Sunday, January 29, 2006
stuff people should read.
"Love is a Place"
They laughed. They all laughed at me. All of my supposed friend laughed like I had said some kind of joke. How dare they call themselves my friends.
They found it amusing when I cried because the cafeteria reminded me of you. It was where we had our first kiss. Do you remember, Jack? Of course you don't remember. You can't remember--you're dead! Oh Jack, why did you have to leave? I need you so much right now.
Nobody understands me anymore. They just think I am being dramatic to draw more attention to myself. My parents--my own flesh and blood--say that just because we were fifteen we could not possibly have been in love. But we were. I loved you then and I love you now!
Why did you do it? Whatever it was, you could have talked to me about it. We would have worked something out. That note you left to console me didn't do much. The police had to take it because it was considered a suicide note. It doesn't matter anyhow. I still remember what it said--how could I forget your last words to me?
Dear Emma,
I love you, but there are some things even love can't conquer. I have problems you couldn't even imagine, and I don't want you getting involved. This has nothing to do with you, so please don't blame yourself. Even if you were here, there is nothing you could do to stop me. My mind is made up and I know what I have to do.
I'll always love you,
What do you mean there's nothing I could have done? I know if I had been there that afternoon things would have turned out differently--you would still be here with me. Jack, my heart is breaking. You made me realize that I was special and important. You needed me to be there for you, but I wasn't. I could have been there holding your hand and talking you out of it.
Everything that happened in my life before I met you is meaningless. Everything that has happened since your suicide has been hell.
What does it matter that we were only fifteen and in love? Is there a specific age to fall in love? Who's to say that soul mates that meet before age 21 can't possibly fall in love?
It doesn't matter what they say about our relationship. I know it was real and so do you--that's all that really matters.
I miss everything about you, Jack. You can't imagine how difficult it has been without you. My best friend in the whole world, the one person that I could tell anything to, is gone. Gone forever.
I never in a lifetime saw it ending this way. I imagined us getting married some day and having a life together. You know the saying you always hurt the one syou love? Well, I see just how true it is. I know that youloved me despite all of my flaws, yet still you hurt me in the worst way possible. You left.
When you were here, I felt like I belonged to the world. Now that you're gone, I'm a lonely soul without a guide on the path of life, and without you I'm lost.
Jack, I can't deal with this anymore. I know it's only been a month, and everyone says that it will get easier, but I know it doesn't apply to me. It'll nevr get any easier; it will only get harder. Every morning I wake up from a dream that is your face smiling down on me, and every morning I am faced with the fact I will never see your beautiful blue eyes ever again.
You are the only person who could have ever understood any of this, Jack. My love for you was what kept me going, but it's getting harder with everyone saying it wasn't real lofe. I'm tired of defending our love to countless c ritics. Love kept me going, and now, in the end, it's also what's tearing me apart.
I was down when we met, and your love helped me. I can't live without your love, so it's now clear what I have to do. Juliet said to Romeo, "and all my fortunes at thy foot I'll lay, and follow thee my lord throughout the world." Now it's my turn to follow you throught the world or rather the afterworld.
I don't care where we are as long as we're together, and the only way we can be together is in death. I don't know why it took me so long to finally see it.
In your note you said that there was nothing that I could do to stop you. Now, there's nothing you can do to stop me.
They say that it is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all. I loved and I lost you, but I'm going to get you back. I'm going t omake up my own saying now. Love is the place where two troubled souls meet and become perfectly harmonious as one. In that place, nothing matters. Not age, race, religion, or anything. That, Jack, is where I met you.
So what do all you people think? I like it. I've never done a serious monologue before, so it's a major step away from my previous performances which I totally rocked up. It's really a different challenge to do a performance that's serious. Pretty much
Yeah, here's a poem that I like. I'm not sure why I like it, I guess I just do.
Blue eyes watch me from contacts clear,
Mocking and laughing they bring a tear.
A hand outreached pushed far away.
Tears trickle from the words that slay.
