So I was at the library the other day and I saw that Louise Rennison has released yet another installment to the Confessions of Georgia Nicolson series. How kick ass is that? As I sat lounging around reviewing each of the fabulous books in the series I found something quite weird.
You have to understand that it's been a few years since I've read Angus, Thongs, and Full-frontal Snogging so I cannot remember exactly what happened. What I remember is this:
Georgia is introduced to this handsome, sweet guy through her best friend. Obviously, she falls for him immediately. This guy, whom she soon nick-names Sex God, sings and plays the guitar in a band named The Stiff Dylans. Unfortunately, Sex God has a girlfriend, so Georgia spends a lot of her time trying to get Sex God to notice/like her. Now, since he was 17 and she 15 he questions it at first. However, in the end he breaks up with his girlfriend and later asks out Georgia.
Yeah, there is a lot of other stuff also in the book, but this is a brief synopsis of what I recall. Some of this seems really familiar--not all of it, but certain parts. I kinda realized this last night when I was talking to Man-pretty and telling him all about the books....
For those of you who care, it seems like nothing happened. Neither of us brought up the conversation we had Wednesday and I don't think it's going to be discussed any more. This of course, is a good thing because it was resolved.
I actually found it easier to converse with him. :D

"We'll never be as young as we are right now." --Jim Steinman
Monday, June 27, 2005
Thursday, June 23, 2005
Oh wonderful day
Man-pretty and I had a "fight" last night. One sentence in the entire conversation was true--the rest were just accusations.
I feel like shit.
I feel like shit.
Sunday, June 19, 2005
The not so doomerific doomsday
I have always said that if Man-pretty was a chick, he would be pretty. I now have proof. You see, I have met the female version of him who is quite pretty--her name is Mrs. Man-pretty...better known as Man-pretty's mother. I have also met Not-so-pretty, Man-pretty's father and Short-and-pretty, his sister.
Yes, you're probably wondering why I never had a post entitled "Crap! Time to meet his parents!" I too am wondering where that post was. The thing is, Man-pretty came over to my mom's yesterday. My mom left (he he, we were alone) and we watched Troy and Napoleon Dynamite (which he had NEVER seen before). We had dinner at my place and his dad called. Now, I was wondering "Why would Man-pretty's dad be calling now when he doesn't have to be home for another hour and a half?" Well, he called to ask if I would be interested in going to a little get-together with them and some friends out at Solberg.
I almost threw up my greasy grilled cheese sandwich right there. I have imagined myself meeting his family for quite some time, but I never figured I would be caught off guard.
It took a very short forever to arrive at the park/lake. The speed limit out there is only 30 mph (later down to 10 mph) so he kept driving into the ditch to freak me out (asshole) because he KNOWS I am scared of cars.
Well, once we finally arrived we spent 20 minutes walking around the park looking for people I was yet to know. Once we finally found them tucked way back in a campsite neither of us knew existed I was confronted with his parents. The shocking thing was they knew what my name is, how old I am, how tall I am, plus a whole lot of other stuff Man-pretty had apparently told them.
Mrs. Man-pretty, who I've been told is slightly "picky" with people, welcomed me and gave Man-pretty and I a bag of chips. Not-so-pretty, who was slightly drunk, kept taking pictures of his son and I being attacked by small children. Even when we weren't covered in toddlers he kept snapping away pictures. At one point he wanted to get a picture of us kissing--then Mrs. Man-pretty started laughing and said, "I've never seen Man-pretty turn that red!" What was even better was when another guy was like, "Yeah, but he's not as red as Lepregnome!"
I didn't talk to Short-and-pretty, but she did offer me a warm smile and said hi. She was also covered in small children most of the time.
Man-pretty drove me home and on the way we talked about our relationship. We had a similar talk about us the other day, only that talk wasn't as good. You see, lately, our conversations have been empty and unimportant. I told him that we needed a day TOGETHER to fix that. It worked because now it's easier to talk again. GOSH I LOVE HIM!!!
