Friday, September 30, 2005
One week until Homecoming!
Did you just call my girlfriend a cow?!?!
No, I called her a whore.
Okay, just as long as you weren't making things up.
I swear I lose brain cells from listening to Man-pretty's jokes. Although, his joke was a lot better (and not racist) than Batman's Bitch's (formerly known as Spider Web) joke. Although that one was very creative. Hmmm...I wasn't going to share Batman's Bitch's joke because it's so racist, but I think you can all get to know him better through his joke.
Why do all black people have nightmares? Because we killed the only one who had a dream.
There was hall decorating tonight! Pink Piggy and I were supposed to be in charge and we totally took over that position.
I arrived at the school ten minutes before we were supposed to start and I was slightly scared. A few girls were already decorating (and when I say decorating I mean hanging random streamers). Don't get me wrong, I'm very glad they were there to help, but they really didn't want to follow the plans we had drawn out.
Pink Piggy and I made a hollow Raid can (Raid the Raiders....how clever...I still think we should have had a panty raid but of course no one listens to me!). It looks freaking awesome. I was the only one small enough to fit inside, so I was smushed all up in it while taping it together--how wonderful. Mr. Hommerding thought I had been hiding...odd man.
Thirty or so people had originally signed up for tonight's festivities, and I think 15 showed up.
I have to complain in this next paragraph, so be aware. Anyone who knows me well has probably seen my perfectionism shine through. I'm not that bad (anymore), but sometimes I just go nuts and other times I just don't care. Well, a couple of the girls who had started out decorating told me that they were only there for the free food. I asked them if they could make an ax crossed with a fly swatter--it didn't turn out all too well. Actually, most people couldn't even tell what it was because of all the masking tape that was all over it. Needless to say, they both disappeared along with the pizza. I was asked to take it down, but I ended up not doing so for the fact that both girls could easily kick my ass. I kept getting angry at the fact that people from the three other grades kept trapsing through our hall, but whenever we stepped foot in the Junior hall to get supplies from a room someone would scream "GET OUT OF MY HALL!" Hypocrits.
I think we're going to get third place in hall decorating. That, of course, is fine by me because I really just enjoy the whole Homecoming experience.
Oh, I heard our football team being crushed over the radio. It is rather odd to hear about people I know over the radio. For instance, I guess Batman's Bitch was playing pretty well during the game. They kept announcing that this one guy kept getting the ball--I found this weird considering the fact that the guy graduated LAST year. Oh well, maybe they had an error in their stats or something. No, I'm not crazy, others heard it as well.
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Gaye-Dawg's letter
We would like to apologize for recent events in our community. We would like to apologize for a school administration unwilling to make any serious cuts to itself until held at budgetary gun-point. WE would like to apologize for a community that prefers to punish the aforementioned administration for its stubbornness instead of helping you achieve the well-rounded educatin you deserve. WE would like tp apologize for a state government that has done litle aid rural area education, and a federal government that forces pointless tests down your throats, wasting time and money.
We are all missing the guillotine blade, but hear it rising behind us. AS we all set out on whatever paths we will take away from this high school, we are saddened to see it come into such dire straits. Teachers will most likely leave, class sizes will most likely grow, and some of the more sparsely populated--and most valuable--classes will most likely disappear. Sports across the board will probably be cut, extra-curricular activities like FBLA and yearbook will (at the very least) have their budgets tightened, and the music department may very well never see another Festival or Solo and Ensemble competition. Outside organizations will probably soon spring up to find the activties most dear to the community, but will it be in time for you? Probably not.
We would like to apologize for a school system that is unable to fund itself, despite being nestled in one of the riches countries in the world. WE would like to apologize for all of the experiences that we have enjoyed over our years in school that you will never know.
Philly High School Seniors
I cannot wait until I graduate so I can leave all the stress behind. This year's seniors are lucky to be getting out now.
I've been thinking a lot about the thing Mrs. Mollman asked me to write, but I still haven't physically started it yet. Maybe I should.
I'm like this close to getting Shop Buddy to joining the dance team. Now Beaver said that he'll only join if Shop Buddy does.
There has been a request to change Spider Web's name to Batman's Bitch. Trust me, that one actually fits a lot better. If you've ever heard his stories you'd understand why.
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
How much does this pumpkin weigh? A DOLLAR!!!
We're going to have two teams: one for games and another for competition. She said we can be on both, so that's cool. I hope I can manage to do my freaking spot turns for try-outs. Although, I can now do them without falling down, so that's cool.
Mr. Dural thinks I'm insane. I had him for Science 9 last year, so I decided to enlighten him with the fact that I'm getting a 96% in chem--far better then I did in his class. He was sitting next to me in the lab and was just staring at me. Okay, so let me tell the first part of the story. Peanuts and I were goofing off (while writing our papers of course) during contemp. lit. Anyone who knows me well knows that when I laugh really hard I snort LOUDLY. I guess Mr. Dural didn't know that and he now thinks something is wrong with me.
Although, once I snorted infront of this one guy and he said it was cute. Oh well.
Spider Web is confusing. Alright, so he tried looking down my shirt yesterday, got pissed at me today, and then asked half the girls in class to go have coffee with him. He asked me and I just stared at him. He asked again and I didn't know what to say. When I didn't answer him he started slapping my back. Oh, and not to mention the dirty stories he was telling us about Batman, Robyn, Alfred, Wolverine, Wonder Woman, and Spiderman. Trust me, you DO NOT want to know how dirty those characters are now......let's just say.....I don't even want to summarize it.