Who am I to you?
A girly barely seen through your eyes so blue.
I'm the girl who hears your laugh and falls apart
with the sound of a broken heart.
You can't see much.
You're a man with no view.
All you see is a sterotype.
A sterotypical you.
Remorse flickers across those eyes.
It's then I come to realize
I hate you.
I trust you.
I love you.
I loathe you.
Can you ever be all this to me?
Alas, you are my enemy.
Falling so low.
Doubting thoughts.
Questioning you.
Bring back some sense for me to find.
Make me yours and I'll be fine.
Call me loser.
Call me lover.
Give me shelter so I can cover.
I ask this once
I implore a million more.
Let my hand find yours
in the dark of this world
Will you hold me and never let go?
I have never been more at ease
with your hateful, blissful peace.
Thursday, January 26, 2006
My day!
I guess I have been dubbed The Fool's coffee wench of second block. He went off on a 15 minute tangent about how he killed an entire family of beavers. The entire time he kept saying things like, "Then beaver came out, so I went BOOM--Beaver twitched for a very long time!" The imagry that went through my mind at the time was horrifying. The way he was telling his story was like he was killing The Beaver. However, when he said something about Daddy Beaver I knew everything was okay 'cause we ALL know Beaver's dad is Stalin.
I pretty much lead dance practice today--it was cool. I felt like I was actually in charge and in control of what people were doing. I made up parts to "YMCA" and everyone has to dance my nine eight counts! An entire chunk of the dance has Lemons written all over it--ironiclly it's the part of the song about the gay men.........
Some chick was staring at me during the wrestling match 'cause I was screaming "Go J-J! I love you J-J. Kick some Cardinal hiny! You beat that dickgina (dickgina- dick-jina-noun-the female on the PF team who resembles a man!"
The lovely night finished off with HWSFRN telling me that he thinks I'm fat and he envies my mustache. Good times. I followed him out to the student parking lot and we had a little confrontation, but I was talking to my mom on my cell phone, so that did not go over very well.
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
"...So I woke up and found something wet--no, not that!"
Anyone have any Beaver jokes? Not those kind of Beaver jokes you freaking pervs. I'm really bad at coming up with them and I need your guys' help. I've been trying to occupy myself by using class time to come up with them, but Bob O'Reilly and The Fool force me to do actual classwork.
So far my best is (literally my best--I told you people I'm bad at this)
My stupidity is directly proportional to the amount of Beaver I get daily.
The Beaver does not bleed. The Beaver simply rejects the blood. (please see the gash in Beaver's hand to understand that joke)
I probably should be working on my speech for speech. I put so much ink on my ONE notecard that it's starting to curl from being so wet. It has to be three minutes. Fun fun. It shouldn't be that bad. After all, I have to give an eight minute presentation for forensics (hmmm...should probably work on that...). Uggghh, Mr. Fuerer watched me present my forensics thing and said that I should make myself cry during it. I have a new project: making myself cry on demand. I used to be able to do it, but I've lost the talent.
I should probably post my whole little forensics piece some time for you people. It's a real shocker--especially if you've seen any of my performances prior to this year's.
Alas, that is a task for a later day. For now I am scheming up Beaver jokes, homeworking my hand off, and skimming Franz Ferdinand songs for future status messages ("I swapped my innocence for pride. Crushed the end within my stride. Said I'm strong now I know that I'm a bleeder. I love the sound of you walking away." You like? I like)!!!
Monday, January 23, 2006
The same story twice and my panties on display
The only one of my friends I sat by was Betty. Unfortunately, Bob O'Reilly moved him because he was being "trouble." New York sits in the back and we kept laughing at eachother. This should be a long quarter.
I almost fell asleep during History of Economics. The Fool literally gave exactly the same assignment to us that he gave to my driver's ed. class. Within one class period I noticed how similar the two classes are--that's sad.