Yes, you're probably wondering why I never had a post entitled "Crap! Time to meet his parents!" I too am wondering where that post was. The thing is, Man-pretty came over to my mom's yesterday. My mom left (he he, we were alone) and we watched Troy and Napoleon Dynamite (which he had NEVER seen before). We had dinner at my place and his dad called. Now, I was wondering "Why would Man-pretty's dad be calling now when he doesn't have to be home for another hour and a half?" Well, he called to ask if I would be interested in going to a little get-together with them and some friends out at Solberg.
I almost threw up my greasy grilled cheese sandwich right there. I have imagined myself meeting his family for quite some time, but I never figured I would be caught off guard.
It took a very short forever to arrive at the park/lake. The speed limit out there is only 30 mph (later down to 10 mph) so he kept driving into the ditch to freak me out (asshole) because he KNOWS I am scared of cars.
Well, once we finally arrived we spent 20 minutes walking around the park looking for people I was yet to know. Once we finally found them tucked way back in a campsite neither of us knew existed I was confronted with his parents. The shocking thing was they knew what my name is, how old I am, how tall I am, plus a whole lot of other stuff Man-pretty had apparently told them.
Mrs. Man-pretty, who I've been told is slightly "picky" with people, welcomed me and gave Man-pretty and I a bag of chips. Not-so-pretty, who was slightly drunk, kept taking pictures of his son and I being attacked by small children. Even when we weren't covered in toddlers he kept snapping away pictures. At one point he wanted to get a picture of us kissing--then Mrs. Man-pretty started laughing and said, "I've never seen Man-pretty turn that red!" What was even better was when another guy was like, "Yeah, but he's not as red as Lepregnome!"
I didn't talk to Short-and-pretty, but she did offer me a warm smile and said hi. She was also covered in small children most of the time.
Man-pretty drove me home and on the way we talked about our relationship. We had a similar talk about us the other day, only that talk wasn't as good. You see, lately, our conversations have been empty and unimportant. I told him that we needed a day TOGETHER to fix that. It worked because now it's easier to talk again. GOSH I LOVE HIM!!!
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
Not good with phones
Anyone who has every talked to me over a phone will know that I am not good with them. I never know what to say so it is impossible for me to hold up my end of the conversation. I know, I talk so much in person, but over the telephone I barely say a word. I called Man-pretty today. He seemed surprised even though he INSISTED that I call him.
Every time we talk on the phone there are countless ackward silences. I always feel that we are growing more apart when we converse using the phone line system.
However, he told me that he wanted to make up for yesterday being sucha disaster :D!!! The problem was, I had a dentist appointment today :'(
He also sent me an e-mail last night that apologized for him not calling and for making me wait. See, when he e-mails me he is always so sweet. Actually, he's very sweet most of the time--except over the phone when we both suck with conversation!
Tomorrow I might just plan on going to the store to buy some sun screen. He looks so damn cute in his IGA smock! lol
Just seeing him makes me happy. Is that sad? I mean, we hadn't seen each other for a week and a half, but when I was at the school getting my marching beast ready for the parade I turned around and saw him coming up behind me. It felt like my heart went numb--but in a good way. I guess I'm just hopeless romantic teenage girl that cannot stay mad at anyone to save her life.
Every time we talk on the phone there are countless ackward silences. I always feel that we are growing more apart when we converse using the phone line system.
However, he told me that he wanted to make up for yesterday being sucha disaster :D!!! The problem was, I had a dentist appointment today :'(
He also sent me an e-mail last night that apologized for him not calling and for making me wait. See, when he e-mails me he is always so sweet. Actually, he's very sweet most of the time--except over the phone when we both suck with conversation!
Tomorrow I might just plan on going to the store to buy some sun screen. He looks so damn cute in his IGA smock! lol
Just seeing him makes me happy. Is that sad? I mean, we hadn't seen each other for a week and a half, but when I was at the school getting my marching beast ready for the parade I turned around and saw him coming up behind me. It felt like my heart went numb--but in a good way. I guess I'm just hopeless romantic teenage girl that cannot stay mad at anyone to save her life.
Monday, June 13, 2005
There's a first time for everything...but this better be a last as well!