High Heels thought the ginormous pumpkin in the library weighed a dollar. Quite amusing. I love that girl. I told The Fool that he has to name his twin daughters after High Heels and myself. Of course he got all huffy and said he is going to have twin boys. I cannot wait until he finds out his wife is pregnant with girls. lol
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
A wide spectrum of guys all under one roof--from Beaver to dicks (that sounds wrong)
Well, I saw G-string in his boxers today during band. He was in the closet and I opened it. Of course I did the most logical thing I could think of--I grabbed his pants and ran. I didn't go very far, but he knew it was all in good humor. Pink Piggy said that if I asked out her Random Freshman that she would ask G-string to Homecoming. That would be a weird thought--going with G-string...
Oh, and on the opposite end of the spectrum is Spider Web. Why, you might ask? Well, this is the guy who drops his pencil infront of me so he can bend over for 3 minutes. Then of course he and I were sitting in the back of class, he called me to look at him and when I did he was rubbing his nipples. Disturbing. Oh, then of course he threw his pen so it landed by my desk. I, being the good person I am, bent over and picked it up. He started laughing and said sweet. That was the moment I realized that he did that to see down my shirt.
I much rather prefer the nicer guys.
Monday, September 26, 2005
Beaver, I never want to see you wearing my clothes EVER AGAIN!
Victim's Stalker (I'm not sure if he's still after her) actually told me that I am too tall. I felt special until HWSFRN had to butt in and start laughing. Oh, and of course when Mr. P was talking about annoying people HWSFRN turned around and stared at me.
So I was called too tall, then of course another part of my body proved too "big." Yeah, so I'm not sure how to word this so it's politically correct, so here it goes: I'm not plentiful in the shirt/chest area. Well, we had to get our band uniforms today and I just so happened to grab the smallest one possible. It fit MOST places except in the front. I couldn't stop laughing! I ended up having to go THREE sizes bigger just because of it. Then again, the uniforms were sized in men's sizes....
Pink Piggy was mad at me today. I was going to ask a random freshmen to go to Homecoming with her, and she didn't seem to like that idea. He's a nice guy, but she just wouldn't have it!
At tonight's YAC meeting we almost made Jo resign! It was kinda funny but sad. Beaver left me alone with Queen Candidate, Finding Nemit, and Grandpa Stick. Jo kept saying how "heart-throbish" Grandpa Stick looks. I started laughing because he looked better with his glasses. He looks slightly like a typical stoner. Although, he wouldn't do drugs for fear of ruining his "perfect" body. Gosh he's so full of himself!
I had the oddest feeling today. Man-pretty approached Pink Piggy and I during band and I didn't know how to react. My body was saying, "FLIRT AND ACT GIDDY!" My brain and my heart were saying to just talk to him. Very odd because I see him diferently now. I'm so happy.
I was listening to iTunes on shuffle mode and on of his favorite songs came on. The funny thing is that I now have meaning to put to it. Slightly funny how it's by one of his favorite bands....
"Holding My Own" by The Darkness
Baby, everything has fallen into place
My life is so exciting now I've got my space
Like a splash of water on my face
Lately I'm doing what I can do to pleasure me
I'm finding time to focus on my fantasies
I'm satisfied in my own company
I don't need your permission
To take this matter in my own two hands
'Cause I'm holding my own
Give or take a tear or two
I'm holding my own
No matter what I put myself through
Lady, all we seem to do is talk about
We take apart and analyse our ins and outs
Honey, I would rather do without
No-one to answer to
I won't spend another lifetime begging you
'Cause I'm holding my own
Give or take a tear or two
I'm holding my own
No matter what I put myself through
I'm holding my own
There's a spring in my stride
There's a twinkle in my dying eyes
'Cause I'm holding my own
Give or take a tear or two
I'm holding my own
No matter what I put myself through
I'm holding my own
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Victim's Hizzle
Then of course her ex-boyfriend from Georgia called last night at Ten. They talked on the phone for three hours. It was slightly awkward due to the fact that when one of the two was frustrated, I was put on the phone to sort things out.
THAT BOY CALLED ME INSANE! I think I met him once, talked to him a couple times on the phone will at Victim, but somehow he called me crazy. He later clarified that I was insane because I called him ostentatious. That was an amusing conversation.
Afterward I just kept analyzing every single thing that he said to either myself or Victim. All in all it was an interesting argument that I witnessed.
Yeah, so Victim sat me down and we watched The Ring. I don't really do all too well with scary movies any more. I used to be like, "Horror!!!" I guess I only respond well to Stephen King movies. Although that is understandable considering Stephen King is the master of horror/suspense/coolnessosity.
Friday, September 23, 2005
Kinda funny that my least favorite teacher saved the day
I was crying because Man-pretty was stalking this slightly skanky freshmen. It hurt really bad for reasons I will not get into.
I went to English and couldn't find my folder. That was it. I just started crying and crying. It wouldn't stop! Mrs. Rielly, not noticing at all, went on with class. She pointed at me and said that I am fantastic with maintaing tense in my stories. Not a great compliment, but it got me to stop crying. Then we had to come up with these questions and she really liked mine.
Of course after that I went and bitched out Man-pretty. He just stared at me and I ran away. I guess after I left Cake told him I was going to kill myself, yet he did not follow me. How great is that?
At pepband I had my crap laying on the bleachers and he just stood next to it. We talked, I apologized for being crazy, and we had fun. He is currently bitching me out for being possessive over him. Fun fun.
We watched The Notebook today during contemporary literature and it rocked. Oh, except for all the "guys" who wouldn't shut up about how stupid they thought it was. It was rather funny how when the sex scene came on they ALL shut up and watched.
