning
[] You have ever partied at Summerfest, Festa Italiana, German Fest, Irish Fest, or Oktoberfest.
[] You have partied at all of the above mentioned fest and some others
[x] You or someone you know was a "Dairy Princess" at a county fair.
[x] You have cow pharaphenilia around your house, including your pajama pants
Total: 3
[x] You measure distance in hours.
[x] You drive at 65 mph through 2 feet of snow during a raging blizzard, without flinching.
[] You think vegetarians shouldnt be allowed period
[x] You have ever worn your Halloween costume over a snowsuit.
[x] You know what cow-tipping is.
Total: 4
[x] Its called soda.
[x] You bring your groceries home in a bag.. (uh... who doesn't...?)
[x] You consider Madison exotic.
[x] You buy cat litter every winter, but you don't own a cat.
[x] You have used your hand as a map of Wisconsin.
Total: 5
[] You think the start of deer season is a national holiday.
[x] You were unaware there is a legal drinking age.
[] You refer to the Packers as "we".
[x...we have a bar and a church on every freaking corner!] You have ever been to a city with more bars then stores and churches combined
[] You believe Wisconsin really is the good life and could never leave.
Total: 2
Grand Total: 30
Now Multiply by 2 and repost as "I'm ___% wisconsin"
[ ] You were born in Wisconsin
[x] You can taste a difference in cheese or milk made somewhere else. (or have never tasted cheese or milk from somewhere else)
[] You own at least one tie with a or peice of jewelry with a Green Bay Packer theme.
[x] You can find and pronounce : Eau Claire, Oconomowoc, Menomonee Falls, Waukesha, and La Crosse, Fond du Lac.
[x] You can correctly spell Milwaukee.
Total: 3
[x] You know what "bubbler" means.
[] Your pretty sure your parents (especially father) will dis-own you if you stop being a Packer fan.
[x] When the weather hits 0 degrees you decide that maybe it's time to get out a jacket instead of a sweatshirt.
[x] You know what a brat is, and they're at every outdoor event that your family has ever had.
[x] You know how to make a very good sled out of normal household items.
Total: 4
[] You family owns a "winter car" while the "good one" sits in the garage from Nov-Apr.
[x] Your put ketchup on a charcoal grilled NY strip steak.
[] You can make sense out of the words "upnort" and "Trivers".
[] You can visit Luxemburg, Holland, Belgium, Denmark, Berlin, New London & Poland all in one afternoon.
[x] At least twice a year, the kitchen doubles as a meat processing plant or cannery.
Total: 2
[ ] You consider using your life savings to go to a Packer game
[x] Down South to you means Chicago.
[x] You don't have a coughing fit from one sip of Pabst Blue Ribbon.
[x..if I'm making fun of a Kennan/Catawban] You can use the word "ya der hey" easily in a sentence
[ ] Your whole family wears green and gold to church on Sunday.
Total: 3
[] You own a cheesehead
[x] You know how to polka
[] You're a member of the Polar Bear Club and proud of it.
[] You know what a FIB is and can spot them a mile away.
[] You think of the major four food groups as cheese, beer, brats and sausages.
Total: 1
[ ] You have eaten a cow pie at the State Fair.
[x] You know several people who have hit a deer.
[x] Your school classes were canceled because of the cold.
[ ] Your school classes were canceled because of the heat.
[x] You switch from "heat" to "A/C" in the same day.
Total: 3
[x] There was at least one kid in your class who had to help milk cows in the morning
[] You have ever partied at Summerfest, Festa Italiana, German Fest, Irish Fest, or Oktoberfest.
[] You have partied at all of the above mentioned fest and some others
[x] You or someone you know was a "Dairy Princess" at a county fair.
[x] You have cow pharaphenilia around your house, including your pajama pants
Total: 3
[x] You measure distance in hours.
[x] You drive at 65 mph through 2 feet of snow during a raging blizzard, without flinching.
[] You think vegetarians shouldnt be allowed period
[x] You have ever worn your Halloween costume over a snowsuit.
[x] You know what cow-tipping is.
Total: 4
[x] Its called soda.
[x] You bring your groceries home in a bag.. (uh... who doesn't...?)
[x] You consider Madison exotic.