I went to band and found that someone had been in my stuff. Jelly Bean claims that I have obsessive compulsive disorder (I'm pretty sure I don't!) and that is why I organize my stuff the same way every day. Well, that is how I know someone was all up in my Billy. (Billy is my French horn for all of you who have never heard my say "Time to blow Billy!") The case was open and propped up to the left of the cage. I generally have the bottom latch closed, the case in the middle of the cage, and pushed to the far back.
I was kinda pretty much pissed about that, but then HWSFRN came up behind me and told me this uber long story about how he was having the worst day ever. I shall label his story "I got boned...and then I got uber boned." because he said that phrase at least three times throught the entire thing. I laughed, went to band, played, went to the storage room where he finished the uber long story. Sadly, as we were walking down the hallway talking, Varsity walked up to us, so he had to start the whole thing over--which meant I heard it not once, but twice.
During Adv. Algebra I sit nowhere near Varsity or Beaver (who sit by eachother--lucky). At the end of the class, Beaver told me that we had a YAC meeting tonight. He forgot to tell me! Gosh Beaver.
I had light blue pants on during dance practice today, and I guess you could see my panties through them or whatever. I really didn't care 'cause you couldn't tell unless you were all up in my butt. Well, while I was stretching, Victim and Roll Around noticed the smilie face on my hiny, so I pulled down my pants a little to show them my cute drawers. Bad idea.
First off, we were in the Commons where people often pass through to get to the other side of the building. Well, one person in particular turned the corner just as my pants were down (when I say down I don't mean all the way down, I mean like an inch or three). I quickly composed myself as he kinda awkwardly smiled or whatever. Then of course Victim had to tell him what we were doing, the story of how my pants were see through, and how my drawers had a smilie face on them. He pretty much just stood there, turned red, and walked on.
Who is this guy you may ask?
Mr. Hommerding--the ancient teacher who has been teaching history at our school since the beginning of time itself.
Very not cool.
Sunday, January 22, 2006
The list
- Giant Floating Hippo
- Seth Green
- President Clinton
- Matthew Lillard
- Brandon Flowers
- Mr. Peterson
- Betty
Give me a week and the list will be down to four.
I no longer have chemistry, which means no HWSFRN and no Mr. Peterson.
No more lifeguard training (say hello to Miss Certified!) so that's a big good-bye to Giant Floating Hippo and President Clinton.
On a few good notes, I completely passed my chemistry final. A giant woot woot for that if you were one of the few people who literally saw me shaking after I left Mr. Peterson's room Friday morning. I swear I was almost in tears--that was the hardest test I've ever taken!
I passed all my certification for lifeguard training and am applying for a position at the pool as soon as I turn 16.
Giant Floating Hippo decided to be "open" with me and announced that his shorts were about to fall off. He busted open his chin, so he couldn't swim the final day, but he did end up taking off his shirt for no apparant reason. I "accidentally" kinda flirted with him after that.
Tomorrow starts a new quarter along with new classes.
1st Block-Speech
2nd Block-History of Economics
4th Block-Adv. Algebra. with Beaver, Varsity, and My Favorite Blonde (who ironically is no longer blonde 'cause she dyed her hair purple).
My grades for this quarter were freaking awesome. I managed an A- in chemistry, an A in biology, an A in band, an A in English, and an A- in lifeguard training. I have to admit that is the first gym class that I've managed to get an A in :P
I begged New York to let me do the choreography for the "YMCA" section of our dance routing. She willingly (after days of begging her) agreed to let me do the entire thing by myself. I pretty much only wanted it so I could do the sprinnkler! Yeah, I was listening to it and I realized it was 9 full 8 counts. I have my work cut out for me. I should probably be doing that, but I'm not.
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Beaver slapped, once again
I really hurt my back. I'm not sure if it was from dance or swimming. I think it may be pretty much better, but I have to go back to the doctor's office to make sure. Blah.
On Tuesday I was waiting for pepband to start, so I pulled out my secret black notebook that contains a whole bunch of poems I've written and junk. Well, Donkey came in and I guess I got up and left the notebook on the table. About an hour later I realized it was missing and found it a few minutes later in a spot I had not left it. I really hope no one read that beast.