So I guess I'm in a band now. Shop Buddy, Mo, Peanuts, and I are all in an Irish/screamo/Celtic/Techno/Polka/Death Metal/Emo band. We are truly one of a kind. We're still looking for some more people to scream and play bongos. Unfortunately, I am not allowed to disclose the name because Shop Buddy wants to keep it a secret....
We had our first pepband of the year. It rocked. We didn't score any points in the game, but hey, it's football....
My Favorite Blonde jumped on my back and I gave her a VERY short piggy-back-ride. She, however, gave me an awesome ride.
We were all having fun being Emo. We pulled our hoods over our faces and pretended to be all sad and stuff. Too bad we couldn't stop laughing.
I decided to spite the school and didn't dress up for Logger Day. Mrs. Mollman asked me if I would write an article for the paper about the stupid un-passed referendum. I feel honored...lol. Oh, I wrote an 11 page story (haha Beaver, it's ginormous compared to your 4 page piece of crap!) and she said it was the kind of thing that's usually published in Chicken Soup for the .... Soul. Then at the bottom of the last page she put "This is such a 'Lemons' Story!"
Gosh, I cannot be one of those "Soup Bookers," it would ruin my new Emo look. Yeah right, I could never be Emo no matter how hard I try.
Is it weird that He Who Shall Forever Remain Nameless told me that I have bad taste in guys? We were talking about how he didn't know Man-pretty and I broke up, and then he went off on how I find guys I'm too good for and date them. I asked him who he thought I should date--HE DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING! Then Kookie was like, "He just says that so you'll date him." I mean, I don't think HWSFRN likes me, but it was still a funny situation.
I shall end this uber long post.
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Beaver and his cookies (insert secret handshake here)
Today was a lot better than yesterday. First of all, The Fool cut first block short so he could listen to Bobby-D's about the 18-point buck that he shot (hickish, I know). Second block was by far better of course. Mr. Peterson locked us all in the chemical storage closet with the lights off so we could eat Wint-O-Greens and watch the sparks. Then he and I started talking and I found out that I'm not the only person who is addicted to Altoids! I really thought I was weird on that one--but he is dependant on them...I'm glad I'm not that far along. Third block was boring as usual, but 4th was absolutely fantastic! I goofed off half the time, but somehow I managed to finish my project and get it in ontime! Mrs. Mollman wanted us to have our binders in, and I was afraid mine wouldn't be completed.
Binder Requirements:
- Five People You Meet in Heaven Journal
- Theme from book Journal
- Admissions Journal
- Visions Paper
- Seven quotes (finished today...well, typed anyhow)
- Two Quote Analysis Papers (finished today)
- Book Report (finished today)
- Reflection (finished today)
I was so proud of myself. Then of course after school I totally spaced about my YAC meeting at the library. I remembered at 5:18, but of course it was at 6:00, so I was good. When I arrived at the library, however, NO ONE WAS THERE! I thought I missed it, but I guess it was at 6:30. Jo had a lot of cookies, as usual. Fortunately, only four people showed up to the meeting! Finding Nemit (no typo...I mean it like that), Queen Candidate, and BEAVER!!! lol. I swear Beaver ate somewhere around 12 cookies. I kid you not. Then of course he made up the secret handshake to YAC. We really didn't get a whole lot done during that meeting. We did take a field trip, however, and that rocked. Jo said to spread the word about the grand opening for "Teen Read Week." We're also going to open the Teen Center to the public, although we still have to paint it STRIPES AND POLKA DOTS--COMBINED! Yeah, I have come to the conclusion that Beaver and I should not become designers. Although, what can you expect? Bath Robe graduated (to interior design at UW Madison). Go figure, I remember the meeting we had when we had to design the layout and he got pissed at everyone who contradicted his designing genius.
Oh, I asked about my GPA today in the office. I won't share the number, but I found out that I'm 19th in our class! Funny how I could manage that without trying! This year I'm actually going to try though. Yeah, those of you who are like, geniuses cannot make fun of me (Beaver, you're like, 2nd in your class?) 'cause I said so.
Last night I started stretching myself out for dance. For some odd reason it calmed me down from all the stupid Drama Mentorship stuff and my computer quitting on me. Although, I'm guessing the bowl of ice cream also helped with a lot of it as well. That's okay, I'm happy again (for now).
15 days 'til Homecoming! Woot-woot!
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Why do I even give a shit?
Your interest in Drama Mentorship is appreciated. Unfortunately at this time there are more drama applicants than can be accommodated in the class. We are trying to give both experienced and "new" students and opportunity to participate in Drama. You are on a waiting list in the event that openings occur. Letters and permission forms will be forwarded to students if openings occur. Thank you for your interest in Drama Mentorship.
Best regards,
Mrs. Kascewicz
Every year I look forward to Dance, Homecoming, Pepband and Drama Mentorship. The funny thing is I thought I was experienced considering that I was in it LAST YEAR. Oh wait, and then there was the fact that I earned a second place at state for forensics--but of course that has NOTHING to do with acting. Oh wait, yeah it does considering the fact that I gave a seven minute monologue!
This is the closest thing our lame ass school has to a school play, so I try to make the best of it, but I forgot Mrs. K has her favorites. What Beaver said really surprised me, I mean wouldn't you think a sophomore who already had experience would get higher seniority than a bunch of freshmen? Of course not, because I was not enrolled in her stupid "Gifted and Talented" programs.
