Monday, February 27, 2006
Oh Geez
For those of you who wish to view it see my display picture or my locker.
Except for Beaver.
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Dream Interpretation
Idk why, but it intrigues me to look at it. Not like that. It's just the way that toward the center the petals are still the original color of bright red, but along the edges it's more of a darker, purplish color that just makes it look freaking sweet.
Last night I as I lay trying to fall asleep, I was just looking at it. I am guessing that is probably why I had a dream about Random Freshman once I finally fell asleep.
The dream itself was odd--it was a few memories I have kinda shoved together to form something weird.
It kinda started back in the days of our Posse. (For those of you who are not informed about the Posse, it was basicly just a group of people who were ALWAYS together to the point where most of us now hate eachother. It consisted of Myself (obviously), Pink Piggy, Whelk Boy, Junior Miss Wisconsin, Mo, E, Beaver, ALL THE WAY AROUND, Soccer, Steal, G-string, Grandpa Stick, and Random Freshman.)
The specific memory was the day our table was sitting and staring at the stupid message board. Every time the dog ran, a bomb (you can't have a bomb in school) would explode and the thinger would reset--well, we all decided to cheer as loudly as we could whenever it reset. For some reason I had a dream about this day...only I was being shunned to sit on the floor so RF joined me. Steal was being Steal and decided she wouldn't have that....
Some stuff happened that I will not say and the dream switched to another memory. It was of this past summer when Man-pretty came over and we watched Napoleon Dynamite and Troy together. The only difference was that instead of Man-pretty, Random Freshman was there, but he was acting as Man-pretty did on that day.
Idk what to think of it all. I'm not even sure why I'm writing about it, but I just found it interesting. I've been picking it apart, and I think I may have found some sort of meaning to my unconcious thoughts.
Good times.
Friday, February 24, 2006
Good times.
I have decided against giving details and just sticking with the following:
I pretty much spent most of the day with Random Freshman.
For some reason someone has dubbed RF as **** "The Animal" ********, and he gets pissed when people call him that because not even he knows the meaning.
Random Freshman deserves the name because he is, quite literally, one of the most random people I know.
Man-pretty is one of the most amusing people I know.
I came to a disturbing realization that scares me.
"Outsiders" by Franz Ferdinand is a freaking great song.
We've seen some change
But we're still outsiders
If everybody's here
Then hell knows
We ride alone
I've seen some years
But you're still my Caesar
With everything I feel
I feel you've already been here
The only difference is all I see is now all that I've seen
It's bright on the outside
The bright love the dark side
I know it's obvious
But sometimes
You just have to say it
So you don't feel so weak
About being such a freak
Or alone
In seventeen years
Will you still be Camille
Lee Miller, Gala or whatever
You know what I mean, yeah
Love'll die
Lovers fade
But you still remain there
Squeezing in your fingers
What it means for me to be
The only difference is what might be is now what might have been
When you saw me sleeping
You thought I was dreaming of you
I didn't tell you
That the only dream
Is Valium for me
The only difference is that
What Might Be Is NOW
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
According to Beaver, RF has PMS...ok...
Uggghh. I'm getting really pissed at all the people who keep coming up to me and asking "What's up with you and Man-pretty?" It's like people have never seen two people date and then be friends afterwards. Idk why, lately it's been a really big deal for people to see us sitting next to eachother at the basketball game. Ooooooooo strange. Yeah, w/e.
I'm excited dance is over. I mean, I'll miss it but yeah. I have to start working on my soccer skills. Homecoming Queen was telling me how "out of shape" she is. Yeah right. She's pure freaking rock. If she's out of shape...I'm pretty much screwed.
So during Adv. Algebra, I went over and was talking to Beavs. He has an "anti-Lemons" logo freaking thing on his stupid book cover. Hmmm...how nice. He's not allowed to play Chuck Norris anymore. Oh yeah, I said it.
Monday, February 20, 2006
Dora, I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to kill your brother
He pulled his stuff right infront of my locker so I had to step on it to get to my stuff. He just stood there in my way for five freaking minutes. I tried to do the creepy thing and stand two inches away from him so MAYBE he'll feel awkward and walk away but NO. He continued to stand there and scrape off all the black mold on his reed.