I desperately need a job. Tomorrow I shall receive my certification for being a lifeguard. If worse comes to worse I'm applying at the pool when I turn 16.
Yeah, my mom is forcing me to apply at the same store Donkey and Sister-Sister work at. The sad thing is that I know for a fact if I apply there I would get a job. My mom has "connections."
I accidentally felt up President Poseur. I was spine-boarding him during lifeguard training today and when I went to go tighten one of the straps I didn't quite realize where my hand was....bit awkward on my part. I just moved my hand and asked him if he was cold.
Oddly enough--about two hours before I molested him I made a joke and asked him to hang out with me this weekend. He said no....but it was all in good humor.
Uggghh, everyone think of me between 8:25 am-9:55 'cause I have a chemistry final.
Everyone think of me between 10:00-11:30 'cause I have a biology test.
Everyone think of me between 1:55-3:25 'cause I'll be finishin' up my lifeguard training tests.
I was so freaked out today. I was walking to homeroom and out of the corner of my eye I saw somebody I didn't recognize. I just figured it was a new kid or something. Then of course I did a double take and recognized the guy wasn't new, but he did cut his hair, shaved his dirty sanchez, and put on a shirt without stains. This guy just so happened to be Whelk Boy--I was stunned because even with out the 'stash he looks high.
The other night I had a dream I was at my locker and he came up and put his arms around me. I couldn't pull him off me or anything and everyone turned to see us together. Somehow had control of me and what I said to my friends. I literally woke up, sat bolt upright, and found myself breathing heavier than I should have been. Odd feeling.
The Fool threatened to give me a detention because I was sitting in his box. I'm sorry, but if you leave a box sitting on the floor the likely hood of me trying to sit in it is VERY high. It was pretty fun until I got a cramp in my leg and then realized I was stuck in the blasted thing.
I would like to leave you all with the following:
The Beaver is not hung like the horse--the horse is hung like The Beaver.
When The Beaver enters water, The Beaver does not get wet--the water gets Beaver.
....there's a few more, but Beaver will have to write them down for me.
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Here's my beaver--tan it.
I was walking through the building trying to wake myself and this guy came up behind me and kept saying "Hi Amy." My name pretty much isn't Amy, so I really didn't think to respond. He started tapping me on the shoulder and was all like, "Amy, why won't you say hi...or can't you hear all the way down there?" I made up some excuse and we talked for a little bit. I didn't have the heart to correct him. I told Donkey about it and he laughed at me. Now whenever I hear somebody say Amy I have to pay attention 'cause they might be talking to me.....
I'm sure most of you now that I've been freaking about my Chemistry Exam V and all that I had today. I walked into chemistry shaking because this is the last test we have before our final sometime next week. It took an hour and a half, but I finished it and then moved on to biology. I sat down next to Locker Buddy who asked "Ready for the test?" I was so freaked over chemistry I forgot about the biology test. I did okay on it I guess...could've done better, but hey....
During lunch I was talking to Big P who said something about the tests we had today during lifeguard training. I guess I missed that message....Luckily I skipped 4th block today 'cause The Fool took me out driving.
I now remember exactly why I call The Fool what I do. He was acting out some kind of event that happened to him over the summer (I wasn't payin' attention to him), and all of a sudden he held up his hand and said "Here's my beaver--tan it." I looked over at Sir Duct Tape and we giggled. The Fool started telling me something about how he knocked up his wife and the plans he has for his babies. Amusing teacher...I have him next quarter for History of Economics. Fun fun.
I was walking down the hall after school when He Who Shall Forever Remain Nameless caught up to me. He and I started talking about something and I got a WEE bit distracted. He was headed out to the student parking lot and I was headed down the same hall but only to the auditorium for dance practice. I completely missed the door and kept walking with him until he walked out the tan doors and then I just turned down the other way to the band room like I had been headed there all along. I felt like such a fool.