I remember when all those test results came back in middle school and I had scored in the top 5% of our grade. I, of course, was not on Mrs. K's list, so she didn't believe I was as smart as her precious geniuses (no offense to those of you who were in Quest...I'm just ranting). My mom actually called the school and asked her why I wasn't in the gifted programs if I was intelligent enough to take the damn SATs in the 6th freaking grade.
I still haven't found anybody else who was rejected (except the pregnant girl, but her due date is around the production time). Everyone I've told cannot believe I was actually REJECTED from drama.
I try to be involved in this school, but every time I get shot down.
I am very pissed.
Oh, and I have been informed that Coach Patty is going to hand out information about dance try-outs next Wednesday. I'm starting to doubt my abilities.
Oh, and a good/stressful thing has happened. President Poseur has let me back into his good graces and asked me to head the hall decorating committee this year. How sweet is that? Very stressful actually.
Yeah, HWSFRN actually brought up the hotel thing again! This time he kept saying that he was letting me win, but I wrestle like a girl...hmmm, I wonder why.... Of course I had to open my big mouth and say, "Oh yeah, I could so take you if I wanted--REMATCH!" He got this huge smile and it scared me.
Beaver, thank you for talking to me. It probably didn't seem like much to you, but that three minute conversation at the end of lunch meant a lot to me. It helps to know I have good friends in such a horrendous school.
Oh well, maybe I'll be in Drama Mentorship if some people cannot be in it, but that is highly doubtful. I just remember how much fun I had last year and I cannot fathom watching everyone else leave class early to attend practices...it will hurt too much.
Maybe I can occupy my time with homework, Homecoming decorations, finding a date for Homecoming, and the dance team. Who am I kidding...a date for Homecoming, yeah right!
Great, this stupid Drama Mentorship thing pops up and my self-confidence vanishes.
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
In my own little world where dinosaurs use crosswalks
I think I may have broken Charlie (my marching beast...not an actual person) again. My third valve is almost completely broken, but I already knew that. Somehow when I went to get it out of the case the first valve wouldn't budge. Kinda scary considering it's a school instrument. Mr. K is really freaked out that he may have to send it in and get it fixed right before Homecoming.
Oh, and while I was investigating my broken beast, HWSFRN DARED to bring up that night at Madison. "Gosh, you fight like a girl...just like that night in Madison when I was totally letting you bully me, but you still sucked it up!" I didn't know what to say!
There were NO French horns in band today. Kr1st doesn't have one since it hasn't come in yet, J-J forgot his at home, and mine was broken, so we just walked around the field and watched Mr. K yell at people who were in the wrong places.
After band, HWSFRN (his storage space is next to mine, so no I'm not stalking him) kinda freaked me out a little. He was being really serious and he confided something in me that scares him. I won't say just what, but the way he was looking me in the eyes when he was talking was shocking.
I went to the library today (go figure). I haven't been in there since they painted and it looks fantastic! I must say that the Youth Center is looking mighty fabuous (oh wait, I'm on the committee that's decorating it...hehehe).
I do not think I have very much more to say. Oh, except Mr. Myster knows who he is! lol
Monday, September 19, 2005
Twice I hid inside Locker Buddy's locker and scared the crap out of her. It was right after lunch, so I decided to open her locker and jump inside. She opened it with me inside and screamed. She freaked out so badly. I felt slightly bad, but she thought it was great all-in-all.
Man-pretty asked me to his house. It was really kind of comfortably awkward in a way. He hasn't said anything since then about it, but I don't know.
Holy crap, I had so much stuff to say, but I have somehow forgotten half of it. Holy crap.
In Contemp. Lit. we were supposed to write a paper somewhere around two pages...somehow mine ended up being 11. I felt proud of myself. Mrs. Mollman still hasn't gotten around to reading it because of its monsterous ginormosity.
In chemistry, there were three people in class due to some test the juniors had to take. It was freaking hilarious. Day Care and I looked through Mr. Peterson's music collection and were absolutely flabergasted. It was quite weird to find a teacher who listens to System of a Down and other such bands that I have never thought a teacher would even know existed (some of them even had profanity--imagine that!). Tear Gas (another guy) and I got to talking and he kept calling me a genius which was quite uncomfortable.
We were field marching and stuff and somehow Mr. K placed me next to G-string (another guy), J-J (another guy), and Betty (believe it or not, another guy). I kid you not (I'm starting to talk like Shop Buddy) when I say that Betty was trying to drop kick J-J. Why you ask? Well, simply the rival between soccer players (Betty, myself, G-string, and Kr1st) and cross country runners (J-J). I feel it is my duty to protect J-J so he does not hurt himself. G-string, however, is impossible to look after. He found a "rock" and decided to pick it up. Needless to say, it was not a rock, but a hunk of "dog matter" as Kookie (another guy) says.
I don't care what anyone says, I'm still dressing up for Halloween this year. I finally figured out what I'm going to be too. I'm going to be Sir Duct Tape (another guy). I plan on wearing a flannel, having a Coke bottle, massive amounts of duct tape, and a picture of Glue to finish off the ensemble.
I'm not sure if what I did was a good thing or not. You see, I had an interesting conversation about messengers today with He Who Shall Forever Remain Nameless. Somehow at the end of it I ended up writing down my e-mail and sticking it to him--literally.
I was doing my homework and my dad came in and tossed some mail at me. There was this magazine about colleges in it. My mom is really freaked out. I went through and read all the descriptions of each college and concentrated on the college itself rather then the location. Yeah, so far the most interesting ones are in South Carolina, North Carolina, Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, Wisconsin, and Georgia. I had nothing beter to do.