I wonder how this guy could possibly be related to Dora. In this situation Dora probably would have shoved the person over and been all like "Time to move--NOW!"
*Sigh* I miss Dora.
Beaver is plotting.
Somehow Beaver, Random Freshman, and I were all together before the concert, so we all just sat together or whatever. It started out with RF in the middle, but that didn't work out well 'cause Beavs and I had to keep talking around him. They had a mini orgy (don't feel bad if you don't understand the joke--you basicly had to be there) and switched seats.
Part way through the concert Beaver leaned over and announced "This is how it's going to go down....." He started telling me about how I was going to have my hand strategicly placed so that it would be in easy access to Random Freshman or whatever. Keep in mind Random Freshman was sitting right next to Beaver while he was saying this. Good times.
Another mini orgy took place and I was again sitting next to Random Freshman.
Nothing really happened except for the telling of a Beaver joke (Beaver does not clap--others clap for Beaver) and a Chuck Norris joke that made little to no sense but was great none the less.
I leaned over and just thanked him for the flower (pretty much a week later--gosh I'm lame) and he turned incredibly red and said no problem. Good times.
We had to get up and get all our crap together for the band section of the concert. Random Freshman is my witness that I brought out my own chair and stand because I accidentally stabbed him in the leg with a chair leg (Oops).
After all that, we kinda just went and sat back down. Beaver was nowhere to be found. Hmmmm...
So it was basicly Random Freshman and I sitting in the back of the auditorum. Uggghh. Oddly enough it was't awkward--we just sat there and made fun of That Russian Kid who was playing his GameBoy behind us. He was actually narrating along with the game as well. It was great when he started screaming "You're not my mother" to RF. Good times.
When we had to actually get on stage we pretty much f***ed it up. We kinda went on backwards.
Once again I got the shaft chair/standwise. J-J didn't have a chair or a stand and neither did I, but we both brought them out for ourselves. This is the third freaking concert where I've had to stand and wait for a chair. Beaver pretty much saved the day by running and getting chairs for J-J and I. I guess in the tenor sax section they decided it was normal to have a few extra stands among their own, so we had somebody pass them on.
I'm sorry, but people piss me off sometimes. I don't know who doesn't get their own shit, but every time it comes back to me. I hate it! Take your own freaking responsibility or you sit on the damn floor!
I would like to conclude by saying I didn't get my daily dose of Beaver earlier today, so that is why I was cranky.
Gosh, everyone who heard Beaver say that probably now thinks I'm a lesbian 'cause not many people actually know him as Beaver. Gosh.
Friday, February 17, 2006
This day in history...
Our school is diseased. On Tuesday the guys' basketball game had to be canceled because we didn't have enough players to make a team or something. They almost had to cancel the one last night as well. In one of my classes six people were gone! Betty missed Monday-Thursday.
Gosh, just shut the building down!
I was assisting a couple Student Council people with sorting out the activities lists and whatnot. I was glancing at all the people who were going to be in High Quiz Bowl with me and I swear I almost started to cry. I found Whelk Boy's name, Man-pretty's name, and Random Freshman's name. Hmmm...both exboyfriends and RF. What a lovely combination. Whelk Boy was out sick (as was half the school) and I believe Man-pretty went on to win or something of the sort.
Random Freshman is insane.
Yesterday during the assembly I went to go find Beaver and sit with him (despite the fact freshman and sophomores have to sitin our own sections or whatever). I am not that observant because it took me like five minutes to realize Random Freshman was sitting on the other side of him. He signed himself up for the tricycle races which was hilarious. No one from my homeroom volunteered to do it, so I stepped up and was able to ride it like a bike. Sadly.
Random Freshman, being the beast he is, had difficulties with the whole thing. I felt so bad for him.
Uggghh, anyway. Beaver decided he was going to make him sit next to me and we just kinda talked for the rest of the assembly.
I'm so happy that Betty is back! I still have to put make up on him 'cause we kinda got behind on our speeches and whatnot. I'm the last one to go, so I have to do mine on Monday. Fun fun. I have ALL the make up I own shoved in my locker along with my practice clothes, shoes, two sweaters, pom pons, poofy jacket, ginormous jacket, and about a zillion other school-related artefacts.
I'm afraid to take anything out! If I do I might not be able to shove the rest of it back in there.