Man-pretty pissed me off so bad today. Gosh, if he would have actually been there I would have probably killed him. Although, if he had actually come over I wouldn't've been angry.
Let's start from the beginning! Okay, so he's been telling me how much he misses me and how he needs to see me. We have a plan to try and see each other a lot because he will most likely be going to Boot Camp in a few weeks :'(
We planned that he would come over to my house today around 2:00 pm to hang out and watch each other's favorite movies. I was really looking forward to it. I mean, I actually shaved my legs all the way up, I took my time while applying my make up, and I actually put on perfume. There was this ginormous storm at the time he was supposed to be coming over, so I figured he'd be late because he's driving from way the hell out in the country. At around 2:20 I started getting worried that maybe the storm caused him to get into an accident. Well, I, being a very paranoid, worried girlfriend, waited by the door for him until 3:00. My mom had called (she was in Antigo all day.....yeah, Man-pretty and I were actually going to be alone) and told me to call his house. His sister answered and told me he wasn't home. After I hung up I started crying because if he wasn't at home, and he wasn't here...well I didn't want to think about that!
I ended up waiting another 45 minutes for him. After the majority of the storm passed I went online to see if he had e-mailed me. HE HAD!!! The e-mail was dated from yesterday...hmmm...this wasn't looking too good from my perspective! He said that he was probably not going to make it because he and his dad were going to Wausau. I was so pissed. I mean, he KNOWS that I only check my e-mail between 7:00 pm-9:00 pm every day. He sent that e-mail after that. I wasted an hour and 45 minutes of my life sitting and waiting for him to show up.
I called him around half an hour ago. Of course when I was actually talking to him I couldn't show any anger because I cannot physically do that! I mean, yeah, it's not his fault his dad wanted to go to Wausau, but he could have called and made sure I wasn't going to wait for him when he was never coming. The best part was right before he had to get off the phone. He told me to call him tomorrow and I told him that he can call me too--I am the one ALWAYS calling him. He was like, "Well, I lost your phone number. That's kinda why I didn't call. Don't give it to me now because I don't wanna get a pen." My number just so happens to also be located in the phone book! What I don't understand is if I'm sooooo important to him then why couldn't he stop playing his video game for 30 seconds, grab a pen, and write down my digits?!?!
I know I am looking WAY to into this. I'm not really mad at him. Today while I was waiting for him I had the biggest feeling of de-ja-vu (however that's spelled). I went through the same thing with Whelk Boy. He stood me up a couple times. He was never considerate enough to send an e-mail. When Whelk Boy stood me up I never cried, though.
I just never figured Man-pretty would make me stand in the rain (literally) waiting for him.
Let's start from the beginning! Okay, so he's been telling me how much he misses me and how he needs to see me. We have a plan to try and see each other a lot because he will most likely be going to Boot Camp in a few weeks :'(
We planned that he would come over to my house today around 2:00 pm to hang out and watch each other's favorite movies. I was really looking forward to it. I mean, I actually shaved my legs all the way up, I took my time while applying my make up, and I actually put on perfume. There was this ginormous storm at the time he was supposed to be coming over, so I figured he'd be late because he's driving from way the hell out in the country. At around 2:20 I started getting worried that maybe the storm caused him to get into an accident. Well, I, being a very paranoid, worried girlfriend, waited by the door for him until 3:00. My mom had called (she was in Antigo all day.....yeah, Man-pretty and I were actually going to be alone) and told me to call his house. His sister answered and told me he wasn't home. After I hung up I started crying because if he wasn't at home, and he wasn't here...well I didn't want to think about that!
I ended up waiting another 45 minutes for him. After the majority of the storm passed I went online to see if he had e-mailed me. HE HAD!!! The e-mail was dated from yesterday...hmmm...this wasn't looking too good from my perspective! He said that he was probably not going to make it because he and his dad were going to Wausau. I was so pissed. I mean, he KNOWS that I only check my e-mail between 7:00 pm-9:00 pm every day. He sent that e-mail after that. I wasted an hour and 45 minutes of my life sitting and waiting for him to show up.