Spider Web (another guy) won't leave me alone. You think I'm kidding? Alright, so we were watching a movie in Contemp. Lit. and he kept staring at me. I would look at him and then he'd say something dirty about the movie. Then today he kept touching me. He walked up to me and asked me if I would read his paper. That was really weird because he and I both somehow ended up writing about the same thing with the same exact title--we could pick any topic we wanted.....anyway, but he kept patting my back which was weird. I admit, he is cute, but he's a football player. I, being a soccer player, cannot cross those boundaries. LOL, whatever. He's a nice guy though, but he's not really my type.
Oh wait, the whole sports thing won't exist anymore. I still cannot believe the referendum was voted down. I'm sorry, but when you have to make a choice between higher taxes or a better education for the youth of America it's obvious which you should pick. I mean, our school cut sports--SPORTS--in a few years we won't have Homecoming, basketball, volleyball, soccer, dance *gasps all around*. I am so angered that this school freaking sucks. I mean, they cut sports. There is no possible way I can emphasize how much that sucks! My prediction is that by the time I have children, Wisconsin's schools will be mostly private.
Oh, and the best part of the week? I took my learner's permit test today during driver's ed. Oh that was a fun test. Responsibility (another guy), Sir Duct Tape, and I were all talking about how nervous we were after the test and stuff. Hey guess what, I PASSED--I HAVE MY TEMPS!!! Okay, so I don't have the actual card thinger yet, but that's because the DMV is only open the second Wednesday of each month. Poop. However, I have passed the tests and stuff which is the hard part.
I told Man-pretty that I have my temps. He looked at me, swore, and walked away. That gave me all the confidence in the world....
Oh, and for High Heels--your name is High Heels since you wanted one so badly.
Monday, September 12, 2005
Let me just run home for my handcuffs
I have to start out and say He Who Shall Forever Remain Nameless was truly a nice guy today. Well, except when he was elbowing me during chem, but that wasn't all too bad. After band I was actually behaving myself (shock). I mean, I wasn't in the way or anything! Then HWSFRN walks up to me and says, "I'm whoring myself to any female to who buys me lunch...you get first offer." Hmm...considering the fact that if he would've just asked me I would've said yes, but the whole whoring business made it so much better. For some reason he, Shop Buddy, and myself all sat at a table by ourselves. Pink Piggy saw, came over and was scared for my mental health. HWSFRN and I got into one of the lines and got lunch. Too bad he kept saying, "I'm your whore! I hate to say it, but that's not the best thing for you--you made a bad purchase. Oh hold on, let me just run home for my handcuffs before we start this."
I don't think I've ever laughed so hard. We just stood there laughing at each other for the longest time. We went to our separate tables, but sadly, that was not the end. After lunch, he came up behind me and hugged me--HE HUGGED ME! It was unwanted physical contact!
Pink Piggy didn't make it any better when she said she can imagine the two of us married....not an image I wanted in my head after I finished eating. Although, between the two of us, we'd have children that would be average height.
During chem. Mr. Peterson, one of the smartest men I've ever met, licked a chunk of pure lead for a dollar. I kid you not. Alas, he did not get his dollar. I mean, he's 31...you'd expect him to know better!
I was talking to G-string today during band. He's around "that age"...so when he started talking I wasn't too surprised to hear his voice was different. However, it was weird that it was HIGHER and not LOWER. He just kept talking. Then I found out he's sick--which explains a lot.
For those of you who think my crush on Mr. Mystery is a big deal, it's not. It's a teeny, itsy-bitsy, miniscule, slight, little, miniture, petite, wee crush. Nothing to make a big deal about! Plus I'm PRETTY sure he knows already. Although I'm just judging that by the way he's acting...I have been wrong before of course!
Oh, and I DO NOT have lymes disease. Now I have to get a catscan.
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Nothing much to say, but nothing else to do
I'm watching Rose Red right now. Very exciting. I just found out that apparently all day Scifi's been showing Stephen King movies. That makes me sad--I missed the whole day!
I'm quite sick of driver's ed. I mean, it's one of those classes you can only tolerate for around 45 minutes, after that it's just plain torture. Sometimes I think Philly would be better off if we didn't have the block system. Of course then I remember that this may very well be the last year we have it. That thought always makes me sad.
I really hope that the referendum passes. If it doesn't we won't have sports, music or anything else fun. *sigh*
I know for a FACT that my children will not attend a Wisconsin school unless the school system has some drastic changes. I mean, WI schools are second in the nation (according to ACT scores anyhow...generally aren't we like first?) That part is cool and everything, but the whole "cut it if it costs money" thing is total B.S.
On a really good note, I found out like two weeks ago (I kept forgetting to post the good news) that Coach Patty is going to let the dance teams (we're going to have a Varsity and JV) compete this year. The whole try-outs thing is kinda freaking me out, but Soh-Cah-Toa-Helper (Coach Patty's daughter) told me that she knows I'm good enough to be on Varsity--which you can imagine, is quite a comforting thought.
I hate to admit it, but I actually think a few Americans have forgotten what today is.
Saturday, September 10, 2005
The best book ever
I just got home from the movies. I had a hot freaking date. Okay, so maybe I went and saw Sky High with Victim....sue me. Sometimes it sounds better to lie. There were literally only five people in the theater.
Okay, so I don't think I got the job for Dolar Discount. Which is actually a relief because somewhere around 15 minutes after I submitted my application I regretted doing so. That's actually really sad that I couldn't get a job there now that I think about it. I mean, I'm only 15, but if I actually made a resume that thing would be so freaking padded with all my volunteer work I do. Oh well.