[x] You buy cat litter every winter, but you don't own a cat.
[x] You have used your hand as a map of Wisconsin.
Total: 5
[] You think the start of deer season is a national holiday.
[x] You were unaware there is a legal drinking age.
[] You refer to the Packers as "we".
[x...we have a bar and a church on every freaking corner!] You have ever been to a city with more bars then stores and churches combined
[] You believe Wisconsin really is the good life and could never leave.
Total: 2
Grand Total: 30
Now Multiply by 2 and repost as "I'm ___% wisconsin"
Monday, June 12, 2006
Did I mention I don't like those kind of movies?
How come every time Marenisco comes to town there is always a bad movie in the theater? Seriously. Last time it was March of the Penguins and this time it was Cars.
I'm not a big one for little kid movies. Seriously, I hate Finding Nemo and if I never watch Madigascar again it'll be too soon.
However, I went for the sake of spending time with my buddy from Michigan. Throughout the movie we kept screaming "Mater!" At one point I thought we might've gone a bit too far when some people across from us were all like, "Shut up!"
Changing the topic.
Did anyone else catch the USA vs. Czech Republic game this morning? It was a sad let down. We lost 3-0. The announcer people were saying USA has never advanced in a World Cup in which they lost their debut game. Uggghh. I also watched the Italy Ghana game...that was amazing. In the last seven minutes this one guy, forget his name, from the Italy team got the ball, took it down field, bipassed the sweep, the goalie came out to the edge of the box, the Italy player made a cut, and barely tapped the ball into the net. IT WAS AMAZING!!!
Tomorrow Brazil had a game, and I'm having my mom tape it for me 'cause I have to work. I can't wait to see Ronaldinho and his mad ball skills.
I'm not a big one for little kid movies. Seriously, I hate Finding Nemo and if I never watch Madigascar again it'll be too soon.
However, I went for the sake of spending time with my buddy from Michigan. Throughout the movie we kept screaming "Mater!" At one point I thought we might've gone a bit too far when some people across from us were all like, "Shut up!"
Changing the topic.
Did anyone else catch the USA vs. Czech Republic game this morning? It was a sad let down. We lost 3-0. The announcer people were saying USA has never advanced in a World Cup in which they lost their debut game. Uggghh. I also watched the Italy Ghana game...that was amazing. In the last seven minutes this one guy, forget his name, from the Italy team got the ball, took it down field, bipassed the sweep, the goalie came out to the edge of the box, the Italy player made a cut, and barely tapped the ball into the net. IT WAS AMAZING!!!
Tomorrow Brazil had a game, and I'm having my mom tape it for me 'cause I have to work. I can't wait to see Ronaldinho and his mad ball skills.
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Our band consists of 90-some people, but for the parade today roughly 30 showed up.
Pink Piggy, Beaver, Manny, My Favorite Blonde, J-J, the freshman French horn player I am yet to name, Random Freshman, HWSFRN, and a whole bunch of my other friends didn't show.
I was lonely and alone. Seriously. Ju Freaking Wolf rode with Sister-sister, so I was veging out on the bus alone. I had these freshmen girls sitting behind me. Back in middle school I remember them both as being pretty neat 6th graders. I believe they may be in the running for the coolest freshman title. Uggghh, I tried counting the amount of times they said "Oh...My...God...." Highly amusing stuff.
Hmmm, during the parade I was shoved into the front row due to the lack of tuba and barry sax players. I was in the front left column, do you know how much that sucked? Seriously, ever time we took a right corner (two) I had to run to keep up with my row and the guy I was marching next to was laughing hysterically. Grandpa Stick and Ju Freaking Wolf were behind me and they were just all like, "Look at her run!"
Jedi Hansolo showed up, but then again, he does live in that general area. I heart him. I went to give him a hug and instead of pushing me away he actually let me hug him. Then of course I pointed out he was wearing the pants I "got into." Oh, that's one of the pictures I have......Yay.
Pink Piggy, Beaver, Manny, My Favorite Blonde, J-J, the freshman French horn player I am yet to name, Random Freshman, HWSFRN, and a whole bunch of my other friends didn't show.