Okay, so during Adv. Algebra we had to do this review thinger or whatever. Beaver and I usually work together on stuff, finish really early, and then play Mastermind (which Beaver cheats at because you're supposed to have FOUR pegs NOT THREE OR FIVE!!!)
Anyway, this girl didn't have anyone to work with, so she turned around and asked, "Is it okay if I work with you and The Beaver?" I said yes, obviously.
I just love it when people use the nicknames I give other people. Like, HWSFRN, he too called **** Beaver...although he completely ruined it when he actually referred to himself as "Slasher." Pffff.
I love listening to Beaver talk. I wish I could actually count the number of times he says "Oh Geez" in a day. Alas, I am in band and cannot count that high. You people should all ask Beavs about his dream 'cause it's the coolest in the world.
He has a new comeback as well. "Cause I'm The Beaver." I have to admit that it is the best comeback in the world. lol.
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
I don't care!
I'm pretty much ignoring HWSFRN. I even kicked him off my Top 8 on MySpace. Oh yeah--Sister-Sister has taken his spot.
I was actually having a NICE conversation with him. We were sitting there talking and joking around.
He was in MID-SENTENCE (couldn't even finish his thought) when one of his ex-girlfriends walked by and he had to chase after her. I was pissed.
I don't like him--he's a dilhole.
As for Random Freshman, well, I would be ignoring him as well, but it's far too hard to ignore him. Beaver was right in saying that he's a "pussy" (which completely contradicts what Face Paint said).
I was in homeroom when I received a red carnation. During band, I walked up to him to thank him, but he said he didn't send me a RED one but rather a WHITE one. He blamed the red flower on HWSFRN.
I don't even know if he likes me or not. Even if he does he's denying it. Gee, doesn't that make me feel super!!!
To top if all off, The Fool is making me make our homeroom banner all by myself because no one else in our homeroom will actually do it. I should probably go do that....
I was actually optomistic about Valentine's Day..........
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Fun day for tomorrow
I kinda really want to wear my plad skirt and green tank. Unfortunately, it's kind of inappropriate for competition.
Yeah, after school I get to sit in a van with Red, Steal, Betty's brother, Evangalista (formerly Shop Buddy), Pink Piggy, HWSFRN, and Mr. F. Good times.
I can just imagine what HWSFRN is going to say to me. I wonder if he'll be nice to me or tell me to get the hell away from him.
Dance is almost over. I feel bad saying this, but I'm glad for the break. Next comes soccer! Uggghh. I'm not even sure if we're going to have a dance team next year.
Flip and Look dropped out, plus she's graduating.
Eyes is graduating.
Homecoming Queen is graduating.
New York is graduating.
Red flat out quit.
Victim pretty much told off Coach Patty and announced she hates everyone.
So next year our team is...
Roll Around
Jelly Bean
Myself and any new freshmen that dare go out for it.
Beaver should really be on the dance team 'cause I said so--screw what his dad says.
Friday, February 10, 2006
I accidentally intentionally made my best friend cry!
Okay, so I ask--no, I BEG for you people not to talk to Random Freshman about me.
Guilty people:
- Victim
- Beaver
- Pink Piggy
- Skizzle
I walked into the bandroom after school and he and this other guy came in shortly after. We all kinda just hung out and whatnot. I think Random Freshman may have been trying to impress me with his musical abilities and ended up breaking a high-hat which I had to then fix.
I'm still confused as to why/how he likes me. I mean seriously! Way back before Homecoming I was trying to hook him an Pink Piggy up, but I started to like him so I stopped that plan. Now he likes me--how does this happen?
Pink Piggy keeps laughing at me because she finds the whole thing hilarious. During pepband he kept turning around and saying things to me that made no sense. It's rather sweet actually. The funny part was how Pink Piggy and I were actually talking ABOUT him while he was not even a foot away. Good times.
Uggghh, we had to perform on Tuesday and it was freaking hell! During JV the CD started way too early (we weren't even on the floor yet), and during Varsity the wrong CD was put in. Today, we had to do something for the middle school or whatever. We were all waiting by the door when Holan (yes, Holan) walked by, lit his torch, and ripped off all his clothes. I never in my life wanted to see Mr. Holan rip off any of this clothes. When we were actually performing, Clinton put the wrong CD in (seems we never get a break). Good times.