I think I have broken the whole "chicks take forever to get ready" rule or whatever. Victim called me and asked if we could get together earlier, so I was like ready in five freaking minutes. I actually looked really good too! Yay for makeup application in less than 30 seconds!
Answer for Face Paint: I already told you that Mr. Mystery is a guy!
Friday, September 09, 2005
Somebody hit me with a spatula
He settled down and we went to the library--where we used to spend countless minutes kissing before homeroom. We mostly talked about how boring Scotland was. Along with his kilt, he had one of those little leather bag thingers (he told me what it was called but I forgot). He explained that the traditional Scotish who don't wear any undies (free-ballin' as he put it) wore the bag (purse in my opinion--he had his wallet in it) to keep "parts" from being visible to the public eye.
The strangest thing happened while we were talking. It wasn't awkward--it was literally exactly as it had been before. I have this thing, that when I talk to people I CANNOT physically look them in the eye. The thing is, I couldn't bring myself to take my eyes off his. Seriously, I tried looking at the table, but that didn't work--I just kept staring into those brown eyes.
During lunch I ALWAYS sit in exactly the same spot. People know that's my designated spot and if they sit there--well, no one's ever taken it from me....
Man-pretty knows that's where I always sit. Well, I went to get my lunch came back and there was Shop Buddy sitting right where I had left him, Pink Piggy was sitting across from him with the widest eyes I've ever seen. Then I saw Man-pretty sitting next to her waiting for me. It was REALLY weird and the last thing I expected him to do. It was also confusing because he and Shop Buddy's parents chose to give them the same "real" name, so whenever anyone was like, "*****......" they were both looked.
Then of course after Man-pretty left to go talk to Cake, everyone kept asking ME if he was wearing anything under his kilt. For some reason I asked him earlier so I actually knew the answer. Is it sad that I found his kilt attractive? I'm guessing it's just seeing him after so long--he really is quite handsome. *sigh*
Okay, I'm changing the subject now because I don't want an ENTIRE post about Man-pretty.
During Contemp. Lit. I tried not to do anything related to the actual class, so Shop Buddy and I found some laptops (or notebooks or whatever they're called this week) and did some stuff on them. The guy behind me (I've never talked to him before this year) saw me checking my blog and he wanted to read it.
I had a major realization when he read some of my entries. He's from Philly and is only a year older than I am. Yet he read my blog and didn't know who anyone was. He didn't believe that such people attended Philly High. He seemed persistant on knowing who He Who Shall Forever Remain Nameless is which I found rather funny because I know for a FACT that they know one another. Everyone in Philly knows each other or has at least heard of each other.
My mom is pissed that my lab results aren't in yet. We won't find out if I have lymes disease until Monday. I guess she misunderstood the nurse or something. If I DO have lymes disease I have to have the spinal tap. If I do not then I have to have a catscan and all that fun stuff. Quite a few people freaked out when I told them I might have lymes disease. Everyone knew at least one person who has had it before and said that the person either a.) almost died, b.) had to have some sort of dangerous medical procedure, or c.) was uber sick when they had it.
I guess I'm weird, but as I'm constantly reminded, we all know that.
This is a really long post. Most of it was about Man-pretty and that bothers me. I am really glad that when he and I talk it's not awkward or anything, but it just feels really comfortable--too comfortable at that.
We'll see how things go from here I guess.
Here's a fantastic song that says it all when nothing more is to be said:
"It Just Won't Quit" -Meat Loaf
And I never really sleep anymore, and I always get those dangerous dreams
And I never get a minute of peace, and I gotta wonder what it means
And I gotta wonder what it means
Maybe it's nothing and I'm under the weather
Maybe it's just one of those bugs going round
Maybe I'm under a spell and it's magic
Maybe there's a witch doctor with an office in town
Oh is this a blessing or is it a curse?
Does it get any better? Can it get any worse?
Will it go on forever or is it over tonight?
Does it come with the darkness? Does it bring out the light?
Is it richer than diamonds or just a little cheaper than spit?
(I don't know what it is)
I don't know what it is but it just won't quit
And there used to be such an easy way of living
And there used to be every hope in the world
And I used to get everything that I went after
But there never used to be this girl, but there never used to be this girl
Maybe I'm crazy and I'm losing my senses
Maybe I'm possessed by a spirit or such
Maybe I'm desperate and I've got no defenses
Can you get me a prescription for that one perfect touch?
It's a stairway to heaven or a subway going down to the pits
(Is it some kind of love?)
I don't know what it is but it just won't quit
There was a time when nothing ever really mattered
There was a time when there was nothing I didn't know
There was a time when I knew just what I was living for
There was a time and the time was so long ago
There was a time and the time was so long ago
And I never really sleep anymore
Thursday, September 08, 2005
PAINFUL, STRESS, SPINAL TAP?!?!?! Where'd all this come from?
I left school early to go to my doctor's appointment. Oh that was fun. I've been going to the same doctor ever since I can remember, but my mom wanted a second opinion. Well, for the past three years Dr. K (my regular one) has put me on numerous medications to find out what's wrong with me (medically speaking of course). Well, I think I talked to this new doctor guy for around 10 minutes when he looked up from my medical history and said, "You have the symptoms of lymes disease--sounds like you've had it for the past three years." He's not positive because I don't have ALL the symptoms, but he wanted a blood test.
He went on to say that a lot of my migraines come from stress--DUH!