Anyway...while we were walking he said something about my being called Lemons. He just realized that I am the Lemons chick that added him on his MySpace thinger. Within two seconds of knowing my nickname he comes out with this incredibly dirty joke. I was completely stunned at how fast his mind works. I mean--wow. I looked up at him, he smiled at me, and I pretty much couldn't talk after that.
I hate how he does that. I know exactly what I want to say to him, but when he actually looks at me it's like I can't control what I say and I generally just pop out a "You're stupid" or "You're a freaking loser." He'll just totally burn me and we'll go on our merry way.
Just once I want to be all like, "Yeah well...you're a loser, but I like you anyway" I wonder what he'd say to that. I could always give it a shot tomorrow, but he'll probably look at me with his blue eyes (he's the only guy I've ever liked that DOESN'T have brown eyes) and I'll forget what I was going to say.
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
All that I've been looking forward to....
She thinks it's "cute" how I have a crush on him and how I smile when he talks to me. Anyway, he walked halfway down the hall, turned around and came up to me and said he has to take his ACTs on April 8th. April 8th is also the day of State Forensics. I have pretty much been looking forward to this because of how much fun I had with him last year.
His purpose of coming up to me was to tell me that he found out something else that is also taking place on April 8th--Prom. He's all pissed 'cause he doesn't want to miss his junior prom and what not. Okay, I was planning on going to prom as well, so that just completely screws me up as well!
My plan:
Leave for Madison on Friday morning with the team...perform Friday night or Saturday morning and then shop the rest of the time. Leave REALLY early, ride in the van/bus for 4 hours, get home, strap on a prom dress, and go have some fun.
Sound good? I hope it works. lol
I'm just kinda sad that HWSFRN can't go to State. I hope he still goes to prom.
It's a long way off. Who knows what could happen between now and then. I mean, if enough people approach the prom committee they might change the date. Probably not.
Uggghh...I'm sad.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Sign language Beaver style
I walked into the band storage room and attempted to have a serious conversation with HWSFRN. It started out great--somehow he called me a whore and a lesbian at the same time, but it was actually funny. Yeah, he dumped Flute yesterday, so I was going to "subtly hint" that I like him (in other words, outright tell him). I had a vague idea of what I was going to say, but when we started talking it went downhill from there. Luckily Varsity came in and stole his cork grease, so I left.
During lunch I found out there was a forensics meeting after school today. I guess it was announced this morning, but I have The Fool for homeroom, so half the time I don't even know if the P.A. system is on or not.
Anyway, I finished with lifeguard training and headed toward Mr. Feurer's office. Let me stress the point that my hair was soaking wet and I had no makeup on. I turned the corner through door and who's the first person I see? If you guessed HWSFRN you get a makebelieve cookie. I sat next to him and I swear we were acting like little girls. More people arrived and the meeting actually started. He and I were just sitting in the corner giggling to ourselves. It started out with an actual conversation, but somehow we just started making noises (oddly enough I knew EXACTLY what he was trying to say and he did as well). Mr. Fuerer just looked at us funny as we continued to laugh about nothing. I said the word "van" and we both started going "doink, doink, doink"...no one else really gets it, but it was immensely funny. The dates of competition were passed out and HWSFRN announced that he's taking his ACTs the same day as State. I haven't been this sad in a long time. I was having a lot of fun just goofing off with him and stuff. It reminded me of why I like him.
He and I walked back down to the high school (Mr. Fuerer's office is in the M.S.) together and discussed last year at Madison. He was talking about how he and Betty's brother are the only upper classmen on the team and that I "kinda" know what I'm doing. I pointed out the fact that I went to State as a freshman and he did not....fun fun.