I was lonely and alone. Seriously. Ju Freaking Wolf rode with Sister-sister, so I was veging out on the bus alone. I had these freshmen girls sitting behind me. Back in middle school I remember them both as being pretty neat 6th graders. I believe they may be in the running for the coolest freshman title. Uggghh, I tried counting the amount of times they said "Oh...My...God...." Highly amusing stuff.
Hmmm, during the parade I was shoved into the front row due to the lack of tuba and barry sax players. I was in the front left column, do you know how much that sucked? Seriously, ever time we took a right corner (two) I had to run to keep up with my row and the guy I was marching next to was laughing hysterically. Grandpa Stick and Ju Freaking Wolf were behind me and they were just all like, "Look at her run!"
Jedi Hansolo showed up, but then again, he does live in that general area. I heart him. I went to give him a hug and instead of pushing me away he actually let me hug him. Then of course I pointed out he was wearing the pants I "got into." Oh, that's one of the pictures I have......Yay.
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Hmm...that's odd
I finally had most of my pictures from the band trip developed. I'm so pissed off my picture of the gorilla giving me the finger didn't turn out! Ugggghh...however, the one of the giant cat thing licking its balls turned out perfectly.
The odd thing about the pictures?
Well, there's a whole bunch of pictures of people playing Marco Polo in the pool. I mean a lot of pictures....I don't remember taking that many.
There are also six different pictures of HWSFRN mounting a giant statue of a turtle. I mean, there are other people in the pictures, but he is in EVERY one.
He was hassling me about the one I took of him and his "Bomb." In other words, his massive burrito. However, those pictures are on my other camera that has yet to be finished.
Gosh, it just made me think of how much fun that band trip was. There is even an excellent picture of me wearing Beaver's clothes...along with Jedi's pants. Oh, due to Pink Piggy and I discussing boys and their names, Where's the Garbae is now known as Jedi. Or Jedi Han Solo despite the fact Han Solo is not a Jedi. If you know Jedi, you get the joke.
Hmmm...what else are a few new names we came up with...Bowling Pin is now Manny. She tried renaming Random Freshman Syd, but I wouldn't let her.
Which brings me to the whole Random Freshman being a sophomore. Random Sophomore just does not fit--AT ALL. Hmmm...what to do....what to do? The way I see it, I have two options:
a.) shorten his name to Random
b.) keep Random Freshman
It's a hard decision to make. I think I may ask him what he wishes (and then veto (sp?) if I wish) while at the Lumberman's Day Parade. If it hasn't already passed, that is. I should really check and see what the date of that beast is.
Oh, and I hath dubbed myself "Lord of the Blog."
Lemons squeezed.
The odd thing about the pictures?
Well, there's a whole bunch of pictures of people playing Marco Polo in the pool. I mean a lot of pictures....I don't remember taking that many.
There are also six different pictures of HWSFRN mounting a giant statue of a turtle. I mean, there are other people in the pictures, but he is in EVERY one.
He was hassling me about the one I took of him and his "Bomb." In other words, his massive burrito. However, those pictures are on my other camera that has yet to be finished.
Gosh, it just made me think of how much fun that band trip was. There is even an excellent picture of me wearing Beaver's clothes...along with Jedi's pants. Oh, due to Pink Piggy and I discussing boys and their names, Where's the Garbae is now known as Jedi. Or Jedi Han Solo despite the fact Han Solo is not a Jedi. If you know Jedi, you get the joke.
Hmmm...what else are a few new names we came up with...Bowling Pin is now Manny. She tried renaming Random Freshman Syd, but I wouldn't let her.
Which brings me to the whole Random Freshman being a sophomore. Random Sophomore just does not fit--AT ALL. Hmmm...what to do....what to do? The way I see it, I have two options:
a.) shorten his name to Random
b.) keep Random Freshman
It's a hard decision to make. I think I may ask him what he wishes (and then veto (sp?) if I wish) while at the Lumberman's Day Parade. If it hasn't already passed, that is. I should really check and see what the date of that beast is.
Oh, and I hath dubbed myself "Lord of the Blog."
Lemons squeezed.
Sunday, June 04, 2006
A few days ago I was talking to HWSFRN about completely stupid stuff. Somehow the topic switched over to Madison. He said something along the lines of I should look into going to Madison. Haha.