Oh, and then he went back to the lymes disease thing again. Depending on how my blood works come back, I may have to have something called a Spinal Tap--which is exactly what it sounds like. They go in my lower back with a needle, through many layers of muscle, and suck some of my spinal fluid out to run tests on that. Then of course Dr. M told me that it's VERY painful--like I needed to hear that.
After the appointment is when the fun began! Ironically, I had a migraine today--not just any migraine, but one complete with sensitivity to light, sound, smell, and nausea.
I hadn't eaten in somewhere around 24 hours, and then I had to give blood. The lab technician said that I was weird because most females (especially teenage ones) don't watch as the blood is drawn.
Anyone who's seen me loopy beyond all reason (pretty much the entire mid-west) would have thought I was high or something. I had a migraine, no food in my system, just given blood, and I have low blood pressure, so my heart had to work extra to make up for the missing blood. Of course my mom wanted to walk around Wal-mart for 15 minutes dragging me along when all I wanted to do was hit the drive-through of McDonalds.
When I FINALLY had my double cheeseburger and fries in hand what do I do? I make the driver pull of over the car so I can puke on the edge of the highway. Although, a semi did honk as it drove by...but that's besides the point. The entire time all I could think about was NOT getting vomit on my brand new, custom Converse. I don't care if they only cost $2.50, they are my shoes that I specialized myself!!!
Fun day. I get to find out whether or not I have lymes disease tomorrow because the lab was about to close when I had all my blood work done.
Even after all this crap I still want to be a doctor....
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Lockers, Hotel Rooms (part II), Sad Stores, and Man-pretty's return
Hmmm...once again, I have to bring up He Who Shall Forever Remain Nameless. He and I were pushing each other in chem, like we always do. It ended amusingly. We were just joking around and stuff when Kookie came up to us, smiled, and said "Why don't you two get a room?" Considering the fact that Kookie is He Who Shall Forever Remain Nameless' best friend I found this creepy--the way he said it was like he had no clue. HWSFRN just looked at me and pushed me again. Then of course Victim and Pink Piggy didn't make the situation any better during lunch when they accused me of liking him. I admit, I do flirt with him occasionally, but that's as far as it goes!
I think Mrs. Mollman keeps bringing that sad story "Kayla" out so we can all feel depressed. Seriously, last year she made us read it like twice for English 9...and in Contemp. Lit. we had to read it again!
I just checked my e-amil and there was one from Man-pretty. His plane came in earlier today and he's back from Scotland. He cannot wait to see what's up in Philly or to show me his kilt....
I felt special that he actually e-mailed me. I'm actually scared for his return to school. My life actually feels normal when I walk through the halls of Philly High and not wondering if I'll accidentally walk into Man-pretty as a turn around a corner (which actually happened quite a few times). It was also nice not having a constant reminder of.....well, just him.
I need a new section of blog specifically devoted to "What Mr. Peterson blew up/lit on fire/demolished today." Today it happened to be calcium...we spent most of the hour reviewing scientific notation and not so much in the lab.
I get to go to the neurologist tomorrow. This should be fun.
Hmmm....since anything is possible, maybe I should try to actually persure Mr. Mystery. I have to think about this one. I probably will just end up flirting (my version of flirting which is basically just a regular conversation) a lot and not doing anything else. This is a difficult one that requires tactics and stratagies. lol
Seriously though, I might have to think about this. IT'S FAR TOO HARD!!!
I sincerely apologize to My Favorite Blonde. My advice has never not been helpful. I don't know what to do now, all I can say is that I'm sorry.
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
There IS a difference between Gene Simmons and Richard Simmons
OHHHHHHH....funny/odd ex-boyfriend story! Everyone knows about how the relationship I had with Man-pretty ended fairly well. My other ex, Whelk Boy, and I did not part on all together "great" terms. I was walking home today and I saw him right infront of me. I think I scared him when I ran up and started a conversation with him. At first he was all like, "Um, yeah....hi" I'm not sure why I did it, but I'm glad I did. He wasn't a great boyfriend, but when he WAS my bestfriend it was fantastic.
Then of course I met up with G-string. He has actually gotten used to me calling him that to his face--he might like the name actually. Anyway, I carried his bag (which probably weighed more than I do) to soccer practice for him while he ran to his mom's work for something.
I'm far too nice.
I think I have to say that the BEST part of the day was when Mr. Peterson flung darts at He Who Shall Forever Remain Nameless' Head. It was great. I'm not trying to be evil, but it shut him up for the rest of the block--which was quite skillful on Mr. P's part!
I had something to say about Mr. Mystery (that sounds a lot better than Mystery Man). Last night I had a thought that he might not be real. Not like an imaginary friend, but there have been times when I've liked a guy and imagined things that were not there--like a sense of decensy for example (Whelk Boy). I don't know. I guess I'm just questioning my judgement because of past experience.
Monday, September 05, 2005
I finished all my homework. I have to admit that the paper I wrote for Mollman is actually quite good, if I do say so myself.
Hmmm, has anyone ever thought of how others perceive us? I mean, people can really get an impression of someone before they even know them. All it takes is a few random facts for a general analysis to be made, but how acurate is it? I don't know, I'm on a random tangent.
Roughly 13 days until I can take my learner's permit test--then I can practice driving my Barney Mobile! That's kinda sad, I have a nickname for my car....
Does this look familiar to anyone? I was reading the paper and it was in there (along with a fantastic picture of me painting by the way). I went to the website and unfortunately, the picture of me was not there, but the mural was. I have to admit that it turned out a lot better than I anticipated it would. I wonder if this year's freshmen are going to paint a mural in their hall? Even if they do, ours will still be better 'cause I said so! Plus I designed and painted our scoreboard, so it has to be freaking great.