I called him around half an hour ago. Of course when I was actually talking to him I couldn't show any anger because I cannot physically do that! I mean, yeah, it's not his fault his dad wanted to go to Wausau, but he could have called and made sure I wasn't going to wait for him when he was never coming. The best part was right before he had to get off the phone. He told me to call him tomorrow and I told him that he can call me too--I am the one ALWAYS calling him. He was like, "Well, I lost your phone number. That's kinda why I didn't call. Don't give it to me now because I don't wanna get a pen." My number just so happens to also be located in the phone book! What I don't understand is if I'm sooooo important to him then why couldn't he stop playing his video game for 30 seconds, grab a pen, and write down my digits?!?!
I know I am looking WAY to into this. I'm not really mad at him. Today while I was waiting for him I had the biggest feeling of de-ja-vu (however that's spelled). I went through the same thing with Whelk Boy. He stood me up a couple times. He was never considerate enough to send an e-mail. When Whelk Boy stood me up I never cried, though.
I just never figured Man-pretty would make me stand in the rain (literally) waiting for him.
Sunday, June 05, 2005
My brochure for Philly
So I was thinking about what I think about when I think of Philly. This place is nothing but a tourist attraction. I promise myself right now that I will not live here and become one of the many people who work at Plastics or Marquip. I have nothing against the people who work there, but it's just not for me. I can't see why anyone would want to stay here, honestly. It's great for the tourists because they come for a week or so and see whatever they want to. I'm sure if they stayed here any longer they'd start picking up on the lack of things to do here.
Here is what I would put into a brochure if I had to make one:
"Oh, come snowmobiling on the wonderfully groomed trails that lead to many bars! You can spend your nights locking yourself in a horrible hotel that prides itself on having HBO. The hotel is located across the street from the water/sewage treatment plant. Of course, you cannot forget the fragrent smell of the paper company that sits near one of our many polluted lakes!"
I don't know why I'm bitching so much, I just am. If I have offended anyone who loves it here I am very sorry. I do not care for this town very much. As soon as I graduate I'm going to go off to college and only come back to visit my parents. Maybe then I'll enjoy it more. I'll have the same perspective as the tourists.
Here is what I would put into a brochure if I had to make one:
"Oh, come snowmobiling on the wonderfully groomed trails that lead to many bars! You can spend your nights locking yourself in a horrible hotel that prides itself on having HBO. The hotel is located across the street from the water/sewage treatment plant. Of course, you cannot forget the fragrent smell of the paper company that sits near one of our many polluted lakes!"
I don't know why I'm bitching so much, I just am. If I have offended anyone who loves it here I am very sorry. I do not care for this town very much. As soon as I graduate I'm going to go off to college and only come back to visit my parents. Maybe then I'll enjoy it more. I'll have the same perspective as the tourists.
Thursday, June 02, 2005
I'm a tease
So Man-pretty came over yesterday. We were in my room kissing when he pulled back. He looked at me with a giant smile and said, "Gosh, you're such a tease." I think he likes it though, I mean, I asked him if he'd rather have me be a prude...obviously he said no. I think he might've said it because I started unbuttoning his shirt, but I wouldn't let him take it all the way off.
He and Cake had lightsaber duels outside during lunch yesterday. I had a camera, so I took some pictures. Cake asked me to submit one of the better ones to the senior slide show next year. It's kinda early for him to be thinkin' about that.
Yeah, Man-pretty asked Cake to buy "US" condoms. We've been dating for a month and a half. I mean come on! He really wants to have sex, but I'm not ready yet. He's said that if I don't want to that it's okay with him. The thing is, he keeps bringing it up!
He and Cake had lightsaber duels outside during lunch yesterday. I had a camera, so I took some pictures. Cake asked me to submit one of the better ones to the senior slide show next year. It's kinda early for him to be thinkin' about that.
Yeah, Man-pretty asked Cake to buy "US" condoms. We've been dating for a month and a half. I mean come on! He really wants to have sex, but I'm not ready yet. He's said that if I don't want to that it's okay with him. The thing is, he keeps bringing it up!
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