Now here's the weird part--
He went into the office and I continued down sophomore hall. I was at my locker talking to Roll Around and he came up from behind me carrying all his stuff from junior hall. If you've ever been to PHS you'd know that the easiest route from the office to junior hall is straight through sophomore hall. However, HWSFRN did not use that route. He must have gone down senior hall, through freshmen, and then to junior. When he turned around the corner into sophomore he looked surprised to see I was still at my locker. Did he go all the way around the school to avoid me? Blah
I was pondering this all at dance practice (held in the auditorium booya!) New York was drilling us on tumbling and what not today, so it was cool. I used to be really good at throwing myself around and crap but not anymore. My first attempt landed me on the stage laying on my side. I did a cartwheel fairly well, but when it came to the round-off New York told me to do it again. I again got in line and hurled myself over the wooden floor. She started laughing and said, "Why is it that you can't do a simple round-off, but you can do a back-hand spring like it's nothing?" Apparently whenever I try to do a round-off I twist a little too much and land it like a back-hand spring. Rather cool considering the fact I'm the only one on the team who can do one!
Monday, January 09, 2006
Horny Goatweed puts something warm in your stomach--be proud
I was so hyper today. I honestly thought Mr. Peterson was going to kick me out of chemistry because I wouldn't stop giggling. It all started out when Varisty spilled milk on herself in a very interesting spot. Not only was it milk, but it was right in the place where women tend to lactate....
Then of course Mr. Peterson passed around a picture that a student made using photoshop. It got to me and I can honestly say I will never look at Mr. Peterson the same ever again. The picture was of a woman with very BIG boobs, but the head was Mr. Peterson's. Wow.
I kept coming up with some really good burns today. I pretty much served about 15 people today. I was being really mean to He Who Shall Forever Remain Nameless. He is CONSTANTLY making fun of my clothes and today was my turn. The sweater he had on was actually nice looking, but I had to say something cruel.....
Oh, and speaking of HWSFRN....he told me that I have bad taste in guys. Interesting considering the fact that I like him. I was wearing my "I'm not with stupid we broke up" shirt and he was all like. "You tend to like losers...seriously. Aim higher--you can do better than that."
Then of course I had a thought. At summer camp, this guy asked me for my phone number and address, but he has yet to actually contact me. Sadly, this was in July and I JUST realized this. I said something to Varsity about it and I guess Sister-Sister was listening in. He said that the only way a guy would ever ask me for my number is if he was paid. Ouch
To top off the week, Leg Hump told me that I have a mustache. Then of course he lost his assignment while he was holding it in his hand (he reminds me of Kelso on That '70s Show...only not so cute and with a little less brains).
Sunday, January 08, 2006
Two cups of coffee, one large bottle of Mountain Dew, a giant Powerade, and some water later...I was stuck in a van trying not to pee myself
"Men with poms and panty lines"
"A dancer's diet consists of crackers, cheese-whiz, hot dogs, french fries, and whatever else is readily available"
Friday Morning:
I woke up at 4:20 a.m. to the sound of my pudgy dog (she's not overweight, she's just hefty) trying not to fall down the stairs. I started coughing and sneezing immediately. It figures that I would wake up sick. I wouldn't have gone to school if it wasn't for our competition. Twenty minutes later I was up and scrambling to finish up packing for our dance.
At 6:30 I was throwing on some make-up while rushing out the door to New York, who was giving me a ride to early practice. We got to school the same time Flip and Look's mom was pulling up, so the three of us stood there in the student parking lot trying to force open the door. The school was completely dark and no doors were open. We wandered up the hill to the elevator doors and found the gym hall light on. We trudged on in to find that the gym we were supposed to be occupying was locked. All the rest of the lights were off, so I had to find my locker in the dark. Somehow I managed to put in my combo, grab my practice clothes, and wander down to the closest bathroom. I want to know who locks a bathroom--honestly? Huft-Daddy showed up, unlocked the gym, and turned on some lights for us. I kicked Harley out of the gym so I could change and had an interesting thought I will post about later. We practiced, I was yelled at, blah blah blah....School started and I fell asleep during biology and lifeguard training. Not one, but two classes I nodded off in.
At 4:30 we started getting ready for practice. Coach Patty told us that when we do our spinning kick or whatever it would look better to remain in the same spot rather than take a step. I changed for nothing...so I changed back. We sat around until 5:15 when we were supposed to leave.