I would love to go to Madison. Honestly, just being in the city gives me this feeling like I'm at home despite the fact I live hours away.
The crap-shoot?
I didn't even care about my grades until I was standing infront of Bascom Hall. Of course, by then I had already let myself slip. Yeah, my GPA isn't horrid, but it isn't good enough to get me where I actually want to go. Some statistics that I found say the average ACT score for freshmen at UW is 26--STATE AVERAGE IS 22!!! There is no freaking way I'm going to get a 26 on my ACT.
Pink Piggy thinks I'm worrying over nothing because we got back the results of some crap-ass standardized test we took earlier in the year and I scored advanced in every category. That means crap to me!
My dad and I just had a "talk" about my future. Oh wait, he just tried to talk me out of going to a "large" college. He wants me to "reconsider" my interest in Madison. I made a joke about how if I don't get into UW I'll just apply to Edgewood (also in Madison). Then of course he said, "I see you as a small-town girl, not a big towner. If you go to a big college you'll get eaten alive and bad things will happen."
Switching topics now.
I take my driving test tomorrow. I'm scared out of my mind. The place I'm testing in has traffic I've never driven in before--it's nuts. Yeah, I know it's not bad, but today was the first time I've ever driven in any type of traffic. ( that I think about it...I think the whole "If I can't handle this traffic what am I going to do in Madison?" comment lead to the whole college talk with my dad)
So at 8:30 tomorrow morning I'm going to be trapped in my Barney Mobile with someone I've never met trying to muster up some driving skill I do not have.
Wish me luck!
I would love to go to Madison. Honestly, just being in the city gives me this feeling like I'm at home despite the fact I live hours away.
The crap-shoot?
I didn't even care about my grades until I was standing infront of Bascom Hall. Of course, by then I had already let myself slip. Yeah, my GPA isn't horrid, but it isn't good enough to get me where I actually want to go. Some statistics that I found say the average ACT score for freshmen at UW is 26--STATE AVERAGE IS 22!!! There is no freaking way I'm going to get a 26 on my ACT.
Pink Piggy thinks I'm worrying over nothing because we got back the results of some crap-ass standardized test we took earlier in the year and I scored advanced in every category. That means crap to me!
My dad and I just had a "talk" about my future. Oh wait, he just tried to talk me out of going to a "large" college. He wants me to "reconsider" my interest in Madison. I made a joke about how if I don't get into UW I'll just apply to Edgewood (also in Madison). Then of course he said, "I see you as a small-town girl, not a big towner. If you go to a big college you'll get eaten alive and bad things will happen."
Switching topics now.
I take my driving test tomorrow. I'm scared out of my mind. The place I'm testing in has traffic I've never driven in before--it's nuts. Yeah, I know it's not bad, but today was the first time I've ever driven in any type of traffic. ( that I think about it...I think the whole "If I can't handle this traffic what am I going to do in Madison?" comment lead to the whole college talk with my dad)
So at 8:30 tomorrow morning I'm going to be trapped in my Barney Mobile with someone I've never met trying to muster up some driving skill I do not have.
Wish me luck!
Thursday, June 01, 2006
A lonely summer for Lemons
It's the first day of summer, and I'm already bored senseless.
I hate sitting at home, but I hate going outside.
I woke up at 10:30 and then took a nap from 1:00-3:00. AHHHHH!!!
I've already watched Rocky Horror Picture Show twice.
My plans for the summer?
I hate sitting at home, but I hate going outside.
I woke up at 10:30 and then took a nap from 1:00-3:00. AHHHHH!!!
I've already watched Rocky Horror Picture Show twice.
My plans for the summer?
- work at the Dollar
- work at the fair
- volunteer at the library
- read
- start "working out" for dance season (which starts in like...November)
I have a feeling this summer will not be any different from any other. Of course that means I might see some of my closer friends once in the next three months.
So long to good times with friends and hello to me sitting infront of the TV watching Rocky Horror Picture Show for the umpteenth time eating whatever I can find.
It's not like I don't try to see my friends, but it seems like whenever I pick up the phone to call someone they're not home or they already have plans with another friend.
Then of course there's the rant I will not even get into for fear of losing my insanity.
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