Tonight's performance was better I guess. Well, except for the fact my pants fell down and revealed my revealing panties. Haha, that happened at the middle school performance too. Gosh, who's idea was it to buy me a size large instead of a size medium???
For speech we have to give demonstration speeches and I'm going to demonstrate how to put on makeup. Betty agreed to be my volunteer! I think it's going to be quite fun putting makeup on such a cute guy :P I'm really excited for it. lol
Anyway...I'll leave now.
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Haha, I rock
I'm excited for Sub-District.
Oh, did I tell you guys? He Who Shall Forever Remain Nameless can go to State this year (according to Mr. F he's going to have to earn it first :P).
I think Mr. F kinda got mad at us at the meeting yesterday. I told HWSFRN that he shouldn't forget his panty-hose and he said I shouldn't dress like a skank......Good times.
Somehow HWSFRN got hold of an Oprah magazine or whatever. Gosh I wish I had a camera. He had his hip popped, legs crossed, and was reading the magazine. Wow.
Monday, February 06, 2006
Well this clears up nearly nothing...
I walked up to Random Freshman today and asked him about Wednesday. His response, "Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday....what happened Wednesday? Oh yeah...well, I can't tell you much but..................."
Right about then He Who Shall Forever Remain Nameless walked up to me and started talking really fast (for a guy). If I had to venture a guess, I'd say he's excited about something.
I have found yet another reason why our principal is incompetant. I won't get into the whole scheduling thing 'cause I could rant about that forever. However, I will get into how Coach Patty asked if the dance team could perform the 7th, 10th, and 14th over a week ago. Back then, he had no problem with it. Tonight, however, he tracked down Coach Patty and informed her that the 10th and 14th are out of the question because that is little kid night or whatever.
Two games out of the year some elementary school basketball players come to Varsity games and shoot freethrows or whatever during half-time. I don't mean they play--I mean they just dribble and whatnot.
We've been kicked out of half-time by 10-year olds.
We pretty much marched into Huft-daddy's office (myself in the lead) and basicly begged him to let us at LEAST share the half-time show or whatever.
His response: "You should have had it planned out at least six weeks in advance." Oh please. Six weeks is a bit much. We've been working our asses off over this routine for a month so we can perform it once! Yay!
Uggghh, that reminds me...I have to floof my poms. They're tiny, old, hideous gold blobs--sadly the only ones we could get a hold of in time.
Sunday, February 05, 2006
I'm lost. I'm confused and I don't think it will get any easier for a very long time. Sadly, I'm not even positive what I'm confused on. I mean, I know the whole general idea but other than that....
I hate people. I'm going to lock myself in my bedroom with my iPod and the only person who's allowed in is Man-pretty (I'm switchin' it back 'cause Donkey is just so foreign).
The reason he's the only one allowed in is because he's the only one who knows of these plans. Since more of you people (who don't currently piss me off) now know, you will be welcome.
I finally have a new year's resolution (she says nearly midway through February) and that is to buy more shoes. I don't care if I already own nearly 30 pairs--I've done some weeding and have found I don't like them all.
Fare thee well and remember not to piss me off!
Thursday, February 02, 2006
Why talk about Lemons why she's standing right there?
I'm sorry I was "in your space" while I was waiting for Bob O'Reilly's door to be unlocked. I apologize for waiting for class while infront of your lockers. I mean, when you needed to get through, I let you through. Of course, it was rude of me to continue to stand there while you three stood there gossiping. I quite loved it while you all made fun of me for "standing like I was invited there." Next time I'm waiting outside a class I'll use my super-human powers to determine whether you three dilholes will be in charge of the hallway.
While I was stretching for dance Victim started talking about me while I was right there as well. Only I must have been not paying close attention because I got uberly confused. Don't get me wrong--it was all good things being said but wow.
I got kinda shocked and was all like, "WHAT?!?! Why didn't you tell me earlier...wait, who? Why were you and Train Hat talking about me? He said what, how do you know?!?!"
I'm still in shock. IDK how this happened. I mean, it's a good thing, I guess, but uggghh!!!
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
You're the reason I'm leaving.
I'm sorry, I have that song rammed in my brain. I listened to it yesterday while I was putting makeup on and it's been lodged there ever since. Great song.