Did anyone hear that the school was vandalized on Saturday?
So much for out Subway being open by Labor Day weekend. Oh wait, it was supposed to be open on July 3rd....they still haven't even put up all the siding! Sad.
Sunday, September 04, 2005
A brief history of He Who Shall Forever Remain Nameless
Once upon a time (this past spring) Philly High's forensics team headed for Madison. He Who Shall Forever Remain Nameless, being a sophomore at the time, shunned the rest of us (myself and four seniors). While we went shopping he went to his sister's dorm room and watched movies. When we came back to the hotel (V.I.P. Suites to be exact) he was too good to share a room with Bath Robe, so he took the extra room we had abandoned. Instead of splitting 2 girls in one room, 2 girls in another, and the 2 guys in the last, we put 4 girls in one room, Bath Robe in his own adjoining room, and He Who Shall Forever Remain Nameless took the one down the hall. We were all gathered in Bath Robe's room watching DVDs (he packed a PS2) when He Who Shall Forever Remain Nameless and I were fighting over the bed. He ended up carrying me back to his room....where we watched Comedy Central until 2:00 AM. We again fought over the bed. I fell asleep as he used me as a pillow. The phone rang and no one was on the other end. I then woke up, and dashed back to my room.
Nothing too much actually happened, but...Idk...it was more of the way he acted afterwards.
He really doesn't even deserve a nickname, but to reveal his identity would be amusing.
Anyway, I am far too interested in Mystery Man to concern myself with He Who Shall Forever Remain Nameless. No one knows a whole lot about Mystery Man--it shall stay that way!!! If you are one of the few who know keep it secretive or risk a midget running after you.
Hmm...Trumpet, one of my step-brothers, visited this weekend. He came up for a pre-homework-drunken-frat-party-work-filled-college getaway. He brought his "unofficial fiance" with him. She rocks. She's like 19 and half an inch shorter than I am...so when I put my shoes on I can see over her head--which is a weird experiance for me.
Sadly, I am already putting off my homework. I studied for my chemistry quiz, but I am yet to do my Contemporary Literature homework or my regular English worksheet. Procrastination rocks. I'm so glad we have tomorrow off.
Friday, September 02, 2005
I know how this year will end and there's no way to avoid it
Okay, so I know I have only told a few people He Who Shall Forever Remain Nameless' true identity and there is quite good reason for that. He and I have a mutual dislike/friendship. Don't ask why, but we constantly make fun of each other, but in a loving, caring manner.
Idk, I'm so confused. He kept walking up to me today and elbowing me in the shoulder because he finds that hilarious. He actually hid behind me while Mr. Peterson was blowing things up today. I mean, seriously--he did not think this through! I AM 4 FOOT 11 INCHES TALL....HE'S SOMEWHERE AROUND 6 FOOT SOMETHING!!! Why do I have a thing for tall guys?
Anyway, I have to clear my mind now....I am so glad to have Shop Buddy back. Neither of us are in a shop class this year, but we do have Chemistry and Contemporary Literature together. Actually, I am glad to have all my buddies back. Oh, and I can proudly say that the posse has been destroyed! Thanks to Beaver the '09 section has been demolished--hahaha!!! I think I shall declare Beaver the coolest freshman!
Thursday, September 01, 2005
My locker is already trashed!
The Fool is pregnant!!! Well, techniqually he isn't, but his wife is; they have only been married around a month. Oh, and another girl at school is pregnant--this time it's a senior instead of an 8th grader though.
I found out that I might be able to get my learner's permit in around a month! How sweet is that? Driver's Ed. is...amusing. We were talking about gas prices--I guess in Ladysmith it's over $4.25 already. Vodka said that she even saw it $4.65 somewhere--THIS IS FREAKING UNBELIEVABLE!!!
I'm the only sophomore in my chemistry class--which totally blows. Wanna hear the worst part? I sit next to He Who Shall Forever Remain Nameless. He walked in the door and was absolutely astounded to see me. Yeah, I feel bad saying it, but the teacher, Mr. Peterson, is quite cute. Although, he swears quite often. I think I have to start calling him Antimony. He was trying to help us learn how to memorize elements--his example was Antimony, which is Sb, also known as son of a bitch! I don't think I've ever heard a teacher call someone a dumbass before. It was hilarious because you know he's not serious. He actually went to school in Philly, which isn't really weird, but the fact that he still has his ORIGINAL chemistry notes from back in the day is quite--amusing. Especially when he was reading them and talked about getting freaky with some chick....
In English, Pink Piggy and I were irate! Mrs. Reilly just assumed that President Poseur is the smartest person in our grade--she even went as far to call him the "Sophomore Einstein." Pink Piggy and I do not feel all to strongly towards him. I mean, I was fine with him up until last year. I always thought he and I were close friends until the class president elections. I'm sorry, but no one else would run against him, so I signed up. After he found out I was his competition he stopped talking to me. Oh well, I figures he'd win anyway, but he doesn't need to be like that. Oh my goodness, he just came online--that's odd.
I applied for a job at Dolar Discount as a cashier/stocker. The only bad thing: if I get the job I cannot be on the dance team. My mom told me to apply, see how I like it, and if it interferes with practice I can always quit--the store.
Hmmm. I am really tired; I've been awake since 4:20 am because I somehow set my new alarm clock wrong. People gave me a headache. Seriously, do I look like "Man-pretty Central"...people kept coming up to me and asking where he was! Oh, and Beaver, the thing in his pocket was part of his sunglasses.