At 6:00 we actually left for our three and a half hour journey to Freedom. I pretty much sneezed ever two minutes, so I really couldn't fall asleep. I resorted to screeching the lyrics to every song that came on the radio. Roll Around, who had the pleasure of sitting next to me, got irritated that I knew every word to every song. She kept getting these phone calls from some girl who is trying to harrass her or something.
We eventually arrived at the hotel at 10:30 and went swimming until 11:00. I was so tired that I was immensely hyper beyond all reason. I guess I kept acting like a train or something. At roughly 2:00 am we went to sleep.
We woke up at 8:00 and started getting ready for the day. Coach Patty did my hair and pointed out the fact that I had two different colored shoes on. I explained to her the purpose of my wearing one pink and one blue shoe and Victim backed me up by saying that I ALWAYS do that (do people really think I'm dumb enough to actually put on two different shoes without realizing it?).
I downed my first cup of coffee in like, two seconds and started on my second one which I savored due to the fact I knew it would be my last for the day. We got to the high school where we checked in, watched some performers, ate, and found our room (which to our fortune, was an actual locker room).
Walking down the hall, I managed to walk into a wall while I wasn't looking.
We stretched, practiced, and then went to go watch some more competition. That was short-lived due to the fact of limited seating meant all spectating dancers had to leave the gym. Pretty sucky.
We practiced by ourselves (in the absense of CoachPatty) and spent most of the time working on facials. We were watching some of the practicing groups come in and out of the practice gym and I pretty much fell in lust. I think it was the Waukesha Pom Team that came in with bright blue uniforms and silver and blue pom pons. New York said something about how cruel they were being forcing the guy on their team to hold them as well (none of us have actually ever seen a guy who holds poms even on a pom team). I turned, saw the guy, and sat and watched. He was the focal point for the entire dance an I can understand why. His high-kick is every bit as good as mine (quite the accomplishment--I can kick myself in the forehead without bending my back). He was an amazing dancer--he leaped through the air, landed in the splits, popped back up, did countless spins, and barked out commands as he did so.
I saw him after he had performed and changed, and it was a great sight. Although he was a guy, he was still wearing the same tight fitting T-shirt and pants that the girls on his team were wearing. I am pretty sure he was wearing the same spandex pants I was, and he even had panty lines. To finish off the outfit he even had a man purse. However, that is okay 'cause he is a freaking awesome dancer and he was cute at that. In the end, his team won first place for Pom Pons Division.
While turning a corner, I managed to walk into a door.
The competition itself was running two hours behind schedule, so instead of performing at 3:51 we went at roughly 5:40. We went to the hole, got through checks, and then lined up to walk out on the floor. We stood at center gym for about three minutes while everyone watched us just stand there. They called us off stage due to some difficulties with our CD. Big P went to get our other copy and we walked back out. We pretty much rocked it up.
We sat in the stands (a lot of people left, so dancers could watch) and watched the High Kick and Funk divisions while awaiting the awards ceremony. The awards came at roughly 7:00 (two hours late). The announcer reached Jazz Division II and announced that we had won second. The team that had gotten first had also placed in a few other categories (in other words, they were REALLY good).
We picked up our trophy and were all happy to have earned a strong second. *cough there were only two teams in our division cough*
I was carrying my bag through the halls and turned my attention to Victim--again, I walked into a wall.
We headed home and stopped at Hardees on the way. They had these huge windows from floor to ceiling right infront of the door we had entered through.
While checking to make sure I had the right order, I walked into a window and left a huge smudge. The lady behind the counter couldn't stop laughing.
I was ushered into the van where I again screamed the lyrics to all the songs. While everyone else was trying to sleep, I just sang and sang and sang (accompanied by a few sneezes). I finally got home at around 12:30, and I fell into bed. I woke up 12 hours later, and here I am.
Perhaps tomorrow I will post about this past week. Who knows.